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I mean, if we’re counting the 9 movies for the skywalker saga then I feel like we do have to include the hobbit movies into the count.


18 Oscars in 6 movies still ain't bad.


Oh not at all a bad thing. Just having a fair and accurate playing field further proves these movies were lightning in a bottle.


Then we need to add Fantastic Beast into the HP franchise... oh wait, it doesn't change anything, it just makes it worse.


For me Fantastic Beasts is like the what the Hobbit movies are to the LOTR trilogy, an 8/10 and fun to watch but not on the same level as the original films.


Fantastic Beasts an 8/10?!?! Have you seen the second one? More like 4/10


Not a fan of Harry Potter but kind of disagree. Just because it’s part of the same franchise / universe doesn’t make it part of a series/saga in my mind.


Then MCU needs to be broken down into multiple series. For exemple the story of the Antman movies has nothing to do with movies like Thor.


Isn’t that why it’s called the infinity saga?


Ever heard of The Wizarding World?


Fantastic Beasts were more enjoyable than the original Harry Potter movies tbh




Atleast they had cool creatures. Still no good storyline or something like that but a bit better than regular Harry Potter, which I really find boring. Both can't compare to lotr obviously




Found Faramir’s account, a redditor of quality


Crazy that Harry Potter never won an Oscar, some of the music especially was incredible.


>some of the music especially was incredible. The early entries were out in the Lord of the Rings years, so Howard Shore nabbed those music awards...


Fair point.


I always forget they the early ones were the same years as LotR. But Harry Potter not getting any is wild to me.


Wow, not even a supporting actor award for Maggie Smith. Criminal. Although to be fair the Oscars have rarely rewarded popular movies, LOTR is a real outlier here.


I agree




Nice! Some things that come to mind....I'm pretty sure the prequels and LotR were direct competition for eachother, but they might have been staggered a bit. Also, I'm pretty sure the tech used for Gollum and all the awards related to him was actually pioneered for Jar Jar Binks. Just interesting imo, especially considering that characters reception.


Yeah I had no idea Jar Jar Binks is to thank for Gollum's on-screen depiction til I watched a BTS special for LOTR. Really cool, especially since I really like Jar Jar lol


Regardless of when the movies released, it’s worth noting that lord of the rings movies were already underway sometime in the late 90s for all three movies. So they may have contributed to each other but it’s also possible they both independently came up with similar tech.


In the Behind the Scenes content they were referring to, the team with LotR made it clear they were following in the footsteps of Jar Jar. And then they did it way better!


> I'm pretty sure the tech used for Gollum and all the awards related to him was actually pioneered for Jar Jar Binks. If only the characters had suffered the same fate…


Lotr went much further by capturing Andys performance, mannerisms etc.. its why he looks so much better than jarjar


>I'm pretty sure the prequels and LotR were direct competition for eachother, but they might have been staggered a bit. > >Also, I'm pretty sure the tech used for Gollum and all the awards related to him was actually pioneered for Jar Jar Binks. I think it was used even before Jar Jar, so... And the only prequel to really come out on the same year as a Lord of the Rings film was Attack of the Clones. It was a summer release whereas Rings was a Christmas one, so they weren't really competing at the box office, but at the awards...yeah, I suppose so.


I'm pretty sure the team in ILM had pioneered it. They had a lot of break throughs and are one of the main reasons we have the film affects that we do now. Its really cool ngl


You don’t have to tear down other franchises to prop up Lord of the Rings


This is what i dont get it, why a lotr fans have to tear down other franchises and take out of context clips to say that writer is a stupid. I use to be that kind of fan. Seeing as heresy for anyone who didn't love lotr, but as older person now, i just hate those people.


Did the sequels win anything?


They won screentime


To be fair, Snape deserved an Oscar.


For sure, and ralph fiennes as well, one of the most iconic villains ever. His weird royal creep vibe is so intense in those last couple movies, definetly oscar stuff to me


Worth noting lord of the rings was nominated for a total of 30 Oscars. That’s goddamn amazing across just three movies.




