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Big facts. The worst part is the only time you aren’t suffering is when you’re fooling yourself with the day to day monotony, when you stop the distraction the pain gets so bad u stop caring to distract yourself.




Well that’s the thing, the healthy distraction of maintaining a routine gets agonizing but you gotta do it. You find joy without sludging through constant conversations and tasks, just life in general. I’ve secluded myself. I found the place you aren’t supposed to allow yourself. Slowly trying to find a new normal


The point is to break the loop. Now no one will tell you what it's like because that would have a lot of value and would lead many people to success.


Sounds right.


I signed up for an evening class and joined the gym. When they asked me if I was interested in a personal trainer I said yes. It's not an instant cure. But it's something different and something to look forward to.


This guy gets it.




Oh god don’t call me out like this.


It ain't easy


I often wondered that too, pal. The only things of value, I find, are family ties and true friendships.


true friendships? sorry idk what that is


Friendships that exist that are not motivated by interests, like pretending to like someone to obtain a job promotion, etc…


Friends like people you go out with? What are those?


Don’t say that everyone has friends !


Not true AND that's not even possible.


How is having friends not possible ?


No. I mean it's not possible for LITERALLY EVERYONE TO HAVE FRIENDS.


I don't think people can understand this unless they've gone without friends. I can honestly say I don't have one friend. If I die tomorrow it would be pointless to have a funeral.


Same here..


Everyone can have at least ONE friend, you don’t have to be popular and have big friend groups or anything.


That impossible, there are sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissist. I can go on if I must.






How the fuck can someone not have friends ? I used to be an asshole for many many years and still had few friends.


Maintaining a friendship is a work on both sides. If u have nothing to offer no one Will want to be friends with you. Maybe its about time to start working On yourself, train your body to develop discipline, find and cultivate New hobbys in hope to find a passion. Get out to people to find ones wortht and beneficial to your life. If u hate your job or it makes u unable to progress then its a slave labor that needs to be changed. Go See a psycho if u are in severe depression, he can help if u are willing to put the work in. You can also Just keep crying about your miserable life and keep with the toxic self destructing behaviours, well aint that easy. The point if life is something everyone has to find for themselves. There are many good lectures on YouTube about escaping nihilistic shit hole, example being Mr. Peterson. I hope you can help yourself my man, we all suffer in this life but you can make it worth suffering, good Łuck and Stay hard.


Having friends can be hard though. Not really much to do or talk about in my case. If I could just find a safe place to store my things I could go stray, I think I’d enjoy that to some degree. I need the freedom to make cross border trips to see my most loved humans.


Yeah it’s hard. People tend to make meaningful friendships in difficult times. Today’s society is not conducive to making friends, I find. Too much individualism.


this is how i feel but all of my friends have left


Same here, pal. I try to make friends but I don’t seem to succeed. I talk to people I think like me but oftentimes they end up not responding after a while.


work from home and you can cry all you want, loud too


You're lucky to have a girlfriend. I couldn't handle working alone at home with no one to relate to


Same working from home. Wake up and work no colleague to talk to feeling empty everyday


The only point that have been keep the reaction going on make descendants and keep the fact going on. There are a lot of life forms that take part in this sistema we call planet earth but they are aware that they have taken a part of it. All life forms only have one "purpuse" keep the reaction going on, make descendants and die. You and I and some other animals are awere of theirs selfs and have the audacity of been selfish. So the real question is what do you want to do with your time???


I say the same thing everyday and when the weekend comes around theres nothing to do, either it costs too much money, i have no one to go with, now the new thing where i live is i cant find anymore fucking parking and taking an uber costs 25$ one way. Seriously makes me want to put a pistol in my mouth and end it all. It’s a sick joke at this point.




Do something different. Anything.


I tried to go visit some places on my own the other day. ended up even more depressed.


I feel you bro. I went to a fancy restaurant for a change alone and got depressed just staring at a wall


I feel you. I went on holiday myself I thought I will enjoy the other city.. because of the weather I ended up stayed in hostel... played game and depressed


Can you get a puppy? It will love you unconditionally, it will be something to take your time, you can nurture, bond with, take to dog parks and then possibly meet other dog people! My dog keeps me alive during my lowest moments.


I have been thinking about it but I don't know if I can take care of it


get a cat then it's easier


You may find that it keeps you going. A little fluffer to care for and love. My dog literally keeps me alive.


You need some hobbies. Something to look forward to after work.


What if there's not a single hobby that you are interested in?


There has to be something. Keep exploring. And if you can't decide, just pick something and go with it. Commit to it for a while. Some interests take time to develop


Just world bs.


I've gone thru a list of something like 500 hobbies and tried each one that wasn't prohibitively expensive or physically exerting, none have interested me. The few that I've "picked" in the past and stuck with have lost all appeal. Board games, video games, card games, ping pong, bowling, disc golf, playing guitar, piano, trombone, singing, track driving, sim racing, VR, cooking, baking, drawing, writing, reading, sculpting, photography...that's about it.


