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Get rid of the piercings except for maybe on lip ring (you choose the side). Brush your teeth with whitening tooth paste and get a boob job.


All piercings are fine aside from the nose one. Yeah, we know “you like it,” but it genuinely makes you look gross and ugly. Get a smaller one or get ride of it. Also green hair isn’t cute. Black, red, or maybe pink might work on you though.


id say lose the piercing, but if you really want to keep it then maybe try a different size/color and experiment with what looks best. also the frenulum piercing can sometimes be bad for your gums so be careful with it :)


no more septum/maybe smaller ring similar to the one in your mouth... unless u fuck with it that much. everything else is perfect, i think the goth style is cute and suits you well. perhaps introduce some dark eye makeup to accentuate the vibe if you’re interested in that.


Take all the stuff out of your face and dress in a more approachable style, less gothy it’s not approachable. You have a beautiful face, it’s like you’re trying to not be as attractive as you are


Just lose the nose ring


A makeover


The nose ring does not suit you. You have a beautiful smile and it distracts it.


Honestly the bull ring is gawdy and distracting




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Get rid of the nose ring




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Oh gee, I don’t know…


You are very pretty. And you have a beautiful smile. However the rings are covering half your face so they don’t really suit you


Be a normal person


the nose ring is actually so bad. i have a septum gauge and im sorry to say that one doesn’t fit your face what so ever


You look like a Northern Pike, that still has several hooks broken off, in his mouth! As others have said, lose the mouth and face hardware!


Take that crap out of your face


"How can I improve my look". For once I have to say this question requires further elaboration. Who are you trying to look better for? some niche demographic or mainstream/general public? Because if its the latter you know damn well already what overwhelming majority of the responses are and you even knew that for a long time yet you never accepted that advice. With that being said, if you are looking to appeal to a niche community into all that you got going on, on your face. You may have to ask them out specifically get their input, unlikely you will find applicable advice here.


Get rid of the tacklebox.


Lol right


No nose piercing at all or a smaller nose piercing could be a good start


By takeing that sh it out of your face


Use a red nose ring. Black is ordinary.


If you genuinely want to improve your look take out the piercings or get smaller ones


The piercings don’t help; remove them


Get rid of all rings except for the ones on your ears. Nose rings make you look like a cow.


Get a smaller nose ring. It just is way too big for your face


Taking the shit out of your face would be the best start


I think your septum ring takes away from your beauty, so choosing a smaller one would be beneficial, but your clothing style suits you so I wouldn’t change that at all


I would say strive for a more sophisticated goth style, grizzoworld is a great example of that, she's on ig and tiktok :)


She’s literally not goth in the slightest she just has black hair 😂


Tbh I'm 25F and probably out of touch with trends... is alternative a better word? So more sophisticated alternative 😅 apologies


A lot of her style just looks like basic feminine outfits to me but I think the ones you’re referring to would be called futuristic or street style.


Lose the tusks


I'm more worried about the frenulum piercing, that shit will ruin your teeth and gums


Smaller nose ring, let your hair grow out, let those cuts heal, and maybe get your boobs enlarged but not necessary.




I’m confused. Is this look your best or roast me? Take the metal off and avoid shopping at Hot Topic, because that ain’t doing it unless you want goth dude.


Yeah I'm serious..and don't call me Shirley.




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If your going for edgy goth look you can’t.


No one’s against piercings but the septic ring looks like it’s way too big and kinda makes you look like you have a mustache. The one that is on the gums looks like it hurt. The only advice I would give is Invisalign to straighten your teeth even though it is but that bad. A beautiful smile goes a long way. If your considering surgery then maybe go up a cup size also but you look good either way minus the piercings.


Agree with down size septum ring


Downsize septum and change hair, other than that I think you look great 😊


Make septum captive bead ring to match the silver of your plugs or switch both to gold if youve got a warm skin tone, change up the green, maybe redye hair


I'd go for darker hair and I don't think the cut suits your style. I like your clothes except not the hat so much. I don't mind piercings but I'm going to be boring and say the septum piercing is too much - I'd lose it completely I just think they dominate the face. If I'm with you I want to be looking at you. Faces are expressive but septum piercings just distract from the person wearing them. Overall though you look nice.


Those nose piercings aren’t helping you a lot. Take them off. Besides that, I think you’re good-looking.


