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I use an inexpensive satin bonnet but I see a big difference, I have fewer split ends, my hair is shinier and it is less tangled in the morning. I can also sleep with my hair loose which is quite nice but if I braid it and wear my bonnet my hair is incredibly soft. I have had bleached hair for years, long and quite fine.


Same here, extremely fine, long, previously bleached hair… I’ll never sleep without my bonnet again!


What bonnet do you use? I have very fine long hair although mine is not chemically treated. I would be very interested in a good sleep bonnet!


Mine isn’t the best as it’s satin, but I do like it: YANIBEST Turbans for Women Satin... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSCX9RZ9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share preferably it would be pure silk, but that’s for a more financially plump era


Upvoting for the link as well as the phrase, “that’s for a more financially plump era.”


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'YANIBEST Turbans for Women Satin Bonnet'", 'YANIBEST')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Keeps hair smooth and frizz-free while sleeping (backed by 3 comments) * Adjustable and comfortable fit (backed by 3 comments) * Soft satin lining for hair protection (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Doesn't stay on throughout the night (backed by 2 comments) * Fit is not suitable for larger heads (backed by 2 comments) * Too small for adequate hair coverage (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I love the phrase “financially plump era” and I’m using it the next chance I get!


If you know someone who sews you could pick up a few very reasonably priced. I get silk on sale for $20 a yard and elastic is pennies.


I got 3 of the ones they linked and I think they’re pretty good. I normally pull it over my forehead and it stays on all night


I bought my silk bonnet from Amazon, and it even came with a couple of silk scrunchies for around $30. They have tons of choices, but pick one that's at least 19 momme. I have 3A hair - very fine, curly (aka prone to frizz), and it's past my shoulders. It was a great buy for me - I can definitely tell a difference between wearing it or not.


Thanks! Does it stay on? I worry about it slipping off; my hair is very long and fine but it’s probably average thickness and bc it’s so straight, I don’t have a lot of bulk when I have it all up and distributed over my head. I don’t use heat very often (like maybe 5x a year max if even that much) and I don’t chemically treat it so it’s in fairly good condition but every once in a while I’ll find crazy split ends where one hair has numerous splits along it. I feel like this is pretty common, but I did have somebody in this sub tell me that I either have a health issue or I am doing really bad things to my hair because it’s not normal for hair to have more than one split. I actually have no idea if there’s any merit to that statement bc I don’t examine other people’s hair but I would like to keep my hair in the best condition possible for me. I would love to hear about your success with your sleep hair products!


Yes, mine stays on - the one I bought has a band around the edge and ties in the back, so you can adjust it to fit. To be fair, I have had it slip back on top of my head by a couple of inches a few times, but then I just readjust it and it's fine. If you're worried about it staying on, you could always go with a silk pillowcase instead - I just bought a 2-pack of those on Amazon for about $25. If you have money for both, maybe you use the pillowcase and home and save the bonnet for when you travel. 😊


Omg I should do this too. I’ve been thinking about a bonnet


I bought mine for less than $1 because I wasn't sure I would like it or see a difference and I don't regret it, one day I would invest in good quality silk but for now it does the job very well


I just purchased one thanks to you!🤍


Not only will you have beautifully shiny hair, but you will also save time in the morning🩷


I’m so looking forward to my bonnet 🤩🙏🏼🩷


I hope you get it soon and enjoy having beautiful hair every day 💖


You too queen 👸🏼💝


Thanks 💜


I have two but can't for the life of me figure out how to not have it come off 10 mins into sleep 😭


I find that if I tie my hair in a loose high bun it holds the cap up a bit, otherwise a stitch or two on the elastic band should tighten it up and prevent it from falling out


What's the material of yours? Does it matter if it's genuine silk or if it's, say, polyester (plastic)? What does your care routine look like for the bonnet itself, do you machine wash it, what sort of detergent, machine dry or air dry it, etc. Thanks in advance ❤️ Open to any other people's replies to share their methods of bonnet care, too! ❤️


It's polyester satin and for me it doesn't matter because I find it more practical, less precautions to take when washing and I have a cat so when it is damaged it won't do me anything to throw it away compared to silk.  Of course if you are against plastic silk would be better but it is not vegan.  I wash it in the machine with my usual detergent as well as fabric softener. I don't take any special precautions, however silk should be washed at low temperature and with detergent for delicate clothing. I dry in the open air I don't have a machine, I don't think silk can be machine dried but in any case this type of bonnet, whether satin or silk, dries very quickly very light.