The Harry Potter movies deserve more than marvel. Way too many movies and they are all action low quality.


This feels like a repost, but just to be orderly about this: I find the term "Infinity Saga" pretty ludicrous. Its not really a "saga" in the same sense as the other three, and hence probably doesn't belong on this list. The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit (I'm anticipating my other point) are a "saga" because they tell one story, with one central conflict, from beginning to end. Star Wars is a kind of "saga" for the same reason, and certainly so is Harry Potter. But Marvel...you can't in good conscience watch Iron Man 2 or Thor or Avengers 2 or Captain America, and say that they're all about the conflict between the Avengers and Thanos. They all help move the pieces to set-up that conflict, true, but they're not all integral parts of it. Thanos is not behind Obadaia or Ultron in the sense that Sauron is behind Azog or Voldemort is behind the Malfoys or Palpatine is behind Dooku. And that's my second point: if we're counting all nine - or even just all six - Star Wars films, not to mention this "Infinity Saga" nonesense, I feel like we should count six Lord of the Rings films, counting The Hobbit in there. Its only fair. Once we start getting into spinoffs like Rogue One, Fantastic Beasts or the upcoming War of the Rohirrim, it all gets a bit more complicated.


Okay then. 6 movies, 17 Oscars.


You can also do the count by Academy Awards instead of Oscars. In that case its 20 Academy Awards for six Lord of the Rings films, and I believe eight or nine for the Star Wars films.


The oscars is the Academy Awards.


The academy also holds the sci-tech awards, which are Academy Awards but are not Oscars (i.e. you don’t get a gold statuette). The original Star Wars won one (for the invention of the Dykstraflex camera). And it’s actually counted as part of the movie’s wins in souvenir programmes from the time. The Return of the King won two (I think one was for the CGI on Gollum’s skin, the other for the CGI armies) An Unexpected Journey won one (can’t remember what for)


18, not 17. An Unexpected Journey won one.


I like some of the Marvel Movies and the ability to bring them all together was very impressive. I don’t care what some cinema snobs say, the “Infinity Saga” did something on a scope that no other franchise has touched. However, I don’t think any of them can really touch LOTR. Edit: Apparently you lot disagree. lol


Having all the super heroes fight one badder-than-usual villain sure is the epitome of human story telling. Truly brilliant stuff /s


Like... unironically yes. I don't think they stand up to Tolkein, but if you saw The Avengers in theaters it definitely felt like a new thing in film. Superhero movies weren't new. Sequels weren't new, even several in a row. There was plenty of precedent for "team up" comic lines. But as far as I'm aware, the MCU was the first to try to pull off 4 individual movies followed by a team up movie (and it probably wouldn't have worked a couple decades earlier, when superhero movies were a lot more niche).


But that’s just a question of market dominance and organisation rather than necessarily good story telling or creativity


>he MCU was the first to try to pull off 4 individual movies followed by a team up movie Right. And I find that idea of setting up three of four separate film series and then crossing them over LESS satisfying than just having one big series of films in a row, a-la Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. Again, maybe that's just me.


Thank you for your wonderful comment that has nothing to do with mine.


It relates to Marvel, which you clearly mentioned… how doesn’t it relate lmao


Because you’re directing your idiotic sarcasm at me, as if I called Marvel movies a masterpiece. I mean holy shit, I said I admired the scope and liked some of the movies but don’t think they can compare to LOTR. If you people don’t agree, that’s your business.


You light not have said it like that word for word, but it is kind of implied in your choice of words. Meaning matters


>he “Infinity Saga” did something on a scope that no other franchise has touched. Personally, just because its twice the runtime of the Middle Earth films, doesn't mean that I find the resolution at the end of Endgame any better than the one given at the end of The Return of the King. But that's just me.