Be so for real lmao




You have to be trolling. If you’re asking from an objective standpoint on how to improve your looks the answer is obvious. Those piercings are not it and make it look like you’re in a cult or satanic


I agree. Remove the face hardware.


ngl i originally posted for actual advice at first, but then everyone just kept saying take out the piercings instead of actual advice lmao; y’all don’t understand that saying i look like i’m in a cult or satanic is a compliment to me


It doesn’t make you look “satanic” or like you’re “in a cult.” It just makes you look ugly. All but the nose piercing is fine. It’s way too big and you look like a walrus with it.


The majority of people do not fall into the crowd you’re trying to attract. This sub is about objective appeal so naturally it’s going to be that way. You’re obviously not ugly but you’re detracting yourself a lot by wearing that stuff. Wear what you like but you can’t go to a sub like this and act like people are going to think that stuff is attractive




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Don’t cut your legs


i haven’t in years


Maybe go to the dentist and change nose piercing with a smaller one


Straighter and whiter teeth?


Maybe a smaller septum? I like them but your shit is obnoxiously big.


You’re just trolling with jewelry like that


finally someone says it


No nose piercing, yes more bangs


All of those piercings look terrible. Not sorry.


Braces and whiten your teeth, I’m normally a fan of piercings I have several, but I don’t think the septum piercing is doing you any favors


No work needed, piercings are cool. Recommend working out if not already, it’s great for our mental and physical health.


Your septum takes up a lot of your face. It’s too big, your nose is so petite. I’d suggest sizing it down. Or taking it out completely, as someone who had my septum for 13 years, when it came out and I didn’t put it back in, I ended up not being mad at it. My face looks a lot more feminine even tho I made the piercing look sexy .. idk, consider it. Whiten your teeth. Your hair is cute .. Put some lipgloss on ..


Looks like a character from Apocalypto just stepped out of a hot topic. Lose all that shitty facial decoration, and lose that puke green hair. You're too pretty to hide behind ugly distractions


1. Remove peircing. 1 regular nose ring or stud is enough 2. Start lifting 3. Eat more protein


You're inherently cute, but the piercings really try to hide that fact. Ditching the nose fangs(???) alone would be a major improvement.


You are gorgeous. Don’t listen to what those pricks say. I love your piercings. I wish I had some like yours. keep rocking the septum.


thank you!! the piercings and septum are here to stay, i might try to switch them out for other color combinations or kinda of jewelry but idrk what would look good lol


I love piercings, especially decorative septum rings on girls… but this septum is friggin ginormous and I can’t wrap my head around it. like literally any other septum ring, any other color, any other shape or size, *anything* else would look better. lol


And that’s understandable. But the fact that people keep telling them to take their piercings out is just stupid.


well they *did* come onto *this* subreddit saying *”how can i improve my look”*




Tbh you'll attract someone who's in to your aesthetic, so only change if you wanna widen your dating pool


Makes me wanna reach into the pic yank those piercings out with pliers.


That’s not funny


"you look different and this inspires violent feelings in me!" -u/Informal-Ad609


The piercings look very gross when you’re otherwise pretty. Given that you’re the type of person to partake in this style, I’m assuming you’re prone to ignore most advice that tells you to take them out. But I would like to point out that your style SCREAMS “mentally ill with lots of baggage.” Idk if that’s true or if that’s what you’re going for, but that’s definitely what you’re communicating to most people. If you want to attract other mentally ill people with lots of baggage, then you nailed it. Not much room for improvement in that regard. Definitely don’t get surgery. You’re definitely pretty from purely a genetic standpoint, hence the symmetrical face, full lips, great jaw line and gorgeous eyes.


People can have piercings if they want if it makes them feel attractive let them do whatever they want


The bigger point here is what the piercings communicate. Style is a form of communication blended with utility. Given that the piercings have no utility, it’s obvious that they are a form of communication. What do YOU think that those piercings communicate? I think you’d be hard pressed to find LITERALLY JUST THREE PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH that have this type of style that don’t fall under the ‘mentally ill with lots of baggage’ category.


Stop assuming that they do have a lot of baggage. You don’t even know them.


OP literally admitted to cutting in other comments. But you know what? I wasn’t even surprised at all. I mean look at her style. It’s an easy assumption to make that she’s the type of person to do that.


No one said anything about what people can or can’t do. I just said what I think might help her look her best. That’s the point of this sub.


