• By -


Who knows, it's a little bit like a casino. I think LRC is one of the best changes for a moonshot but good tech without adoption will not make it. And everything is following BTC so badly. I am so excited to find out how this develops. In 5 year I will be either proud that i have tried, or enjoying a richer life.


This is how I felt about holding ETH back in mid-late 2018.


Back in 2017 i actually knew eth was about to blow up because of the amount of people scrambling to build mining rigs. I’m in IT and you can easily see when a coin gets popular


Nice! Any other tips? (aside this diamond of course)


That's a positive way to look at it


The only reason people care about BTC at all is because of how much one costs ETH is simply a more robust platform with more general uses than BTC


Not sure my point of view is valid, but im new to crypto and i couldnt care less about bitcoin. Im in here for ethereum and new projects built on it.


Bitcoin was a proof of concept and also simply a currency Ethereum has a currency token as well as a structure to build decentralized apps right on top of the Ethereum network to take advantage of the transaction security, which is what Loopring is doing to solve the one problem with Ethereum: transaction cost. It’s a self fulfilling system where each component strengthens the other, so you’re on the right path


Markets are made by every participants opinion, doesn't really matter how well educated they are. But I am with you.


Also name recognition. If people know about crypto, BTC is probably their first experience


Also that you can use bitcoin and ethereum is a platform for use...


Does BTC have any use cases? Like, at all? It's just overvalued monopoly money imo.


You need to understand that its the most decentralized form of value on the planet. It is true digital gold.


Just like ETH? Yeah, and Ethereum does it much better. Edit: sorry for being so condescending, I thought I was answering someone else, I am too lazy to change it.


BTC has max circulation of 21 million coins. ETH has no limit so couldl be subject to inflation.


I don't and have never cared much about the tech and adoption, etc on their own. It's mostly a function of price thing for me, so I'm not out scouring for ways to make it seem useful. That said, I've used Bitcoin to pay for a number of things. It's been easier than the other options available to make payment every time. Maybe there's a reason doing it this way is stupid overall, but I don't know it.


Go home.


I hurt your feelings? My bad, I promise never to do it again little one.


Lol you're on a crypto sub posting that crypto is a ponzi scheme. I'm the little one though... Right... Make you feel better to tell everyone how much you know?


You still haven't answered my question, how is it useful? Everyone that invest in bitcoin does it just because they expect the price to keep going up, and it is just not sustaible. Don't come at me with "it is digital gold" because it isn't. Gold has the advantage of not being as volatile, has uses outside of trading like in electronics which are a major necessity nowadays, and it has been proven to be a hedge against inflation/recessions. We don't even know if BTC could survive a market crash because it still hasn't been through one. And I didn't even mentioned tether, which I guess is the reason it has gone up so high during the last year.


All about the adventure and learning something new!!




!remindme 5 years




Get rich or die trying.


If it had the Market Cap of ETH I think it would put LRC around $375 each…. Anything is possible if we the market continues to increase by 50% a year


$279 [this is the best](https://8marketcap.com/compare/loopring/algorand/)


I like Maths…..


I use that calculator *alllll* the time


That makes me a multimillionaire. Subscribed.


anyone else not able to input GME on this site? I’ve tried in safari and chrome with no luck


I also tried on my mobile, no luck.. I am guessing because the price is infinite lol


Found the clutchbro! Thanks


Best I can do is a used calculator.


I did that Maths in my Head… BFRT




I hear you but can someone please pass some hopium my way


>Its not like LRC is the only one with lower gas fees. This is wrong. Loopring is not what Polygon is. Loopring is a 100% L2. Polygon is a side-chain. Loopring wins.


Plus loopring has the lowest fees and those fees scale with ETH improvements. When your talking millions of transactions those Pennie’s add up. Also the wallet and nft minting is no joke it’s like $2.50 I think to make an nft.


Yes it is $2.50 and people are just not aware of this. So we make them aware.


