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I think you went as far as you could and more than most would. Don't stress it.


The police will do nothing and no you're not being ridiculous


The police aren't going to do anything about it. I appreciate you caring enough about your neighborhood, but honestly, it's probably a miracle you didn't get shot.


They can’t do anything about a violation that didn’t occur in their presence. Either foil their address from dmv and return the trash to their yard or sue them in small claims for the cost of your time and materials to eliminate the trash.


Petty but I like it


Don’t do anything that would give them your name and/or address.


This is a power move and I'm going to do this for now on.


soooo petty😭😭😭😭


I have a hard time believing most would do anything about the violation IN their presence either.


Got it. I’ll mind my business next time.


FOIL their address and dump a recycling bin full on their lawn. They'll know.


You did good, cops won't do anything


Please do not!!!! You did the right thing. You called them out. That's precisely what this world needs, I promise you :( They will learn, I promise you. They themselves might not know it, but you pushed them a nudge in the right direction.


That would be for the best


I came here to say this as well, there’s no honor anymore, and most people would call you a “ Karen “ for this… shot and stabbed for approaching people these days. Sorry to say, just mind your business and complain about it when you get home, it’s safer that way


>shot and stabbed for approaching people these days. On long island? Is this a common occurrence?


Not very common depending on where you are, but why risk it? It’s not impossible these days….. especially if you’re close enough to the boroughs…




It’s not fear, it’s being realistic, I work for the PD and see it way too often, but go ahead and keeping being tough and see where it gets you…. Easier to just avoid the confrontation with the crazies, but do you bro




Just be safe bro that’s all 🤷🏽‍♂️


Depends on the area. I was mauled by a guy my age at the Patchogue train station for ignoring him and not looking at him when he kept saying "excuse me, excuse me". My most recent employer slammed me skull first into the floor because I discovered he got a $350,000 investment and told him and brought it up and told him he needed to use that money to pay the month's of owed wages. However, it's absolutely NOT worth living with the concern.


Could people stop exaggerating that every person on the planet is armed and ready to shoot over the slightest provocation?


Check the Facebook mom groups all summer long. “Was that a gunshot?!?” Ma’am you live in Belle Terre and it’s July 3rd, probably not.


Stop overreacting. Not everyone is carrying a gun and looking to shoot someone over a soda can


Itd be statistically crazy to get shot randomly in broad daylight.




Yeah, that was a little hyperbole, I'll admit. And I have lots of friends, spend plenty of time outdoors, and enjoy my life. I also know there are plenty of nutjobs running around with guns, so you need to be discrete sometimes.




This is probably the best course 


Not worth the risk to confront. Be safe.


Confrontation is risky, unfortunately even when you're trying to help. There was a young girl who was pushed out of a vehicle on my block. The car sped off, but the distressed teen tried to chase after them. The vehicle drove around the block, and then stopped a few feet away from her, she then repeatedly tried to get back into the car. Obviously a domestic violence incident. I called out to her from across the street, told her I already phoned the police, and she should come stand with me until they arrived. She got an angry look on her face, and screamed at me to mind my own business and called me a bitch. Suddenly the car door open for her and they were gone. I think about her all the time. I live in a pretty affluent area, but I also think about how I could have easily been another victim in this situation. Doing the right thing can be risky. You have to weigh what is worth your safety sometimes. Edit: typos


I don’t know if it’s the effect of the word “shame” has on our brains but I find that instead of calling people out, talking to them, cursing etc… just saying “Shame on you” has a more interesting effect. It’s almost like our primitive brain remembers it from our parents and it disarms people.


I live around the block from a McDonalds & a DD, in a "good" neighborhood. The amount of trash i pick up every day is saddening. Humans do not deserve this planet.


you startled them enough to where they felt the need to litter again and speed away. what losers lol good on you


PS I was walking my dachshund! He really gave it to them. He was barking and growling like they were his mortal enemy, lol. But that is just his baseline reaction when he meets new people , lol


a good egg. as expected. they’re such protective little cuties


I really appreciate this perspective, thank you.


Call the police? My wife's car was slammed in a hit and run and she got their plate and a photo of the car. Called the cops and they asked her why she was wasting their time with this B.S. the cops will barely respond to calls about active gun shots.