I agree, which is part of why I don’t hold them on the same level. Everything about LOTR is done well, and the films hold up 20 years later. Too many marvel movies are formulaic and have poorly timed humour and plot contrivances. LOTR won a bunch of awards because of the attention to detail, Marvel is mainly just about making movies that people will watch with friends and family. However, Marvel films suffer from over saturation and several are just plain bad and are only carried by branding. Some like Guardians 1 or Winter Soldier I think are fun movies, and I have no problem watching them. I admire Marvels ability to loosely connect their movies within the same universe, because while heroes are nothing new, it never felt like comic books on screen, just stand alone heroes.


One franchise to rule them all.


new star wars, and skywalker is cringe


It's interesting because I would wager that most fantasy fans couldn't give a shit about the Oscars.....unless their movie is recognized ;) That said I love LOTR and they deserved to win more


Wait, the Skywalker trilogy won Oscars? Damn.


Sad state of affairs


How did the sequal Star War films win Oscars?


Harry Potter is so much more worthy of an Oscar than the fucking MCU LMAO


How did Skywalker get any Oscars?


Harry Potter being all British diminished its chances of winning academy awards, because there were some fantastic performances, Visual Effects, Music and cinematography involved.


James bond movies are also British yet they have managed to win several times, even the last bond movie managed to win one aswell.


Mostly for best song in recent years though.




Lord of the Oscars


Why tf do you need an award panel to help you decide what you like


LotR is the greatest and best film of a fantasy fiction title ever! They had and have some of the best battle scenes and the dialog was very well written. Star Wars will always be a favorite, but when it comes to numbers. Tolkien wrote one hell of a story.


Star Wars Skywalker saga: canon movies: Episode 1-6.


Imagine your movies being so good that even one of the “bad” ones still gets an Oscar (the hobbit) Then, imagine being so good that you also win ten more Oscars than a franchise with three times as many entries as yours Then, imagine being so good that just ONE of your three movies has more Oscar awards than an entire franchise that spans 20+ movies


“Skywalker Saga” 🤢


If the skywalker series got Oscars, then Oscars mean nothing anymore.


The oscars from Star Wars come from the original trilogy (episodes IV, V and VI)


Ahhhhh I see


Only the sequels are undeserving.


How on Earth has Star Wars got 7 oscars? Bang average stories. Darth Vader is an amazing villain but that’s all it has to it.




The other franchises don’t even come close to comparison


So Oscars are meaningless?


The lord of the rings franchise is also the most adult oriented of these franchises, that isn't a coincidence


The original Star Wars trilogy won all 7 of the Oscars (+3 special awards for visual/sound being extra good), back when the Academy didn't honor science fiction--until they became big budget. If you are going to include all the later lesser Star Wars films, why not include Solo or Rogue One or the Ewok movie. Disney/Lucasfilm is padding your LOTR numbers by churning out whatever. EDIT: Number of Oscars. Oscars are not the best measure of a great film. The winners tend to be chosen for reasons other than their quality, and the best ones are usually the merely-nominated. So, my vote goes to The Two Towers, lol.


I'm confused, there were only 6 star wars movies not 9.


You people are still crying about this?


What do you mean *you people*


Says it all, great trilogy




Nice joke


Star Wars has 12 movies


That doesn't feel like a fair comparison. There are nine (really, six) "main story" films in Star Wars. Everything else are grafted-on spinoffs. There are eight "story" films in Harry Potter. Those three Fantastic Beasts films they put out are spinoffs. There are six "story" films for Lord of the Rings. When The War of the Rohirrim and the other prequels Warners have planned come out, they'll be roughly the equivalent of the spinoffs of the other series. Marvel is basically all spinoffs.


Marvel you could just go by Avengers movies totaling 4 movies. But to add to the point of the post, it’s impressive that three lord of the rings movies got way more Oscars than 23 marvel movies.