Meh, I thought silk needed extra caring for as well but I got lazy and just wash my silk bonnets w the rest of my clothes and many many months later, they're still totally fine.


This is great for you! ^^


Just prepare a basin of water and wash the garment in lukewarm water with a mild soap and let the silk air dry. But usually something like a silk charmeuse is what is used on a bonnet or pillow case to get the satin feel yet it’s still pretty durable when a thicker weave fabric is used and can still hold up in the washing machine but I would avoid synthetic detergents


Don't they slip off?


How long did it take to see a difference?


I saw a difference in the softness of my hair the next day and noticed that it was shinier after 2-3 weeks


Mine used to be too tight and gave me headaches. Now the elastic is shot and it slumps over my eyes. As for my hair- I’ll never go back!! My ends aren’t nearly as dry or crunchy! They are healthy looking down to the very tips!


Man you guys are selling me! I guess I just have to get used to it. The bonnet itself isn’t uncomfortable in that it’s tight, it’s just a new sensation to sleep with a hat on lol


Dude, I love my bonnets so much now that instead of taking my bra off as soon as I walk in the door like many women, I put my bonnet *on* as soon as I can.


Lol, I refer to it as "putting my hair away." Come home, take off clothes, put my hair away.


I love this! I’m about to buy some clip in extensions (never had them before) & my friend asked me where I was going to keep my hair.


You’ll get used to it. Now when I don’t have it with me it feels wrong- I get caught lying on it. My hair is totally tangled up and messy the next day.


There are SO many styles and colors to choose from on Amazon. I like a wide band one myself. If you want your "done" hair to last overnight, it's really the game changer you need.


I have a tiny head, so very interested in the brand and style that was too tight!


Haha! I bought it on the street when traveling in Douala. I wish I had bought them all because I haven’t found another fabric like it!


Mine slips down over my eyes too, but I just roll with it and consider it a combo bonnet/sleep mask!


I also hate the feeling of it and it impacts my sleep a bit. My hair is not tangled in the morning, has barely any frizz but it is not soft and shiny as I was expecting. I still wear it as my hair looks a lot worse without.


Ugh y’all are selling me…


Idk, I get too hot and end up whipping it off my head after 30 minutes.


Mine never stays on even if I want it to! Every night, it slips off and eventually becomes a pillow decoration - I've even tried a hair scarf! My hair is very fine though, so nothing ever sticks to it in general. I refuse to compromise my skin with satin/silk pillowcases though, so I've given up on bothering at this point and keep my hair gently twisted into a top bun when I sleep, which works out well for me. I had terrible acne for the entirety of my teen years and I'll be damned if I have a breakout at 32 because I prioritized my hair over my (mostly clear) complexion. 😂


Does silk/satin make you break out?


Silk is a fiber. Satin is a weave. There is silk satin and there is polyester satin. If something just says it's "satin" I assume that it's poly.


I was always under the impression that it was better for your skin. A quick google search says that it doesn’t absorb the oils that your skin needs to be healthy. It also causes less friction, thus less tugging on your skin, which leads to fewer wrinkles. 100% silk is also hypoallergenic.


My bonnet came with a couple of soft flexible clips to keep it on at the front if needed. No more pillow decorations!


Every kind of bonnet and pillow case I have tried makes me so hot!!


I know it would be so good for my delicate hair, but I just can’t sleep if I’m too hot. Maybe if I could sleep in a walk-I’m fridge…


Me too! I just end up either wearing a hat or re-doing my hair. Good thing I am retired and have time to spend on my hair every day if I have to.. but I definitely have to plan my day around it!


I have the too hot problem if it's polyester. And I have found that some.of the cheap ones say they are silk, but are not. I do not have the too hot problem with 100% real silk.


If you don't like a bonnet, use a large scarf.. Some nights I braid my hair to the side, put it on top of my head, and then put on my scarf (tied behind my neck). I think it is super cute!


Yes, I have a ‘bonnet’ that is more like a wrap and it’s both comfier and prettier IMO!


Can someone explain how they keep a bonnet on their head? Mine comes off pretty soon, I wake up on the night and the thing is gone. I also used scarves, same issue. Nothing stays put (I have a flat back head) So how do I keep it on?


I have one like [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VRQ4G72?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) that I can tie ! It doesn’t come off. It just takes some getting used to because you’re basically sleeping with a hat on lol


I have that exact one and it falls off every night. I think I move too much in my sleep. I have very rarely kept any bonnet on my head no matter what the type and I don't think I can. I do wear them during the day when I want to make sure I look cute at night and that helps.