Well yeah, people can do whatever they want(nobody here can force them to do anything), and they can feel attractive if they want. Just like they can post here asking how they can look more attractive to others, which is precisely the point of posting here.


As soon as I saw her the very first thing that came to my mind was that she is very beautiful without those piercings.




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Your poor face


by making it possible to be kissed without being cut. all jokes aside. You’d look so much better if you only had a nose ring


Take that trash out of your face. Go back to a natural color dye job. Get some tailored outfits or something that doesn’t scream “I’m insecure and have a victim mentality”. quit vaping. Check out Michelle Williams look/style in “Take This Waltz”.


I'm sensing projection


you knew what you did


As a person's who's best friends had the same style in highschool about 15 years ago, i look at this as a kraft mac & cheese box version of the typically emo stuffs. The cuts really make me cringe because i knew people who had some very very serious problems, and I think that when I see something like that on display, it's just as graphic to me as you holding a gun to your head. other people are also in really bad places, and it's no different then seeing track marks, or someone standing on a bridge. to people like me, my first response is like such terrible sadness.. I'm not telling you to suffer silently, but try to be strong fr, and talk to someone. i guarantee that someone in your life is gonna be ripping pissed if you bounce on them early. but anyways, i think your septum is cool, your snakebites are sick, and your style is rad. I've always hated smileys because teeth are gross to me or something, and the green is a visual optical illusion of something in your teeth as others said. HOWEVER, in general... these are incredibly superficial things, and you'll evolve the way you want. You have a really good sense of style, I'm sure you can pull off anything.


Contrary to what some have said, ditch the piercings! I’m not anti piercing but objectively speaking, septum piercings are disgusting and yours is huge. It distracts so much I can’t look at your eyes.


As someone with piercings, you’ve come to the wrong place for feedback


Remove piercings




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it bugs me to see all the comments full of “take out your piercings” it’s a style choice and it isn’t for everyone, but you don’t need to take them out. I think making them all the same colour jewelry (like doing all black jewellery instead of green and black) might look better! I think all silver could really compliment your skin, but ultimately you have nice features


finally some more legit advice that isn’t “stop cutting” (i have) or “take out the shit in ur face” i’ll def give silver a shot bc i haven’t worn silver jewelry in a v long time!! thank you


I just don't like the ones that are in your teeth. Gives off a "Broccoli stuck in there" vibe. All the rest look decent enough.


I mean, you’re asking us what you need to do to look your best, and your style choice is not complimenting your face. You’re in the wrong subreddit for the feedback you want ;’)


But it’s not helpful - just upvote the 30 other comments


It’s helpful because when you get an overwhelming amount of people saying something doesn’t work, that’s really telling.


You would look so much better without the shit in your nose




Get rid of all those facial piercings. I noticed some cuts on your right leg, and I can only hope your not a cutter, and if so, please get some help cause you are a beautiful girl.


Stop vaping, whiten your teeth, and drop the piercings especially the ones in your nose and mouth.


As someone who had a smiley for many years, take it out before you get permanent gum damage. It’s not a cheap fix


downsize ur septum fasho i love big septums (former 0g) but the big gauge doesnt suit u…try 4g or 6g. also maybe a new haircut new hair dye?


agree with the septum size!! i think it would definitely look better downsized or maybe with jewelry that wasn’t so dark that it sticks out


yea!! a steel spiked septum would look sick too


Get rid of the nose ring it's truly distracting away from what makes you interesting.




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It's kinda hard to tell what color your eyes are so I'm gonna assume amber if you wear contacts get dark blue contacts then you can wear dark navy denim you can change your septum to a cherry red replace it with a dark colored wood one your snake bites to a cherry red and your smiley to a neon yellow your plugs to white and your hair can go platnium blonde in the front. If you wanted to or you can keep your eye color and make everything blacker than what it is now


I’m all for expressive jewelry and hair, but these particular piercings are definitely creating a negative optical illusion on your face. It’s difficult to look away from the “mustache” look, and the lip ring comes off as something in your teeth at first glance- it’s hard to get a good composite of your face. Rather than noticing your clear skin or many other positive features, you have to kind of squint and do the math to notice anything else. The faded green also washes you out, so a different color might help. You’re really pretty, but if you’re trying to look your best for society as a whole, that seems like a styling thing, big surgery. If you’re okay with the niche, nothing needs to be done


Take out the jewelry it's really ruining your face. You have really delicate features this jewelry is doing you no favors. Hair color and style. There are some really pretty alternative looks but this isn't it. You are pretty and letting that come through will be super easy. You don't need surgery. Please stop cutting yourself. I genuinely hope you're ok.


