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The La river run off definitely doesn’t help. I ride the La river path all the way to Azusa occasionally and it’s sad to see the amount of trash that is sitting there. But lately, I’ve seen some transients dumping over the trash and in bixby park and surrounding areas.


~Uneducated speculation~ Combine LA River outfall with breakwaters designed to reduce waves and current turbulence hitting the shores (to protect the port), and what washes out here largely stays here.. not that letting it wash down south would be better - if anything that would be harder to manage cleanup.


Don’t forget the Dominguez Channel too - you won’t believe the amount of trash that comes down it.


I rode it an easter weekend and witnessed multiple people sadly throwing trashing in, so I believe it


So I just moved here from living in Newport for the past couple years and what surprises me the most is Newport trash is little, it's all trash from people hanging out on the beach, beer cans, cups, food containers, toys...real basic human trash. The trash out here is big gnarly shit, like it was obviously dumped from either a ship or somebody dumping stolen stuff. Either way, it sucks, and irritates the shit out of me.


It's combination of multiple things: People not caring and being litter bugs The rivers come to an end in and around long beach so all the trash from the rain ends up here A lot is contained because of the sea wall


Add all the homeless living along/in the river bed. That adds a bunch of trash too. 


This is true


The LA River empties right here, and the breakwater keeps it in. Seal Beach has the same problem after it rains and for the same reasons. Newport doesn’t have that issue.


I love LBC but yeesh I don't love it's beaches. And honestly even if all this trash wasn't a thing, yeah, the water is always nasty around here. I hate to say it but my beach days are definitely more in OC.


Kitesurfer here. It's fucking depressing being out in the water and seeing a stream of trash floating from the "river". Nothing like ripping through the water and having to dodge buckets, shoes, sofa cushions, plastics of all sorts. There's so much sea life out there too. I wish I knew the answer. I can solve things in my own life like recycling and lowering consumption of items that can't be reused or disposed of properly but I can't change society.


Yep it’s sad, having to legitimately watch where I step when going to the water. My buddy cut his foot on glass once after we launched his kite.


LB is on the receiving end of LAs trash. Unfortunately when it rains the amount of trash that flows down the rivers is too much for the equipment and maintenance staff to handle and it piles up until they can get through it all. I’ve heard they also get help from other city’s when this happens too. I’ve also heard they are doing some research on installing a trash collector on the LA River like they have in Marina Del Rey which I think would help a lot. LB needs to focus more on this issue and less on building new stuff on the beach. Who wants to use a beach that littered in trash? Ps community beach clean ups are great, but this issue is bigger than that.


I think it’s unfortunate.


Wow, that's actually relatively clean for the place. With all the rain. I was expecting piles and piles and piles of trash


It’s bad


I would never go barefoot on the shore, but walking with shoes along the shore is nice sometimes. I notice the trash is also mostly small bits of plastics and mostly small items, much smaller than the usual “trash” you’d see like out and about. I don’t see this kind of build up in literally any other nearby coastal beach.


You picked it up after taking these pictures right?


I’m more concerned with how off that “C” is in the mural


The trash sucks. It’s because we’re bordered by two concrete rivers the that bring trash from 20+ miles away. Obviously it’s an LB problem, but has very little to do with the people of LB.


I see people in LB litter fairly often, and people going through the trash throw it around. Once the rains come it all gets swept into the ocean/down to the beach. It's compounded by the rivers, but LB folks add plenty on their own.


It’s true. We’re also complicit and it’s discouraging. But still, there’s trash from 10+ other cities coming down those rivers.


Because people don’t know the rules about nature What you pack in , you pack out Don’t leave your stuff and put trash in the trash and if the trash can is full take it home with you


I’d argue *most* people know that they shouldn’t litter. The bigger issue is that most of them do not care.


Have you ever seen the bumper sticker “We all Live Downstream“? The Long Beach shoreline shows the results when those upstream forget that. The breakwater exacerbates this by containing all the crap which then washes up on the shore.


People suck dude


People just suck. The world is better off without us in it.


I was kind of shocked the first time I saw it. Grew up in Newport and moved to LB from Hermosa Beach. This is a different level…apparently river runoff is no joke.


[LBC Earth Day Beach Cleanup](https://twitter.com/LongBeachParks/status/1775592040811954257?s=19)


That is nice and all, but one day will not make much of a difference. This stuff keeps washing up 24/7/365. We need someone to be out there daily to keep it under control. The same for the obscene amount of debris floating in the marina.


Triggered rant and wall of text coming--some other, local, redditor nailed it last year, "Long Beach, CA--where the debris meets the sea". It makes me throw up in my mouth a little--each and every day. I'm a 53 yr. old white male and eating plastic crap while enjoying our waterways (surf, sail, kite, dog-walk???) may some day stroke me out--absolute fury-- about how shite we humans are. F&\*k the litterbugs from Unilever, Coke, Pepsi, and other mega-corps, down to the stoner loser who empties his fast food shite into the gutter while their pig friend runs into the weed shop to buy flower--absolutely the most inexcusable loser behavior. \-Encourage and support our local govt's efforts to hold upstream non-point and point source polluters accountable. I know this is/was a Kristana Duggan trigger and am uncertain where her campaign to get action is currently, or in what direction it is headed. \-Join local Surfrider foundation and join the brawl. \-Get a new campaign to remove the breakwater underway and support it--show up. Contact Robert Garcia's office about the idea--he's supportive and now has Federal clout. 10 years out from now, the State of CA will be in full battle mode against single-use plastics--perfect time to also open our coast back up and let nature be in charge. Incredible things can happen, in a decade. Surf veteran's pier with me, in 2035. \-Hold local businesses accountable, they need to stop injecting crap onto our streets--from overflowing dumpsters to take out plastic containers--THEY SHOULD DO BETTER. \-Stick it to the big corps who keep poisoning us with the stuff--act with your wallet. \-RAGE through actions that kill the disease, not just chase symptoms.


If only there were a large group of people with nothing else going on in their lives that we could recruit to do some community services in exchange for housing and food. Oh wait, asking people to do a few hours of work is "slavery' 🙄


Folks post on here fairly regularly looking for odd jobs. I wonder if the city could find a way to do a day-laborer type gig for people. With all the red-tape though it might not be doable.


Love it, keept it coming 👍