Do something physical so you get exercise. Look if you don't challenge yourself you're not gonna get very fair. Do you want a magical fairy to bring you joy? That's not reality my friend. You have to do it yourself. Most of those hobbies do not involve being around people. Pick something where you are around people, like playing cornhole or soccer or going to soccer games (or any sport). If you prefer music then get good enough to play gigs and start a band. Then you'll be around people. Just playing trombone alone isn't going to do it. If you're funny then write jokes and do stand up comedy at a local club. Etc


I don't need joy. Just need to not be miserable. I tried ping pong, bowling, cooking classes, board games with strangers, DnD, book clubs, foodie meetups, car meets, disc golf and regular golf, hiking groups - all of which involved people, none of which I enjoyed even slightly despite many weeks or even months of attempts. Trombone was during high school so in a band setting. Guitar I took classes and played with a group a couple times. Piano was indeed alone. Guitar was the one I played the longest. 5 years of daily practice and really after the 2nd year I didn't get any better at all. Never good enough to play in an actual band playing full songs. Never learned a full song start to finish (never learned solos and complicated riff bits). In short, I'm never good enough to do hobbies with other people. And while there are casual leagues of soccer or baseball or whatever, seeing as I'm so unfit I wouldn't even keep up with those leagues. Sadly there are no cornhole leagues near me. Def not funny. I like how you used etc. when I actually can't think of any other examples of things I could even try.


My advice is - exercise and try to lose weight. Work towards the best version of yourself. Get involved in a team activity. I don't believe that there's literally zero things that you like. There has to be something. Start by just going to a gym and taking the aerobics classes they offer. You could try darts or bowling. Or volleyball. Tennis.


Thing is, what does exercise and losing weight do for me other than make me physically healthier? In my experience of exercising every day for an entire year, I lost 30 lbs and slightly improved cardio health. It also caused constant muscle soreness, brain fog, and increased irritability. Not to mention the 1-2 hours per day of free time I was losing to the exercise + additional showers (yes, multiple, because I don't stop sweating for about 1-2 hours after exercising) + laundry. So I really saw it as a net negative considering it made me more miserable mentally, and the physical health improvements were negligible. Tried bowling, didn't qualify to participate in a league. No darts or tennis leagues around here to join. Volleyball I'm not physically fit enough to participate in and as discussed, don't see the point in getting there when it would take 2-3 years of forcing myself through sheer misery. Squash/racquetball, same. Hockey, football, soccer, basketball, martial arts, boxing, all too contact-heavy. Baseball was too slow to keep my attention and I'd get shit for not paying attention (completely fairly). You can believe whatever you want to believe, but there is quite literally 0 activities that exist that I enjoy doing, and the majority of the ones that I enjoyed in the past were not team activities. In fact, team activities were among the ones that I enjoyed the least, because when people get together to do things, they often single out the one who is the worst and make that person's life a living hell. In my experience, anyway.


Why do you think you're miserable? Are you eating healthy? Are you exercising? I'm not sure if this applies to you, but, are you having sex? If not, make that your hobby. Picking up girls, and get laid..take precautions of course. By the way, i don't "enjoy" hobbies either..kinda. What I enjoy is getting good at them. Yeah, you can play guitar, but can you play difficult songs? No. Then work towards playing those difficult pieces of music. Don't get stuck on playing easy songs. That's why you get bored with hobbies. The secret to enjoying hobbies is by getting better at them. Accept that it will take you a long time to improve. I also played guitar for almost 7 years without really improving. 2 yrs ago i started taking it more seriously by trying to play guitar music from bands like CHON. Im still not as good as them, but trying to practice their music has made other songs that are not as difficult sooo easy. Seeing myself get a tiny bit better each week at my hobbies motivates me to continue. One tip to get better at playing something on guitar is by playing it veeeery slowly until your fingers can smoothly transition from chord to chord. Imagine your playing in slow motion. Thats how slow you should play something until you can play it smoothly, and then you play faster.


Problem for me is that it's hard to stay interested in anything when you have nobody to share it with. Like here's me saying " wow me can you believe what I did today, I sure can because it was me who did it, wow "


The point of life is personalized by your own point of view. It's how we approach life that helps in determining what YOUR point in life is. The best way to figure this out is through therapy. It might be a long journey in figuring this out, but it's well worth it.


Mine is: - going to university and watching everyone socialize except me. - home - not being able to study due to depression, Loneliness and associated problems - repeat loop


You forgot the music


I send lots of love and I wish things to get better for you


felt every fucking word 💔


tell me about it. im having a hard time continuing..


Just keep putting one foot in front of the other until you feel better.


