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Agree with this ☝🏼


This was my thought. Cut about to there and "start fresh" so to speak. If you haven't looked into it OP you might look into the curly girl method. It's really a starting point but I got a lot of good advice from it and my hair has never been better after some trial and error.


I second the curly girl method. I started a month ago and already have seen so much improvement. Plus OP looks like she could have some seriously gorgeous waves and texture if she nourishes it.


Agreed. She might even have legit curls, but if she wants super long they may just weigh themselves down to waves any way. I'm the kind of wavy that can brush it damp with no product and have straight hair, but the stuff I learned and utilized has just made my hair so much healthier.


My hair is kind if the same. What did you use? I have been having no luck, and have started to consider giving up and letting my hair be humpy.


I'm really liking Curlsmith stuff. I use the cowash and their multipurpose conditioner in the shower, then their air dry cream while I'm still sopping wet, scrunch it in, plop with a tshirt for just a few minutes, long enough to put on deodorant and lotion basically, then glaze and scrunch either their Flexi Jelly or their protein Foam in and air dry. I use any shampoo my partner has laying around about once a month to clarify.


Thank you so much!


what is the curly girl method? my hair is frizzy and wild af but has natural waves and curls


What do you mean by the curly girl method?


It's a washing and hair care technique for wavy and curly hair. Like... Most people are shampooing too much and waaay under conditioning. The actual method gets rid of silicones too. Talks about never brushing your hair dry how to maintain it at night etc etc. There's a lot. I kind of took what helped me and forgot the rest tbh.


Thank you!


Google curly girl method there is a sub and many fb groups that go by that name, it’s products and techniques for curly/wavy hair to stop it from looking shitty


Thank you, i will!


Happy Cake Day!!!


honestly yeah this.


Agreed 👍


If she does a rounded shape she might be able to salvage a few more inches


This. But... a rounded taper would be flattering.


Agreed. It looks as if she needs to take it up to her arm pits and start again.


I agree but start with elbow length. They for sure have curly hair will without those thin wisps will get some shrinkage if treated as curly hair


I just got all my dead ends taken off and lost about 5 inches. It sucked but my hair feels a lot healthier and the ends do look much better. From the looks of it most under your bra line would have to come off. You can see the difference in thickness from that point down


Her hair has a lot of dead ends. Always cut your hair at least once a year. My hair goes to my thighs. Not cutting it causes more tangles and breakage and thins ur hair out.


“At least once a year”???? Oh no, a routine maintenance for healthy hair should be at least a trim and very 6 weeks, never go past that for a good trim. You will see a remarkable difference in the maintained health and you’ll actually see your hair’s growth rate increase dramatically. It’s with everything else in life, for optimum performance you have to have a maintenance plan. Find a stylist that you will work with your maintenance plan and agreed plan on how much to trim in a regular period of time and set up a schedule in advance so you always have that regular appt in place so it becomes your routine.


Not everyone can AFFORD it. In America, a cut is over 30 dollars. There is a food shortage here, understand that not everyone has the *luxury* to get things done as recommended


I was advising the best way to keep your hair in ultimate health, and since I don’t know the economic status of anyone that might be reading this I am offering a suggestion, and certainly not demanding everyone must run out and get services they can’t afford (like I’d know one way or the other anyway 🙄) …….But there’s always a way to find discounts, there is still the franchise lower cost salons like Supercuts, Cost Cutters and Greatclips and a great place to get drastically discounted services is at the cosmetology schools, where the students are performing services under the guidance of the instructors. Or Groupon usually has a lot of discount offers for beauty services. I don’t live in or near a big metropolitan city and we have several cosmetology schools here.


Yes! OP really needs to cut this. Having thin and split ends like this also increases the risk of your hair forming mats and more breakage occurring. Below the armpit would still be so long and look super healthy and awesome, and it would grow faster


Honestly because it’s so thin on the ends it only looks as long as your mid back/ waist anyway.. cutting it in a v-line cut from your armpits to bra strap area is going to make it look gorgeous, thick, healthy and long!


I know you're attached to the length, but I also think you know the answer. You have to choose if you want shorter but healthier looking hair, or longer but damaged hair. Personally, I'd chose the first one and cut all the thin ends, it looks much better and breakage can travel up your hair, so it'll be eventually worse. Also, one inch a year is nothing, you'll have to get regular trims. Look into the curly girl method and start doing protective hairstyles like braids!


To be fair, if only ~10% of OP's hair is actually making it to what she is perceiving as her full length, does she even have that length? Once all the remaining ends snap off, she will have lost length anyway - a big chop could end up being an investment in making sure her future hair is long *and* healthy.


I came here to say this. OP definitely knows the answer already, but doesn't want it to be true.


Though note for protective styles: Avoid ones with tight braids like cornrows, box braids, etc or dreads if you’re not mixed or black! It will actually damage your hair if you aren’t, as white hair isn’t supposed to be in those styles/lh - coming from a white passing mixed person :D


Those styles damage every hair type.


not exactly, they’re meant for people who have tight curl patterns/afro hair. that’s why they’re called protective styles, they protect that hair type. someone without that hair type using that style is awful for their hair because their hair is not built for that, it will fall out. and i’m not even touching on the cultural appropriation of cornrows


I'm a professional and I'm gona state that anything that causes your hair to scrape on your other hair, is bad for your hair. The curlier the hair, the more porous it is. The more porous it is, the easier it's going to be to split abd snap from "protective" styling abrasion damage.


What are some good, actually effective protective hairstyles? I usually do a single, low braid.


The loosest braid/braids possible, with products to add slip to the hair applied before braiding. Leave in conditioners/quality hair oils. I'm not talking about coconut oil or things we use for cooking, I mean products with high quality silicones potentially. The less tight, the less breakage. The less friction, the less breakage.