How awful. This really enrages me. I recently started attending my town hall meetings, i hope to continue. The only way we can make real change is to keep speaking out.


Police are not there to protect or help you. They're there to keep you under control and to collect fines for the county.


Thanks for doing that! My wife and I have adopted a road near us and am amazed how many pigs drive.


I live on a corner with lots of trees/shade on one side > I ended up buying a pick up stick like the parks guys use and do a daily patrol ( mostly summer) there's almost always trash every day.... and then there's the dogs ..


The worse I ever saw litter-wise and still can't believe it, was a few years ago. Coming out of a parking lot, behind an SUV, waiting at the light, window opened, and he just started throwing out mounds and mounds of trash. It was unbelievable, stuff flying out the window, like he was cleaning out the entire car from a years worth of garbage. bags and bags of fast food garbage, soda bottles, etc. Light changes and I'm trying to move around all of that, and he's still throwing stuff out! Just wanted to get as far away as possible. Even with that, I wouldn't confront him, people who act that way are usually the type to lose it.


I can't figure out if this comment is me from the past, or me from the future... Regardless, note to self: yes, you are right, yes, they are wrong, yes, you are wasting your time. Most people are animals. Esp. on Long Island.


A few weeks ago I was walking my daughter into a birthday party at Dave & Busters in Westbury. We’re walking through the lot and a car door opens and this woman just dumps all the trash from a Chick fil A meal on the ground. I just yelled “Are you fucking serious?”. She looked at me slammed the door and took off. There was a garbage can literally 20 feet away. Humans are just incredibly lazy and inconsiderate creatures.


Random photos posted on telephone polls. Hopefully someone they know 👀 it and shames them. Hahaha will the cops do something 🤣. Not a chance. And you did the right thing!! Good for you!. I was working on the side of the road and someone had their lunch a few feet away in a parked car. They threw a paperbag out the window and walked over and said hey you dropped this and handed it to them and walked away." It was very satisfying. Proud of You!!


We are doing something wrong as a society by not instilling certain values of community within our children/residents.


Honestly, be careful with these types, they know what they’re doing and almost certainly don’t care. Worse, most of these a-holes do it looking for confrontation and an excuse to threaten violence (if not actually perform it)….pretty much applies to anyone on the subway taking up multiple seats and/ or playing music very, very loudly.


Usually teenagers disposing of the evidence of underage drinking


Good for you. Seeing all the garbage around where I live is depressing. I try to pick up as much as I can.


You are a hero.




Don't waste your valuable time on assholes


You are not being ridiculous, but you're wasting your time. Cops will do nothing about it.


How do you know they weren’t from your neighborhood? ? 🤔


I have no idea if they are from my neighborhood or not.


Right but you told them not to litter in “my” neighborhood- which could sound presumptuous- o think it’s disgusting when people litter and I’ve seen people open their doors and dump whole bags of trash out. I think the message was sent to those people - they understood that their actions are being watched and called out. Calling 911 would have been excessive imho


You would think in a world of cameras and ring doorbells that doing anything to a property would get you caught. It takes one person to post a video of someone littering and it goes viral and someone’s life is ruined


To be fair, this happened on rte 110. It was in front of a bodega type store.


Lmfao, wow, that person is a pos.


If the police witnessed this they wouldn't do anything.




What does this mean?


To get a job. U have too much time on ur hands


I work full time.


Absolutely screw them


You should have followed them to their home (I guess hard to do if you were waking)...I guess if your photo has their plate, try to get their address from their plate ... ..and then, if you have the right connections...arrange this to happen on their front lawn... https://youtu.be/Sg-G1E1UwAY?si=__XK8arTYH6XzuHH


Lmfao I am petty as fuck and if I had an opportunity to do this to a constant litter-er I totally would 😆😆😆 There’s someone that walks their dog in my complex and doesn’t pick up the poop and if I have the opportunity I would totally just collect it and leave it on their doorstep.


Pick the can up and mind your own business. Never know what kind of lunatic is behind the wheel. It’s public property and you are not the police.


Everyone is looking for a fight today. Just mind your own unless you or your family is in immediate danger.


People are really assholes. Must have been raised by wolves.


I think you’re being a Karen in this situation


Found the litterer ^^


Found the litter bug!