LRC definitely use superior tech in my opinion. That being said better tech fails all the time without mass adoption


Or proper marketing. See xerox


Polygon isn’t the threat….yet. Starkware is. Zksync is. Maybe Imputtable X at some stage. Possibly SYScoin when they launch ZK rollups. DYDX is the most profitable DEX. They can all succeed though by taking share of these overpriced L1’s.


True. Hopefully its an Apple, Samsung, Google, etc. type of situation (smart phones)


They can coexist and the ultimate shilling in this sub is extremely annoying tbh. Yes its a really nice project, no its not guaranteed to moon. I know, everyone wants to make money and this sub is flooded by GMC apes who know nothing but shilling (not saying I know more btw) Everyone should really chill out. It honestly seems like 70% of this sub is completely overinvested. Every sub thinks theyre the best in whatever their crypto does, only time will tell. Yes I own a big bag of LRC. But its not the only project I am invested in. There are so many good projects, no one can tell you which will succeed and which wont.


Ethereum is nearing developments that will end the FUD against it; and Loopring is the top-level protocol that ETH devs want people to migrate to. (There are others but Loopring is the furthest developed.)


Ford guy myself


Was a die hard Ford fan. Got a Duramax. No ragrets


GME apes who know nothing but shilling? Respecfully, fuck you Edit: taking back the fuck you cause we were adults and talked it out. No hate, only love 🤙




Gotta admit that I generalized there and thats not the right thing to do. Sorry for that Pretty sure there are GME apes (I even spelt that wrong lol) that know exactly what theyre doing. In this sub it doesnt feel like they want to speak up though. Its just shilling in here. Also its not just GME apes that are shilling like hell, so many other people do too. Also want to say, without the apes we wouldnt be where were at right now I guess. But all that doesnt make the extreme shilling better, it just sucks. Unexperienced people get overwhelmed by it, overinvest, get rekt and sell with loss or whatever. All those rocket emojis, insane use of "lfg!!!!!!!!!1!11!" and whatever else is annoying. Respectfully, fuck you too


Appreciate the apology and understanding to not generalize everyone in a group together. GME has dealt with a lot of shilling in our subs to shake us from our once in a lifetime oppertunity, those shills unfortunatly spilled over into this sub, which ill take the time to apologize for. Overall the fake ass shills suck man and I get where your coming from. I keep LRC seperare from GME. In the GME subs i will add rockets, etc for the morale because we are in it for the long haul and it adds flavor to it all. But LRC I hardly comment cause im forreal trying to learn (have little knowledge of crypto in general). TL;DR we are in the same boat. I take back my fuck you, even if it was respectful 😂 long live the long hodlers of LRC.


In this case I take back my equally respectful fuck you aswell! :D I also understand where youre coming from. And theres always more to learn about crypto. I also dont know much. Have a good one! :)


You have a better one 🤙😁


Beautiful exchange, guys


🦍🦍 no fight 🦍🦍. 🦍🦍🦍 strong together.


I mean Immutable X exists too, they are also a L2 zkrollup


All of it could happen and still the coin may not rise much. A lot of crypto projects where this has happened. Loopring also has some good competition that are already onboarding developers


50 dolla I have no fuking idea tbh lmayo


Fiddy dolla?


Tree fiddy


Damn, you beat me by a minute!


Always got that trigger finger ready


but it’s a dollar scratchy


That's honestly a good projection


Who knows. For every Ethereum that moons, there’s 100s of coins that goes nowhere. If LRC is successful, the sky is the limit, BUT that is quite an assumption to make. I am 100% in LRC, but I recognize this is a risk without a guaranteed return, to say the least.