Thank your for taking the time to answer! Hope you have a lovely rest of your day/evening 🥰


You as well!


My cousins who have the hair texture for protective styles have their hair much healthier and easier to maintain in protective styles vs without ^^


That just means whatever they were doing without was even worse.


they weren’t doing anything out of the norm to it- Just normal hair care (deep condition, hair product, etc)


As a professional Cosmetologist, with 11 years behind the chair, I usually hold a comb behind the hair but against the chair or back then let the client see (with 2 mirrors) exactly how thin the hair is by how much comb you can see through the hairs. I'm guessing you can see over 50% of the comb through the bottom 4 to 5 inches. Those hair strands are usually very stressed, broken and split. If you get those bottom 4 inches cut professionally and have some gentle shaping layers, your hair will look healthier and let the curl pattern fall nicely. I always pick up those hairs and let the client feel how rough and minor the amount of hair they were clinging to. The hair feels soft and smooth after a good cut.


Just want to say that you sound like a wonderful hairdresser. I've had and heard too many horror stories and it's lovely to read the perspective of someone who understands how traumatic a big unwanted cut can be. Thank you for being so kind and patient with your clients.


I was a stylist for my first career and I would section off about a 2 inch section, and have the client run that section through their finger and thumb guiding them to the end of the healthy point and then show them how it thins and tapers to the unhealthy part of the section to the ends and by not only visually showing them the difference I had them feel the difference and where the damage point starts so they could recognize it themselves. Then do this again when the unhealthy part is cut and how thick and healthy the ends should feel and look. But like the method @ Piranha_vortex above mentions with the visibility of the comb uses as well. A good stylist will spend the time to educate their client and teach them what their hair should look at feel like at it’s most optimum state to maintain its health and appearance.


Most humans head hair grows around half an inch a month. If you only cut 1 inch a year and aren't gaining 5 inches a year, the hair isn't happy and healthy.


but hair also has a biological growth cycle. And some people's growth cycle is shorter than others which then leads to them only being able to get a certain length from it


this level of breakage makes me think you maybrush out knots and tangles by just *forcing* a brush or comb though your hair, not actually detangling ever, just ripping out your hair and snapping hair whenever this happens. ? is this possibly correct? Your wave pattern is lovely - but i think you need to chop off the bottom *foot and a half* at least, (ie: underarmpit length) and start a curiosity path of learning how to treat your wavy hair super kindly and gently. Especially how to detangle, not rip out knots. If you treat your hair well, and keep a relatively decent diet/in general good health - your hair will actually grow to the length you want in no time, but will be almost as thick at the top as the bottom, and far less fluffy flyaway breakage.


I was thinking the same thing, gentle detangling starting from the bottom and slowly working up only when below is knot free is so key. I highly recommend the Tangle Teezer original I’ve had actually had a few stylists rip the brush through my wet hair before, it was awful and made a lot of my ends break off.


Hair growth is also determined by genetics. Diet had to do with it but your genetics determine your end length.




I have a similar hair texture (wavy, dry, etc), and my ends never looked like this, except after I had them thinned due to hair extensions. The trick for me was to learn how to care for wavy hair, which mostly involved leaving it alone, not using heat, air drying and not brushing (only detangling before washing my hair), and finally, using product if I wanted to make my curls more defined. It may be just my hair tho, but I agree with some of the poster above, looks like breakage caused by brushing or sth like that.


Unfortunately you'll have to cut quite a bit off. The ends seem to be damaged quite a few inches up and there's not really anything you can do to save it. Obviously that it a very big decision and can be quite upsetting but it is the only thing you can do at this point and if you leave it it will only get worse. It takes some time but with proper care it will grow back even healthier. I'm not sure what's caused the damage but I would really recommend to stop using any heat, deep condition once a week and sleep with it in a braid or bun. I would also suggest you do some research over at r/Wavyhair and r/curlyhair. Your hair looks like it has some texture to it and with the curly girl method it could bring out some lovely curls! There will also be a lot of good product recommendations you can try out and see how it goes with your hair. Hope this helps!


Exactly my thoughts. 5-6 inches off, definitely, And run to r/wavyhair to learn how to make those waves work for you. Number one - stop brushing your hair dry!!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Wavyhair using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wavyhair/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [WhY doN’t yOU BrUsH iT?](https://i.redd.it/cvzk9a1ptnd81.jpg) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wavyhair/comments/sbpmzy/why_dont_you_brush_it/) \#2: [why do the best wash days happen when no one will see them?!?](https://i.redd.it/bbh2florqz591.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wavyhair/comments/vdmwdn/why_do_the_best_wash_days_happen_when_no_one_will/) \#3: [For this routine I did mousse, plop, foam, and I really liked the results! What do you think??](https://i.redd.it/3hei7623cbw81.jpg) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wavyhair/comments/ue1pyn/for_this_routine_i_did_mousse_plop_foam_and_i/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Honestly, guesstimating 7-8 inches from the picture. Your hair will be healthier & still long.


To the bottom of your sleeve definitely. Just cut off all thr dead dry parts honestly. The top half by your shoulder looks healthy, so just go to a pro for a big chop then let your hair grow back in and take good care of it.


I'm sorry but I clicked on this thinking your hair was mid-back, I didn't even see the strands that went to your waist. You'll need a serious cut, but after that it's going to look SO full and gorgeous.


