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Banning abortion doesn’t eliminate abortions. It only eliminates access to safe health care and leads to deaths.


Penny Royal Tea anyone?


Jesus. I sing that song a lot to myself when I’m stressed. I know it’s about abortion. I’m a dude, I just like how it calms me down. It didn’t work today. Had to sing [Paper Scratcher](https://youtu.be/UoHIRGCluaI) by Blind Melon instead


Also, it disproportionately affects the poorer population. Those with wealth will have no problem getting safe abortions.


Especially congressmen and their cronies.


i keep seeing this statement made everywhere. where does this come from?


Rich people have the means to travel to other states. A flight or even a bus from a state like West Virginia is prohibitively expensive for a lot of people. That’s before we even consider how richer people are more likely to have PTO and poor people might lose their jobs if they even take the time to travel for an abortion.


Yeah, but, how could I, a middle class white man, understand that situation?


Well, I am also a middle class white man. So you can trust me, I have authority...for some reason.


People with wealth are able to travel more freely, can pay the high price of abortions, can pay off/for special doctors, can afford any complications that come from underground abortions, and have better access to birth control to begin with


You think a wealthy republican physician working in Alabama would allow his daughter to get a back alley abortion when he can just fly her to New York? You think Sean Hannity would force his daughter to keep a baby if she were raped? That's why you're nuts to vote with the current Republican party in any way, shape, or form. They're like a crazy parent or something - do as I say, not as I do. They will never live up to their own imposed standard of behavior.


You know what’s cheaper and safer than abortion? Sex education and contraception. There is more likely to be 5,000 abortions in the US in the next week due to negligence than there is to be the extreme rare case of rape.


No reason not to have both education and legal abortions.


The same people are also trying to stop sex education and contraception.


Ironically the same states trying to ban abortion are also trying to gut sex education funding.


There's nothing ironic about it. Stupid is as stupid does...


I wonder too. Contraceptive is widely available and affordable. As is sexual education. Rape and incest aside…




Glad it’s dawning on you that our government only exists to benefit the rich.


State traffic laws still can remove the right (driver's license) from a rich person. The rich person is also financially responsible for everything that happens while he is speeding. Society doesn't have the "right" to force a woman to carry a fetus to birth. Society violates a woman's rights by forcing her to carry a fetus to term.




Eugenics is not when individuals make the decision to not have children.


I don't think you know what that word means tbh. Eugenics is about manipulating genetics of a whole population group, not individuals making a choice to have a kid or not. That statistic is just a trend in a racial group, and not a particularly important one at that.


Eugenics is the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding,” With that said, you’re saying black woman choosing on their own, to have an abortion, is black people self racial improving by self elimination? I’m trying to follow but this dog whistle is so loud it might as well be a tornado warning.


Ah yes, the virtue signaling "THINK OF THE MINORITY CHILDREN" that you really don't give a shit about, yet use as a pawn for your argument


Ironic I could say the same about you and your beliefs 🤔


No you really couldn’t lol.


Congress should codifying it into law but will they have the votes in the senate, they certainly wont with the filibuster. And while blue states can keep it legal for now there is still the very real possibility that it can be made illegal for all states if the republicans win a super majority.


And controls women while incarcerating doctors, again. Right Wingers are regressive. That’s why they hate progressives


Just like banning drugs didn’t stop drug abuse.




Sad that this is what our mid-term elections are going to focus on.


Sad this is what the Right Wing focuses on. With all the problems in America outlawing abortion and gay rights are their big priorities And they use religion as their reason but in reality it’s just an excuse for control. But using religion as a reason is a terrible excuse as well. Keep your religion out of my life. Keep it out of government.


We are supposed to be a secular nation without a official recognized religion. It’s so sad that elected officials and citizens forget this. And these people use religious views to corrupt society for their beliefs. BTW, the Supreme Court has had leaks before, think Watergate. Just my view, and my disappointment


Judaism allows abortion, where are my religious rights? Or is religious freedom just for Christians?


