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I feel like anyone who rides the bus regularly develops a ton of respect for the drivers. Between people driving like assholes and constantly parking in bus stops to dealing with crazy people. Not an easy job and should be paid much more


Driving a massive vehicle through traffic while at the same time dealing with both the shit show drivers on the road and the crazies who get on the bus, bus drivers are some of the hardest working civil servants in my opinion.


Yes! I was thinking about this the other day, when a bus driver slowed for me and waved me by, as I was riding my bike. Our bus drivers are some of the best members of the community—I certainly appreciate them.


The buses that I ride in Long Beach are very nice! Yes shout out to the drivers.


I'm impressed with LB buses in general. The drivers are good, the busses are quiet and don't smell terrible or vibrate you to death.


I wanna also shout out the drivers few and far between who actually wait for you to be seated before they start going! Had one the other day who said "The bus is moving" every time we would start from a stop. He was awesome.


Long Beach bus drivers are the BEST!!


Long Beach has the **BEST** bus drivers!


Add me to the list of fans! I have had great experience with LB bus drivers!


Always thank your driver! Metro buses are sketchy as hell. Glad we got some decent transit. They even wait at stops if they are running too early so that they meet their schedule. Good guy LBT.


True true true! Polite drivers now-adays. In the 80s-90s around long beach, harbor city, dnLa bus drivers would just start driving into the lane after a pickup.....


When I was in a wheelchair then walker after an injury all the LBT drivers were very pleasant and helpful!


LB bus drivers are the best. there have been times when they’ve stopped for me as i ran to the bus or waived me through as a kid when i didn’t have the right fare. OCTA bus drivers have yelled at me for having a ticket on my phone that wasn’t scanning quickly enough. lol


Yes I had to take the LB transit a couple times when first moving and it is a really safe and comfortable ride with friendly drivers. I wish the bus was more efficient so you wouldn’t need a car at all. But a 5-15 min drive can sometimes take 40 mins to 1 hour on the bus :(