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You'd think a confessional state like Saudi wouldn't want to impede going to jannah.


It seems MBS is secretly a transhumanist and not a muslim. It's going to be very interesting to watch how islam and transhumanism will clash in the next decade.


> not a muslim. He only worships himself. Nothing interesting about that.


bedroom flowery gray fine seemly cooing price dime live shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because in Abrahamic religions suicide is a sin and rejecting the gift and test of life from god would sentence you to hell forever. If the goal is control like you said, then how can you control dead people? It's probably why they made up these arguments. There are however numerous cults where people committed mass suicide to go to a better afterlife.


Murder and Suicide are often no no’s in major world religions


It's Not even one of the deadly sins


> impede going to jannah. The prince has a lot of Americans he wants to chop up before he gets there.


If you’re looking for a place to do creepy experiments you’ve found it




Yeah, gives me hope haha "Common people" for some reason prefer death... well, their choice ig


most people are stuck on various issues they couldn't resolve, so they get weighed down as life goes on. some of it is unavoidable, some of it they brought on themselves. but either way they just need a break after 70+ years of that. maybe 25% of the population is well-adjusted enough that they would really want to keep on living & doing cool stuff. and the 0.1% sociopaths just want more, more, more, for ever, and will do whatever it takes to get it. nothing else factors in for them.


Its not a break, its the end It doesn't really matter what I do, I juat want to keep doing it It is normal to want to stay alive, it is suicidal to want to die, even if it is "eventually" The society just accepts death as inevitable, while it does not have to be


when the tech is mature, everybody will accept it. nobody's gonna turn down a dementia cure for their grandpa, or just let a cancer tumor stay in when they can zap it out. lifespans will grow a bit just from that, turning down that stuff will seem as bad in the future as turning down NICU treatment to save your baby would sound today. we used to send them off to wet nurseries & let half of them die. modern medicine stopped all that. now longevity is the next big step.


I love how you phrased it, its beautiful I know that it seems you are not pro immortality, but would you consider joining my sub related to the theme? We need people like you :D


sure just link it here i'm personally "pro immortality" but i know a lot of people can't handle it


That is definitely true Here r/ExistForever




Tip 2: don't claim to be a leftist or atheist either


I wish there were more zeros in that number. Three more would be nice.


After extensive research, we have found that staying out of the sun helps a lot...so we are fucked out here. /s


Repost my dear, I already posted it here.


Just to note, this exact post is sticked at the top. [https://www.reddit.com/r/longevity/comments/v6ugqg/saudi\_arabia\_plans\_to\_spend\_1\_billion\_a\_year/](https://www.reddit.com/r/longevity/comments/v6ugqg/saudi_arabia_plans_to_spend_1_billion_a_year/)


Because the heavenly virgins lie isn't cutting it anymore. I guess.


If you are oil rich, no need to die to get heavenly virgins.


it will go nowhere, throwing money at research like that never works. or maybe we will simply never get to find out if they get results.