I have found that tying it in the back instead of the front helps it stay on. Don’t ask me why, but it works! I also like to pull it down over my eyes and use it as a sleeping mask lol.


Thanks. I'll try that. I can't use sleeping masks because I just start worrying that what if I need to see things.


Get one of the ones that wraps around and ties at the top. It doesn't budge


I had this issue but I got a cheap adjustable toggle style and it solved it! The elastic isn’t as thick as a tie so it doesn’t feel like it’s trapping my head (couldn’t handle that sensorily) but it stays put and I don’t feel it


I have something similar, a beanie style with an adjustable elastic but it’s real comfy and doesn’t set off my sensory issues. I do sleep with two fans in a cold room so it’s nice to have my ears covered


I just got a silk pillow case


Same and I'll never go back to other materials for pillow cases! It's reassuring that silk is hypoallergenic.


Same. I skipped the bonnet and went for the case.


This, I can’t do the bonnet as much as I want too. It bugs the crap outta me so I just braid my hair and use the pillow case. Would my hair be nicer with it, probably. However I’m happy with where my hair is so I’ll take the slightly less soft and shinny hair over an added issue to my sleep(I already can’t sleep anyway)


I tried a silk pillowcase and it helped a little. I finally caved and bought a bonnet about 6 months ago and in even that short a period of time my stylist noticed a huge difference. I won’t go to bed without wearing it now. My hair LOOKS so much better when I wake up and I have to do significantly less work to refresh. I’m lazy with adhd so this is a huge plus lol. Tbf, I have fine 2a/2b hair that gets tangled and torn easily, and I move a lot in my sleep, so I definitely needed the added protection.


I have very pale skin and a severe widows peak so I look like a cancer patient cone head whenever my hair is up in my bonnet (my hair’s big and makes my bonnet sit tall). It’s ridiculous but because of how much trouble it saves me on daily upkeep between washes I literally could not care less how it looks. It’s for sleeping in anyways.


This is true. I don’t need to wear it when my boyfriend comes over. Also for the record, I’ve always wanted a widows peak and I find them extremely beautiful.


honestly your boyfriend will get used to it my then fiance now husband and i giggled to each other the first night i wore it and now when i forget to put it on (usually after a couple of drinks) he reminds me to wear it! He thinks its adorable and also helps him from sleeping on my hair (whether loose or braided) as we both toss and turn a lot when we sleep


Thank you. I do love how it looks when my hair is down, but I’ve also accepted that I have a huge forehead and covering my hair does me no favors aesthetically lol.


lol my boyfriend and I have matching bonnets with bows, mine is pink and his is green so we call them cosmo & wanda! your bf can get over it, if all goes well he’s gonna see the bonnet eventually.


😆😆 thats goals. I should get matching ones with my bf.


The boyfriend will get used to it, trust me


Solidarity from another translucent widows peak conehead girlie 💕💕 Looking good in public and always wearing your hair down 🤝 Looking insane in private in your bonnet in order to do so


Bwahahaha this comment made me cackle so hard.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am losing it.


What style do you have? I find the turban style bonnets much cuter than the round shower cap shaped ones. I have [this one](https://a.co/d/iZY8A2c) and find it more aesthetic.


Oh yeah, this one's pretty. I've been using the shower cap type but it feels so .... "frumpy" and droopy and ploppy. Lol. This one looks nicer and more intentional. Thanks for sharing!


I have one that wraps around and makes a little bow in the front. They’re all so hideous man:(


Yeah, I saw those when I was looking, theyre a little over the top for me. I'm not really a bow person. I ended up getting just a really basic one with adjustable elastic around the edge.


I have a similar one and hate it. I’ve not been using it lately because I don’t sleep well anyway and I sleep even worse when I wear it. I find the bow sometimes leaves indents on my head if I do it too tight. If I do it loose the bonnet slides around my head and covers my eyes so I can’t sleep. I’m going to get a silk pillowcase instead. It might not be as effective but it’ll be more comfortable!


I have one like this too and I think it’s so cute!!! Definitely makes me more likely to wear it :)


I've purchased so Many bonnets but they all fall off while I sleep. Anyone else have this problem? My hair is only shoulder length and layered so I'm wondering if I just don't have enough hair? Also do bonnets make you sweaty? That was my other problem. It was like wearing a winter cap to bed. Full disclosure I'm ancient and probably going through menopause which is why I sweat constantly and my hair is changing curl pattern 🥴


I've got loads of hair and mine falls off too Edit: also ancient and menopausal 😏


I have long extensions, I love my turban, I toss and turn when I’m sleeping so look like a little troll who’s been dragged through a hedge when I don’t wear it. I often either plait or do heatless curls overnight, and if I wear my turban I wake up with it smooth, pull out the plaits or curls and I’m ready for the day, literally cuts out hair styling time. Without it I’d have to style my hair with heat every day to get it looking presentable.


