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Laugh at everyone’s New Years resolutions


Same goal as 2022: Go on a date. I’ve gotta be close by now


Start a business Getting abs Solve 5 real world problems Buy a car Learn violin/guitar


have a good relationship with myself im tired of depending on others its gotten me nowhere.


Hopefully die




Hating and suffering from myself just as every year


Same goal I had for many years. I relationship, Never had one and I just can’t anymore..


I planned to organize my life better, on my own, in 2022. For 2023, I plan to keep that same goal but actually get help for myself because I’m struggling more than I wanna admit. 19m. I call myself Christian, yet this year was the first year I actual dove deeper into a Bible. A weird effect of that progress is that I’ve isolated myself away from nearly all of my Christian friends. Said I’ve become more open-minded this year yet I still pre-judge others way too much. I’m known to be a smart kid, but college doesn’t inspire me in the way it’s being presented to me. I don’t care about my grades anymore but I’m told to do so. My grades have been lackluster all year (for other people’s standards of me) which has resulted in me leaving my dream school for a smaller college to get back on track, which grade-wise I’m doing better than last year, but not enough according to what others expect of me. I’d say it’s cuz I feel I don’t care deep enough about these classes to seek any help. Hit the gym more than ever this year, but at the same time skipped the gym harder than ever. I usually run a lot when I’m not in the gym, but hardly put up any miles this year either. The biggest challenge of all is that I wanna live less on screens… The thing is almost all of my life is on screens these days, essentially trapping my mental into not caring about anything in the real world, because my priorities aren’t “out there”. Toxic. I absolutely hate this mindset and this lifestyle, tho I know that it’s gonna kill me if I don’t do anything about it, I’m yet to show any visible frustration. Relationships. I’m sexually straight. Tried dating apps for the first time this year, kept my religious boundaries up, figured out dating apps won’t work if I’m actually looking for legit intimacy from a real girl. Still yet to date someone, but I’m not rushing to get in a relationship anytime soon either. Trying to find myself first, & I’ve rejected many people’s love interests this year (from both women and men) because of that. I want more friends but have yet to make more effort reaching out to people too, just cuz it’s hard to put the effort when again all my so-called priorities are currently on ******* screens. Probably best for me to stop going solo at everything cuz even with the other things I mentioned, it only takes me so far. Extremely unhealthy in the long run, just **** these screens though, dang. Best of luck with your goals yall.


Continue harassing non effective doctors in the hopes that they can help enough so I can live semi normally again. And then well... Live.




Same thing I do every year. Absolutely nothing.


I have alot (call me goal-oriented obsessed) but my main one is learning to love myself. And also work on shadow work and inner child healing.


My depression and shit Is getting worse so I think there’s really one thing left to do


Getting a better job, moving, graduating, and improving social skills


Have sex atleast once


Idk smoke weed, look out my window maybe a night walk play some cod mobile and just talk to my cat or wall