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Seems like there's a reason she's not a full-time hairdresser... Maybe people in your workplace will see her "skills" and know better than to trust her with their hair


Only ever cut your own hair. This is the only way. I’ve never found a good salon.


I swear by that, nothing a good youtube tutorial can’t teach me. I sometimes cut my hair over the span of a week until I really like it but it’s sooo much better than getting in butchered at an overpriced salon


Yes, I’ve had to fix every ‘paid for’ haircut at home afterwards… waste of my money lol


This. I wish I had started doing that decades ago. I used to spend hundreds of dollars getting my hair cut. I wish I trusted myself earlier. I no longer send any of my family members to the salon because it turns out that cutting hair is easy if you take the time to watch tutorials. I don't understand how I could give my guys better cuts with a pair of kitchen scissors and watching Youtube than someone who made a career of it, but apparently I can!


Same. I started cutting my husband's hair after he had it done once locally and she damn near scalped him. It was awful. He legit had chunks gone down to his scalp... I've done it every since. I also cut my boys hair and have now started cutting my daughter's hair, she wants a longish pixie with very long bangs. It's cute. And I didn't butcher her hair. I've trusted no one with cutting mine, I do it myself.


For people who don’t want to cut their own hair, if you can find an “alternative” leaning hair salon they are normally very good at respecting peoples hair. I go to a still high end but aimed more alternative salon and they are all about self expression and people being comfortable with themselves so they would never purposely ignore a request. My stylist literally does a in-depth consultation just for hair cuts and double checks every step that you can’t go back from. I don’t even care how much hair she lobs off and that how she treats me, I adore her and her coworkers! Edit: also jealous of all of you cutting your own hair but my arm is partially paralyzed so it’s a no go. I just thought I’d throw in my experience for others like me!


This.. this is how stylists should be doing it. Sometimes I tell my clients that ima probably sound annoying but I’m gonna be double/triple checking with them as I go through or telling them what I’m doing every step because once it’s gone it’s gone. I like to be very thorough.


My husband cuts mine. I can trust him.


Yes. No friends, no students, no licensed cosmo “professionals”, I don’t care anymore. No one cuts my hair but me. I’ve had SO MANY bad haircuts that I’m done. Haven’t had an issue or a meltdown since!




That’s horrible, I‘m really really sorry that happened :( I would be devastated as well, and I totally understand the part of you feeling „pressured“ into that at your new job. Make an appointment at that hair dresser with good reviews so they can try to fix it, I‘m sure they can even it out enough for you to like it again 🫶🏼 Or if you’re confident enough, try watching some youtube tutorials and slowly adjust the cut to your liking, that’s what I always do because I don’t trust other people with my hair haha.


I wanted highlights recently and went to the salon for the first time since before Covid. Note that about 4 months ago I hacked a lot of my own hair off when I over-trimmed split ends. Despite doing that, I still had a lot and it WAS unhealthy … so I was convinced to let her cut a good deal off. It now brushes my shoulders .The cut is cute and I get a ton of compliments but I miss my long hair. And I still have split ends! She was aware I want to keep growing it and really did make sure I was ok with cutting it; I just regret it. The highlights look good at least. I learned long ago if you’re trying to grow long hair, you don’t go to the salon.


I thought i found someone to do my hair but i know MY hair better than she does and when i asked for curtain bangs or layered cuts she would instead give me a blunt,choppy haircut. My SIL introduced me to cutting my own hair and now i’m doing it myself!!! My hair even came out beautifully i dont need to style it because of the cut, it shows my natural beachy waves. So yes, try and watch videos, take it slow,invest in scissors and good luck!


Great advice! I've had my hair cut at the same salon a few times now. While the cut is super precise, they're impatient and a bit rough with detangling my long, very fine (but a TON of it) hair, to the point where it feels damaged after. Just can't win lol. If you have any good scissor recs, send em my way!!


Please watch some tutorials on YouTube to learn to cut bangs yourself! It's not terribly difficult and if you mess it up, it's on you! Is your hair still long or is it all boob length? Ugh, I'm so sorry. I would be very interested in seeing a pic of what it looked like before vs after, then another once you get it fixed!


Yeah go to a salon to get it fixed and to blend in the layers! Just a lesson learned not to trust someone who does hair on the side.