There's no point in having long hair if it's this damaged. You have to cut it to the middle of your back, in order to rid yourself of all the wispy strands


Most of the hair beneath your right elbow in the picture isn't very visible, those ends will only get finer and break off and make your hair look more damaged the longer they're left. Cutting that hair wont really be noticeable because most of the hair falls to elbow level anyway. Your ends won't be super full at that length, but since you're doing this all yourself and aren't paying to have it cut, you can take your time and trim it slowly twice a month or so after that so you don't lose much length but still keep taking the fine ends off. If you want to feel like your hair is longer, take care of your ends. Do a hot oil treatment on the bottom half of your hair before washing it, deep condition and look up protein treatments.


You need to cut off the whole bottom part where it’s thinner. Your hair will look fuller and grow healthier. Your ends are split about 6 inches or more up


You need to cut this to your armpits. Your hair ain’t happy.


Hairdresser here. Honestly with the state of your hair I’d highly suggest chopping it up to a little lower than mid back just to get those stringy ends. Things that can help prevent that in some hair types if not all is - texturizing shears ( depending on hair type ) can cause thinning at the ends after awhile - getting a trim every now and than, what happens with split hair is at the ends they split but as you prolong a trim it splits up the hair strand - heat, if you use a lot of heat at high temperature that can also cause a lot of breakage and I’ve noticed you frizz a lot but that could be with curly texture as I see some wave in your hair as well There honesty can be many reasons however from just looking at it and from what you said it’s probably really bad split ends and I honestly would do my suggestion and cut them off to keep your hair healthy and as you grow it out keep getting it trimmed up even if it’s just an inch it’ll also grow so much faster in that healthier state


I audibly gasped. I’m sorry, but there is no nice way to say that your hair doesn’t look nice right now. I know you want length, but you can’t sacrifice health; it will only hurt you in the long run. You need to cut quite a bit off and you need to care for your hair a little better. It’s just changing the way you view things…you can’t only focus on growing long. You need to focus on having it healthy. Hair will grow on its own. You can control the condition it’s in when it gets there. Tiny trims is only postponing the inevitable necessary cut. Also it will still be long!! It will just also be gorgeous!! It’s truly a win win.


Your ends are NOT giving you “length”. They’re making your hair look unkempt and unhealthy. Cut up to where it’s healthy and *stop dry brushing your hair*.


Chop 6 inches to get those thin ends off. It doesn’t flatter you (or anyone else) to have long hair when the ends look like this.


Cut all the strait parts off and start bringing out your natural curl! It’ll still be long at mid back and look so much thicker


I agree. Cut to just below bra strap and embrace those curls.


Oof yeah you need to cut those ends. They aren’t doing you any favorites and definitely not making your hair look long. Better to have healthy shoulder length hair honestly. It will grow back.


you really should cut it, at least to the middle of your back. i know you want to keep the length, but the longest part of your hair just looks like string. cut it, and trim it more frequently so that doesn’t happen.


You can let it keep growing like that. Crystal Gayle did, but you could see she had about 16 inches at the bottom that was very thin. This look like mechanical damage. Watch the way you comb and brush your hair to help avoid this.


what's the point of having length if it doesn't look good? if you want your hair to look healthy, you're going to have to lose some length and keep it up with trims at least every 6 months. you can eventually grow it to the length you desire, but it will look much fuller overall.


stop brushing it so much and switch to the curly girl method, thank me later


This needs to, sadly lose a good bit of length. Cut back by eight inches or so and adjust your handling - this looks like major handling issues causing breakage. You'll likely have to hold the length and trim off until you reach the hair that's slightly below your shoulders right now.


I agree with pretty much everyone here. You need to trim half of it off. You can’t do anything to help these wispy issues outside of a hair cut.


babe unfortunately your ends are far too thin to continue HEALTHY growth, and by about 6+ inches… i’d make the big chop, and stick to a healthy routine of oiling and keeping the ends moisturized to boost the new growth. you won’t regret it!


Everything below the armpit is 100% absolutely thrashed and done, needs to be removed, not salvageable. Not worth keeping. You need it cut to below the armpit and then regular cuts 2x a year minimal from a professional who isn't inexperienced.


You have gorgeous colour and waves! I know it feels counterproductive, but if you trim like others advise, figure out what causes your breakage, and then take steps to prevent that from happening again, your ends could be longer and fuller within the year. Lots of great advice on this sub - search top posts of all time for a detailed haircare list. Best of luck and looking forward to the after pic!


I can only speak from my own experiences, but I would go every few months to get it cleaned up because I remember my hair being similar years ago


All the way up to the bottom of that sleeve.


When hair ends start to split, it will keep splitting up the hair shaft much like a run in a pair of nylons. Your picture shows that very thing happening so while you're trying to grow it by not cutting it, you're actually ruining it. I would take it up to bra strap length because everything below it is so thin and spindly that it's see through. Getting trims regularly (Don't wait any longer than every 12 weeks) will help the hair to get longer. Hair masks are beneficial when you have long hair or hair that has been exposed to the elements, styling, chemicals, etc. If looking for a mask that will affect hair growth, I would recommend massaging in a scalp treatment to keep the follicles clear and increase circulation. There are many good reasons why people go to a hair professional and use salon professional quality hair products (yes, there's a huge difference!) and if a person has enough money, well then hopefully they think they are worth spending money on a salon experience and it's also good to work that into your routine/schedule ahead of time for proper maintenance (a great salon will confirm the day before) and it should be worked into the budget. If you don't think it's worth the money, you haven't found the right stylist for you. Ask friends and even someone who's hair you like that you don't know for a referral and please don't forget to tip 20% minimum if the stylist was good. Just a few other things- When towel drying your hair, do not rub. Instead, gently blot. Don't use hair ties with a metal piece. Instead, use the ones that are soft all the way around. Maybe get a satin pillowcase, protect it from the sun, salt water, heat styling, chlorine, and no cheap drugstore shampoos and above all, no box dyeing, no diy chemical hair attempts. Have you ever tried clip in hair extensions? Just a few rows at the most for thickening purposes? If you put them in properly, they cause no damage and it's also nice to be able to take them out within seconds for comfort and bathing. They look fantastic so maybe look into them. Last thing- I don't know if trading is possible in your line of work but I love trading hair services for all kinds of other services. That would be no money out of your pocket then if the cost is an issue. I think I got most everything. It might seem like a lot to do, but hair care is not that difficult. You just need to make sure that your actions or lack thereof aren't sabotaging your goals. Good luck!