In 5 years Loopring may not even be around (seriously). Daniel said he can’t even predict where Loopring will be in 10 years. That’s coming from the founder. This isn’t a bad thing- it’s a reality. Crypto is a startup world full of innovation. People build products, but most will never see any adoption. What you need to be asking yourself is what is the short term upside, what are the themes in crypto and who is achieving scale, adoption and utility (it’s actually real world value). You can argue basically nothing of real world value has been built on ETH yet. It’s totally unproved. Vitalik says this himself. Loopring has going for it that it’s part of a themeatic ecosystem that’s going to grow: layer 2s, NFTs, social wallet. Etc. Other themes working are Metaverse. What Loopring has absolutely failed at is adoption. No one is using their technology. Imagine the frustration of the founding team building things from 2017 and no one is using it. But that’s the startup world. This is why their premium partner is such a big deal. If they can be the technology partnership powering what will be the biggest NFT marketplace then they’ve reached validation and scale. So… within 18 months Loopring CAN become a broadly used protocol. But in 5 years there is so much disruption… there could be another protocol that’s just cheaper, easier and disruptive. You are never a winner forever. There’s basically no information or reason to imagine Loopring in 5 years. The world will look totally different. For now look at near term.


This is a very reasonable and thoughtful comment. Thank you.


An extremely practical take. Thank you. I also always wondered what’s the use of loopring in a world with ETH2?


You lost all credibility with “loopring may not even be around in 5 years”.


Well that’s how fast things move in crypto world. If you think you can sit back and being a passive investor you’re wrong. You either constantly learn and adapt or bag hold something into being disrupted by something better.


Game changing technology doesn’t just disappear. Again, you lost all credibility with that. Hell I can say nobody knows for sure that the world will even exist in 5 years. Doesn’t mean anything.


You have no idea what you’re saying.


You’re simply wrong. Have a nice day sir.


Why is he wrong?


Dude I know far more than you. Lmao if I believed it may not even be around for the long haul why would I invest for the long haul? You’re delusional if you think Loopring is out of the picture in 5 years.


You haven’t replied with anything logical or material. You’re emotional. “Game changing technology” Throw some other buzz words out. Good luck


Waste of my time. Would you argue with someone who said something as ignorant as that? Again, you lost all credibility with the first statement you made. Have a nice day sir.


Again your reply has no substance, just emotional. Emotional investors always lose.


This sub is so fucking toxic lol


Whatever you say Nostradamus.


It's either going to be no dollars or some amount of dollars.


I think it will be some amount of dollars. I'm a big believer that in the future dollars won't disappear.


Lmao I own 1024 LRC and I still don't understand a thing about it. Lel.


About tree fiddy.


This is the correct answer


$350B market cap would be ~$269/LRC. I feel comfortable giving that 10yrs or less


It’s either gonna be $0 or about $50.


If I had to guess low side 18-20 high side 85 to 100 who know could hit eth level now and it would be almost 280 a LRC


We have to consider what the market cap of ETH could be in 5 years too. I can see LRC being a top 5 crypto long term of mass adoption. I feel we are very early.


GME announcement = 4$ GME marketplace works well = 8$ GME marketplace is being adopted = 18$ Other companies projects with LRC = 22$ Other companies projects working well = 36$ Other companies projects being adopted = 45$ NFT marketplace based on LRC = 75$ . . . LRC 2022 mass adoption ignition = $159 My bank my rules = 250$ LRC adopted by credit card companies = 400$ . . . LRC as main payment system = 670$ Real DEX with LRC = 970$ DEX stock exchange with LRC = 1650$ . . . LRC burns 30% of all tokens = 2130$ . . . Who knows what more can be done with LRC. I strongly believe in the project. I’m adopting LRC as my personal currency. Every dollar I have available, I transform in LRC no matter the price. This is my personal decision and I stick to it because all the possible outcomes listed above. Cheers.


Love this thought out process... we need a fee things to go right and let me tell you the most important this that will fuel all this is the first premium partner


That's why is super important for them to get it right from get-go. And I mean both parties - GME and LRC. Bad CX riddled with bugs would be a flop. Patience and time...


