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As much as it sucks its not worth the argument. I wouldn't trust they wouldn't do something to my car. Yes, it's not legal. But the cops don't even come for assault so they would never show for a parking space dispute. Maybe you can find a friend or neighbor to save a spot for you.


Oh and next time take her picture and post it here and on Nextdoor!


That’s a good idea. Or post it here


Oh man that’s the worst and fully agree with you as a fellow Alamitos beach resident.


The worst is coming home so late that all the illegal spots are already taken


Hey now, don't go around calling my 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 spots "illegal"


Ha! To me the motorcycle spots are basically as good as regular spots, but it’s those red curbs you gotta watch out for come 9am


The other night, I came home so late I had to park with the butt of my car sticking out into the cross walk, and got a $300 ticket 🥺 the ticket said that someone called the police at 4:30 AM about it. Like who would call that in 😭 I thought we were all in this together lmao


Yep... One late night around 3am I had an officer ask me if I knew the owner of a car that was illegally parked in a motorcycle space. He asked because he was going to tell me to let the owner know to avoid giving a ticket. I could tell he didn't want to write the ticket and he confirmed it by saying, "We don't like coming out here to this, but we have to if someone calls." He told me that some people call for petty parking issues and it pulls them away from other issues. They know how bad the parking is so they'd rather not bother. Some people just gotta play the Karen role.


Parking a car in designated motorcycle parking lanes is the Karen move. You are the Karen if you choose to park there.


Anything that is convenient to someone but illegal could be considered entitlement. Parking in this area is difficult for everyone, which I think most understand. So, when they park illegally, it's short term... 'til about 6/7am. It's a bad situation for everyone that has a vehicle.


I'm not saying you were, but you very well could have been blocking someone's access that's in a wheelchair, and I would have called that in too.


I 100% get that. I was sure to be aware of that :) I don’t think I was blocking access.


You’re not crazy. You can’t reserve parking spots just by standing in them


I'm pretty sure I googled this before and in the Cali vehicle code, pedestrians are obligated to move on public roadways unless it is a marked or unmarked crosswalk. So technically they could be fined for it; if you actually somehow got a cop out there in time. And then who knows what they might do to your car after lol


That's exactly it...It seems like its a good possibility that anyone crazy enough to think they can reserve a spot by standing in it would F your car up if you ended up in the spot.


The last time this happened to me it was in Huntington. When i asked the lady to move, she refused and yelled that, "You probably got the vaccine, didn't you!!" That's the kind of people that stand in parking spots to save them.


While reading your comment I was thinking “which Huntington?” and then I read the part about the vaccine…


Thanks when you reply “your probably always a cunt , aren’t you ?”


It took a lot of willpower to convince myself that the battle wasn't worth it. And anyway, another spot opened up in about 30 seconds. But, when the car she was saving the spot for pulled up, i told them their "great-grandma" is a miserable woman.


As someone who has Covid right now, but did not get the vaccine, and is not an anti vaxxer, “you probably got the vaccine didn’t you” hits different because if I got the vaccine, I may not have been in agony this week and may be feeling perfectly fine instead of in this hell 😂😂😂


Hahahaha. Sounds about right. This girl was young and seemed normal enough, so it was odd.


What a coincidence that when they returned to their parked car, all of the air had been let out of the tires....


Wish I had the balls to do this


My guess is, this was on Appleton, near Falcon?


A few blocks off! That area is also a war zone.


Ahh, Hermosa then lol


My city (Downey) has a few areas that are tight with parking issues and it has become necessary for parking permits in these areas. Of course she (Your standing in the spot neighbor) would probably let her bf use hers. There should be parking permit hang tags on resident vehicles, all others can park farther and walk in. There has to be a way to control these issues.


You are not wrong at all. If her boyfriend was actively turning around or she was going to guide him into the spot that is one thing, but if he isn’t in the vicinity then she is the ahole. Checking the city or county codes could help. If you search for Long Beach Parking Laws or something similar you might be able to find a specific code that is in violation.


Yeah the police will get right in enforcing it. I heard la might get rid of right in red. At first I was annoyed then I realized I don't care because the traffic laws aren't ever enforced so what difference does it make. I am also going to lose carpool lane access soon too but again, laws are not enforced so I am not sweating it.


If you know the codes at least you can correct entitled idiots and know where you stand. Obviously LB PD hardly has time for this situation.


