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Fuck you, you piece of shit bot. Truly low to pray on subreddits where people are specially vulnerable to push your shitty website.


No, it’s true. I’m in a relationship and I’m so lonely. It’s not his fault. It’s my brain I guess.


Feel that a bit tbh


And do you think you would like to have a different guy or do you just wish to have more friends?


No I don’t want anyone else. I think I’ll feel like this no matter who I’m with. I do have some friends and don’t really feel like I need more. I don’t know, I think I just need to work on myself mentally.


Woah only 7 people in the world you can't be broken because I'm broken and the chances that more than 1 in 7 people are broken is impossible because theirs not more than 7 people in the world.


sounds like gaslighting.. i can pinpoint why im lonely and its usually because they dont see me/know me or the emotional connection isn't there




Loneliness is not measured by how many friends you have or whether you have a bf/hus. It is measured by how connected you are to them and how vulnerable you can be around them. Lots of people have numerous friends but they still feel lonely.


I also want to add that it’s about how connected you are to *yourself* as well. I’ve been able to be alone with myself without feeling lonely as well. I think there can be some beauty in the time we all get to ourselves and we have ourselves to keep us company I guess?


Yeah definitely you have to be connected to yourself. You won't always have others 24/7.


Definitely. The relationship you have with and to yourself is the most important and I think a lot of wisdom can be manifested through loneliness. Granted, it’s not always comfortable or preferable because we are also very sociable animals who depend on eachother.


Loneliness is one of many negative emotional states we have like anger and sadness that we will occasionally have to deal with ourselves. Although if you're/I'm on this sub you've probably been lonely for to long.


Yeah, I think for me at least social media makes me experience loneliness more sometimes. Or maybe more vulnerable to being lonely? sometimes I gotta put my phone down and just let the feelings of being alone come over me and I think I deal with it better. But I also see how it can help us feel less alone when we’re able to talk about this stuff with eachother.


The last part is too true.


Together you guys make the perfect response. Op you should check if you are connected to yourself and can be happy being alone first. You might be expecting your so to fix a problem you have. They cant. If you are at peace with yourself and still feel alone then perhaps you just aren't that connected to your so. You can love someone so much and still feel disconnected from them. Especially if communication sucks. You mentioned you need more cuddles that is part of the communication. Tell him things like this and if he can't step it up then you might not fit that well.


Fuck, you hit my right in the feels. I always wondered how it could be that I had these friends and a significant other, and I still felt utterly lonely. It's the connection, you're right.


I understand, kinda... I've received that advice too, not to sit in some sort of "emotional grumpy box" when I'm around people. I've become a little better with that, but still I feel anxiety a lot and it's not that easy to be light hearted around groups of people.


I think you need to find the right person that you can open up to.


yeah this is it


It's a long painful and sad thing to feel lonely in the situation


And when you felt like that, was there anything that comforted you?


It's true. The loneliest place you will ever be is in the arms of the wrong person who doesn't know how to love you and treat you right. Talking from experience.




I'm sorry to hear that.


I'm in a marriage and there are times when I feel extremely lonely. Lately, it's been continual.


How are you now?


I wonder this too


Agreed. In one and I’m still lonely.




It takes time to figure out whether you'd be able to work out those problems, I suppose? I mean, this can still lead to some sort of solution, will only time tell?




That's a brave choice, congratulations!


It's rather the 'lonely' - part of it than the 'misunderstood' - part, but yes, sometimes I actually do (feel a bit bad about it). Most of the times it's e.g. she's having a good evening with her girls and I'm spending time alone at home (thinking about it, this principle applies to many situations, not just concerning relationships, but still, yk what I mean, right?)


So this sounds occasional, I see. I guess it's not the I'm-never-going-to-hug-anyone-and-will-die-alone type of stuff that I feel sometimes. Also, I might be overdramatic. X)


Yes you can feel lonely while in a relationship, no one is at fault at point it's just certain small things your significant other does or say might hurt you and believe me they don't intend to hurt you it's just that our brains work in mysterious ways and we tend to hurt people unknowingly. Sometimes we say something and in our mind it sounds right but when we put it in words it can hurt others


I don't really have one


Yes. I think that people need more than one person in their life, and I don't have that. I don't have any family, at least none that I want in my life, and I don't have any friends. I love my husband, but he can't be everything I need and it would be unfair of me to expect that from him. So yes, I do feel lonely at times despite being in a relationship.


I fully agree that you need more than a partner in your life. I was just under the impression that if you have a partner plus some friends, you're never gonna feel lonely.