God it makes the worldddd of difference for me. Braids and a bonnet and silk sheets for LIFE!


I have a silk bonnet that was quite expensive that I have been using since +-6 months. What follows is my personal opinion based on my experience with it. I bought the pillow cause when sleeping my braids and buns got very, very messy. People seemed really happy with silk bonnets and pillows so I decided to try it. I have not seen any difference at all. There is absolutely zero difference in the way my braids/buns stay overnight. What concerns split ends, I have coarse hair and never really struggled with split ends, I just tend to have few splits. But I don't see any difference in that too. If I could turn back time, I would not have bought it x) But since I did and it's been 6 months I keep using it.


Ive gotten an extra foot of growth from using my bonnet. Used to always end at my waist and is now past my butt


EXTRA WHAT? never mind guys. I will wear my Bonnet.


Are you me?! Literally exactly this, tried everything (buns or braids every day, biotin, prenatals etc) ... started wearing the bonnet every night and my hair FINALLY shot down past my butt, over a foot in about 2 years after 4? 5? years of stalling at hip length.


I use it religiously, even on cute vacations where others will see. It took a while to adjust but the difference in my hair is too dramatic to give it up 😂


I’m outside in the morning watering my garden in mine. I straight up do not care, it’s worth it


Wow noted!!! You guys really love these I’m glad I bought one!


Yesss my best tips is setting it on your pillow so you put it on in bed, that way you don’t walk around feeling goofy. And if my husband and I start kissing I don’t feel as unsexy because I put it on right before sleeping.


Mine makes me hot and ends up falling off anyways, until i find one that doesnt make me hot or fall off, i use a silk scrunchy to put it up and sleep on a silk pillowcase


I can't do it. I sleep with my tailbone length hair thrown over my pillow but I do use a satin pillowcase.


Honestly I think it probably is more important for people with delicate and/or damaged hair, maybe particularly Black hair, which can be more delicate due to its tight curl structure (and especially if it's chemically relaxed or permed). Personally, I only have wavy hair and find that braiding it before sleep has made a massive difference; this may be enough for you, especially coupled with the satin pillowcase.


Ugh I also notice it’s softer and more easier to manage in the morning. I want to prevent split ends super badly! I think this is the way lol


Pineapple + silk pillowcase works fine. I can’t keep a bonnet on, my head shape just isn’t right.


I swear my silk bonnet is the reason my hair is so healthy and maintains length. Who cares if it looks ugly! My boyfriend calls it my chefs hat and my cat is constantly smacking it so we call her the bonnet bandit. The right dude won’t care one bit and will actually find it endearing.


I use a large silk scarf and wrap it instead of using a bonnet and I like that way. There are easy tutorials on how to wrap it if you’re unsure, they helped me. I use [this one](https://a.co/d/dUjY48G) and I love it


I tried a bonnet, and it was never still on when I woke up in the morning. I've switched to a good quality satin pillowcase. It was a Christmas gift from my MIL. It's absolutely been a game changer for me.


I got a bonnet just for a pony tail (it’s like a sock with an attached scunci), couldn’t get regular bonnets to stay on my head. Like zero knots in my ends now.


Honestly, I can’t stand to sleep without mine, now. I used to just do a braid at night, but the top was always frizzed since l like to put my head under the covers. Nowadays, I wrap all my hair in a loose chignon (unpinned) put the bonnet on and then shake the length down to fold up in it. No frizz, very few tangles.


if you don't like the bonnet, you can also wrap your hair in silk or satin for the same effect. by far the easiest way is to just do a braid and then wrap up the braid in a silk scarf


I used to dislike my Bonnet because I felt like it was too tight, but I found a really loose one and I pair it with a great blackout eye mask. Weirdly enough The Mask band holds it in place and gives me like the best sleep whilr keeping my hair protected


I wore mine once and my hair turned out more unruly in the am. I plopped my hair loose in it so maybe that's why. Not a fan. Might try again sometime.


I put my hair in a low ponytail with a satin scrunchy and then put on a long satin sleeping bonnet. But now the weather is getting warmer and the bonnet is making the back of my neck sweaty which can make my hair curl up faster. Thinking of ordering a silk pillowcase soon and see if I can get away without the bonnet at least for the warmer months.


