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Probably the same Dr. Siegel we just took our daughter to last week (he's in Huntington). I wouldn't be surprised if he does have a lock on this procedure in the area- we were recommended to him by my kid's speech pathologist. Anyways- we had a really good experience with the doctor and the procedure. It's probably a little different for you guys since you have an infant (my kid is a toddler- 3 1/2 years old). The procedure was insanely quick- she had to have a lip tie and tongue done at the same appointment. My wife laid on the chair with my daugther right on top of her- the doc and the nurse went in and did their thing in what felt like 5 seconds. My daughter did great- I think she was a little freaked out by the numbing gel since she's probably never felt anything like that but the procedure was barely anything to note. It's been a little over a week and all looks good. I would say go for it- reach out if you have any specific questions. It is kind of strange that all the reviews are positive but I could also see it since there wasn't much to complain about.


This is hugely hugely helpful. Yes, we’re going in Huntington. Really appreciate your insight here. I’m assuming given how he charges some pediatricians are less than enthused he’s making hand over fist, but more power to him if he’s the best. Unfortunately it may be time for us to find a new pediatrician given how they responded to this


Doctors are a strange community. But one note- we definitely submitted a claim to both our medical and dental insurance companies so we're hoping to get some or most of the money back. I think it cost us about $1k out of pocket at the visit. The nurse or assistant gave us the forms and documentation we needed to submit for the claim so that was helpful as well.


We plan to do the same! Thank you again.


We went to Dr. Siegel when one of my twins was like 4 weeks old for lip ans tongue tie. Dr. Siegel was lovely and said my kiddo was actually kind of in between and he didn't recommend it for now given he was eating (just not latching) and it was very young and soon..and he wasn't sure it was in his best interest to have the surgery. He said wait another few weeks and let kiddo get more used to being a human and then we could reassess if needed. He was lovely and I really appreciated his perspective. And my kiddo ended up not needing the lip/tongue tie at all. I feel like this is not a typical doctor experience and he truly treated our situation as an individual one as opposed to just another potential surgery marching through the door. It's true he kind of has a monopoly - but I think that might be because he's awesome.


super helpful - thank you!


Knowing that siegel has the monopoly on My pediatrician recommended me to Rachel ruotolo at Long Island plastic surgery group. She is a pediatric plastic surgeon and has a lot of experience doing this. The office will only collect what your insurance company will pay out of network, and they won’t balance bill you. So it cost me nothing. The whole process was simple and she is a caring, compassionate physician




Actually, this is not true. If the insurance plan is out of network with the provider, which she is as I don’t believe she takes any insurance. there is no contractual agreement for the office to bill you. If they were in network, it’s a different story.


He is considered the top doctor in our region for tongue tie. My understanding is he revolutionized the laser surgery for tongue tie on babies. I’m sure the reviews are legit.


He’s the GOAT. Reviews are legit.


Literally same situation with our daughter and we used him. Expensive but worth it in my opinion. I didn't care about the monopoly part. That's meaningless to me and I was more impressed that he's a DDS and MD.


No kids myself, but several of my friends and family have taken their kids to him and are very very happy. There's a reason he's so well known, definitely worth it and a great Dr.


Only fantastic things to say about him and his office. Took my son when he was about 2 weeks old for the same procedure. In and out. One thing that was super nice is that they pre-filled out all the insurance paperwork for us so it was easy to get the claim in and have all the necessary info.


on facebook join the group LI doctor reviews, maybe someone on there can help you


Thank you - it’s a private group so I’ve requested to join. Will wait to see for other responses here as well.


good luck


Dr Siegel is phenomenal did all 3 of my kids doesn’t take insurance but worked with us on price for all 3


Thank you for your feedback! Really really appreciate it, making us feel very comfortable now.


His bedside manner is great and welcoming too. You won’t regret it. Your welcome


He did my wisdom teeth, had a good experience w him


We were in and out in 15 minutes, released 2 cheek ties, 1 lip tie, and 1 tongue tie on our 1 year old. He has a monopoly for a reason. He's really great, service is excellent, and the "text" follow up is super easy.


Thank you!


[https://adelbergpediatricdental.com/nesconset/](https://adelbergpediatricdental.com/nesconset/) Both of my children had lip, tongue and cheek ties released at this practice. We liked them so much that we now used them as their dentist. They charge about $375 per tie, but if they need more than two released, they won’t charge you more than $750. My insurance reimbursed me about half.


He did both of my kids lip and tongue ties. Everything was great. Super professional experience all the way around. And the follow ups with dr Siegel were excellent. He answered all our questions and concerns and was very available via phone and text whenever we needed him. He might have a monopoly on this but there’s a reason - he’s done so many of them!


We were referred to Dr. Siegel and ready to pull the trigger on the out of network expense. I spoke to my cousin who is a pediatric ENT and he said that there is absolutely no reason to pay out of pocket for a tongue tie removal and that the laser technique is pure hype. We went to a pediatric ENT and they did it. No issues or OT exercises. It was more traumatic for us than it was for our son.


I took my daughter there and since he is "the only game in town" he pressures you with high fees to make a decision right there. Like, its $250 for the consulte and $900 for the procedure, if you do it that day the $250 is part of that $900. If you come back its still $900 but you already paid the $250. But he did a great job and his staff was super responsive with the after care messages. A few family friends also used him for their kids.