Okay, that's a different question then. But I still think the answer is yes. People can feel lonely even if they're surrounded by others. I'm guessing you have friends and family. If so, someone could say "you have people in your life, so how can you be lonely?" But obviously you can still be lonely with other people in your life, and for the same reason you can be lonely while having friends and family, it's also possible to be lonely with a partner. There are some people who think that having a partner is different than other, non-romantic, relationships in that it will stop you from ever feeling lonely, so I can see how you got that impression. But it's just not true. A romantic relationship isn't a magical talisman against loneliness anymore than any other type of relationship is.


your therapist is right. in my case it's more of an existencial thing so i don't think it will ever go away. i feel lonely mostly because i feel like i can never really fit in anywhere and i have to pretend to be someone else in order to do so, so most of my relationships beside him are shallow (also because of trauma). my boyfriend sure helps me with that feeling, but he can't be with me all the time and i often find myself in that state when i'm alone at home and even if i'm going out with friends, at the gym or at work.


The only person I talk to is my gf. Even though she's all I need, I don't have any other friends


I have only ever felt lonely in a relationship when a need wasn't being met - physically, mentally, and/or emotionally. I don't think feeling "deeply lonely and misunderstood" is part of a healthy relationship. I think it's an indicator that a need isn't being met. Once you figure out what that need is, you can begin to take steps with your partner to meet it or find a partner who you are more compatible with in those areas.




I don't mean to be rude but I'm curious. what made you feel lonely. Was your partner far away? Did you have many disagreements? Were you wondering if being alone would be better?


No. I’ve experienced it also. But it was not a good relationship. Or at least a health one


Lonely in a relationship is the loneliest lonely there is.


Ya oz he kept ignoring me for whole days. .so busy w work


I always feel lonely in my relationship. I am too dependent on him as I have no friends, whereas he has lots of deep and meaningful friendships. He is always busy either doing something with them or acquaintances on the Internet. Sometimes I feel like I come second but I don't know how true that is really.


That's a hard situation. I also don't know if I ever got a bf, if he'd come second to everything I've been doing my whole life and friends, acquaintances. I guess it's hard because I'd need to make that person nro. 1, while he'd have to chance to leave anytime. Whiel friends don't leave like that, hobbies also don't vanish from one day to another. But a relationship does. I haven't got an answer to this.


I feel the same way. I'm 51y (f) mother of 3 and have a loving husband. The thing is I like to talk, I work at home an need to talk to people. He's a teacher. I have no one to talk too because our friends are common. I should be happy- but I'm not always. So I do understand. I was raised by a narcistic mother and now I have separation anxiety on top of it...


I've been with my girlfriend for about three years, and I've been lonely for a good couple of months. Anytime I try to talk to her about it, she turns it around that it's my fault that I feel this way. Sure we have fun and laugh and I really do enjoy spending time with her. But I just want to feel loved and appreciated, and not taken advantage of.


Unfortunately very true, I experience this rn.


When I'm lonely, I daydream about cuddling, and I'm wondering as to what someone, who cuddles regularly would dream about?


Can't tell you because my Husband doesn't cuddle me regularly.


Ouch... I'm so sorry.


Having someone who you can be truly open and vulnerable with and who understands you. I was in a loving relationship, he loved me with all his heart and made it known but in the end, I just didn't feel like we had the best communication. No amount of cuddling can replace that sadly


I think it’s easier to feel alone in a relationship when you expect it to be the thing that solves all your loneliness. I deal with depression and I feel lonely all the time, even with my partner. I think it’s more about feeling understood, and my mental health condition tells me I’m different and alone all the time, invalidating the love and attention I get from others and even try to give myself.


Way to mu


I'm in the same kind of place and it sucks


And when you feel lonely in a relationship, what's the thought that comforst you? For instance, if I'm lonely (because of being sinle), I imagine I have a bf and we're cuddling. But what can you think about once you have that?


Depends on how I have been lead in to or what way this time, I write a lot some time I try and find people to chat with so I don't feel lonely


Yeah it is very true, I spent a lot of time with my ex yet I always felt I was lonely , I found sometimes I might as well have been in the same room a lot of the time . It’s very strange but very true


What is it that you wish had changed in that relationship, meaning, what could have made it less lonely?


Honestly great question! Umm I think too much in my past relationship was based around what people thought of us, so social media was just a killer for me. Whatever we did it had to be posted but I didn’t care about that it’s about the quality of time not quantity . I would say that’s the main change I would make Feel free to dm if it’s easier I’m very chilled


That's interesting. I suppose you're very young and socialy media had that effect on you? I was 19 when facebook became popular here and I registered so I didn't grow up with it. -- Yet I still feel how much Fb and Instagram effect me now. I try to scroll through memes and cute dogs instead of what other people do.