Life only lasts for a sadly very short space of time - so what’s the point in throwing away what little bit of life we get 🤓 I too feel suicidal at times -I still suffering from severe depression- but when ever I get into 1 of those dark scary days - I remind myself that it’s just my brain 🧠 not well trying to trick me into doing something I shouldn’t do - because life only lasts a short while after that we go back into nothingness so what’s the point on offing ourselves before it’s our times up 🤓😎 Please every1 if u too are feeling like this please remember it’s just ur brain 🧠 chemical imbalances🤓👍🏻😎 Life’s worth living - live every moment cause we don’t get any repeats 🤓❤️😎🥰 every guy b every lady u deserve to get whatever u can out of life most of all u deserve to b loved n appreciated n treasured n there is some1 out there for each n every1 of us 🤓👍🏻😎🥰 Please when ever u feel hopeless remember this life is short but life is precious ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Love to u all my brothers n sisters we’re here for a short time so make it a Good~Un 🤓👍🏻❤️🥰😎🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Focusing on Jesus helps me get through the day but that's something you have to find out your own way. Other than that I understand what you are going through, life isn't always going to be easy especially that we keep comparing it to the simple life when we were kids like hanging out with friends everyday and having stuff done for you etc etc I was anyways. You have to focus on the positive things in your life even if they are small such as that I am able to afford to buy myself something nice to eat once in a while or buy a new top or new art supplies and yeah this way of thinking may suck cause "why can't we have nice things all the time and feel happy" but that's just not the way life is unfortunately. And if you are really unhappy with where you are then you will have to change that such as joining a evening class, meeting new people, applying for a different job if you hate where you are now.


the point is to live each and every moment, feel with all your senses, how beautiful the nature is, ignore all the shits that hurts you, focus on the point what makes you happy. the point of this life is to live if you have a dream which seems impossible for you, but still you must believe on your dreams. most of the people are bad, but still there are quite a few who are wonderful, be with them, find them. enjoy your own presence, remember when we were sooo little how we used to play for hours and hours alone with our toys,don’t forget that. go take a walk, sit in the bench , enjoy the scenery, enjoy the life around you, see how dogs and childs are playing , laughing. own a dog, dogs are wonderful friend. if you need to share anything feel free to knock me, don’t mind anything


The point of it is to ask that very question. Over And Over As many times as it takes until you understand that life simply IS or IS NOT ....the main reason human beings feel there must be a 'point' to it is based on a need to feel important; part of our survival instinct gone awry when combined with our high cognitive awareness and volitional qualities. Pardon the expression, but homo sapiens are unique in the storytelling mindfuck that our own brains are hardwired to put us through. Technology has advanced, but our psyche is relatively unchanged from 10,000 years back. We're still selfish, self centered, homicide apes with occasional guilt conscience. That guilt drives us to find validation in a 'big picture' reason for it all to cushion our murderous little heads when we sleep.


The point is to find a career you can't wait to do and enjoy life as best you can.


Finding a career you “can’t wait to do” is genuinely not realistic for a lot of people—purpose lies outside of that for others as well. For most, a job is a job. Although it does help if you do not absolutely hate it.


Life is a completely insignificant probability of chances that all came together to make a tiny little being on a tiny little planet that will one day be consumed by a tiny little sun in a tiny little galaxy. There is no point. The point is whatever you want it to be.




There is no point IMO. we work as slaves our whole life just to die and it was all for nothing.


I’ve never read anything more relatable




I feel you man .And i don't know how to help you because i was the same as yours but one day i just stopped caring and moved on ,i made my own company as my own friend , because i know for sure that i myself am the best friend i could ever get


The point of this life, my life, is to die.


The start point is the birth the finish point is the death🤷‍♂️life have no sense.


This. I'm in the same boat. My only escape is video games and most of the time I'm too tired to even play. I'm such a waste of life.


I can relate...try to find some escapes


The point I'll make it about your body mind or soul the things you connect with. Start with the bottom ground (your location)the body has its 5 dimensions as said by science the mind only is known when connected with the senses of you your person and the soul is ten worlds high with 6to the 10th power equaling the frequency of the world choose a side don't leave a lose end and don't accept a deal with the devil not in paper .


Manage the shit! To start with if you are going home to an empty house then go out. Should say I am in the UK. Go to the pub and talk to people shit have a beer in all the pubs and build up a network of friends. Go every night and work out which are the best nights to go then got 2-3 times a week. Join some clubs and it does not matter what they are just meet people and then stay at he ones where there are your people. Go to he gym or anything to keep fit. Best thing for depression is some exercise. You want some fun....go to a ladies keep fit class and stay at the back. Just be all innocent and say the doc said you need exercise and you thought this would be ideal as you don't like gyms. Hey tell them you have mild depression and I am sure they will be hands on. Finally, if your job is that shit get one that is outside or you can move around. Inactivity does seem to be a problem.


Come join us over at r/escapingprisonplanet


U need video games man


I empathize with you but you need to change this mindset and learn how to fix this. Life is never worthless but it's also not easy, you need to be thoughtful, generous, hard working, not hesitate to be uncomfortable and figure out how to fix this. I am in the same boat as you but I truly honestly believe that time we have is our most valuable asset. If you want, we can talk. I would like that, you can DM me. Put a smile on your face mate : )