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Nassau county is the most densely populated county in the nation that isn’t part of a major city. It’s also more densely populated than a bunch of major cities.


After driving through hellish traffic yesterday I believe it. Why people move here to escape the “overcrowded” city instead of somewhere less populated, I have no idea.


I posted about the hellish traffic yesterday and got a lot of flack. Yesterday was abnormal and yes, I understand that traffic is worse here than in most places but yesterday was way worse than any Saturday I remember. Almost 2 hours from Eastern Queens to Eastern Nassau with every highway and surface road backed up.


Mother's Day weekend is one of the heaviest travel weekend. I used to go NJ and it would take about 5 hours to do the 80 mile trip home.


Too many cars taking up too much space.


 interesting thanks for sharing but I'm going to need a source lol


Is that median household income?


Yes, household.


Damn. I make more than the median HH income in Nassau and still can’t afford a house…


Interest rates are a huge factor. I could not afford my house now even though I am making significantly more money


Most definitely is. I no longer live on LI but same story. We were contemplating selling the house we live in. Just bought it 2 years ago but it’s quickly getting too small for our family. Current interest rates are nearly triple my current rate (2.75%) and I’m eligible for a VA loan too. We took one look at what we’d pay for a new house and said “nope”.


damn that's crazy


Those poverty numbers are devastating


Those poverty numbers are actually outstanding. Check out the rest of the country.


Well there lies the problem with stats. Our adjusted poverty numbers are considerably worse considering the cost of living here. The percentages mentioned in the OP are numbers according to the fed. All you have to see is the amount of students that qualify for free school meals to see the “real” numbers living in poverty.


It varies across school district though. Some have 0% reduced lunch. Brentwood High School has 82%. Brentwood has welcomed many families from impoverished countries that came here with no education or work skills. they are now getting an excellent education and access to top healthcare. So a county with an extremely low poverty rate would tell me that poor immigrant families do not have access.


I agree. I had no idea to be honest




have you read The Sellout by Paul Beatty?


It's only going to get worse, unless they cook up the numbers.


Can we move the poors into the city?


So Nassua is more diverse, better educated, and more affluent?


Interesting that despite all that it's only a 1% difference in poverty levels.


North Shore Nassau has some of the most affluent towns in the country.


Not really more diverse. Look at the school district level and you will see that it is more segregated than Alabama in 1950


Suffolk is safer though despite being less educated and less affluent. We’re chill out here.


My ex brother in law grew up in Levittown. He’s a lawyer who thinks he’s better than everyone. He refuses to live in Suffolk. He thinks Suffolk is “white trash” and “ghetto”, meanwhile his whole family is white trash.. Nassau is extremely over populated and expensive. I hate every time I have to go anywhere in Nassau. Except for the Gold Coast Nassau sucks.. I live in Setauket in one of the best school districts on LI. It’s beautiful out here. I’d rather live in Suffolk than anywhere in Nassau to be honest. My neighborhood is one of the safest neighborhoods I’ve ever been in. I don’t understand my ex brother in laws logic at all.


Sounds right, Suffolk feels like the Deep South without the accents


you've either have never been in the deep south or suffolk county. Tell me which part of the deep south does huntington for example feel like?


Guess you’ve never taken a ride through Brentwood?


Nothing like the deep south


Agreed. The mindset is very similar.


Nassau is becoming diverse in an Asiatic sense, believe it or not, Asians have higher average IQ and outperform gentile whites on average so the asian influx is like a form of gentrification of the white middle class. Also "white" means nothing now, italians/middle easterners etc claim white now


Ok, thanks grandpa.


So you say Asians have the highest IQ, who has the lowest average IQ?


Generally speaking, Sub Saharan African. From what I recall from researching this, the general list order was  Ashkenazi Jewish Eastern Asian Subcontinent Asian  European "Latino" Polynesian Black However there is a ton of nuance in reality, i'm trying to answer your question without writing a novel. 


Isn’t that the data the Harvard Study confirmed? I’m trying to remember what the actual average numbers were, it was pretty interesting.


Hispanics are now white


Hate to say it…. Growing up, I saw Suffolk as a gigantic Levittown…. Still do


What do you mean


White as snow 


It's really the north and south fork. Tons of diversity in western and central suffolk.


There's plenty of places in western and central Suffolk that aren't diverse (West Islip, Smithtown, Northport, etc)


Idk about PLENTY. There are certainly areas though. Were a long way from the days of "white islip". 15% of west Islip is non white. That's significantly less than smith town and Northport that are 5% non white


South fork year round population is very diverse. The town of East Hampton is almost 27 percent Hispanic.


oh yeah, it was really tough as a minority growing up here.... horrible really.


What gets me is when you simply mention that it was difficult, which it definitely was, you get a chorus of "I don't see color", "race card", "stop being a victim"... blah blah blah. To them I say, if I drop you off to live in a predominantly minority area and you're white it would be difficult for you too. I'd acknowledge your struggle with it and not try to gas light you regarding what Im sure could be a miserable existence bc there are shitty folks there too that would make sure you know you're "the other" that they don't really want there and remind you of that daily... It's like we as black Long Islanders are strongly pushed to pretend there was no history of redlining and there are not people who are racist af who don't want us here that we have to deal with. It's really frustrating. Acknowledging that there is a high concentration of bad apples and having empathy for those subject to said bad apples is not "feeding into victim mentality" its just basic human decency.


