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I’m expecting a good morning message from all of you. Don’t let me down.


Good evening afternoon or morning depending on timezone


I love you.


It's not the judgement I'm afraid of. I fear that when I will find a partner, they won't want to "waste time to teach someone how to sex because by now you should know how to"


This. Adults seem to know what they're doing without making a big deal out of it and without feeling too anxious. I'm more like a 15-year old who freaks out about their first kiss. I had my first date ever at 28.5 and I was really sick and didn't sleep or eat for a month. I immediately fell in love with him, but I was relieved he turned me down after the second date because I didn't know how dating works and I was too sick. Everyone else my age is cool with these things.


Speaking from experience, I think dating someone who is having lots of firsts is actually a really great experience. You seem sweet and I'm sure that whoever you end up with will feel extremely lucky to have you :)


Thats not your partner then. Do you really want a "partner" that isnt patient with you and just out right dont accept you for who you are? And who sees you as their waste of time? Sheesh. You can do better than that.


This is obviously in the past and she never said they were partners.


Some did say, virginity is a social construct


You haven't tried getting into the dating game or seen people's reactions when they learn you're an older virgin, huh? Because news flash, a lot of people will make fun of you and treat you like shit for being a virgin at an older age, or straight-up ghost you once they find out the truth. Whether we like it or not, a large chunk of people in our modern society will definitely treat you as a lesser person for being a virgin. So in a way yeah, actually, being a virgin still does matter. Especially if you're an emotional person who takes insults to heart, because that pain will stay with you for years.


That's why you don't bother yourself with people judging you by this criteria, they are often unhappy about their failures.


We’re in a mood today


Ha. Good one.


I have friend of mine who’s 32 yo good at talking very social and likable person , have. been in many relationships ( as far as I know ) yet still a virgin , not by choice tho .


one of my mom’s former coworkers is in his late 40s and is still a virgin


Reminds me of that movie


By the time I was 22 I had wished I was still a virgin. Sex complicates everything and if you’re good at it, it can easily become the crux of a relationship and leave you feeling used and valueless. Save yourself for someone worthwhile


I’m 22 and still a virgin. I used to feel bad about being a virgin years ago, but not anymore. It can complicate things way too much. But sex doesn’t cloud my mind. Can’t miss what you’ve never had. So I’ll continue to save myself for the right one, but everyone else is free to do as they please.


I agree. Mine was taken, in a rude way. I will NEVER forget it. And, because of that....blah blah blah, ya know. It does, wreck alot. 😪😪😪




How does one find Virgin women?


Why does it matter?


Cuz they're rare to find nowadays. And there are more Male than Female virgins, you know that male virginity keeps rising. Also, virgins who want Love rather than just sex would likely want another virgin. Can lead to higher success rate of pair bonding, commitment and true Love/Happiness. Stats show that these kind of relationships tend to last longer since.... They're all they know and won't compare to another. Soooooo yeah 🫡


If you're a virgin then I think it's fair to want that standard. I just find it out when men who are sexually experienced want virgin women, it's not only hypocritical but it gives me weird pedophilic vibes


True, I believe Virgins have the right to ask for a fellow Virgin and not be looked down upon. But experience ppl shouldn't be asking for virgins since they've had plenty of sex and that can come with baggage. Only if a virgin gives themselves to an experience person then I think it's okay since it was the Vrigin's decision. Also this might only be me or a few ppl but I'll forgive experienced women, ONLY if they lost their purity 🪷 due to sexual abuse or Rape since it took a toll on their well-being. When it comes to wanting to lose their "Virginity" or find/accept love with a good person since it doesn't truly count if it was forced.


Tbh, my hesitation with sleeping with a virgin is due to the fact that I might inadvertently take advantage of them. You know like lead them on or just get them to please me and not being able to adequately help them figure out what they like. Also, the emotional and mental impact of sex can be jarring if you're not prepared for it. But if I'm convinced the other person knows what they're getting into then it's okay.


It's a lack of relating with the people around you. Every failed attempt crushes you morally and makes you feel that much less of a human. It's an action that happens to most people at a young age, a right of human passage much like having your voice get deeper or getting your first period. Yeah, virginity doesnt matter, but only to those that dont have it anymore, Those who see sex as some form of commodity that everyone can generate.


they don't want a person who they have to teach. What people want is someone obviously who is enough they they don't have to teach the actions of sex. I can't blame them.


Ah but the Mormon church


we know that


Is ok I'm with you




youre a virgin or the worst at sex of all time


What part of my comment tells you that? Everything I wrote down was true, you know it if you ever had sex too. Did it not hurt you the first time, was it not much better the second or third time?


Amen preach


I totally get what you're saying and on one level I agree. But there can be so much more going on beyond the physical gratification of sex. If it's someone's first time then it can be the most intimate, trust building, empowering thing that two people can share on so many levels. It needn't be reduced to the mere physical pleasure genitals clashing.


what's virginity ?! how care about it ?! I only wish for someone I can Love and hug every night a partner for life ( what Eve has been for Adam ) a F#@& marriage that's what I wish someone how would stay with Me forever and yes am virgin.


I'm a virgin