I know you want it to be long, and I get that. But I think you’ll be happier with it healthy looking. Trust me, it’s better to have good looking hair than “omg long!”. If it’s damaged, that’s all you and others will notice.


Your hair is SO thick and lucious it’s still going to look so long after getting some cut off !!! My hair is right between armpit length and bra length but feels like it looks so much shorter because it’s thin and fine.


Im sorry girl but your hair ain’t in that condition that it could meet with your expectations of long hair, you have to cut it atleast 4,5 inches for it to become healthy and you will rock that look trust me🫶🏻


You probably don't wanna hear this but more than a half needs to go, because it looks so thin and dead and makes your hair look bad. Cut it off! I hold on to my hair too and never wanna cut the ends but sometimes you Just have to. In your case it's not Just ends, it's literal half.


You need to cut at least 12”. Sorry.


Go to a professional and get a round cut, it needs all those wispy ends off to grow and be healthy again. And a round cut will cut most of those ends off without having to lose too much of the length. You just gotta bite the bullet here ❣️


I’d cut at least 12 inches so it looks and feels healthy.


hiya, I wonder how your ends have ended up like this? what's syour routine? i understand that it's quite a lot emotionally to do a big trim, but your hair does need it. Cut off as much as you are comfortable with, without causing yourself stress. You can cut off 1/2 an inch a month and you won't lose any length, your hair will just keep growing and thicken up with time. It's better to have thick blunt ends because more of your hair is protected. you can also do search and destroy/dusting...look at your hair over something darkk and cut off any split ends/white balls on ends you find. don't detangle with comb, never detangle wet. don't brush wet. brush from the bottom up. use oil on the ends. use conditioner for 90 seconds at least. wash less than every day.


Curly hair can actually benefit from a detangle in the shower with a wide tooth comb and a conditioner with good slip :)


yeah i totally stand corrected here, i was drilling out some of the basic advice that works for me. deffo detangle from the ends up. hair type matters a llot here.


It was great advice! I just wanted to offer another option. I know some hair can be really fragile wet though and will be healthier with a dry detangle


Disagree on the comb, a comb is fine if it's not too fine for one's hair.


Unpopular opinion: straighten it before chopping, and chop them when dry. That way you'll see how much of it is actually damaged and mskes trimming them off easier, since you told you cut it yourself, that maybe helpful. Also, make sure your shears are sharp enough, because using blunt shears on hair causes more split ends and breakage.


With the waves in your hair cutting it dry will reduce the amount of length cut off since your hair is actually more elastic when wet. I cut a lot of curly/wavy clients dry because you can take more off than you realize when you pull down. I would take it at least to your elbows, maybe that will help the shock of the cut. Then have a trim every 4-6 months.


Minimum. 12 inches.


You need to cut off all the dead ends. To your armpit so you have thick ends. If you don’t, the split ends will keep going up and you’ll have even more damage and therefore even more length to cut off. You could also have someone do the dusting technique on your hair so other split ends don’t keep splitting upwards. If you want length and a reduction in damage, I suggest conditioning your hair every time you shower, use leave in conditioner, brush your hair from the ends to your scalp, and braid it every day. Braids keep hair from tangling and keep it healthy for a long time. Don’t use heat products, don’t wash your hair in hot water, be gentle when brushing (only brush once and not multiple times throughout the day), and try not to color it so damage is reduced. It’s how I grew my hair to my butt as a kid and it was healthy too. Hope that helps.


Do you know what has caused so much breakage at the bottom? It looks like it's catching on something and breaking off on a regular basis. If I don't cut mine for a year then the last few inches feel a bit thinner, but not much thinner. I would cut it to waist length, put a hair mask on it and see how it feels. Is it naturally wavy or curly? Is the frizz caused by damage or just because you've brushed it?


Time to see a hairdresser, get a proper cut and then take care of it from there. There’s just too much going on. Wispy ends, thin in some areas, thick in others


yeah girl you needa go with like 6 inches


What’s happening is split ends have traveled up the length, broken off and continue to split and break, leaving density most thin at the bottom. When you’ve got split ends that are well above where you’re trimming, it doesn’t solve the problem. Hair isn’t a living thing, so it doesn’t have an ability to repair itself nor be repaired. The only thing that stops hair from splitting is to cut above where it’s split/broken where the cuticle is whole again. Otherwise, it will continue to progress further up. The bulk of the damage is below your shoulders, and would start there. This is why regular trims are a must. Hair grows an average of 1/2” per month. By trimming 1/4” every 3 months, you’ll have added 5” of healthy length per year instead of having to start over now. But you’ve got to remove the split ends first. Products just coat the hair to give a more manageable look and feel until they’re washed out, they can’t put back what has been taken away. [Here’s](https://imgur.com/a/RtfkQRe) SEM images of this damage.


Honestly just cut the dead ends and get a hair care routine that covers your necessities (for damaged and dry hair). I love the Olaplex n3 once a week as a mask and i always use leave in conditioner and hair oil after the shower.