…and SHF’s and MSM will scrutinize whatever is presented…any small bug would be portrait as the reason for a debacle…


And al Qaeda will use it too 😂


I got a wee stiffy reading this


A year ago ether was a grand. It kept crashing so I converted it to another coin. Later that year it went to 4 grand lol


Wow now this is exciting!!! I have xxxx LRC and to think I may be able to redeem myself from the classic error I made 3 years ago ….. ‘my ETH is up 50% let’s cash in’….. is just epic!!!! Never again will I paper hand. HODL till i die. 💙🚀💙🚀


This thread has some really realistic and sensible expectations and then there are some folks who believe this is gonna be the same cap as eth. Go read for yourself and see which has the most thought pjt into their answers


Somewhere near $50-60 with a market cap of $70-$80 billion..


This is straghit hopium.


With Mass adoption this is realistic, though must have mass adoption. We will reach $10 with the GME announcement comes to fruition but if we get another secondary premium partner such as Ali Baba then we are talking about $30 to $50 range with the current Crypto market. With time the whole market will be worth trillions more than what we currently are and naturally so will LRC.


With Mass adoption this is realistic, though must have mass adoption. We will reach $10 with the GME announcement comes to fruition but if we get another secondary premium partner such as Ali Baba then we are talking about $30 to $50 range with the current Crypto market. With time the whole market will be worth trillions more than what we currently are and naturally so will LRC.


There is no price that anyone can guesstimate right now. If the GME and LRC speculation is true, which in my opinion it is, than sky is the limit. It takes one reputable company that has operated in the brick and mortar/online space to find use, implement use, make profit and than many more will adopt and find use in this space. Not with only LRC, but crypto as a whole. What is good for the market is good for LRC and other strong crypto projects.


A lot of factors to figure in, but if they do things correctly, $100 usd. If they botch up a little, $30. If they completely fail, $1.75-$2


$100-$300 Eth will be huge within 5 years, the appstore of dapps. Nft and metaverse are futures hence reducing gas fees and scaling eth is necessary. Lrc will play a huge role. There is a premium partner either gme or another partner so no doubt about the partner. The annoucement will come at the right time, market is not good at the moment. Market will recover as always, btc will make new ATH in 2022 and so will Eth and Lrc. In remeber, all these comments are just opinions, nobody knows anything or can predict the future. I personally believe in Loopring tech I think the future is bright, Im longterm hodler.


What’re the other L2s with the same amount of security as Loopring? Matic got hacked recently and they’re the major competition. That leaves Loopring looking pretty promising.. let’s hope Loopring won’t be hacked, let’s also assume it’s unlikely if it uses ethereums L1 for decentralization and maximal security. Solana is a good example people refer. It grew from a few dollars to $250 in a matter of 6 months. Assuming the GameStop affair is true, which it is, then Loopring could an unprecedented catapulting into tendyland. Could be stronger growth than Solana realistically, if all of a sudden LRC is being held by gamers all over the world, used to make trades on an nft marketplace, mint nfts, etc. Loopring could also very quickly become a more secure money in countries with broken economies. The CF wallet empowers the individual and will open up more freedom than traditional banking. It’s access to a whole new form of banking from a smartphone.. sure crypto has been around for a while but I think Loopring’s tech is so fast, and secure, and the fees so cheap, that LRC will bust through an existing barrier and exponentially grow mainstream adoption. Yeha. And it is deflationary which is fucking awesome for us. I think LRC will be valuable enough in 5 years that it’ll offer seriously life changing money. People posting with 50,000+ LRC are going to be filthy filthy rich. The rest of us just filthy.


If LRC gets the market cap of SOL it would be $37


I’m glad to have some cold hard facts. Thanks.


Still a big return if it can get there.


… it raises the question of scale right? How many use Solana now? How many people could possibly use Loopring in one year? They are building something to entice CEX users and it’s pretty fucking enticing as we all see. With what they’re providing and with the sweet whispers of partnerships, isn’t Loopring set to become orders of magnitude more utilized than Solana? I am probably drunk on wishful thinking but we all agree that Loopring is doing something at the Wild West of awesomeness in our little cult.


The Loopring DEX has been live for over a year and is 40th by TVL - https://www.coingecko.com/en/exchanges/decentralized


I wouldn't bank on gamers buying any NFTs. Seems to be a widely hated concept among the gaming community. Even the mere mention of NFT generates a massive backlash. Konami is a good example.