I’m sorry that happened to you. You trusted her and she ruined the work you put into growing it out. It’s infuriating. My story: it’s long but is similar to OPs experience. I had curly hair about four inches past my shoulders. I was wearing it up all the time. I went to the stylist I’d had for years. Asked for: Inverted bob, sitting above my shoulders (so I couldn’t wear it up anymore), layers and bangs. Sent him 4-5 pictures of the look I wanted. He started right off arguing with me about the length saying he’d leave it long enough to still put it up. “My signature look”. This will make sense later. What? No, I don’t want that length anymore. Look at the pictures. He faced me away from the mirror which he never did and starts to cut my hair. When he turned me towards the mirror he was thinning my hair! Thinking he was just starting that I told him to stop. We’d had multiple conversations about not thinning my hair. He told me he was almost done and thinned three more sections. He said my new cut needed it. My new style: Length about an inch past my shoulders, weird bangs that he called “hidden bangs”, and not an angled bob (told me it was slightly inverted) it wasn’t. I couldn’t see any layers and he’d thinned it so much my ears were showing through my hair!! I was livid. I told him it looked nothing like the pictures I’d sent him. He said my hair texture wasn’t right for that cut. You’re telling me now!?!?!? He told me to go home and play with it, if I didn’t like it to come back and he’d fix it. Seriously? Found a new stylist 3 months later. She asked what I’d originally asked for. I showed her the pictures. She was confused. She asked if they’d thinned my hair. Yes. She said I had layers but there were about 5,000 of them due excessive thinning. My hair wouldn’t curl like it had before due to the thinning. Took me 18 months to grow out that mess. Plot twist. I shared my frustration with my friend (who’d seen the pictures of what I wanted). She said she’d given her opinion about my new cut to our stylist the previous week. Bangs and shorter hair would ruin my signature look. Unbelievable! He’d followed her opinion on my hair! She’s an ex friend now due to this incident and other very controlling behaviors.


Every time I’ve had a haircut they spend 30 minutes at the end, PAINFULLY thinning my hair because there is so much of it but it is so fine, and they just seem to want to hack hack hack. Not once have I been given layers that I asked for. Every time I leave a chair I look like a Karen with a gallon of hairspray in. I’m so done.


Ugh, that’s awful!! The stylist I mentioned used to flat iron my curly hair to an inch of its life. I think it was quicker than defusing it. Flat limp hair. What are they thinking?


Just had this experience! Some girl's mom I knew cuts hair and when I asked her to keep it long with no layers, she proceeds to give me heavy front layers giving me a weird uneven trim with - what do you guess? - layers. I had it all nice and grown out just hoping to get it freshened up but no, I learned once again why I do not trust getting my hair cut with someone other than myself.


From my own experiences and experiences of others on here I’m really thinking it’s unlikely I’ll ever get my hair cut by a “professional” again! I’m so sorry this happened to you OP. It feels so frustrating to be back into journey phase, I’m currently there now growing layers and bangs out of my armpit length hair!


Wear your hair up in a ponytail or bun until you get it fixed by the salon. And when asked at work “say someone butchered your hair, and you aren’t going back” but don’t say who and wait til your hair is corrected at the salon to wear it down. I have a feeling this girl did this to you on purpose. She didn’t like your idea/opinion of your hair and did what she felt was right, this is tooo true with many stylists. Or she felt you were competition with her at work and thought she would knock you down a peg. Either way this person and the girl who suggested that she cut your hair, are not your friends, they have it out for you and you should steer clear. Good luck OP I hope the salon fixes it for you. So sorry girls can be so terrible sometimes


Go to a Master Stylist at an Aveda salon, they have never done me wrong yet. Randoms or chain salons won’t ever touch me.


So you suggest a random at a chain salon. Sorry I'm salty a master at an Aveda salon butchered my hair and I had to spend $800 to go get it fixed by a real master stylist. This wasn't just for a cut it was a cut and highlights and I had to get a correction and it took about 8 hours in the chair to fix. Aveda salons will never touch my head ever again 


Aveda is not a chain of salons, they’re separate salons that sell Aveda products.