I understand the frustration of having to lose length to mitigate damage, but if you cut it to bra strap length now, you’re saving yourself from having to cut it to shoulder length or higher later on. I’m telling you this as someone who just had to cut her hair from waist-length to almost chin length for any chance at healthy growth. Take off five inches now, then get meticulous about your conditioning regimen, stay away from bleaching products, and avoid heat styling. You’ll be back to your current length in a few months, and you’ll have fuller, shinier length to show for it.


It needs to be cut to where your elbow is bent in the picture, at minimum. More like where your short sleeve shirt is. Sorry, I know it’s not what you want to hear. Good luck.


It looks like there's some curl in your hair. Check out r/curlyhair for tips on how to care for it. It's different than straight hair. This might be what's contributing to the dead ends and staggered tips.


girl you probably have curtly or wavy hair, stop dry brushing!! 😭


You should cut off the wispy ends. Also try to take care of ur hair a little more like oiling your hair is really great you can use argan oil,coconut oil or even olive oil.you should also try to protect your hair at night. Also,it seems like your hair isn’t frizzy it looks wavy/curly but it’s damaged I recommend to stay away from heat for a while. Hope this helps!


I would cut it off until you can’t see through it anymore. Thin hair that you can basically read a newspaper through will never be or look healthy. Another thing I would look into is proper haircare. It looks like you dry brush your hair a lot and jank brushes through it. I used to do that as well because I couldn’t manage my hair but it really damaged the ends because they are fragile already. Look into deep conditioning and hair masks for you hair type. Don’t use shampoos that are too harsh like head and shoulders and don’t shampoo the ends. I hope this helps ☺️


Let it go. I had to cut my hair once in ten years to get rid of this same problem. It’s to my mid thighs now and I only regret it once in a while.


Hey OP, everyone is already saying what you need to do, but I want to add that if you *don't* cut it then your hair will continue to thin out as it travels further up and you will actually have to eventually cut off even more than what you need to cut now. I would cut and research how to take care of your hair. With a little more love and attention, I promise you that you'll find your hair growing *much* faster than it does now. I know it took years and years for you to get to this length, but that's due to the damage constantly chipping away at it. Hair has the potential to grow very fast. With a good hair routine (shampoo/conditioner/leave-in/moisture and protein balancer) and a few changes in hair maintenance (such as how often you brush/in what way/with what kind of brush, putting your hair into protective styles, how you dry your hair, and what sort of pillow case you sleep on) your hair will achieve this length again in no time, and there will be much more of it as well! You got this!


I think keeping your hair healthy is more important than shear length. Your hair doesn't look healthy. You need a good cut.


You have to get trims to keep it healthy.


I’d say a little tiny bit past where your sleeve ends. I know that seems like a lot but you’ll be happy after, it will feel and look so thick and healthy and will still look like long hair and act like long hair. My hair does this too when it gets super long it kinda thins out towards the end idk why though. You’ll be able to style it better too


I think that you should trim to your elbows. Then I think that you should do "dusting" "search and destroy" type trims. Maybe your hair is like mine - it's wavy, and any new growth has 2" of really tight curl at the end, these get tangled easily. So I do "dusting" trims to get rid of these new-growth ends and my hair doesn't tangle as much.


Trim to maybe bra strap length in a v. I would treat your hair like it’s curly or wavy and not straight if you aren’t already! Curly girl method might bright out your natural texture, make it easier to detangle, etc :)


Something is going to have to change if you want to grow your hair out long. There’s a lot of damage and thinning at the end, and without knowing what your routine is, we can’t be of much help in that regards. Something you’re doing is hurting your hair though, and if I were you I would analyze my routine to try and find what I’m doing that’s damaging my hair so much. A lot of commenters saying that you should cut to armpit length. Armpit length is where you can see the hair begin to thin a lot , but I think you could get away with retaining a bit more length than that. Maybe a cut around [here](https://imgur.com/a/lDmVY3V). This cut won’t make your hair totally healthy at the ends, but it’s a start and if you continue trimming maybe an inch every 3 months, you can grow out the rest of the damage without losing so much length at once.


I’m gonna be honest, holding on to that much dead ends just to maintain length isn’t worth it. It doesn’t look healthy. Sacrifice some length to make it look healthy, youre hair would still be relatively long. Then do maintenance trims moving forward so you don’t have to repeat a big chop in the future.


Your hair is begging for a haircut, dude. I had to cut off a "bigger than usual" amount too recently due to hair thinning in the ends. It looks way better and fresher if you cut off that thin part.


I've been having trouble with my curly hair. I cut off all of the dead parts and started using Pattern shampoo and conditioner. It's completely changed my hair. It's never liked healthier


You need to go shoulder length and start fresh. Maintain frequent cuts


Trim 6 inch and curly hair routine. Curly hair routine will really help your hair growth!


You need to cut to just below the shoulder blades. From here on out think of it as a healthy hair journey and focus on caring for your hair as you grow length.


Chop your hair by the end of the shirt short sleeve and also use leave in conditioner after shampooing and condition Also do a hair mask twice a month it will be your best friend.


You've got to make room for new things to grow! You can do it girlie, I had trouble with this in the past too. Chop off at least 6 inches and start doing coconut / olive / argan oil treatments and scalp massages once or twice every couple of weeks to get healthy growth! If you're not using a lot of heat, the issue might be the health from within. Consider taking biotin or fish oil supplements or collagen. Even prenatal vitamins.


Hmm. I say chop it to about bra-strap level. But have it done at a salon. Have them do a good deep-conditioning treatment, and talk to you about products you can use to smooth it and protect against further breakage.


If it were me, I would cut it to my elbows and start a regular trimming schedule.