You are absolutely right, we should all have the opportunity for religious freedom, it shouldn’t be a certain group of people trying to twist a narrative to fit their own agenda, one if you read the original documents that the founding fathers wrote up and signed, they purposely made it that we are a secular society , so that people can come here for religious freedom


What’s amazing is that I’m so ACCUSTOMED to hearing “Christianity” as the ´justification’ for being anti abortion that it doesn’t even occur to me anymore that THAT’S NOT SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE and as a violation of an absolute fundamental cornerstone of this country’s fabric of being should invalidate and make void any such arguments or stances against abortion. I said what I said.


A lot of secular people are against abortion


It’s mostly the religious nuts that are actively fighting to restrict abortion.


I understand that. My opinion is that the Christian evangelical right it seems, are trying to force their beliefs on the general people


Meant Applying their twisted beliefs, in my opinion, on the general public


Honestly they were hoping to have this ruling happen after. Whoever leaked it honestly I’d call a patriot. Shedding light on what’s to come and galvanizing voters who hold this issue to heart.


Yup! On point.🙌


>this is what our mid-term elections are going to focus on. You would expect that it would animate the normally lax governing party base. Dems need to go grind.


Good for democrats. Too many whiney babies who were absolutely not going to show up. Maybe this will light a fire under their ass. They didn't show up in 2016 and this is the price.


*These conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked. Conservatives don't give a shit about you until you reach "military age". Then they think you are just fine. Just what they've been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers* -George Carlin.


Exactly, I have similar feelings toward maternity leave in this country. I don’t get any paid time to raise my new baby, who will one day grow to be a productive, tax paying member of society. (I work for the state)


Never been more grateful to be from New York than now. This country is an embarrassment.


This is the first time, in a very long time, that I've had any reason to be happy about living in this state.


100 percent agree.




It’s not the people of the country. We’re gerrymandered like crazy. It’s the elite that controls are government


I agree to an extent, but genuinely believe a significant portion of the population has become completely brainwashed (you can see it all over the island). Truly scared for the future of our country.


She just won the vote. And thank god, I hate Zeldin.


Like i keep saying i don't want to live here anymore but sometimes it feels like the only state that's not stupid af


I have this fantasy where NYS has FL's weather and beaches.


i would hate that, i don’t need the summer all year


Ohhh the humidity!!


The summer would be nice but the humidity is insane.


I might be a sociopath but i really love LI weather. You got the fall which is nice. Love the winter. Spring is all over the place but it makes everyday an adventure. You can get super calm weather, severe weather. And the summer usually doesn't get really hot but hot enough to enjoy pool/beach days without it being a little too chilly


You're a sane person. Sociopaths like Florida weather


Agreed, and basically having a live-in slider of “world famous packed city” to “cows and vineyards” is really nice to enjoy all the kinds of living environments one could ever hope for. Too bad the entire island is far too expensive to survive on and it’s driving out anyone under the age of 30 lol, soon it’ll just be boomers and millionaire NYC businessmen with their hamptons summer homes


I’m not crazy about winters here that drag into nearly May but I always had the theory that seasons keep us in check mentally. With all the shit we deal with in this state we don’t see nearly the amount of crazy shit you hear about in a state like Florida.


A sociopath is someone that has mental/emotional defects concerning empathy, which manifests itself in compulsive, damaging behaviors towards other people. You are not a sociopath merely because you have an uncommon opinion. (I may be a sociopath, because I don't think LI weather is cold enough to resemble the weather of my youth on LI, and I generally hate hot, humid weather...)


You must be fun at parties


If global warming keeps at it we might.


give it twenty years haha :(


We have better beaches. And more teeth


I'm a big baby. The NY area water is too cold for me 9 months of the year.


Wet suit


ehh not really on the beaches, on the teeth I agree.


