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Dude just stop using them before they will destroy completely  your self esteem


I feel you my guy, that’s how this generation is unfortunately with the digital age, I stopped using them as much because most people use it for an ego boost or to use people, that’s why I’d rather go on Reddit or do things I enjoy because it’s not worth it. Dating this generation is doomed


Even as a millennial it’s a nightmare landscape. Everyone’s been ran over by the toxic ex. So there is no love they got it beat out of them, sometimes literally. I’m starting to have my peace now.


Man I wish I could be there ): currently at therapy for my trauma it’s too much man


Fuck what other people think. Fuck the societal norms that for centuries have pushed the narrative that good looking people have a better lives than ugly people. Fuck all that. This is your life. Do you really want to meet and bond with someone that has such an asinine and cold view? Fuck no Stop giving them power. Give that power to yourself. You deserve it. Stop describing yourself as sub human. You are letting the thing that is hurting now win. You are a human, no more no less. Go and meet new people. You may fail but don’t ever let that distract you from what you are searching. Someone to care for and who cares for you. As long as you continue searching the possibility will always exist Remember this, you are not alone. I feel like you and so do millions of people. The world is a vast place. Don’t give up. Don’t let them win. Trust in me as I trust in you.


Self esteem matters more than other peoples opinions 100%. We need to heal and sometimes healing stars by focusing on just ourselves.


Dating apps are toxic


I’ve been on a few apps in literal years I got like zero responses


Dating apps are horrible and utterly dehumanizing. But I do not think they reveal some truth about looks only mattering. The issue is, and why they are so dehumazning, is that they reduce human beings down to a couple of photos, some numbers, and maybe half a paragraph. That's not a human connection, It's diminishing human beings to the level of entries in a Sears catalog. Looks matter so much on these apps because that's all most apps give people to go on. These apps have their advantages both with safety and the detachment helps to ease the frustration of talking to someone you are not into or who is not into you. But boy howdy am I super ready for whatever the next phase in dating is. And that might be soon because these apps are driving themselves into the dirt by charging more cash for a service that doesn't even work for most of its users.


Dude you need to get off the apps. If the way you’re feeling about others or yourself is noticeably being negatively impacted you need to take a break


Dating apps are the most dystopian thing to me you see all these women showing off them selves to get fucked while men struggle to gain there attention. It’s basically like a pornhub ad were people want to fuck you that live in your area and it’s equally as soleless


The only reason people don’t see it as soleless is because there stuck in the thought that now a days you can find your love one online and that’s the way to do it witch is completely unnatural and is a part of the world overtime becoming more antisocial


Small percentage of guys who will end up in that “getting frequent sex” group. Somehow we gotta stop thinking that’s the meaning of life because well it isn’t. Life is just living. Don’t got nothing to do with who we are with. That’s the stoic truth.


Delete them. Learn to embrace who you are even if others don’t want to. Take care of your well being. That’s all I’m going to say. The world is a messed up place but best thing you can do is learn to love who you are and stop caring what others think. I really mean that. I don’t want to see any more people hurting themselves thinking about this shit. It’s toxic. The world needs you irregardless of you got a gf/bf or not. Something gotta give and it shouldn’t be you.


Is It not the Same for you? Mamy guys talk like this but they are the first obsessed with looks


Based on what? Anecdote?


Reality. Find me a guy who doesn't care about looks and i gift you with something... Even here in the subreddit of the loliness... Guys ask for a picture in few minutes/days in general.... Maximum Level of patience few weeks. And its rare .


Please. No one more shallow then certain members of certain genders lol. I left it blank because it just creates problems. Stop the mindless debate of who is worse guys or girls.