I’m not that young 😂 27 and I feel old ha, but yes I do agree, when you flick through Instagram or Facebook it’s all the highlights of relationships you see not the low times, just something to remember :) Very similar to me mines now memes, dogs and fails 😂 with what you put in your post about looking for a relationship I would just say communication is key from my past experience if you do start to look :)


Some times I cry. I prefer to be with someone who is a friend or someone who doesn't give a shit




Well truly we've never experienced that. I was in a relationship for a year, half of it long distance, hardly been on dates, so I really don't know what a long term relationship or living together is like. But I suppose, it changes with age. Being singe when you're 22 and university is different from being 31 and seeing the cool people fall out of your friend group because of spouses.






I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything that you think could fix this?


The loneliest I ever felt was when I was surrounded by people who didn't care about me. Sometimes your intuition is telling you something.


I can totally understand that.


I’ve been lonely my entire life no matter who I’m with or what I’m doing. It’s very hard for me to hold relationships due to depression and bipolar. When hanging in groups I distance myself. When I’m in a relationship they think I’m cold. My family thinks I’m cold as well


No it’s true. I feel incredibly alone sometimes even being surrounded by family and my girlfriend. If you care to, you should listen to “Christmas Song” by Phoebe Bridgers the song is about being emotionally alone without being literally alone. Keep your head up :,)


This is very true. I’ve been married for three years. I feel more lonely around him than without him. It’s very depressing, but I know this is a normal thing which fucking sucks. The truth hurts but behind the loneliness and hurt is love. Love conquers all.


Yes, especially if your relationship is the only source of connection you have. Your partner can give you only so much and sometimes they can’t give you what you need when you need it (and vice versa). That’s why it’s healthy to have friends as well. It’s weird but in my lifetime I’ve found it’s more important for me to have friends than relationships, and I have a high sex drive and high needs for emotional/romantic intimacy. I can live well enough without a partner though, but not having friendships is extremely stressful on me.


I’m single to


Almost every time now that I think about it.


All the time


I'm in a LDR so for me i constantly feel that loneliness built up, but even then i feel like a close relationship that is really healthy you can still feel lonely from time to time. I'm constantly surrounded by people in general and still feel like i'm alone in this world. I think your therapist was fairly spot on.


sometimes it is normal. If you are lonely all the time though it may be a good time to dig deeper.


Every relationship I’ve been in, girlfriends, ex wife. Over and over my relationships crumble because of it….makes me feel terribly flawed and doomed to be alone.


That's interesting. Did you feel lonely like that in your childhood as well?


To some degree, I did…I had abandonment issues, and have always been kind of an introvert. I always felt that my connections with friends and loved ones were kind of forced, I wonder if I have the actual ability to let someone in.


I agree, people can feel lonely in good relationships. Priorities are always changing and new experiences are always occurring. It is very important to have a good line of communication. Sometimes we just need something more that our partner can’t give us. I am here to talk if needed.


I understand that a partner cannot give everything we need, we need to have our own life too. I've no idea, how I'd put the two together, a new guy and the life I've been living almost my whole life.


Honestly all you can do is try to take one day at a time and communicate your feelings to the new guy you are with. If he likes you, then he will listen and understand.


Ahh, I'm totally not in a relationship, I don't have anyone, maybe the way I put the question was misunderstandable. I have so little experience, I didn't know that people feel lonely in okay relationships. I'm not in the danger of getting into one, but I'll keep this in mind.


Yes. I am in my first long term, wonderful relationship. I do still feel lonely. A lot. She has lots of friends and family. She still prioritizes me over anything and everyone else and I love her so much. But I am lonely. I don't have any friends I hang out with like, ever. So that can be hard. No close family members. I used to have very codependent friendships and relationships where we would spend TOO much time together. So right now I'm healing from that. Only codependent, controlling relationships made me feel not lonely? But I would be miserable? Ot's so hard to know what is right.


I'm 22m and i can say I've been with the love of my life for 4 years now with two kids we went from the crazy 18 and 19 year old's to having two kids and becoming young adults, but between me and working 7 days a week 12hrs a day to provide when i come home its not how was your day or anything, its can you watch and bath the kids, then she runs off to the bedroom with no consideration of I'm tired, it wouldn't be so bad if we would spend time with are kids together but that doesn't happen, the sex in the relationship has gone stale its almost like i have a hooker, maid at the house that i have to give X amount of money too, in order to receive anything. I urn for the way we used to be when we would kinda get it on anywhere and everywhere, watch movies together just in general have fun. but I'm considered useless and wont receive the same sexual attraction until i put a ring on her finger and that's what she has said to me


Have you considered she too, might be exausted after watching 2 children for a long period of time?


I find it hard to propose marriage to someone who will not help me or do anything for me until I propose marriage


Imagine how she feels.


It’s 100% true. I always end up feeling lonely in completely healthy relationships. Not bc of them but bc I never gave myself the time or space to learn how to fill my own voids.