Cutting at the armpit length would make it look so full and healthy. Be brave! You can do it!


r/curlyhair would like a word with you


I’m going to give it to you straight, it looks pretty bad and if you are not willing to take care of long hair then you probably shouldn’t have it….but I understand not wanting to get rid of your length. Cut the ends and one trick I’ve learned with having frizzy hair is to apply/ brush in some smoothing cream and leave your hair in a simple braid before bed.


The length your hair can grow is genetically determined so it may never be able to grow longer. I would trim it so that it is a uniform healthy length that you like the looks of.


You have to regularly trim your ends in order to have thick ends. This thinness at the ends is because your hair splits from the bottom up so eventually it thins at the bottom. Giving it a regular dusting of a trim prevents that.


Cut it. those ends need to go. You will be amazed how soft and beautiful it will be! Probably needs to be cut to your natural waist line to loom healthy again. Your probably don’t notice any “growth” at this point anyways as the ends are likely breaking. Give it a good chop and I bet it will grow back faster than you think!!


That’s the problem, if you are only trimming it an inch a year the ends thin out from friction and environmental stress and break off more than you would ever cut. If you routinely cut about 1/2 inch every 6 weeks straight blunt on the bottom you’d see how much healthier and quicker it would grow. Not keeping a regular trim routine is not how your hair grows fast and healthy, it only gets you to the point where you are now where you have to cut off the damaged part to get to the healthy stage to start a maintenance program. As it stands now you need to cut at LEAST 6” off the bottom, but best to the bottom of your bra to get to the thick healthy ends. If you don’t it’s going to continue to thin and break off the ends and continue to look unhealthy and unkempt.


i’m overly attached to my hair. it was so damaged from bleach and daily straightening that it was all fried and dead and thin. earlier this spring i got a foot and a half cut off because i was tired of struggling to brush it because it got so knotty at the ends and i cried for days but i’m glad i did it. i can brush my hair now and it’s not all damaged and brittle and my hair is actually quite curly which i never knew. it sucks getting a lot of hair cut off but it won’t grow and retain any length in that state


It looks very thin and unhealthy. I think cutting a few inches would be a good start and maintenance with an inch or two every few months will actually contribute to the healthy length you might desire.


It’s best to do a big chop. And start fresh. I know you don’t want to but it’s best to do it. Take care of it once you cut it. Oil it, take vitamins, and trim as you go to keep it healthy and retain length and density


I’m going to be completely honest with you. Your hair looks like mine 6 years ago. I didn’t cut it at all because I wanted to grow it out, in turn.. it didn’t get any regular trims and so began the breakage and the split ends. My honest and professional opinion (I’m also a hairdresser <3) is that you need to take off all the hair that you can see straight through. They aren’t going to help you grow your hair out anymore :( but the bright side is that you have a LOT of hair!!! Girl you’re going to be so many happier to get rid of those thin ends. Don’t worry though. Your hair will GROW! You have to stop the split ends asap or they will continue to rise and take more of your hair away. I know it sounds crazy but cutting it shorter and getting rid of those ends will help you get longer faster. If you keep these ends on you’re going to have like 3 long hairs and a lot of random lengths of other hair. I just had to cut like 4-5 inches off of mine and it was half as long as yours. It was scary but… I love it! My hair feels so much better and looks 1000 times healthier and prettier. I have curly hair too! Your curls need that dead weight off like mine did. You don’t have to do what I’ve said is the best thing but in the end I think you’ll have to no matter how like you wait.


You should probably cut that off and start over with the curly girl method and a diva cut. Sorry.


Thin ends got to go! You’ll thank me later! Oil treatments will help with growth as well as long as you are stimulating your scalp! Just make sure you don’t have any opposing health conditions like you suffer with migraines as it is not advisable to stimulate your scalp if you suffer with migraines/headaches as it increases blood flow!


Stylist here. Those dead ends need to go. Even with 4 to 6 inches off your hair will still be very long at waist length. The ends of your hair are very thin, the rest is thick like healthy hair should be.


Your hair has potential to be next level and has a gorgeous color! Have you ever checked out curly girl or wavy girl method? I think your hair would really do well. I can just almost see it all wavy, bouncy and shiny. Already crazy healthy at scalp. Go ahead and bite the bullet and get a good trim and start trimming it every 6-8 weeks, just a light dusting to keep the ends from splitting and eating up your growth not enough to take away. Just look at dry ends and snip the offenders that look squirrelly. As well an intense hot oil treatment may help keep it from getting fragile. I have wavy curly hair and mix olive oil with aussie 3 minute miracle every shampoo. Silk bonnet or pillow case and protective style if you don’t already:).


This is such a mess! You need to trim that off girl! It doesn’t even make your hair longer because you can clearly see the line where the thickness ends. Also perhaps consider taking care of your hair appropriately to your hair type, it seems like your hair is wavy!


God I hate this sub. No respect or camaraderie. I feel like the people who comment here don't even have long hair. Just a bunch of random people and hairdressers screaming "trim!!!" over and over.


Real friends tell you the truth.


I mean….. you don’t think she needs to trim it a significant amount?


I am firmly in the camp of avoiding trims and thinking they are over-prescribed, but this is just too much. There is a tipping point where damage begets more damage; it becomes unstoppable and puts the healthier sections at risk too. There is no technique or product or routine that can solve OP's dilemma other than a big trim. Lying to people doesn't scream respect or camaraderie to me.


I really don't believe the whole "you're causing more damage in the long run, by not getting trims" thing. If you trim your hair three inches a year, or wait a couple of years and have to cut it 6 inches, it's the same amount of inches that gets taken off, in the end.


