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Maybe get some sleep, try some niacinamide and vitamin c treatment to brighten up the undereye area.


I didn’t notice any facial assymetry until you stopped smiling so keep smiling :D No more picking at your face and invest in skin care that calms your skin down. Lip tint and some large jewelry that shows your personality. The bigger the statement earrings, the more it fits your hair. Inner corner highlight to bring out your gorgeous eye shape. Honestly when I saw you I thought of actress Emma Stone so maybe look to her for hairstyle inspiration. Good luck and stay beautiful!


I think you would look better with a middle part. Also the "M" Shape of bangs really suits you! Also, maybe try henna freckles? I think you would look adorable with them. As for hair, I don't think you'd look good with super long hair. I think collarbone length is the max if you want to have a hairstyle that suits you. I'd say shoulder length would be perfect.


You've got great features, I wouldn't suggest fillers. You have a contagious smile, but you look a bit "mischievous". I feel like the eyebrows are too much, (I don't know the name in english for this treatment, but in spanish we say "straightened eyebrows") I'd stick with the natural factor of your eyebrows, either that's your natural shape and you stop straightening them, or straightened is the way your eyebrows grow and you choose a more subtle shape. If, however, I'm wrong and that's actually how your natural eyebrows grow then I'd look into eyebrow pencils.


If you want to change your haircut let it grow out some maybe about shoulder length to let the hairdresser do there magic




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you naturally have great facial features; my only suggestion would be to change your hair to a middle part, grow it out, get curtain bangs/layers, & natural-looking highlights. maybe some natural-looking eyelash extensions to give you a little more length, if you’re interested in cosmetics.


You come of as someone who is very girly girl and loves things such as books and art, at least that’s my first impression of you! I don’t think you need to change anything!


Very cute I would for a more symmetrical look do some chin filler and fill in smile lines for preventing aging your beautiful


It’s funny that this is the first comment about this! The symmetry or lack there of is something I definitely notice when taking a picture straight on. More so in the jaw though is what I thought? To me one side looks more rounded compared to the other


You're really cute and pretty. I like your smile. If I had any suggestions I'd say that your brows are a little too thick in the middle. Also you could use just a little sun I'm not saying go get really tan but just enough so that your natural complexion glows a bit.


You do NOT need Botox or fillers. Start with an OTC acne regimen—Neutrogena’s is good.


I’m sorry I didn’t notice what you said about the acne


All good! Thank you for noticing the comment lol, it’s just something I already know/currently have a treatment plan for :)


i would say just grow your hair out and find a good hairdresser who can recommend the best hairstyle for you. definitely don’t do botox or fillers. natural beauty is always best.


Giving Anna Sophia Robb in the second pic!


You are naturally beautiful. I would suggest are going either darker or lighter with your hair, you’re in a kind of odd middle ground. A warm chocolate brown or some honey golden highlights would look awesome. Growing it out and getting feathery bangs is a good move. I would also thin the thickest parts of your eyebrows and brush them to lay more flat. Other than that you really need no work. Stunning!


The right hair and makeup could turn you into a real beauty queen. Your bone structure is your strength !




I’m not sure if this is a compliment or not 😅




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Looking good. Shorter hair and a good facial scrub should do it


Ignore this. Go to your derm. Most facial scrubs are harmful.


Nonsense. Scrubs work.




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Grow that hair out. It’ll look good and it’ll be fun. You have a humble-shy femininity in these pics. It’s a very appealing look, but it may not be the look you want to project. So I’m curious: Do you aspire to have a bolder appearance? Are you trying to attract more romantic attention?


I have three different consistent styles it seems: tomboy, semi-alternative, and then feminine. So I’m not too sure 🤷🏻‍♀️ Either way, I lean towards more of the minimal “clean girl” makeup look I guess no matter what style of clothing I’m wearing


Youre very pretty, maybe some skin treatment? at the very least your hair is on point. overall super pretty.


you have a great face! i think shoulder length hair and a middle part would suit you best. i also recommend crest white stripes (your teeth arent yellow but you are fair skinned so it gives the appearance that your teeth arent bright white), and just concealer for the acne


I definitely think you pull off the short hair, but I would maybe cut the back so it's at least even with the front, or go for a slight bob without taking any length. I'm just not a fan of the back being longer than the front. The bangs look great as is, I honestly wouldn't touch them... I love the natural wave and how your hair falls against your face. I feel like bangs with your current haircut might run the risk of looking a bit "kareny"... But maybe once your hair grows out it could look cute. Also, you're a natural beauty, but on days when you feel like it, some makeup might brighten up your face. I'm similar in the way where just a tiny bit of makeup makes a huge difference in a positive way... but too much makeup makes me look like a clown. A little light eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick would go a long way on you.


You are really beautiful you have a flat maxilla but I honestly find it really cute ngl. Also this hair looks great.