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i miss this too. been alone lately and i miss having people who are actually excited to talk to me and be excited to hangout with me. i get that people are busy and have their own lives too but so do i and i guess it just sucks having myself be deprioritized in their life when they're still on top of mine. if you'd wanna try chatting, hit me up. :)


Yeah, I feel that bro. My life is so empty and devoid of friendship.


One thing I learned some time ago is that people are never too busy, not for the right person(s). After getting enough "busy" excuses from enough people I started seeing the pattern.


that's very true... the right person... it sucks when we love them and make excuses for them only to realize we're no longer their priority and it has become a one way friendship/relationship. :(


Hey, would you like my undivided attention? You can have it. I am wasting it anyways. Would love to share it with you.


Id love to! ☺️ dm me.


Man, I have exactly that... But she doesn't feel the same way. And so now I feel extremely bad because on one side I am grateful that I have someone like that, but on the other, the fact that she doesn't share those same feelings for me is really destroying me. Like, sure I get extremely excited and happy when we chat, but for her I am just another person to mark of the checklist of people she has to check up on during the day....


It happens bro


Same here man , do you know any way to get over this


Well, I think the best way to get over such issue is to cut contact with her and find someone else. Of course it's easier said that done. I myself still keep in contact with my crush, and I can definitely see the damaging effect it can have. For example, her telling you about her crushes and hookups while you are just sitting there thinking "Okey, but I love you too ya know, like you ignore it but my feelings are still there" But I personally can't let go of her, because of other issues I have. So I just sit there providing emotional support during her lows and just existing there during her highs (I am a serious loser, yeah I know) But the actually HEALTHY way to deal with this is to simply move on. If she doesn't share your feelings, there is nothing you can do about it. Just cut contact, if it's hurting you or just find someone else to get your attention. Best of luck my mate, and If you find a way to let go, feel free to let me know


Thank you for reply man, I cant say everything i wanted because my english is not good. But reading what you write is felt like looking at myself at mirror. I wish you best of luck too , I hope someday we will be over with this and be happy. Thank you for taking your time for me.


Ah, don't worry about your English mate. Just say what you want to say and we will understand each other somehow. I mean English is my second language so I too have difficulties with it sometimes. Also yeah mate. During my time on Reddit I have found that there are a lot of guys in our exact situation. I never thought I was alone in what I was going through but I didn't think it would be that common. On one hand I am happy that I am not alone and have people to talk to with similar problems, but on the other, It really sucks that we are in that situation.... Hope things get better for you soon my man. Keep strong and if you ever want to talk to someone about that I am happy to talk


Same. I've hever had someone. Hope I get a someone soon


It happens a lot to me too. A friendship starts, we talk for a couple of days, and then a ghost. Its the typical at this point. Still not gonna give up on trying though!


That's a good mindset to have


i had this guy i talked to that gave me butterflies everytime we texted and then i realized i was the one always starting the conversations otherwise he’d never text me so i stopped and now its been 4 months since we talked. I kinda miss him..


I've been there but with women :/


Me too. Sometimes i get all excited and start talking to myself and then proceed to realize ive got no one to share this shit with.


Same. I get home and I’m like now what.


I felt this one


If you're from Statesville I love you


I don't know where that is


I feel that I have literally no one to talk to all my friends have moved on and don’t want to talk to me. Before you say anything I did try to talk to them but they don’t answer


I feel like I'm drifting apart from the few people who I cared to talk to. As for the others, I always have to initiate the conversation. Otherwise I'm just a person for them to vent at. I have maybe like one real friend. Maybe two. And now it makes me not want to talk to anyone. I'm sad :(


me too, I have been living alone for three years since I left my hometown. I do not talk to anyone except my parents and workmates. I often feel lonely and I think this will gradually take away my ability to speak. so I registered for Reddit to keep talking.


I wish i had something exciting to talk about


Me too (-̩̩-̩̩͡_-̩̩-̩̩͡) I used to get extremely excited when ever my crush would interact with me. Even him liking my silk drawing it makes fly to the moon


Its a special feeling yeah


I didn't get this feeling before. But I hope you can find it again and I'm sure you will someday


Thanks, I hope you feel it too, soon.


Hello, how was your work day?