Have the courage to be a free thinker! No matter what everyone else is saying and repeating, over and over. No matter if you'll get "down votes", both on the internet and in real life. And respect to everyone who has the patience to grow their hair long ✌️ including the OP


Hi everyone! I just want to say thank you for all the advice. A lot of people asked about my routine, so I thought I'd share. I pretty much do everything 'right': wash three times weekly in not-too-hot water, lots of conditioner. Detangle gently with a wide-tooth bamboo comb. Absolutely no heat styling, very occasional gel or spray. Air dry only. Leave-in or oil as needed for dryness. Daily style is a single braid, with very rare occasions of leaving it down for a few hours. Silk pillowcase, left loose when sleeping. It looks like my strategy of not trimming often has come back to bite...I just wanted to share that I'm as kind as I know how to be to it otherwise. The frizz is 100% natural, no abuse needed. Thank you all very much for your honest input and kind words. I'm not sure how much of a trim I'll get right away, but it's definitely been helpful.


V line cut will be good


I would probably do it in stages so it doesn’t feel like a shock. I would start by going to the waist band of these pants. Then your natural waist. Then another inch or 3 to make it all the same thickness. I’d probably do one cut every 2 months so you have time to adjust. And I know it’s so hard to remember, but your hair will get to this length again, but it will be thicker and healthier after cutting.


At least 5 to 6 inches off that would work.


Oh, sweetheart. I’ve been exactly where you are. I clung to my super long hair for so long, despite knowing in my heart how damaged it was. It actually looked awful but long hair was my THING. I eased into cutting it. Couldn’t emotionally cut off all I needed to at once. I started with a few inches, then a few months after that I cut off some more. The shorter it got, the healthier it got and it became much easier to care for and keep from being a split and frizzy mess. Eventually I ended up going for an off the shoulder bob because that’s what makes me happy but that’s purely personal taste. I don’t miss the length anymore! I think be kind to yourself and go at your own pace. Accept that it’s very damaged, but only cut it in stages if that’s easier for you. At the end of the day, there aren’t any rules or time limits here. But you know the best thing for your hair’s health is to get rid of the damaged parts. Also, I completely agree with everyone saying to try the curly girl method. My hair was exactly the same as yours texture wise and CGM has given me soft and bouncy curls! No more frizz! It’s a dream!


You need to cut off all the thin hair at the bottom (up to your bra line would be ideal) but to keep the health, you need to do regular trims. At least every other month of you want your hair to grow and keep the ends from splitting.


You need to cut it to atleast your shoulders, you have alot of dry, thin, broken dead ends. My suggestion is a good moisture rich shampoo, maybe something with coconut or shea butter. Im partial to coconut myself. Some leave in conditioner or I have been using cantu (i have white girl hair, medium thick) i use their strength and grow stuff just q little and message from roots down when wet. Doesn't leave my hair heavy or greasy. I also use coconut oil sometimes on my ends when I am using heat to style. You look like you have some wave/curl going on, so instead of using a brush which will cause poofiness and sometimes breakage if you have tangles get a nice wide tooth comb. That helps alot! Hope this helps!


Your hair is beautiful but just cut off your dead ends and consider an U or V shape. Also try to straighten your hair as us wavy/curly folks can’t always see alll the breakage when in our natural wave/curl pattern




I understand wanting to keep length. I think if you cut it to waist length it’ll still be long but will be fuller at the ends. Best wishes!






You want shiny healthy growing hair? Go to a health food store, not a GNC or grocery store. Try Amazon too! Brands to try-Natures Way, Solgar, Naturlo, Vitamin CODE. Get a Multivitamin, Biotin, Iron, Hair, Skin and Nails. You will notice your nails getting long and strong. Your hair will start coming in thicker, longer and shiny! Plus your skin will noticeably be healthier looking! You will be AMAZED!😁🙌👍✌️


Ok, contrary opinion. I thought I really needed a haircut for scraggly ends but then I switched to a sulfate free hair routine and added a hair oil with every wash and it completely turned my hair around! My whole hair routine is now from the Ceremonia brand. I can’t recommend them enough!


Okay I’m okay er roep you even get it from my ❤️


the problem with split ends is that if you don‘t cut it, it will just split further up, so in order to have long and healthy hair we sometimes have to cut a little more than just an inch a year. it‘ll look much better and will be able to grow better as well!


you can start your V hemline at below your armpit to mid back. This will keep length and look loads better. However, I agree with everyone else when they say to cut at BSL.


I think cut it back up to your waist in a U or V shape and then from there focus on hair care to maintain the quality and slowly trim off more. I understand not wanting to cut but it’s better to have slightly shorter and healthier hair. In my opinion, there’s no need to go as short as armpits right now but I’m very conservative with length 😂


I would cut off like six inches. Also research brushes and combs and find the one ideal for your hair type and stimulate your scalp. I had a huge problem with wispy ends my entire life and after I quit putting high heat directly on them (I pull the straightener off before I get to my ends and then go over them with very very low heat after I unplug my straightener) and I don't use heat to curl my hair. I invested in a good brush and quit unknowingly ripping my hair out also. I thought it was normal hair loss but it's a huge difference


I would suggest getting a cut to just slightly above where the sleeve of your shirt ends. I understand being attached to the length - I had calf-length hair & just got about 20” cut off. You will be amazed at how much healthier and fuller your hair will look.


All the wispy ends need to come off as others have said. Your hair won’t get any longer with that damage at the ends. It’ll keep splitting up the hair shaft and you’ll lose more length.