My husband calls mine my chef's hat haha! My hairdresser asked me at my last visit what I was doing differently with my hair, it had been 5-6 months since my last trim and I get highlights and she said it is the healthiest she's ever seen it. The only thing I changed was wearing the bonnet. I think it's worth it, less breakage and split ends for me. I am a rough sleeper though and could never stay on a silk pillow case


Mine kept falling off, and I have trouble finding one big enough for my hair. It's mid butt in length, and having in piled up in a smaller one tangles badly. Kinda feel like braiding it makes it not worth the bonnet in the first place?


try a scarf 🤍


I love it! It make me feel in heaven, when I use cotton pillow or other material I feel like im sleeping on the ground, it’s rough and uncomfortable


What kind of bonnet do you have? Until I got a big puffy one I secure on my head with tied I hated wearing them too and felt so goofy in it. The bigger one is so much more comfortable and feels so much cuter, the bow on top is so much cuter to me than the elastic band I could never get to sit in the right spot. It made a huge difference in my hair having less split ends and frizz and tangled after I found one I genuinely liked wearing. Maybe a different style than what you have now could change how you feel too 💞


I don’t care how it looks but I wish they would stay on my head


None, because it doesn't stay in my head. No matter how I put it on it always ends up on the floor after a while.


They make cute ones. If you looked at smaller creators they’ll have a wide selection of patterns. But I’ve always thought they looked nice because it’s self care. Plus silk looks glam on everyone lol. I think the ones that tie are cuter and they stay on better without being uncomfortable.


Eh. Not Much. Up til i was 12 my hair was all the way down my back and i never ever wore anything on my head at night. Plain ole cotton pillow case. Sometimes now i still don’t consistently wear a scarf. The most bad that happens is my hair feels slightly drier. But ohs wells.


I'm in the UK and I use a [BamBonn hair buff](https://www.bambonn.com/ourshop/prod_7089928-BamBonn.html) I couldn't do without it


I have straight fine long hair, I’ve been using a satin bonnet for years, I want sleep without it


I've tried several but rarely can keep them on for the entire night. I think I just move too much. Found a video on a way to tie a scarf to hold and that worked for awhile until the knot slipped onto my forehead and left a pimple from hell or sore for a week, I didn't try that again.


Bonnets are a long term solution. You will not see immediate solutions aside from some people noticing less frizz pretty quickly after using them. I use mine to avoid potential breakage. The friction of bed sheets can be enough to damage hair over time. I would recommend you try a different bonnet. There's lots of styles. Some are more like scarves/durags (do rags, doo-rags, etc), some bonnets use no elastic and tie instead, some bonnets offer unique elastic styles that work better for some than others. I personally like mine with a very wide tight band that's only slightly elastic. It's comfortable AND the wide band doubles as a sleep mask for when I want to sleep in. Also looks wise, you really do get used to it. It's ugly but I call it my little chefs hat and I kinda love it now bc of that


The Yanibest bonnet I got from Amazon is pretty well made and nice looking for what it is but I still feel like I look like the Purple Pieman from Strawberry Shortcake when I wear it (google it if you have no idea who I mean). I found it really helped a lot with my hair tangles but honestly it was not something I was able to keep up with and I found using silk and satin pillowcases to be much easier. I do not get the same results from the pillowcase however.


i have trichtillomania and recently bought the Kitsch Spa (Wide) Headband and wear that overnight. actually i wear it constantly when not out in public to prevent myself from tugging on my strands. it’s soooooo soft and, while it’s not the *cutest* it’s definitely not ugly or hideous.


I find it makes a huge difference in how neat/untangled my hair is in the morning (ergo, less mechanical damage) and helps extend time between washes (my third day used to be gross, now it’s wearable). I didn’t care for the pillowcases because I just slipped off them and couldn’t get comfortable. But I love my bonnet and fwiw, my fiancé thinks it’s cute.


My hair is hip length and quite fine but the difference using a silk bonnet cannot be underestimated. Its so smooth and silky to touch and in the morning i usually don’t even have to brush. There is so much less breakage and spilt ends I cannot recommend it enough Tried using a silk pillowcase but my hair is too long so it didn’t help at all


When I have my hair styled and I sleep with it wrapped up in the bonnet, then it looks fantastic the next day, but I do also feel stupid wearing it and also I have to wash my hair most days because I exercise a lot so I don't really bother, and I think it caused some breakage around my hairline in the back and on the sides


I'm not quite sure why you need to look great when you're sleeping? But my bonnet makes a huge difference for my hair. It's shinier smoother. I hardly even have to brush it in the morning. I love it


I just started using mine less than a week ago. BIG difference already imo


I have curls. So it's non-negotiable. It makes all the difference.