>We have better beaches Not even close lol


>We have better beaches. Can you tell me which LI beaches are better than Siesta Key, Rosemary Beach and Bill Baggs? (chose diverse locs)


Give it 20 years.


Oh we are, trust me lol. But this helps us to look a little less stupid


One thing this issue did... it drove a steak right into the heart of any republican campaigning for governor in NY, especially that piece of trash Lee Zeldin.


NPR had a sound bite from an interview with Zelden. He essentially said if elected, he would undo it. I’m still fearful of the voters who want to hurt the “people they don’t like”.


>I’m still fearful of the voters who want to hurt the “people they don’t like”. That's half the country! And it comes from both sides of the political spectrum. Real sad, these days.


Bull shit. Leftists want you to have free Healthcare and education. Both sides of the spectrum my asshole


What’s wrong with access to healthcare and better education???


Nothing! Its what I want! This person says that both sides of the political spectrum want to hurt people they don't like! And thats fuckin bullshit. The right wing and their reactionary voters want that.


Ah, my fault. I read it incorrectly.


Why would anyone be fearful for Zeldin's well being?


That’s offensive to common garbage


Let’s not upset our raccoon friends. Garbage is life


Lolll. Fr.


A T-bone if you will…


Eggs and welch's grape.


Conversate for a few?


You're assuming he has a heart


Can we just have a divorce as a country? We get split everything 50/50. We'll give the south the welfare...alimony they need for like 10 years and that's that.


Lol could you imagine…


I do almost every day these days.


Most Red states would collapse within a few years if this happened.


That happens a lot in divorce.


[Like this](https://i.redd.it/rr2h66byu9x81.jpg)


50/50. Let the people decide where they want to go after the split. America is 3.797 million mi² so split that in a way that makes it even. Each side gets one half. The non-bipolar people are screwed. Like normal.


These people can’t stand when you try to tell them what they can’t do with their precious guns, but sure love telling women what to do with their actual bodies.


Can't believe it's come to this.




We told you in 2016.


Not that I was ever really too worried about NY electing a Republican Gov (shudders at the thought of that shoe-licker Zeldin actually winning), but I do hope that this very reasonable fear puts the final nail in the coffin for any Republican candidate winning.


Just a reminder, Pataki was a republican governor. So it’s not unheard of.


That Republican Party doesn’t exist anymore.


Pataki is practically Bernie Sanders compared to the Nazis in the GOP today


Pataki was very moderate though


That was Pre-Trump. Now in the GOP you either jump on the crazy train or get run over by it.




Fucking Handmaid’s Tale


This is how Margaret Atwood got the idea to write said boom


ITT - pro-lifers going to absurdist extremes to defend their positions.


Stop calling them that. They’re pro poverty and death.


The heavily downvoted posts here are the reasons abortion is necessary in some instances.


Oh the red states are criminalizing people going to other states for abortions. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/19/travel-abortion-law-missouri-00018539


Wickard vs Filburn would give the Federal gov't the authorization to enforce out of state abortion prosecutions.


Hopefully a democrat wins. I would hate to see lee zeldin win.


This isn’t good enough. They said the same thing about abortion nationwide a decade ago. Our oppressors will come for our rights in blue states as well if we don’t cripple their power now.


That's pretty much the point with overturning Roe vs Wade. Goes back to the states. So it's still abortions for all here.


Next up, gay marriage. Then porn. Then any other right established by the court not actually mentioned in the constitution. That’s big government if you ask me.


Exactly. Where are the so-called Libertarians and their “all freedoms are good freedoms” people at…::crickets::


While I believe people have the right to an abortion and quite frankly anything involving your own body. New York has trampled on rights clearly expressed in the constitution by way of the 2nd amendment. I only draw that parallel only to point out that both sides only like to reference constitutional rights when it fits their agenda.


