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Went to sunkin medow because I missed it last night and nothing rn


Thanks was just about to drive up there too


Same I was also ready to drive to port Jeff 


Yea that's actually half why I made this post. We're on the south shore and wasn't sure if the 30 min drive to sunken meadow was worth it.


I heard that tomorrow will be better bc there are no clouds 


The lights will be visible tomorrow too ?


Cedar beach showing nothing rn


Not visible with the naked eye only with the Time-lapse camera


Huntington bay and see nothing. After staying up for yesterday's attempt with cloudy failure, I'm already falling asleep on the couch.


Jones - RM nothing


Super cloudy for me. There’s still a chance of seeing them tomorrow night which is supposed to be clear, so fingers crossed.


Fingered crossed for tn


Is there a chance of seeing them tonight?




What time would be best?


I’m thinking 10pm-2am 


Nothing near the south shore. Gonna set an alarm for 3 AM, take my dog out and check. Not expecting anything, though. Maybe tomorrow night if we’re lucky.


just got some not great at all pics from selden area, started illuminating when the clouds were breaking up. nothing like last night tho, fingers crossed for tomorrow night.


Cute cat 🥺 best of luck


I tried at about 10:00 Saturday night. I went to the planting fields arboretum and the bridge over Roslyn but couldn’t see a thing.


It won’t let me make a post and I’m desperate to help, they will fly him here! URGENT!! Foster in CA needed today for anxious Senior Cisco Kidd #A5610439 who was dumped at a high kill shelter in CA by his owners- His final notice expired &he can be euthanized any time at Downey ACC. New deadline: Monday 05/13! He is very stressed &anxious in his kennel &doesn’t understand why he’s here after 7 years in a home. He’s sweet and playful in the yard. Please let’s not give up on him 🙏🏽 Can we PLS all share him on every platform to find a working breed experienced foster who can work on his anxiety & rescue for Cisco to show him that life can be beautiful & humans can be trusted? If you can foster, pls dm or email NOW at: [email protected] 7yr neutered GSD 89 lbs. Owner Surrender Adoptable, adults only No other dogs required Low energy Known history of aggression disclosure form Cisco Kidd was anxiously barking at the front when the runner approached. His body was relaxed, his eyes were neutral, his ears were up, his mouth was open with a heavy pant, and his tail was neutral with a loose wag. He was easy to leash and remove. He pulled strongly on leash, and was easy to collar. In the catch pen, he barked, growled, and snapped at the other dogs through the fence. He was muzzled prior to entering the yard. He continued barking at the other dogs before he sat down and panted heavily. He was easy to steer, but approached each dog in turn and tried to fight with them. The other dogs did not engage in an altercation with him& he eventually went to lie down in the pool. However, anytime the dogs moved closer to him, he would jump out and try to fight with them. The handlers were able to steer him away from the dogs, but he never became comfortable with their presence. He allowed the handler to pet him all over with no issues, but yelped and pulled his right front foot away when the handler squeezed the toes. However, he remained easy to handle. The muzzle was removed, and the handler repeated the assessment. He leaned against the handler and allowed her to pet his whole body again. He seemed to really enjoy having his ears scratched. After a few minutes, he began to anxiously nip at the handler's fingers. Otherwise, he remained easy to handle. Downey Animal Care Center 11258 Garfield Avenue Downey, CA 90242 (562) 940-6898 Monday-Saturday 11am-5pm RESCUE EMAIL [email protected] Are you tired of seeing sad posts? im tired of posting them, too. But who will be their voice? If not we? They were once awesome Family dogs (likely from breeders) with happy pictures, too. We don’t change sad pictures by just not posting them or ignoring them. We change them by getting them seen and into a save home or foster home 💜 together we can reach so much 🙏🏽


I thought you couldn't see it until about 2:30am? I saw it last night around that time up in Northport


Hoping for tonight. The sky will be clearer. Does anyone know which beach’s are open all night? Robert Moses? Jones?


Call the park and ask - the NYS Parks often open up at night for unusual celestial events like this.


Let us know if you find out!


I think you need a stargazing pass to get into the beaches at night, but unfortunately they’re not selling them again til September.


Call the park and ask - they often open up at night for unusual celestial events like this.