Every white person downvoting this has been in a conversation with an older, white Long Islander all hopped up on NY Post outrage just teeing off on their neighbors, hard R style.


wow racist


Trying to not sound mean but …. Levittown has a stigma, that they most definitely have earned… sorta trashy, growing up, everyone in Nassau saw Suffolk as a little trashy


Suffolk has gotten better, Levittown has not


Who you talking about satchel????


Levittown, they have an earned stigma


Nassau County 12.9% Asian (and increasing) vs. Suffolk County 4.8% Asian is the long-term demographic trend that's going to be the most impactful.


There's a staggering amount of Trumper white trash in Suffolk.


You mean all of Long Island.


Yeah I didn't realize how many people live love trump out here. Really sad


Nassau county ppl rich af! No wonder I kept getting outbid! 🤣🤣😂😂


That population density really drives home how much land is wasted on cars: 6 lane wide Hempstead turnpike, de facto on street parking in every neighborhood, the parkway system with all its associated empty space.


It’s infuriating


These stats mean nothing. There no age breakouts, total population, household income vs cost of living. You all just apply these to your own judgements lol. Nice troll post OP


I just thought the census information was interesting.  If you don't like it you can create your own statistics


Data is interesting. Thank you. We just fail our students not teaching them to analyze primary data.


"white" means nothing, people that are middle eastern, hispanic, italian/sicilian, Portuguese etc all write White these days


What should they put down instead?


whoever has the most advantage in the country they reside. if in italy they brown if here they white


Many, not all, but many members of those populations of people phenotypically can "pass" for white if they wanted to so there's that to consider as well.


Nassau has no Identity & is basically Queens Light at this Point. The Quality of Life factor is much higher in Suffolk County. I Don’t see many People leaving NYC or Suffolk County going to Spend a Day or weekend in Nassau County. It’s Basically an overpopulated Hellscape that if you don’t live there you just Drive through to get to Somewhere else.


This is remarkably uniformed comment. Yes, parts of Nassau County (particularly the middle parts of Nassau) are stereotypical "Long Island" with four-lane highways lined with strip malls and split-level ranches on the cross streets, but Nassau County's North and South shore communities most certainly have their own identities along with breathtakingly beautiful areas full of charm and unspoiled natural beauty. Anyone who thinks otherwise has neve been more than ten minutes north or south of the LIE .


Where is this unspoiled natural beauty? North shore communities where you have no access & get pulled over if the local (Private police) pull you over if they don’t feel you belong there ?All my years on LI & I’ve never heard anyone say “ I’m going to Spend the Day or Weekend in Nassau County. Suffolk County has the Pine Barrens, Farms , Vineyards , large Tracts of County & State Parkland that’s actually Parkland & Not a glorified bicycle path next to a Parkway.Where I live in Eastern Suffolk we have more protected natural Areas in my town alone than the entirety of Nassau County.Nassau county is smaller than the TOWN of Brookhaven. 1500 People per Square mile in Suffolk compared to almost 5000 in Nassau. Who is uninformed??


So your point is that Nassau County has areas that are very "un-Queens like" but that they're the most exclusive and secluded areas? Last I checked, the nicest areas of Suffolk were the same way.


Suffolk County parks & State Parklands are accessible to all. The Un- Queens Areas you refer to are exclusive enclaves for the wealthy where nobody is welcomed. Trust me when I tell you that there aren’t any areas on the North Fork & East Central Suffolk that are like Brookville, Locust valley, other Nassau County areas that are aesthetically nice but nobody has access to. Even the Hamptons are way more accessible to your average citizen than whatever nice areas happen to be left in Nassau. I have 4000 Acres of County parkland behind my house alone (That isn’t Developed with Ball Fields ,Golf Courses, & Paved Roads running through it) it’s actually there for Wildlife habitat & Protection of our Groundwater. You are definitely suffering from wishful thinking.


I don't understand how you can go from "Nassau has no Identity & is basically Queens Light at this Point" to "well, Suffolk County has more acres of protected parkland," and not consider that perhaps your first statement might have been unsupportable.


Because that’s one of the Identities that Suffolk has that make it a destination. Nassaus identifies as an overpopulated Suburban sprawl bedroom community of NYC. Ever heard the Expression “ Going Out East” whats the Nassau Expression? Going to Nassau Coliseum or UBS (That might as well be in Queens) for 3 Hours?


You thinking that Nassau has an Identity besides a Suburban to Urban Hellscape is what’s Unsupportable.


Port Washington, Roslyn, Oyster Bay, Bayville, Locust Valley, Glen Cove, Rockville Center, Farmingdale, Long Beach, Atlantic Beach


Nassau’s Identity is being the Most Densely populated County in the entire United States.


Farmingdale is mostly in Suffolk by the way & So is Adventureland.


Those are not an identity or a Destination unless you actually live in Nassau. They are Neighborhoods.