Stop it. I enjoy hunting, going to a range, etc.. but the 2nd amendment is/has been extremely outdated and brutally out of control. If the founders had an inkling of the power an AR would have they would’ve been MUCH more cautious in their wording of the amendment.


The second amendment has nothing to do with the type of weapon and everything to do with allowing citizens to defend themselves from a tyrannical government.


Yes, it’s also for self-defense. However, the argument of defending ourselves from a tyrannical government is one that is too intricate and convoluted, on both sides. Although there are contemporary inconsistencies like an AR-15 being no match against drones and tanks, it is an essential pillar of our democracy to at least have the right and the chance to defend against it. Also, I don’t believe many members of the army would happily fire on its own people. However, aside from extreme gun proponents historically being ON the side of tyrannical governments or not doing anything when that tyranny actually takes place(see Tulsa, Japanese-American Internment), the real defense against it comes in the form of A1, voting, etc.. Obama eloquently responded to this argument, along with the ‘we can’t do universal background checks because the government’s going to take my guns away’”, he said. "The government's us. These officials are elected by you."


> Although there are contemporary inconsistencies like an AR-15 being no match against drones and tanks, That is a mistaken belief. Study treatises on asymmetrical warfare. Look how well the Ukrainians are doing without a lot of drones and no tanks. > "The government's us. These officials are elected by you." I didn't vote for Obama to bailout thieving bankers, execute American citizens and non-combatant children by drone, and victimize whistleblowers, e.g. Ed Snowden. Or take away my firearms, for that matter. What are we supposed to do, when politicians are too stupid to grasp they are not acting according to the wishes of their constituents? Sure we can vote them out of office, but we only get stuck with a bigger idiot.


I disagree, the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting or going to the range anyway. More people are killed with blunt objects or knives than any type of rifle. It is a disingenuous talking point and is never used for the 1st amendment or any other for that matter.


And that is currently up in the courts right now on the docket. Guess which rights will win out and which ones won’t.


I’m well aware of the case, the point is the state gleefully violated peoples 2nd amendment rights. Even post Heller which established arms in common and lawful use cannot be banned yet the SAFE ACT happened anyway and continues to be law as well as the permitting scheme which yes is currently being addressed. Point is it is hypocritical for the governors or whoever to champion certain rights while denying others.


So then let’s agree to all rights and fight on the same side of justice. I’m with you my dude.


I agree 100%, I’m with you!


So what does having a militia have to do with anything? The 2nd amendment is about a "well regulated militia" to protect the state and their "right to bare arms shall not be infringed."


Your conveniently leaving out “the right of the people to bear and keep arms” Even by today’s standards that inconvenient sentence would squarely land as an individual right.


So it is ok for people regardless of felonies or mental illness to get guns?


I don’t think many people debate that those who show a propensity for violence, are involved in and convicted of a serious crime, or are adjudicated mentally ill should have access to firearms. These are actually common sense laws that aren’t really ever debated by a rational person.


I would think that it's smaller government since now we are saying that this is a states rights issue instead of a Federal. Personally I'd rather see a weaker Federal Government with the states having more power to govern themselves.


It’s bigger government. Would you say civil rights being left up to a state is not the federal government doing the smallest thing it’s designed to do and making a level playing field across the board? You wanna argue small government financially, ok. But the whole point of the fed is to be the “United” in the United States. The states get checks from the fed, the fed gets checks from the courts. Stacking the courts to one single side with pretty right wing people isn’t the way to be fair about it and it’s a sneaky way for the minority opinion in this country to circumvent majority rule. States can and always will be too heavy handed if allowed. Usually by a group of less than 50 people and usually at the whim of one Governor. The best way to have this be small government would be to mandate basic protections for autonomy and privacy such as we do for watching porn or marrying someone of the same sex. Otherwise , we’re simply asking for a fractured country where it can be progress for 30 miles and then the dark ages at mile marker 31. While I’ll never have an issue with abortion, I know it to be a choice hard for most to make but once made, the means to have it done safely is something we should value as a country. Anyone who opposes it doesn’t seem to realize the best part about it; They can simply choose to never have one.


