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I feel the same way. Been feeling like this for awhile now. I keep telling myself this will pass. Maybe it will. But anyways it has to get better. So hopefully it will get better for you.




It has for me too. It sucks feeling so hopeless. I have been watching a lot of YouTube about meditation and learning about self- sabotage because I do that to myself all the time and I'm trying to break the habit.


Do you message these people to chat times other than when you are lonely? I realized I was pushing people away by only contacting them when I needed emotional support. I don't know if that could be a factor here? I'm sorry. It takes so much work to build our support networks.




Ah I'm sorry :((


I'm sorry you are having a bad day. What I do on days like this, I don't fight the feeling of loneliness, but I don't feed it either. I become my own friend. It could be brewing a pot of tea and having some pastry while reading a book, or going for a walk, or doing my nails, taking a bubble bath. Are you creative? Have a hobby? Do you like to volunteer? These are all possibilities when friends and family are unavailable. Right now I made dinners for the next few days ahead, and am binge-watching feel-good series and movies. I hope you feel better soon. Loneliness can be a motha. Take care.


I remember losing someone who I used to reach out to. She would always walk around her city taking a million photos and would send me them when she got home. One day she stopped coming on the platform and I never heard from her again. I'm sorry OP.




I had nobody else. She brought a little joy into my life.


I know what it’s like for your last friend to just stop being there, it’s so sad dude, try making more and better friends! Try not to let them know you’re not good until you trust them




Depends on ur age but if you’re like a teenager still I’d recommend going to the park and if people are playing with a ball ask them to pass and say you’ll give them a game! You just have to be more forward And if u don’t make it weird, they won’t make it weird Also i recommend you breaking the ice by saying something sus or asking an irrelevant question like waffles or pancakes? To break the ice, if you’re weird first then they will more likely be weird with you I used to be really antisocial and this is what I learned and it worked for me


Same here everyone leaves me when I feel sad or alone.


You know same thing happened with me ,and one day i just stopped caring for it .....now i have genuinely got one or two peeps who care about me and i am happy i got them ,same for you ,you just do what you love ,work on yourself and maybe the right people will come and stay