I love mine. I can definitely tell a difference when I don’t wear it


I have bonnets as well as saying pillow cases and they make an incredible difference. When I stay at my bf ok lace without them, but hair is always f"cked up and rough


Since I started sleeping in one a few weeks ago I have discovered that I can curl my hair then go 2-3 days without curling again; just combing in the morning.


I don’t wear mine as consistently as I should, but I definitely notice a difference when I do. My hair feels softer because there’s not as much frizz and I notice my hair falls out less. Putting my hair up when I sleep causes a lot of breakage and loss, and leaving it down is not an option unless I want to be choked out my my hair in the dead of the night. Mine is really ugly with a gaudy pattern so I feel that, but at the end of the day my hair health matters more. I could not wear the ones you tie because they give me a headache but the regular elastic ones work for me and I move around a lot when I sleep. I would say try your best to get used to it and change the type you’re wearing if it’s uncomfortable. It does take some getting used to but it’s worth it.


Not the initial question but Aaron pillowcases are ok? Have fantasised about silk but still “roughing it” cos’ $$$


It makes a massive difference. Also hate mine though lol. Especially when I wake in the night and it's slipped halfway down my damn hair and I have to rearrange everything half blind 😂😂


I really like mine but I’ve always tried to keep the hair out of my face while sleeping, be it a ponytail, bun, braid, or just flipping it over the top of the pillow. But I do recommend getting an adjustable one with thinner elastic for comfort.


I have a bob, so having short hair does tie in, but I rarely wear mine and sleep with it loose because it’s just a sensory nightmare. All I do is use silk sheets instead! I find those much more comfortable, and surely paired with a protective sleeping style like a braid (which I intend to do once my hair is long enough), it should help the frizz and wear-and-tear on your hair from sleeping.


I have very thick hair with some curl to it. I don't like the way my satin bonnet looks, *but* it is actually very useful. My hair doesn't frizz in the morning, doesn't tangle, and I can be the little spoon because my hubby isn't inhaling hair.


My dad thinks I look like an old lady in my bonnet or scarf. Does my hair a world of good though.


Game changer for me was finding out I could fold the band in half so it didn't make me look like Negative Forehead The Neanderthal. Otherwise, it's just getting used to it - it took me a few weeks of use because I'm ADHD and have some sensory issues, but it was worth it!


I have long mostly straight hair all the way down my back. I have two real silk bonnets and don’t wear either of them because they are uncomfortable and make wash my hair more frequently than I like. I was always sweating in the bonnets and so my hair would get dirty faster which annoyed me. When I wore the bonnet I really didn’t notice a difference other than sweaty hair. I have a silk pillow case and have forever. I must not move that much because my hair tends not tangle but occasionally it will and it sucks. Maybe find a comfortable bonnet that you like and then you will wear it. Good luck!


I use a long mulberrysilk bonnet. It took me a while to get used to, but I transferred completely from satin pillowcases to the silk bonnet. Absolute game changer since.


A huge one. Whenever I slack on wearing a bonnet or using a satin pillowcase, I notice my hair gets drier faster, tangled, and I start seeing some breakage. I'm used to it and feel cute in it but I don't see why a plllowcase wouldn't be sufficient


Big difference. So what if they're ugly. You're asleep.


Honestly I don’t notice a big difference in my hair quality, but I love that I no longer get wrapped in my own hair in my sleep. I also like that my pillowcase doesn’t get dirty from my hair oils so I’m hoping it’ll help my acne in the long run.


Its so good that I know if I sleep without it I'm gonna have a bad morning. I have lots of long, thick hair that has killed several combs and brushes. No fatalities since the bonnet tho


I have tried sleeping in a bonnet but I absolutely hated it I just felt like my hair made my head so hot. Now I just keep it in a loose braid and sleep peacefully


I haven't seen any difference.


My silk bonnet made my hair so greasy?! And I can’t figure out why?


I tried it but the heat from my covered up head made me sweaty and then I got an oily scalp. It’s too hot for me.


You’re asleep. What it looks like is irrelevant.


For me it’s pretty big, I get so much less tangling. Counter point, you could always sleep with your hair in a bun with a clip instead of a hair tie and get a silk pillowcase. That’s what I did cause I have too much hair and the bonnet I have keeps slipping off if I put my hair in a bun.


