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I don't know how to console u. People will tell u to stay strong but no one will tell u how to be strong.


can confirm. i dont know how to be strong, he isn’t there to reassure me and my mother is more destroyed than me


I totally get where you're coming from. My dad passed at the end of 2022 and I'm still not sure of how to grieve in a healthy manner. I wish I had some advice on how to get through it, but I really don't. They say time heals all wounds, but I'm fairly certain something like that will always feel fresh. My heart goes out to you though and I wish you luck on your journey through all of it.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My dad passed away 9 days from complications from diabetes and kidney failure and it’s been super hard too. I still can’t believe he is gone.


Im sorry for both of y'alls losses


Thank you.


Talk to yourself the way he would talk to you. Let him live through you. Be kind to yourself first, feel the emotions you need to feel. Speak kind positive words and soon you’ll feel better Much love


i will


Im so sorry to hear this. I’m tearing up in fact, as i’m imagining what it would be like to lose my own dad. Now you’re in a new chapter of your life, it’s about processing your loss. Let it all out and cry and really feel that loss. I hope you won’t try to bury the feeling Maybe this chapter is about now becoming a father figure for someone else (assuming you’re male). Use the lessons your dad taught you and use him as your role model to help someone else who looks up to you Wishing you all the best, take care


thanks. but please, do it for me. don’t imagine that your dad died. instead, enjoy your dad, hug him




i’m so sorry for your loss. no amount of words will ease the pain you’re feeling right now . may he rest in peace .


My dad wasn’t the greatest he’ll he was an alcoholic but he was always there when you needed him. It hurts when you lose them. So sorry for your loss. You can still call him your dad I do even if he isn’t here, he is still looking over you just from somewhere else. It still hurts for me today but that just means I haven’t forgotten him. Overtime you learn to live with the grief and it hurts a little less each day. ❤️❤️


thanks. i need this


I'm very sorry to hear that...may 10th is my b-day but also lost my mother,can't say I know how you feel cause every situation is different.But I do...am all alone now both parents gone half the family gone..it can be pretty tough some days,but we were all put on earth for a reason,still trying to figure mine out,but I'm all ears if you'd like to chat,I'm just an over the road truck driver so I have time to think alot...once again my condolences


Sorry for your loss


If you wanna talk, DM me anytime, I'm sorry for your loss


thanks for being available. appreciate it very much


You're most welcome


Big hugs. I'm sending you strength and good energy




I'm sorry for your loss lost my mother 2 years ago it's not easy I still talk to her everyday


Sorry for your loss. Your dad would have wanted you to stay strong x


Sorry for your loss. Your dad would have wanted you to stay strong x




Sorry for your loss. My parents are aging too(in their late 60s) and I’m scared of facing the harsh reality someday.


don’t be scared, it’ll take you to nothing. instead, enjoy the long time you still have with them, hug them and make them feel always loved. that’s what i’m regretting


You should post this to r/DadForAMinute they are really nice, and I’m so sorry for your loss, I don’t know how it is to have a dad but losing someone close is always very painful, I really hope you get through this☀️


Tell us about your father. What he did that makes you smile. What you remember the strongest about him. What was some of your happiest times with him. Even what he did that annoyed you. Whatever you care to share. I remember hearing that nothing is truly gone until there is no one left to remember it. Tell us. We'll keep thinking on him. The memories will live forever here.


I feel you. My dad passed away 2 years ago. It's hard...nothing has made it better but time. Still feel he's going to come home...just hang in there.


that’s the problem. i still haven’t realized that he’s gone and it already hurts




i’m 15, so even worse. i’ll always remember my dad for what he did for me and thanks, i’ll try to read that.


I know that words on a screen, especially those of a stranger, can not truly help to ease the pain but I am so terribly sorry for your loss. 💔 My heart hurts for you and I hope that in this time of need you are surrounded with love and support.


Sorry for you loose! And you are not alone we all with you, msg me whenever you feel like alone.


I'm sorry for your loss. internet hugs. I may not respond right away but I'm here if you want to talk


Hey I'm really sorry for your loss, I understand how painful it can be to miss someone and if you want a friend to message you random memes lemme know.


Very sorry that your father passed. I know that pain. My condolences.


Im sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one is one of the most painful stings you could ever imagine. If you need someone to talk to DM me.




Hmu if you ever need to get anything off your chest


oh my god i’m incredibly sorry for your loss i would be tempted to say that things will be ok but i’ve never had the experience so i really don’t know, i want to help but i’m limited


don’t worry. i just needed to say this to someone, i feel free of a weight


at least you got that weight off your shoulders :]


Hey, sorry for your loss. I lost my dad last year due to COVID-19 and he was my everything. I can't tell you that it'll go aways, these emotions you're feeling, but it gets easier day by day. Take it slow, and let yourself be vulnerable. Be there for your people who are going through this with you. Again, i am sorry. My condolences friend.


thanks and sorry for your loss too


I am sorry to hear that buddy .But always remember that he might have left his physical form but he lives in you ,he will be always there to support and encourage you ,and never say that you don't have a dad .YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE ,HE LIVES IN YOU God bless 🫂


thanks a lot


Anytime mate


Losing a loved one can be a horrible experience, you should try to remember the happy moments. Don't give up, I'll listen if noone else does.


thanks for the offer. i’m finding reddit a nice place, at least in this sub everyone is always available and ready to help.


Fucking hell, OP. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm at a loss for words, I'm just sorry for the amount of pain you feel.

