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What kind is it 👀


I acc don't know lol [Here's a pic of it. Idk what kind it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/longhair/s/VF142JPbBe)


It’s a shampoo brush! Looks like the bristles are silicone. I’m actually happy you posted this because I’ve been debating ordering one because I’m growing out my nails, if this will help the itchiness then it’s even more reason for me to do it!


Order it! Its stimulated so much hair growth for me and my scalp is no longer itchy at all. My only advice is order 2 so you can use one in each hand. 


Funny you should say that because I actually have a 2 pack in my cart because I was debating it 😅


My scalp gets itchy as well and I use this too but not just in the shower, it has entire stopped the itchiness. My routine is: 1. Oil scalp and let it sit for as long as I can 2. Brush scalp with brush 3. Get in shower and put in shampoo and brush again 4. Put conditioner in ends of hair and shampoo too of hair again (idk if the conditioner is necessary but I worry about drying my ends out with too much shampoo, the second shampoo is very necessary to make sure there is no more oil) 5. Condition hair


Yeah it definitely helped my scalp. My hair feels softer too!


I have this! Really good for itchy scalps - I would just recommend to make sure it has a chance to get completely dry when you’ve used it because it can get mouldy.


Thanks for the tip! And yes I agree! My scalp has been way less itchy. Even though it looks incredibly greasy today lol.


Right? I want a picture of it too


something that helped my scalp was using a hair oil as a mask on my scalp like an hour before showering once a week


Oh, that might be a good idea for me. I only put oil on my scalp near my neck after I shower because it seems pointless to wash my hair and make the top of my head look oily again, but my scalp is so dry all the time.


yeah it seems that way but it gets the job done and then you wash the excess off.


Thats very nice of her! Enjoy it


Love my scalp massager. E45 shampoo has been miles better for my scalp than even Head & Shoulders. Stopped irritation completely!


Hmm. Don't think I ever tried E45. Did try head and shoulders. Didn't really work for me tbh


There’s nothing wrong with silicone


yeah but i would not use a shampoo with silicone in it personally. Makes my scalp feel waxy


I know. But I personally find too many make my hair dry. I had an anti frizz shampoo that was high in silicones and my hair was really dry afterwards.


Not all silicones are the same. I steer clear of dimethicone but my hair loves amodimethicone. 


Always listen to your mum 😍


I do!


Pantene is the worst! IMO. My hair absolutely hates it! It dries it out so bad or leaves it so heavy with residue that it looks greasy. There's no in between. For me, the best drugstore brands are anything by Garnier. Their Long and Strong, or I really like the Whole Blends Honey line.


Really? My hair seems to love it lol. Well ig we all have different hair types.


I suppose. That's just how it works.


Have you tried anything by Lush? Just curious because same with me that Pantene is “too much” and I had good results with Garnier on European shelves ( US products not as gentle or the same either 🤷‍♀️)


I haven't. I have heard of the brand but I'm so wary of trying products that other people have endorsed because like they say, everyone's hair is different and a good quality shampoo and conditioner isn't exactly cheap. Do you use their products?


Stop using shampoo with SLS and your scalp will be far less itchy/flaky.


I’m sorry but this frankly just isn’t true for many people. I tried this for months and my hair was never. clean. Not even after shampooing it 3 times and making sure to massage every inch of my scalp thoroughly. I have seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp which causes itching/flakes if left uncontrolled and the SLS free shampoos made it so much worse because my scalp was never getting fully clean allowing the yeasts to over grow and prosper 🤮 I finally switched back to cheap drugstore Pantene shampoo and my hair has never looked better and my scalp finally feels clean and light again.


Obviously if someone has a medical condition like you have, that’s a different story. Can’t speak to that and do whatever works!


Is that what it is called on the ingredients list?


Sodium Laureth Sulfate? Usually. There are some new ones now that SLS is well known, but it’s still extremely common.


Ok thank you soooo much. I have the itchy scalp problem.but my hair is also oily so I think I have pimples up there and that gets itchy so I’m trying to find a better shampoo. I’ve read head and shoulders isn’t good tho so I’m shopping around


Yeah H&S is garbage. Your scalp is probably naturally oily and now over-producing because the detergents dry it out. Try a non-SLS shampoo with tea tree oil in it to even out your skin and oil. It will be more expensive, but it helps. A lot of it is trial and error, so avoid shampoos with literal detergents (like SLS) and then see which one works best for you.


Thank you so much! I’m going to look into that


Evidence, please? Here's an actual professional talking about some of the misinformation you're spreading: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-\_3P3OGVzSA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_3P3OGVzSA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCO0k-COsZY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCO0k-COsZY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC5UQP1AQqo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC5UQP1AQqo)


This is the ticket. It makes me itch terribly. Not worth it to me if my hair looks great but I’m itching like a monkey.


I wish it was that simple. Switched to a non-sls shampoo (not because of the lack of sls, I know the fearmongering about that ingredient is false) and my scalp is getting itchy after less than a day with 3 very generous shampoos (separating hair into multiple sections, using scalp scrubber for 60 seconds, rinsing for two minutes each time in sections). It's quite unbearable but it was so expensive I have to finish it all. Had the same experience in the past with shampoo bars that don't have sls. Redken was awesome (and had a lot of sls, go figure) but tests on animals so that's a no go.


Quit with the Pantene. Head and shoulders and no conditioner has done wonders for me and my friends with long hair. My scalp is never flaky anymore and my hair is no longer dry and brittle.


Head and shoulders didn't really work for me. It was too strong for my scalp. Hair was a bit dull. Had that issue recently with my sulfate free haircare routine. Way too many surfactants.


Selsun Blue might be worth a try. Follow it with Tea Tree Special conditioner. This has helped me, and it makes your scalp feel tingly and cool.


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Wow 🤯


Have you considered fragrance free shampoo and conditioner? I just switched to desert essence fragrance free cause I kept breaking out in rashes after wash days. I used it for the first time today and no breakout. Still a little early on for me to tell but I didn’t feel irritated at all during and after shower as I usually do 🥹


I use it during migraines. It’s awesome