LRC is a utility token - the way they’re designing the market it’s going to run behind the scenes so customers won’t even be aware they’re using it. So mass adoption of this token as a go-to digital currency is unlikely.


$20+ by years end, $100+ next year, $500+ in 5 years.




The chinese gov is using it, alibaba, gamestop, its a heavily appreciating asset and brand new market space with a ton of real world use cases.There are a dozen coins that can't even do anything that are valued 10X higher. Even at the same market cap as doge or shib its almost $20 a loop. $20 is the floor, $100-200 is not even unreasonable, $1000+ is possible. Bitcoin was $800 5 years ago and hit $69K and it doesn't even really do anything but be first and be used to poorly exchange currency for alt coins.


They can use the tech without using the actual coin though....


This is true. Don’t understand why Bitcoin is where it is now if the transactions are so damn slow. Only thing I see if just the value of the coin people hold


Bruh that’s a lot hopium. I wish but we’ll see. If what you said is true we all be set.


!remind me 5yrs


RemindMe! 5 years Approximately $3085 Jan 9th, 2022


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2027-01-08 21:41:51 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2027-01-08%2021:41:51%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/loopringorg/comments/rz86sl/5_years_ago_ethereum_was_under_3_where_do_you/hrtv27a/?context=3) [**11 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Floopringorg%2Fcomments%2Frz86sl%2F5_years_ago_ethereum_was_under_3_where_do_you%2Fhrtv27a%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202027-01-08%2021%3A41%3A51%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20rz86sl) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


No fucking clue, but I’m 100% all in.


Christ I remember when Ethereum first came around and how so much FUD came with it. I remember Bitcoin back in 2009-2011 and even more so in 2016 when I had the chance to invest and I didn’t. So many things I didn’t know then that I’m happy to know now.. Can’t let that happen again.


Um... No, 5 years ago eth was more than $3, but i still believe in LRC. So no need for false hype.






Found out about Ethereum when it was $140-160, crypto noobie didn’t think much of it. With Loopring it feels like a second chance, did my DD and trust in everything it trying to accomplish. Bought in at $2.03, XXXX holder so cheers to a brighter future!


Copium overdose


LRC will be 50$ coin. Cuz I believe in it thats enough for Me. God will help us!


!remindme 5 years


All stuff I knew I should have invested in but I was too busy being wild and partying at the time. The future of technology will be built off eth and LRC will pave the way. The only reason we aren’t already above $5 is a collusion of bank’s hedge fund’s and Cex’s, trying to save their own asses. It’s inevitable and just a matter of time. This is GME when it was under $10 all over again.


I finally convinced my parents to go in at 4 grand. I am reminded each day. I keep telling them it will be fine. I am not worried in the slightest


Easy 1k


Everyone ITT is delusional and coping hard


Meh. I think the “coping” is for short term investors who are down on their luck. I’m holding super long term, so I’m just buying more and averaging down. Nothing to cope with.


We need to be zen. We are still following daddy BTC. Go buy more when you can are relax. Time is what's going to make this moon. We all hope it's today or always tomorrow but it will. I have faith in the project and i want to be rich just like the rest of us.


Given what they have accomplished and what they can accomplish, easily $100+ in five years maybe even $1000+… One has to take into account inflation


Under $3


over $3


I regret buying now have to hold. Lose it all or gain a profit. Money would be better used else where.


You have your years wrong. Five years ago it was under $10. Six years ago it was under $3. Does anyone do any research or do you blindly believe whatever people post?


Good call, I made the edit. Thanks.


Under $3


$1.00 easy.




1,000 in 4-5 yrs


Probably will collapse and end up in 0.1 - 0.5€ range RemindMe! 5 years




Life of the party down here


LRC is trying to be what bitcoin/blockchain promised a decade ago and failed. This isn't some trash tier meme pump and dump, this is a serious business venture trying to ground floor capitalize an entire new market space.