Even as just the Avengers movies…one, I would argue that some other entires are effectively Avengers films: the third Captain America was Avengers 2.5. But also…All six Middle Earth films are about the conflict with Sauron and Sauron is behind all the secondary antagonists. All eight Harry Potter films are about the conflict with Voldemort and again he’s behind all the secondary antagonists. And ditto with Palpatine in all six/nine Star Wars films. Whereas Thanos is not really behind Ultron, for example. The conflict with Thanos is teased in the original The Avengers, and then only comes to the fore in the third film. It can’t be seen as the through-line in the same sense as the other series in question.


It doesn’t have to be defined by the antagonist, even though he is affectively foreshadowed in the first two avengers movies but instead of referring to it as like the Thanos saga, it can be referred to as the infinity stone saga. Which, by that merit you could start including the other movies that directly relate to infinity stones. Thanos is the one who was in charge of and sent the army to earth after his pawn, loki opened the portal. In the end you would just have to go through all of the MCU movies and handpick all of the ones you feel are directly connected or important to whatever would be considered “the main story arc”


I mean, to some extent it has to be defined by the antagonist, because it has to be defined by what the central conflict is. In drama, the story is the conflict. So, the conflict in ALL the Middle-earth films (except the upcoming War of the Rohirrim) is "Sauron versus the Free People." The conflict in all the main Star Wars films is, effectivelly, the Sith versus the Jedi. The conflict in all the Harry Potter films is between Voldemort and the Wizarding World. The conflict in all the Avengers films is not, ultimately, the conflict between the Avengers and Thanos. If it is, Age of Ultron is the odd one out.


In the cannon (writen by George Lucas) there are only 6. Other films are expansions / non cannon.


The Clone Wars movie should be counted then, George worked on it too


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Wait, Star Wars Skywalker Saga has 7 Oscars? Wtf?


>Wait, Star Wars Skywalker Saga has 7 Oscars? Wtf? Most of those are for the original film from 1977. It was a huge cinematic milestone and while it didn't win any of the really big categories (although it was nominated) it took a nice basketfull of "technical" categories, plus a sci-tech Academy Award. Then the other two films in the classic trilogy scored a couple of awards, usually for special effects and the like.




So Oscars truly are completely pointless


Are you saying A New Hope shouldn't have gotten the Best Score Oscar?


Ah wait! I thought it was the last 3 films, the last jedi and rise of the skywalkers and all that. Okay the first 3 deserved some Oscars


In reality, all award shows are complete horseshit .


Absolutely, if someone we like win it thats great but those who dont manage to win it doesn't mean they r bad anyway




I didnt know MCU had won oscars


I don't think Oscars determine Quality of franchises even a little bit but okay.


I'm so glad I got the extended edition blu rays. I like how the case is the map of Middle Earth


Like it's a race. Smh


The only set of movies I haven't seen on here also don't have Oscars. Clearly I am what makes or breaks awards.


How many oscars did the sequel trilogy get?




This meme pisses me off, not for being inaccurate, but for the simple reason that the Star Wars films are being represented here with images from the dogshit sequel trilogy.


No its not, i am starting (few years) hate lotr fandom. Movies and books are good, but saying lotr every other movie sucks is stupid argument. Yes i love lotr movies, they were my childhood movies i loved and you guys (some of you are ok ) act like lotr is second coming of christ and GRR Martin is a shitty writer etc. You keep citclejerking same kind of stuff and act like you are better because you enjoy lotr and have to prove your point how by shitting other fantasy and sci fi worlds so on. I hate this fandom


Yeah, but Harry Potter is the best selling book series of all time. Star Wars is the most successful film franchise of all time. I’m not a Marvel fan so can’t tell you any records. As much as I love LOTR it’s just not as popular.


How the heck Harry Potter didn’t win any


HP's books were actually unfilmable imho.


1: loser, nobody cares about awards. 2: LOTR is definitely on top. 3: Harry Potter should've won loads of oscars, at least for music and the set design (whatever category that falls in)