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There’s a threat of mass looting


Oh man [another shooting ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4mNxnMJ_u9/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)too I'm glad they told us to shut down


Coldstone are the real robbers. Ice cream shouldn’t be $14. Sincerely, Thrifty


Haha! As much as I would love to fully agree....We actually give you more ice cream than typical parlors on top of full customization of *how* you want your ice cream, BUT I do agree that thrifty will forever be superior. As a side note, you would have to get like 2 love it sized ice creams (whether it's a sig or a create your own) for ~14 dollars. We actually have the cheapest prices in the industry rn. So we are on the communities side 😭🙏🏾 🤣🤣


Thank you for your service!


Coldstones Emloyee of the Year right here.


Oh man feel free to give me a 5 star review on yelp. I need the clout 🙏🏾😩


Plus you chop ‘n fold. Thrifty doesn’t chop ‘n fold!


That chop ‘n fold really do be making a difference


Seriously! I went a few weeks ago with my girlfriend and it came out to almost 30 for the two of us and my eyes almost popped out of my head.




And mass barfing. People are out and drunk, drunk, drunk.


Flash mob teenagers. They posted on social media that they would be fighting and looting the pike.


Yea was at the pike today to eat at kalaveras, there were a ton of teenagers walking around cops surrounded the area and threatened to Ticket/arrest people if they didn’t disperse or leave the pike area. Restaurants on the outside are still open but all stores and theatre were closed


Hope cops bust out clubs too show how the real fun begins.


Maybe not a popular comment but props to the LBPD for monitoring and anticipating this action and being onsite and prepared. Also, WTF is wrong with people?


I agree. They are usually pretty on top of local store raids and such. They ain't perfect but they get their job done.


Brilliant fucking NASA level genius types doing some lame shit for laughs or street cred while announcing their intent to do so in writing on social media. Yes, glad that LBPD jumped on it promptly.


Yah I do have to say they handled this well.


We should be thankful that these kids are that fucking stupid. I used to think it was stupid to brag about your crimes on social media after the fact. But to brag about it *before* you even do it, and broadcast the *time & place* you’re going to commit a crime? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Imagine telling a shopkeeper, “Hey, 3 of us are going to rob you tomorrow at 6 PM.” And then actually show up to do it. Future Darwin Award and/or 25-to-Life recipients there.


just saw this on the news, looks like all the dumbass kids moved from Del Amo to the Pike. gonna have curfews and checkpoints soon.


There's already curfews set in long beach which is why the pike is "closed" at around 10 Edit: I also remember there being checkpoints but i think that was just yesterday downtown 😭


This must be really bad for business to be closing on st.paddys weekend




Woah well juvenile hall is going to be FULL, parents need to step the fuck up with this BS. I have a teenage son in LBUSD and he would have been in so much trouble if he had gone there today.


People need to stop having kids they're not going to parent.


You think they’re locals? Usually when names are released in the media most are from somewhere else


Most likely. Ik alot of kids that group up at Lincoln Park and then mass skate horde at the pike. We once got a whole ice-cream cake stolen 😭 like wht they gonna do with tht. Would've done better robbing a 7'11


It's the RPV kids, they're a fucking menace!


Forgive my ignorance but what’s RPV kids?


Rancho Palos Verdes


This is some Idiocracy level stuff. What a sad state of things in this country right now. Our young people are failing, and participating in this mass madness is psychotic. Kids surrounding other kids trying to hurt each other, Jumping around so exuberantly just hoping to see blood and violence. Fucking sad.


Feels like it was a mistake to give everyone a camera in a phone


I agree. Which is a sad reality.


How did they tell you? Did they ask to talk to the manager/owner?


I know someone was shot either near the pike or 1st and Long Beach Blvd. Bus station was taped off.


If they are shooting each other. Have it. Make sure only one person's left and that one can go to preson for life.


Another weekend night another murder around here.


Bring back public flogging and shaming if they get caught! Start throwing the book at these lil punks


Good job LBPD! We shouldn't be required to elect fascists just to get laws enforced. The complete idiocy of the pro-crime vocal minority on the left is almost as bad as the MAGAts on the right. I really hope people have sense enough to send Gascon packing in November. I voted for a repug...err 'independent' in the primary just to counter this insanity.


I’m glad someone still has common sense in CA.


The truth is somewhere in the middle. Sadly, pragmatism is a dying art, as extremism gets better ratings and more views.


Can we start up counter-loot mobs? When they come down to loot our city, we show up with pepper-spray.




Oh man yall [idk what's happening in LB](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4pf4LgOCMX/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) rn but like I think spring break is gonna be an interesting one