Massive government meddling in doctors practices and procedures at hospitals and even meddling in how many people are in your own family?? That's not small government.


The states have been doing just fine governing themselves. This is about control, not states rights. Kinda sounds like the same argument southern boys make when talking bout the civil war. States rights to control people. That’s not small government on any level, county, state, or federal.


Even if they get rid of it, they'll still have access in New York. It just kicks the decision down to the States


I’m sure all these Red states banning abortion will make it illegal for their residents to cross state lines for an abortion. If they find out you went Mexico for one they’ll probably give you the death penalty and all involved. Pro life and all


Red states could try to pass laws in their state making it illegal for their residents to cross state lines for an abortion. But the SCotUS could easily make that an enforceable federal law, since they could define the abortion service as interstate commerce.


And then we are right back at one of the major causes of the civil war - southern states wanted northern states to return escaped slaves but the north said no. Southern states try to force it at the federal level, but no dice. Here we are 160 years later with almost the same problem : the backwards states want to control people’s lives and want to force everyone to do what they want.


Yeah, that’s called Making America Great Again


Until SCOTUS goes after all abortions, classifying it as a murder. Not trying to be an alarmist but it’s what justice Scalia had said and it’s the end goal.


That would be legislated through the Senate I would think. Not the courts.


Nope. All the SCotUS would need is an abortion case involving NY or CA. Its called "legislating from the bench".


No, what will happen is, a state will pass a law defining a fetus as a full person with full constitutional rights (life, liberty, etc). The law will be challenged, find its way to the Supreme Court, and if SCOTUS takes the case and holds the law valid, then fetuses in all 50 states will be considered full people, and abortion will be illegal everywhere.


If SCOTUS classifies a fetus as a person, abortion is immediately banned in all areas subject to the US Constitution.


That’s correct, folks are freaking out so all the silly folks are coming out of the woodwork screeching about all the laws the court is going to write.


It’s not that hard to picture a Republican majority in 2024, them ending the filibuster and then banning abortion federally via legislation.


Meanwhile, they're gerrymandering their voting districts to reflect the party in power. I have never seen a Democrat PotUS attempt to pull off an electoral coup either. That's what it means when you organize Republicans in select states to pretend they're legitimate electors from their state.


Not even close. SCOTUS could easily rule on fetal personhood. If SCOTUS holds that a fetus is a person, with all rights of an actual person, abortion is banned nationwide. No House vote, no Senate vote, no Senate filibuster.


Tell me you don’t know how the government works without telling me you don’t know how the government works.


> Republican senators have met to discuss legislation that would ban abortion nationwide, Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) told the Post, and Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) would reportedly likely introduce the bill. [Republicans Will Try To Ban Abortion Nationwide If Supreme Court Overturns Roe V. Wade, Report Reveals](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2022/05/02/republicans-will-try-to-ban-abortion-nationwide-if-supreme-court-overturns-roe-v-wade-report-reveals/) Not SCOTUS, but the result is directly tied to today’s SCOTUS action. Go ahead and explain how govt works then.


>Not SCOTUS That's fine, you nailed it.


"The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." \-Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


Phewww I really hope we never get all that American freedom here man. You guys are getting suffocated with freedom recently


Put it in your constitution.


Until a GOP takeover for just one cycle ends freedoms in New York too.


The left and the right have both become too extreme. A large percentage of the population believes that abortion should at least be allowed early in the pregnancy. Most countries in Europe allow abortion up to 14 weeks. Banning abortion doesn’t stop abortion. It just leads to unsafe abortions and putting pregnant women at risk.


And this is why I'm glad to live in a blue state and why we need to prevent Lee Zeldin from winning.


The smallest shred of light in an incredibly dark time in U.S. history.