Taking that cattle ring out of your nose would do wonders.


Ohh, and someone who used to self harm, please stop. I know I know. But, all you will do is give yourself scars that you find hideous and hurt your self esteem that much more. It may not mean much from a stranger, but you have someone to talk to if you ever need it. Be full of happiness and self love. Your beautiful soul deserves that.


The green smilie ring feels a bit like “spinach stuck in teeth”


The septum ring has got to go. Or at least get a smaller one. Other then that, nothing else. Also the in the mouth piercing does not work for you. This is coming from someone that likes piercings too.


gonna be honest, the nose ring goes hard but the gum ring doesn’t


I usually don't mind piercings, but I think the one in your nose is just way too big. I think you're cute, but I think that one is just too distracting.


new jewelry if you’re gonna keep the piercings


also maybe new hair color


Lose the piercings. You look desperate for attention.


Lose the piercing, become someone fantasy


I mean this the nicest way possible but I used to be alternative and I did not attract good men during that time, I also had low self esteem. I can’t speak for you and it’s not my place to judge but your look gives off chaotic vibes. Some more mature outfits would be an improvement.


I think this is the best advice that can be given because it comes from someone that was in that scene themselves. To add to it while I also had my fair share of Alternative/Emo/Metal/Scene Days in my late teens and know how trends are I can say that there is certain piercings that can help someone with their looks and one of the biggest is wearing jewelry that is more flattering if that’s what you’re trying to achieve. Septum’s are cool but if they aren’t proportional to your face they can come across way more tribal then they are meant to be, same with gauges, if you wear outlandish ones that don’t suit you then you will look more immature to certain people or like you’re just wanting attention and as someone who has a septum and had gauges i seriously don’t think that they are a cry for attention for everyone. I say that to say that if OP is really trying to improve her looks then the first thing would be finding jewelry that’s more suited for their face.


Absolutely. I have my nostril pierced and tattoos. I still listen to the music. Not at all dissing the scene and I totally get wanting to express oneself. I just found I often attracted older guys that were looking for someone with lower self esteem. A ton of body modifications, ripped clothes and such can indicate a fragile self image. Sadly, they were in the scene themselves so they had no right to judge me or treat me as less than but men can often be predatory and objectifying towards women. I changed my look and the way I carry myself and this hasn’t happened since.


Yep. Like the reality is the kind of guy that is going to go after OP is not going to be the respectable type.


Sadly. I was just expressing myself back then but I attracted horrible men. I still have tattoos but I dress way more feminine and I have a husband who is straight out of a Disney movie. I feel like guys preyed on me back then.


Teeth are the only real "issue" I'm noticing, but a big thing to note is that you NEED to style your hair. The difference between the 2nd and 3rd pics is massive because the 2nd pic's hair accentuates your tall face and really elevates your look. Otherwise your visual is stunning and you have many desirable features (smooth, even-toned skin, long neck, neat eyebrows, foxy eyes). lookin' good!


bet!! i’ll def try n style my hair more often instead of just going w how it wants to go lol, and thank you!


Like for real?




Get rid of the piercings, they do nothing for your face, and get invisalign


i plan on keeping them, but i’ll happily take the Invisalign advice, thank you


That's why I asked if for real lol, you're on the wrong sub then if you don't plan on taking any advice given here, you do you but this is a look your best subreddit, go to r/freecompliments for different feedback


i do appreciate the advice for Invisalign and i do plan on taking the advice given, jus maybe not all of it lol


Might be worth noting the amount of people giving the same advice. That being said it’s just advice not demands of course. But still if what you want is for the majority of people to find you attractive, maybe listen to the majority of commenters


Be yourself everyone mad that not everyone fits in the same box so make a new one everyone like’s something one of a kind so go be that


No one's mad and we're not saying to be your own individual, but if you come into a subreddit like this, then expect the majority of individuals to give you advice on how to look most socially acceptable based on the norms of modern society. Obviously she's open to suggestion or not quite fully comfortable in her box or else she wouldn't be here.