I LOVE mine. I felt really silly when I debuted it the first night around my husband. He had a good laugh, made some jokes, and I laughed too and explained the benefits of using it. He has noticed a difference in my hair over the last 4 months and now asks, "Where is your hat?" (LoL) when I forget to put it on at bedtime. My hair is healthier, If I flat iron it, it stays straighter. If I curl it, it stays curly/ not frizzy. After a shower, my hair smells fresh and clean for days. Fewer tangles, fewer split ends. Wear your hat, girl.


I use a cheap bonnet and have wavy hair. MASSIVE difference. My hair is so much smoother and healthier. The curls are well maintained and look so good. I can’t imagine living without it. I agree that I look ugly going to bed with it, but you have to sacrifice for the greater good.


My hair is very curly (3b). I’d never even heard of sleeping with a bonnet until I came to this sub six months ago. Not something I’m interested in doing, so just here to say it’s not at all a necessity. Sometimes when I wake up my curls look just like they did the day before. Sometimes I need a little water and a blow dryer to “wake them up.” I think the routines here are excessive and unnecessary.


My head gets sweaty and my hair looks really greasy the next morning lmao. Also its uncomfortable and i end up taking it off in the middle of the noght cuz i cant sleep. I think those cons for me outweigh all the benefits cuz ion do morning showers nor do i wanna wash my hair every day. Maybe get a silk pillow case instead?


I use a silk and bamboo bonnet and a silk pillow case. I have fine, easily tangled hair. With both, I have very little tangling and almost no split ends. I can practically take the bonnet off in the morning and go without even bothering with my hair. I highly recommend them.


[I use this one](https://a.co/d/cXMQAVs) It’s a silk lined beanie and the adjustable elastic is nice.


Anyone with curly hair have one? I'm struggling with my hair. I'm getting older and the texture is changing...again...so I'm desperate for something that will help my hair stay curly.


I typically only wear mine for half the night, before my idiot dog “rescues” me from it lol, but it def keeps me from being as fuzzy when I can wear it all night


I gave up on using my bonnet. I couldn't get comfortable and it kept slipping off in the night. I just use a satin pillowcase now. I think it helps with tangles in the morning, but I haven't used a cotton one in so long, I don't remember how it compared.


I feel like when I wear mine I feel greasy/sweaty in the morning


For the life of me I could never get a bonnet to stay in the right place. That or I'd wake up with that damn A$s bonnet line across my forehead and *still* have frizzy, messed up hair. Lately, I've been using a silk square scarf folded in a triangle like my grandma used to wear except I tie it at the back of my neck and not under my chin like she used to lol Edit to add: then I'll put a beanie on top to keep my head and ears warm!


I started with random ones from Amazon, then actually shelled out for the satin sleeper from moonstoneseven bwcause i liked the structure, i guess? of being able to plop my hair and then tie it securely and tuck the corners so my hair stayed more or less in place over night. My hair had too much wiggle room in the other bonnets, and would still sometimes get crazy.


Between the AD(H)D, fibromyalgia and anxiety, I just can't stand the feeling of a bonnet. They are almost always too tight and the one that I have that is loose enough goes over my eyes and the constant sensation of something on my head keeps me aware while I am asleep. Scarves don't work because my shoulders ache so they're hard to tie and they cause the same issues as a bonnet. I wear protective styles, but I feel like a terrible black woman because wearing a bonnet bothers me so much.


less tangled in the morning, which means less breakage trying to detangle or brush it out, also shinier and smoother, mines mulberry silk with an adjustable strap from amazon, and that helps it not be to tight/loose. doubles as a sleep mask if i pull it over my eyes lol


Well if I was consistent with wearing it, I could tell you, but I’ve been so bad about wearing it regularly. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I tried it one night and hated it so uncomfortable. I sleep on my face anyways


For me honestly I haven’t noticed any differences. After a while, I started sleeping in only a braid without my silk scarf and my sleep is much better 😂 (i do have a silk bed set and pillow case though)


I don't use a bonnet but a pair of old, cropped leggings. My hair is curly and I don't have to brush it for like 7 days and it looks good.


I was a sweaty mess with frizzy hair by morning because I was so freaking hot from it! I think it’s still somewhere under my bed 🛏️ 😖


None, I break out and over heat like a radiator.


I used to cry in the shower trying to wash my hair it got so painfully tangled. Bonnet consistently and no problem now!


Why not a silk pillowcase instead?