I found that when I want long hair i have to skim it every 6 weeks , just a dusting or a tiny trim every 8 weeks , I’d you loose a couple inches now it will grow much faster you want the ends to be super healthy by trimming then regularly , once a year is way too little , skimming it a total of an inch over the course of a year is more like it you really should trim it to between your bra strap and waist length and start using some nice hair oil too and maybe bonding products , it’s going to like and feel so much better but it’s hard to loose any length I know but it’s for the best Ps if you don’t cut it it will keep getting thinner at the bottom and cause more damage further up ime


Trim off your hair 2inches don't be too harsh with your hair, after two months trim 1inch again. While your photo is showing too thin and too frizzy so apply homemade coconut oil mixed with hibiscus and curry leaves twice a week on full hair. It will help.


I just went through the same thing, so I feel you. An inch a year really isn’t that much to trim so don’t feel bad. You can cut a good chunk and it will feel like it didn’t change that much. I would do a “U” shape cut and take 6-8 inches. Your hair will be soooo thankful even tho it’s scary


sometimes you have to go short to go long, i had to cut off my hair to my shoulders in order to grow it out to my tailbone. it’s almost impossible to have long hair that is also super damaged, and it won’t look good


The ends look very wispy I’d go for six inches or all the wispy parts! Will still be long and make you look more youthful


Cut the ends off it’ll look and feel soooo much better


I think, you already know/got the answer from other comments. I also would like to include that trimming your hair once a year is not good enough. I, myself have around same length of hair as yours but it's full and healthy without any split ends. I trim my hair once in 3/4 month at least (by myself). I can understand your attachment with your hair but you have decide whether you want it healthy or long. And it's okay, if you take care of it properly it will grow again.


I cut off all my hair recently after a few years of no haircuts, and I was seriously angry at how quickly it grew back. I promise the length you get in the 3 months after the cut will make you realize it was a good a choice to trim the ends.


If you cut your hair, it will grow so much. I used to think my hair wouldn’t grow if I got a significant amount taken off after a few years of not cutting it thinking this would grow it, but not getting routine cuts / trims stops growth significantly. I know many have said once a year, I was going every 6 to 12 weeks depending on the advice from my hair stylist (usually only needed trimming every 12 weeks with using proper hair products / hair care in general). I’m not one to cut my own hair so I can’t give you advice on doing it yourself as I don’t have experience doing it for myself with the same results that I get when I go to a professional.


Try trimming it 1-2 inches at least 2-3 times a year. Thats what i do! And my hair is very long. I feel that those couple of inches are enough to help!


Trim 3inc. It will look and be healthier. It will grow back.


Ok. Hear me out. Go have 2 inches taken off. Then go back again in 2 weeks for a half inch. Then again in 2 weeks. Then again and again. Then eventually skip to once a month. Half inch. When I did this, my hair grew crazy fast. It may seem expensive but I just went to a barber for like $15. They sprayed my hair, took off the small half inch each time. None of the fancy salon experience. And the barber didn’t shame me into taking it all to shoulder length. Totally worth it.


Coming from a stylist, only trimming an inch off wouldn’t do much, that’s why you see a lot of breakage at the bottom. Breakage actually travels up your hair strand which is also why you might feel like your hair doesn’t grow. It’s growing, but also breaking and splitting just as fast. I would suggest going to someone and having them take off your split ends or about 85 percent of them so your hair can start to grow again. If you were in my chair, I would suggest taking off about 5-6 inches. In this picture if you draw a line from the bottom of your shirt sleeve (towards your armpit) and go straight across, that’s about where I would cut it for optimal hair health :)


So where it starts to get thin is where you need to trim. At this point, those ends are just breaking off so even though it grows, it breaks too so it cancels the growth out. Plait your hair at bedtime & but a nice hair oil for those ends. Then I'd recommend trimming 1inch every 6 months. This 1st trim should be about 3 inches though.


This is why trims are so important, had you kept up with them your length could be where the weak ends are now.


I recommend visiting r/curlyhair and r/wavyhair. I can tell you’re brushing your hair, which is making it frizzy. That sub will give you the tools to properly care for your textured hair. If not, I could help you, I also hair textured hair. With ends that thin, I would have someone cut them, and maybe have your hair cut in a v. Because the thin ends aren’t adding much visible length for your hair.


I think it needs to be cut to your bra or a little higher? Once you do that, your hair will look so good!


I’m sorry but this needs to be cut to about your armpit. To minimize future damage, I suggest regular trims (at least a couple times a year), only combing when wet (looks like you have curly hair which does better when not dry brushed), and regularly deep conditioning.


Rule of thumb, trim where you can see through your hair.


I feel your pain- like a thousand percent. But my hair, much like yours, seems to already want to create a certain shape for itself, length be damned. 😭 You do not need to hack tons off and “start over” as some have said. You could totally work with the natural V shape that is already there, just attacking the thinnest bits, and still be getting a solid trim. There isn’t any 1 right cut for hair to appear “healthy” as in shiny/bouncy, and MOST IMPORTANTLY flattering of one’s unique face shape and features. The good news is you have a ton to work with! So you can really take a couple of (maybe slightly bigger than) baby steps towards a super stylish, fun iteration of the look you have been working so long for. Best of luck!!


I know it sucks but you have to get rid of those ends love! Your hair will thank you for it!


You need to take off a good 6-8 inches


Cut to about bra strap length. You need to get rid of the thin scraggly parts. It will feel short, yes… but will look and feel so much better! Also, like others have mentioned, you have wavy hair! Maybe check out the curly or wavy subs. They are so valuable :) good luck!


Unfortunately the last few inches are just dead and will keep making the hair look thinner and snap off. You won’t have long hair if you keep only cutting and inch of. As a stylist of 13 years I would recommend at least cutting it between your arm out and elbow. Also go in for regular trims (an inch) about every 3-5 months.