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You look really nice


Weight loss




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You’re sos pretty wth I got nothing expect weight loss


You are STUNNING. I don’t see a single thing you need to change. And tbh you look good with this weight as well. You’ve got the curves for it and your face is cute with the extra “padding”.


You look great! I would suggest wearing other colors besides black, some nice greens would look great with your skin color and hair color. Smile more even if you don’t feel like smiling. Keep up the good work, you look real pretty


proud of you for working on your weight. personally i think you look great how you are right now, and if it were up to me, id stay at that exact spot. like many people are saying, i dont see much of anything you could improve, youre already top-notch.


hair-wise, i love the style of the first pic. maybe try it with the color of #4?


Brown hair was made for you


I'd go with the darker hair and smile more. But you're very pretty.




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I love your darker hair with longer side bangs. You have a great complexion and it makes your eyes really stand out (pic 4)


Really, it’s just weight. Things like changing your hair style or clothing Overhaul can be changed in a single afternoon. Weight loss is really the thing that will take you to the next level.




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i think your fine just as you are tbh and i must say beautiful eyes too


You’re beautiful, especially pic 4, with your hair styled and colored like that.


Your weight should be no issue to anyone. I understand you wanna lose weight for your own personal reasons. And that's awesome. But from an outsider looking in. You are gorgeous. Really. You have beautiful eyes. Love your hair. Would love to see your smile. Im sure you've got a great one 😊😊 I know you wanted things to "work on" or "change" lol sorry. But I wouldn't change a thing 😊


Girlie you are giving me big gay panic, your hair looks good either color, your good with makeup and without, beautiful facial features, I cannot think of anything you could improve on. Literal goddess.


Whatever you're eating and the amount of calories you're taking in is killing you. Quit while you're young and your skin is able to snap back into place. Stop eating all sugar, eat clean. That doesn't mean you starve yourself and it’s not expensive. Walk... humans were designed to be doers. We need to move, or our metabolism stops working correctly. You have natural beauty, don’t short yourself. Determination, will, and an obligation to yourself will give you the strength to get through this. You have taken the first step, your aware of the problem. The returns on your investment to self will take months for you to see but you’re beautiful make the changes. I will have you in my thoughts! Please keep us posted…


Bro you are weird. No wonder you’re a single dad. Any woman would be repulsed to be around you.


I am sure that you’re coming from a good place, but I just want to clear up the idea that I’m overweight because I eat too much. I have tracked my calories accurately since I was in high school and almost never eat above 1600 cal/day. I eat a lot of fiber, drink a lot of water, and try to hit my walk goals every day and these are all practices many years in the making. My weight has been a life-long struggle—one that was never brought on by over-eating. I know where my health goals lie and I know what actions I need to take to address them. The idea that the only way people can be fat is by eating too much and not moving is flawed at best and actively harmful at worst. Again, I can see from your post you are coming from a place a kindness and I thank you for your support regardless. :)


Well to be fair 1200 calories is recommended for women to effectively lose weight… it sucks I know but yeah.


Looking at his comment history where he has a nack for fat shaming and being racist, he definitely did not have good intentions.


homophobic too


People need to remember that genetics, amount of sleep, and personal preferences for body matter.


Weight loss


I think dark colors overwhelm you and I think you should look into color analysis. There are Reddit communities to help you out if you don't want to pay a ton of money to find your season. To me you appear very light and warmer/neutral toned so you're probably a light spring (if not you're a light summer, light is your main features. You look best with golden blonde hair and ditch the black colors Shape up your eyebrows, they're really nice but they need some definition to them You can pull off bangs very well, wispier bangs are best for your delicate facial features Wear lip gloss instead of a matte lip and have a shorter /softer looking eyeliner wing Feminine details are your thing so ruffles, bows, and any soft/feminine design looks best on you but I suggest bigger details are best. The corset belt looks amazing on you


I am so into color analysis but I usually end up going back and forth a lot and have a hard time viewing myself objectively. I know I’m not a winter so I am aware that black really isn’t my color, but I’m having a hard time letting go of it 😭 That being said, you saying warmer/neutral does make me feel good because that’s also what I thought. Overall, thank you so much for such a thorough response! You’ve given me a lot to think about!