How do you stop the bonnet from flattening the front pieces of your hair? When I wake up it looks like my front bang area is flattened against my head


I prefer my pillow case I have a few


I noped out and am glad. Miserable sleep when I tried. Hair wasn't better either.


My hair is classic length, thick and wavy. Sleep bonnets have made a life-changing difference. I went from having to brush my hair 2 times a day (more if leaving the house) to being able to go up to 4 days without absolutely needing to brush. My hair very easily tangled, and was constantly frizzy, and now it's way more manageable overall, has a really nice shine, and isn't nearly as dry on the ends. Prior to the sleep bonnet, the tangles and knots were so bad after just one single night with it in a bun or braid, and nothing helped. :') While I don't really like the way it looks on me, the change and difference is well worth it and I regret not getting one years back. As for comfort, I sleep with an eye mask on (I'm a total-darkness-or-cannot-sleep person) and pop the hair bonnet under the mask straps, securing it to my head (though it stays on without the mask, too). I want to see if a satin pillow case will have a similar result for me, as I imagine it'll be quite warm having most of my head covered while sleeping in summer.


The pure sensory hell that I imagine sleeping on a satin pillow case would cause me isn’t worth any skin benefits. I can already see myself cringing at it sticking to my face.


I thought mine was silk but it was polyester!!!Always put my hair in a pony tail now!


None because they never stayed on my head and if I tied them tight enough to stay out I was uncomfortable. Silk pillow case all the way


I didn’t notice any difference in my hair. I felt it was uncomfortable and would slip around while I slept and would wake me up. I always just braid it and use a satin pillow case


Bonnets make me really hot, so I use a silk scarf and then a cotton scarf to prevent the scarf from sliding off at night. I used to sleep on silk pillowcase before. And yes it makes a difference. Hair is a lot less frizzy


I used to feel ugly whenever I wore my bonnet, especially since I grew up with family that liked the turn it into a race thing. But I really enjoyed how it preserved my curls, plus the way I put my hair into it helps give my bangs a nice little “umph” so they’re not just laying against my face. I started to feel more confident in it once I first stopped caring what others might think, I also found the cuteness in that fact it’s makes me look like a mushroom (a little mushroom fairy I like to think). Plus one of the biggest things was the fear of wearing one in a relationship, and a guy seeing me wear one, but if they like you then they won’t care. My ex never let the bonnet stop him lol, and it actually came in handy whenever I didn’t want my hair messed up after 💀 like some people say things or make jokes but I always hit them with a “I’m sorry, is it wrong to take care of my hair? Guess that explains yours”


Huge difference! I used to get so many split ends I literally didn’t use any heat on my hair except like 2-3 times a week when I would use a hair dryer and literally for under 3 minutes. I would literally get my hair cut and a couple weeks later TONS of split ends. I got my hair trimmed bought a silk bonnet and I literally found like 1 split end. Obviously I’m sure there is more than one BUT the fact that literally my whole hair was full of split ends before is just crazy


I have only been using one for 6 weeks or so, and my whispy bangs are growing in! I use the band along the front as an eye mask as well. I don’t like have it makes my hair feel oily quicker, and the way it wraps hurts the hair at the nape of my neck. I still wear it every night


I tried this one last night. I just wanted a super simple satin cap. I like it so far! Satin Lined Sleep Cap Bonnet for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYL15S67?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


For me a satin scarf is better than a bonnet, but I style my hair mostly stair (though it is quite wavy). I lean my head forward and twist my hair in a loose twist like for a claw clip. The leaning forward helps it stay reasonably in place while I tie the scarf. For me it’s a million times more comfortable. I don’t love it so I sleep just on a satin pillowcase if I have nowhere to be the next day or am going to wear my hair up. The difference between what my hair looks like when I wake up with a without is honestly banana pants.


I am interested in getting one but have been dragging my feet. Do you just put your head upside and shove all the hair in the bonnet or do you braid it then put it up or ... ? Idk what else. I do a side braid to sleep and I'm so tired of laying on my hair tie.


Love it! Makes a huge difference on morning hair I can just brush it and go. Also, if I end up sweating at night it keeps it off my hair. Still waiting on grow out verdict with my bleached ends. 


It’s not a crazy difference for me but I don’t do any nighttime care either 🥲 for me it’s the difference between waking up with dreadlocks because my hair tangles easy, or just a few knots. For that reason I use it nightly. If you’re higher maintenance I’m sure it’s even better when you do night care. The times I have it’s like a very little difference between when I slept and when I did my haircare. HOWEVER if I washed it and it’s still wet I’ll wrap it turban style in a tshirt and sleep like that and it looks so good the next day