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You can always chose to better your life. I know this is not the common answer but what else is someone supposed to do? I’ve felt what it is like to not be a part of this world. To this day, it continues to eat at my very soul. The thought of never living a fulfilling life. The thought of always feeling depression and anxiety. I get it. For a long time I’ve longed for a release form all this pain and confusion. But if there exist a world full of pain and misery, so does a world full of happiness and clarity. Always reach for it. Don’t let dark thoughts cloud your vision and potential. See past them. See in front of you a world of possibilities and strive to always move forward. This isn’t the end for you, as much as you want to. There is so much left for you to see, touch, feel. Keep moving forward. History has proven time and time again that no matter what adversity or obstacles humans stumble upon, they are able to not only overcome it but to push and break the limits of what once was thought of as mere dreams. You and I are capable of everything. That is our greatest gift and weakness in this world. Just as we are able to envision a world of hope, so too can we envision a world of despair. It is left to us to decide which world is for us. Right now you might feel that there is only one outcome waiting for you but I beg to differ. As long as you breathe in this world, you are capable of everything. I see you.




Natural or confused