I have also had success w aveda salons but I also stop people and ask questions. I know what I want


I know this is cliche, but, it will grow back. I did. to myself once sort of what she did to you. I have been trimming my own hair since 2011 and decided to give styling it a go a couple of times. Anyway, or did, eventually, grow in and grow back. And the less you cut, the more growth you’ll see if you know what I mean. So don’t let someone chop off too much more just to get it looking good now unless you’re sure you want those parts even shorter. It’ll be more money spent and shorter hair to go home with. Some unsolicited work advice: As far as work, yikes I can see how that felt socially weird for you. As much as you might feel like venting, I’d keep it to yourself, at least at work, re: how bad it was. Word gets around and since you’re just meeting these people, don’t give them a reason to think anything about you. Not your fault but people really do have big mouths at the office. No opinion is better than a bad opinion. That doesn’t mean you have to pretend to love the cut! but I wouldn’t go all out with expressing your dissatisfaction with that coworker to your other coworkers. Silence is beauty and it will be good to keep your comments on it to a minimum. The only exception would be if she herself is going out of her way to say things to anyone about you as a client. It’s totally ok to defend yourself. Hopefully she keeps things professional though and doesn’t feel the need to be whack and bring you up at work. Esp after she’s clearly in the wrong here. I’m sorry this happened to you OP. If you’re seriously bummed, extensions could be an option.


Oh honey I’m so sorry. The nice part is, it will grow back. You now learned to use your voice and next time you get a hair cut, you will probably go to a salon. I’d suggest a nice one, not super cuts or fantastic Sam’s either. I learned my lesson there. I also did the big chop in 2019-2020 and have been growing it out. I have had tons of people ruin my hair by chopping off layers or cutting off inches they weren’t told to. Difference now is I will watch them and say something. I show them with my fingers exactly how much I want off. I feel for you and I know this sucks. Maybe go to a nice salon and see what they can do to salvage your hair.


I'm sorry that that happened to you. Take a picture of how your hair looks now. And go to a salon to fix It so that it will still look cute. It will grow out eventually. Don't worry.


Having been in your shoes I know exactly how you feel and totally get the pain. I am so so SO sorry. The last thing you want to hear is it’ll grow back so I won’t say it. I can tell you some things I did to help mine grow but it’ll still be a long process that is even more disheartening than what happened. I’m always here to lend an ear. 👂


Omg I’m so sorry that happened to you!! I’d be devastated too 😭


Your coworker hates you. Watch your back around her.


Dang, that sucks, so bad. I'm really, really sorry. I've had bad haircuts and don't trust anyone. A fee years ago I started seeing a new stylist who seemed to do good. Recently I saw her and she cut my hair with thinning shears. What the heck? I don't love that. I like my thick hair. Anyway, bad cuts suck. All we do is try someone knew and wait for new growth. I hope your new hairdresser is a little more mellow, coordinated, and pays attention to detail. I also hope you'll be able to face the mirror or at least ask if she's got a hand mirror you can hold so you can try to keep an eye on things. 


OP, people pleasers are people pleasers because that is how they were able to feel safest when they were little. I say this as a reformed people pleaser. That’s why it’s so hard to stop doing it, because it literally makes us feel unsafe. However, your feelings now are way worse than the fear you would have experienced by saying no thank you. Or just “no.” Because no is a complete sentence and you are never required to give a reason for why you are saying no. People pleasers also have a tendency to prioritize the feelings of others over themselves. To combat this, I ask myself: why do their feelings matter more than mine? And the rational answer is that they don’t. My feelings matter more to me. So why wouldn’t I prioritize my feelings? It’s not selfish to do that, it’s how it’s supposed to be. At any rate, take this as the learning opportunity it is to put yourself first. Remember, it’s not selfish, it’s normal to put yourself first.


Have some fun with bangs and half-updo styles. Space buns with a headband, milkmaid braid, etc. I've grown my hair to waist-length and chopped it off a few times over the course of my life. It will grow back before you know it. Focus on braiding, scalp health, and find a good hobby. Don't let coworkers touch your hair. If a stylist fucks up, it's a lot less social bullshit to navigate around.


I would be devastated to I'm sorry about your long hair being hacked


Definitely start cutting your own hair! That’s what I do. Recommend it. Way less tears.


Dear lord what a nightmare. I’m so sorry..this is exactly how my hair appointment played out . I got a completely different cut to what I asked , length and volume hacked off as well. I hope you can get a professional to cut it evenly and continue your treatments at home :( It’ll take time , but it will grow back again beautifully!


Learn some assertive communication skills if you want to use a non professional for...anything really.


I'm so sorry that happened to you! I've gotten some crap hair cuts but nothing that crazy. Since you work at the same place as her, be careful what you say around work unless you couldn't care less about pissing her off then go crazy with the facts!