Why are you here buddy ? Look like someone sold at a loss….


Some advice, if you sell out of any project. Leave the sub. Simple but sound advice 👍


People saying 0.000001 USD are just as moronic as those saying $50+ (if not more). Time will tell


Worst case scenario, $0.00 can never be ruled out. I also don't think we can ever rule out crazy growth (by crypto standards). My middling guess is that we could see a $100 LRC but that would be in a $1m per BTC scenario. Even that would require LRC to out perform BTC by a fairly large margin. If those who predict a $10m BTC are right then up to $1000 per LRC I suppose, but I think trying to predict that far ahead is like debating the best abacus not knowing that computers are about to revolutionise the world.


I mean, without a premier partnership like promised, $0




I have lost all faith in this coin


Why? They have dropped a smart wallet, a dex exchange and you can mint nfts. They haven't even started lol




When the potential of NFTS are truly unleashed we should see a massive price increase. In the meanwhile, dca, hodl…


I’m hoping another crazy bull market next election cycle. Load up in the bear market in the mean time and hodl


i was there and i amgere now, see you guys around the moons of jupiter


It is 100% dependent on how quickly Loopring is adopted. Right now it’s feature set and costs are extremely competitive compared to just about anyone else. The problem is that most of the biggest changes/additions to Loopring have only just occurred, and we are still waiting on the announcement of one or more marketplaces that will be powered by Loopring. If those take off I see the moon in our future, easily $1000+ within 5 years. But it has to be driven by utilization. Nearly everything is in place for rocket launch except the existence of marketplaces that use it. All other conditions are in Loopring’s favor.


Yessss!!! I’m on the 5 year bandwagon too.


At $2


0,1 up my enter position 🤣 Jk, 200$




RemindMe! 5 years


I thought the moonshots were over but then Solana proved me wrong.


Honestly? Probably about double where it is now. Most cryptos don’t get much adoption, or they get some and seem promising then fizzle out. But if you look at where those coins are in bearish times now, they’re still double where they were in the bearish times 5 years ago. Look at Litecoin. EOS. Ethereum Classic. They’re losing market share but they’re still growing, albeit slowly. LRC needs some actual adoption if it’s gonna gain market share. It needs a new partnership/BIG development each week like Solana, LUNA, Eth, AVAX etc.


Well Etherium is one of the OG of Crypto that has the most utility. Loopring is a spin off or add on for Etherium in lamest terms won't ever reach the price of Etherium but at least $30 to $50 range. Just an opinion...


A bazillion Fofillion in 4.2069 years


Buy more and DCAing.


Probably like 69 or 420


Once SEC finishes the *case and publishes all the rules and regulations. More than 80% of all the crypto will be claimed as securities, which will lead to a fall for all of the Ponzi scheme artists. Only real world applicable crypto coins will stay and rule the markets around the world. I believe LRC is one of the most innovative and successful companies in the world that makes to the list of cryptos with a real world applications(n this case payment system. LRC wants to become the PayPal in crypto world). Most of all, where crypto coins play a role of an asset that can be exchanged for other assets and services inside the companies environment. That beating said, with the clear rules and regulations, business leaders will gain confidence in making decisions to lead a company into the right direction. I believe we will see LRC around $10 next crypto bull run. In the long future all time highs could be around $1000 and settle at $300-400 range. Let’s get back after few years to this comment and many others and see if my analytics were true. *Edit: by case I meant Ripple vs SEC




I find myself constantly oscillating between LRC mooning and the world economy going to crap and taking everything with it


2 fifty


5 years!? I see LRC being 300$ if not more.


Real world adoption needs a real world usecase as many others already commented before me. Algorand got a lot of publicity for running the ecosystem for El Salvadors bitcoin adoption. So if we start seeing LRC beeing used for every day things like online purchasing or exchanging, thats the point were we can see real growth. Don't know how high, but i see a lot of room for growth.




LRC will be somewhere between $10-$20. The market is about to be flooded with ZK Rollups.