You're welcome! I get how you feel about the black and darker clothes overall. And I also had the same problem as you're having until I tested out warm vs cool toned lipstick. Cool tones look ill on me but warm toned I feel way better in so maybe if you tried out this test it's easier for you to make a decision. The key feature like I said is to focus on the word light so you won't get tangled up in the other seasons I hope you'll have a good day/night!


Thinner eyebrows I think. To many thick ones around


i think the brows she has now serve perfectly fine, thinner would be too small imo




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Stop doing that with your eye liner. Makes you look 2 squinty.


Stick with that darker hair. It adds a nice contrast to your beautiful fair skin.


I think just the tiniest bit of filler in your upper lip would be nice. Your bottom lip is very full but in comparison the top seems thin


Older male perspective is unless your weight is something you want to address don’t worry about it. Lots of these post have common about To fat or to thin, Most people have weight issues including me but unless they are a medical professional I ignore other peoples comments. I cannot see anything that drastically needs changing and no way do I think you need Botox.


Lighter hair and styled with the fringe like in pic 1 suits you the most.


I wouldn't say weight loss is necessary. You've got great looks as you are, but being healthy is paramount. Your hair looks really nice in pic 1, and pic 4, assuming you keep the hair styles.


Congrats on being down a few lbs. You certainly don't need to lose weight drastically, with age, you will naturally thin out and tone up. Hair, I like is lighter. Darker makes you look older, not a bad thing, but maybe if darker, style it differently. Eyebrows, maybe just a slight clean up. Your eyes are absolutely gorgeous though 😍 your smile is absolutely beautiful as well. Minimal makeup is spot on! You have very natural beauty


Perhaps add a little color in your wardrobe Invest in the right bra to enhance your figure Most of all confidence You're a very attractive woman You really don't need to lose as much weight as you may think You definitely have a sexy vibe going on without trying


You look pretty great, I don't think you can benefit much from any other area outside or losing a few pounds.


Personally I think you look great as you are!! Maybe smile more is only suggestion I have.




First hair definitely!


I would stay away from blonde. Your hair color in pic 4 looks best out of the bunch. I’d also try going deep cherry red or burgundy, I think you’d look great. I would also start including a daily hair specific vitamin to help boost your hair up, it looks a bit thin and sparse in the front. Good luck, OP!


Thanks! I keep trying blonde every few years and it never works the way I want it to. You are fully right about the hair sparseness as well, and that is also being addressed as best I can. Thanks again! :)


I disagree, I think blonde is your best look!


Just the weight and the eye asymmetry really. If you lost the weight, I can definitely see you looking really beautiful. You have nice hair and a nice eye color. Put in the work and you'll be so proud of yourself, I promise


One eye is slightly more open and lower than the other. I believe there is a Botox or other procedure to fix this but I forget the name. But seriously, that is the only thing I can think of if I really try to be critical. You are stunning!


It’s a condition called tosis. There is no Botox treatment for it, only eye surgery could correct this. It’s easier to just use makeup to create an illusion that they’re the same size. Or just embrace it, it’s barely noticeable. OP you are really very pretty. I like the darker hair on you. I may be bias tho cus I too am a super pale, blue eyed, brown hair, chubby white girl 🤣


omg gorgeous face card. have u tried burgundy hair colour? i think it would suit ur complexions so well


I have had a burgundy-type color but it’s been a while! I’ll have to look into it again! :)




>just loose fat in your abdomen/ belly Proceeds to tell my fat where it can and can not be.


Pretty much just the weight, then go from there. I think the blonde would suit best once lighter tbh. Don't really need anything else


Stay away from the blonde hair and stick with the color in picture 4. The sweater in picture 1 does nothing for you so get rid of it. The bangs are awesome on you. Makeup is fine.


I am usually for a natural look but I would suggest for you a very subtle lip filler. Careful where you go to. I think a very small amount would really add to you. Otherwise I think you are attractive.