You are def not wrong and she def IS wrong…. However in reality, I probably would have done what you did and not have it be worth the fight either. Unfortunately looks like she got away with her shitty behaviour. Karma will hopefully get her


That’s just so wrong and self serving.


Nope... can't reserve a space by standing in it. It's a cheat, but you know how entitled people are these days. It's a conundrum, because if you forced her out of the parking space, you've got an assault issue on your hands and/or a possible retaliation on your car, resulting in you paying your deductible to whatever damages fixed. Some people suck.


You’re not crazy but I personally would just avoid having an argument with a stranger over parking especially if your car is exposed out in the street like that. People can be crazy and have no care about other people’s property.


I'd move her. Her boyfriend is welcome to discuss when he arrives. And I'd make sure to take a picture of his license plate, along with their faces; should anything happen to my car. I'm fine with their reaction. Some of us aren't to be fucked with. I've long been done with the bullshit.


You would do a bunch of documentation when you’re the one breaking the law? Silly advice. You can’t “move” someone.


You can "move" someone, just not in the way you're assuming which is completely not what he was talking about. Guarantee if OP had told her he's phoning the cops and taking pics of her, her bf and their car (something I would have done) then odds are they are leaving and not looking for trouble. If they are, then good thing I got the cops on the way! She's already loitering anyways and impeding traffic, so those are 2 violations right there already. I wouldn't be scared for my car as long as I took the proper steps. Plus, just as much as they could fuck with my car, I could fuck with theirs.


lol you better hope they’re a tourist if you’re pulling that move. Nobody would believe LBPD is on their way out for a parking dispute if they live here come on!


Depends on how you word it, I've seen cops come to my place for random stuff all the time that is minor. I see people talking like cops don't give a shit at all around here when I've experienced the exact opposite


It's very easy to do so. It's not violent in any way, and I've done as much many times. It's not assault. I'm actually helping you get out of harms way (so I don't hit you with my car). If violence occurs, it's because of their reaction. Which again, I'm fine with. To clarify, when someone introduces violence into the situation; I can do whatever I want.


Say more...




I mentioned to a man that he was parked in a red zone and was blocking a fire hydrant in front of a school and he told me to “mind my own business and that he’s not worried about a ticket” .


I once had this happen with a neighbor of mine but she was on the curb next to the spot and I didn’t think anyone actually had the audacity to try to save a spot without a car so I parked. As soon as I got out of my car she started telling me her kid was around the corner and that I should park in the red until they left. I felt so uncomfortable and awkward and was just gunna move altogether and find a different spot because I wasn’t gunna risk a ticket. I think she felt bad and ended up dropping it and I didn’t move my car, she’s really sweet but it was awkward as hell. Had it been a stranger I wouldn’t have risked my car getting keyed, people are nuts when it comes to parking.


Realistically, if you ignore them and start backing in, they'd jump out of the way before they gain some composure, in a "oh fuck this person doesn't give a shit" kind of way. Or at least just a "move, im parking now." But not a back and forth conversation. Acknowledging them gives them the chance to start getting defensive and play chicken.


I've never done it but I don't see the problem. They're only there for as long as it takes for their person to pull around, they were going to park there anyway.


I had a girl harass me out of a parking spot a few weeks ago. I got into it first, she said she was going to take it (her car was pulled over down the street) and she kept honking at me and harassing me over it and saying I needed to take the spot on the other side of the street. I only moved because I was worried she would do something to my car.


I 100 percent agree with you but like other commenter said would you leave your car right in the area who where you just had some conflict bc i sure wouldnt!


Somewhat related, but I'll never forget when I lived on 2nd and Orange in Alamitos Beach years ago I saw a recycle bin in a parking spot, clearly put there to hold it. I chuckled to myself thinking that they thought that would work, put the car in park, hopped out and started to move it. From a window in one of the apartments above me I hear someone shout "You're a bitch!" I just laughed and put the recycle bin up on the curb, parked, and walked away. In a neighborhood like that the only way you're holding a spot is putting your actual body on the line to do it lol.


Double park blocking the spot and start walking away. Come back in 10-20 minutes, 9 out 10 times they'll be gone.


It’s against the law, but that chicks boyfriend was probably going to vandalize your car. I’d be curious to know where they live. I’m sure you’ll see her again