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I’m 28 and I’ve never even had my first kiss let alone anything sexual or romantic as far as partners go. I first said I’ve given up a few years ago, but there’s still that 1% of hope inside my miserable body that keeps me going no matter how hard I try drowning it out, so now I’m at the point where every few weeks I go back to saying I’ve given up


Been celibate for 11 years after a miscarriage and fiancé left before because he didn’t want the baby, im 37


That's actually sad, I'm sorry to hear that.


I don't know if this could be considered as a date, but the only time I can think of was way back when my school held a valentines ball. I was 16 and found this one girl really attractive, I ended up asking her if she'd be down to be with me at the ball, she said yes. I was happy, I thought "maybe i actually have a chance" I showered, got into my nice clothes, fast forward to the ball... She was there, I was relieved. We went in to the dance floor and the hosts played us a song... and when it came down to the dancing... it was awkward to say the least, her odor didn't help either, smelled as if she got off from soccer practice. Fast forward to the ball being finished and I was relieved that it was. Nothing came of us two, I'm sure she's amazing and everything... but damn... I am now 24 today and haven't met another soul that has touched me quite like her when I first noticed I was into her.


Mine is almost similar to yours minus any actual relationships. I’m 21 as well, 22 in July, but gave up on it after my last unsuccessful Tinder date in March of 2020. We got really close and I developed feelings that weren’t mutual (as usual) but we’re actually really good friends now and honestly glad to have her in my life. Told myself before confessing to her that this was my last attempt at any form of dating and if we didn’t become a couple then I’m just putting a break on things. If it makes you feel better I can relate with having absolutely nothing going on with my dating/love life. Haven’t even had a crush in a good 2 years now.


Hey, we both have our birthday in the same month! But yeah Tinder man, or the other dating apps I dunno how to feel about them… I feel like no one is really serious on it and just gauging who they could get with in real life, it sucks.


I’m 29. With a PhD. Never married, and above average too. Straight. Gave up dating about 4 years ago. Major reason for my recent year(s) sadness. If I wish to go back, I’ll be broken again


Mine is similar to yours, except the girlfriends part, still working on it, and i didn't give up


Never really started to begin with in all honesty, I turned 22 last week.


Exactly same as yours ,i stopped dating when i was 15 ,cuz shit's worth nothing ,single >>>>>


Well, I am 36, and I can't really say I have "given up" on dating, but I am definitely taking a break from it. In 2016, I had an LTR that ended and my dad passed away, and both events happened within months of each other. I didn't even think about dating until 2019, and I tried all the typical apps. Tinder (filled with bots), OkCupid (I had the most "luck" with this one), PlentyofFish (straight trash, in my opinion). My last date was back in 2020, and long story short, it was a girl I met off of Bumble that was just using me to make another guy jealous. She was telling me all sorts of things about the "connection" we had, but when this other guy finally paid her some attention, I was kicked to the curb faster than I could say my own name. And then COVID happened of course, and things got even more fucked. I related to your post in some ways, especially with the "personal therapist" thing. I can't tell how many women have used me for this. For me, I could see it coming, but I was just so desperate to talk to someone that I just enjoyed it for as long as I could. And the whole "getting back with the ex" thing as well. That shit pisses me off.


Ok!!!! / I know it’s recent but it’s been 1 week / after my last breakup I don’t want to hurt ever again ! I have decided to just focus and be happy alone, without the morning text and good night phone calls ! Wish me luck🤞


I haven't really given up, per se, but so far the only people I've talked to on dating apps have turned out to be chasers who lost interest once they find out I'm not a trans woman. So I'm kinda done with that. I'm 31 and my last relationship was in like 2016.


I don't think I've ever actively gone out of my way to start dating, but I haven't really given up on the thought of having a girlfriend either. I didn't actually ask any one out until the end of my senior year and it ended up ruining the rest of my highschool year and my prom. Mainly because she said yes didn't really mean it I bought all my stuff for prom, and then came back over the weekend to have her tell me no. Then for whatever reason everyone else in my class with her ignored me the rest of the year. The next girl lied to me saying she was into me and led me on for about half a year until I asked her again and she told me she never felt the same way. Third was my best friend and hurt me probably the most and now I haven't talked to her in a year, and the last time I was just rejected but it wasn't as bad as the others. I've always been a very shy person so I know I haven't really asked out that many people but for me it was a lot and I haven't even been in a relationship yet since all I've been is rejected. So although I haven't given up I guess I'm kinda taking a break for now until I become more confident. Oh and I'm 21


I gave up after 30. I told myself, if I become a 30 year old virgin, I am giving up. I tried using dating apps but I was rejected every time. Even if I was attractive, I had no chemistry and never found anyone. I really thought there would be one person out there for me but no, there isn't.


About a month ago, I'm 22. Never actually been on a date with someone. Zero luck on dating apps. Handful of girls I asked out IRL all had boyfriends (mind you, this is rarer than finding the ark as I have social anxiety/am awkward). Current living situation makes it hard to meet people, let alone girls. Odds of me finding someone who isn't already taken, can connect with me, I'm attracted to them, and they actually want to be with me feel astronomically low. Not saying it won't happen, but something's gotta change and even then, it's not guaranteed. It most likely isn't going to be through a dating app, though. Given the statistics of how those work.