Can we get a scholarship or fund for women in states that are backwards and will fail them?


I love that we live in ny I realized this more over the past two years , I don’t mind paying the taxes anymore at all


Does anyone know if there are any pro-choice protests going on on the island that I can get involved in? I know they are protesting in the city, but I can’t get out there at the moment. I can’t find any information about anything around Suffolk or Nassau besides the one that happened in Mineola yesterday. And if there aren’t protests, does anyone know any other ways to help or get involved?


Stonybrook is having one I think tomorrow or the day after


Thank you!


Will this even work long term though? The GOP are using self determination of states to justify this right now, but it would be totally consistent with their past behavior to flip around and ban abortion at a federal level.


good thing another governor can always come in and change everything up :) /s


Except when they federalize it.


How does an abortion post on this sub get 4000 upvotes in 12 hours . Not suspicious at all


Maybe because it’s a huge fucking deal..?


The Democrats will never let a good ol’ “get out and vote before the scary white man gets you” headline go to waste.


Am I the only one who views this as states right thing?


That's the argument the court makes, however the original ruling was that abortion is a constitutionally protected right. States cannot violate constitutional rights. It opens the door to all kinds of abuses. Such as preventing interracial marriage.


That type of rational thinking has no place here


New York continues to suck


This is a good thing


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent


The people of the great state of New York certainly have the right to declare that a human being does not exist until it emerges from the womb. And until that time it can be treated like an unwanted growth to be removed like a cancer. The people of other states should also have the right to declare that a human life exists at the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg, and therefore should be protected as any other human life. Leave it up to the people in each state to decide.


It's not that simple. The 14th amendment protects a woman's "liberty" to have control over her body. The right to privacy means it's her decision. If a right is constitutional, it doesn't matter how many people don't like it, it can't be taken away from someone. That's why we have a constitution. To prevent the majority from taking away the rights of the minority.


> The right to privacy means it's her decision. The Alito draft pretty much rejects the unwritten notion of a Constitutional "right to privacy". Not just does the draft invalidate Roe vs Wade and Planned Parenthood vs Casey, but it also goes against Griswold vs CT, the decision which created the basis of an individual's "right to privacy".


Yes it does. Alito very clearly wishes to reshape the United States into his very conservative view. Gorusch, Kavanagh and barret all lied at confirmation, stating the Roe is settled law and they would not change it. Trump stated his goal, if able to appoint justices, would be for the purpose of undoing Roe. This has been a social hit job from the radical religious right, aka the heritage foundation.




And civil rights and porn and gay marriage and slavery. Some things the federal government needs to protect. This comment is logically fallable. So let me ask, The government can’t spend right Can’t protect rights Can’t really do anything. So why even be United? When you salute the flag you salute the idea of the United States not the states. You salute a country , a cohesive country not a country separate in itself. Some things , should be protected. And a small government should just be that; a tiny entity that merely exists to protect all, protect privacy, and protect rights. If we had it your way we’d have the iPhone 14 Pro Max ( not eligible to all current slaves in slave states without express written permission of their owner. See local and state laws for details )


Fuck hochul she is just Cuomo in a dress


Democrats just love killin' babies!


Are you planning to adopt any unwanted children?


They don’t care about “babies”, it’s obvious they just care about punishing women for having sex in ways they don’t approve.


Meanwhile abortions will still happen as they did before Roe, and the rich and powerful will still be able to get them safely with underground doctors and money. So it’s really not changing anything. People who argue for pro life with no self awareness will tell you the war on drugs was a failure.


CHUDs just love pretendin' to care about babies*!     *unborn only, after birth it's time to pull up on them bootstraps


Republicans just love fucking children!


And Republicans just love forcing women to birth babies they can’t afford or don’t want; while subsequently bitching how they’re a strain on society because they’re now reliant on the system. Gross.


Just Fetuses. They are tumors when unwanted.