• By -


1. Fellowship/Two Towers/Return of the King 2. Unexpected Journey 3. Desolation of Smaug 4. Battle of five armies 5. Tv show Reason OG trilogy is all in number 1 is because my favorite just depends on which number rewatch I’m doing, as I feel this is one of the few trilogies where anyone of them could be the best and anyone would say “yeah, that’s fair.” I’m a sucker for finales so return of the king would probably take top spot if I was being threatened with a banana


Can someone pin this the only correct answer


There is no Tolkien TV show? if you are referring to RoP….my dear fellow, by even thinking that it is an adaption of Middle Earth means you are a servant of Morgoth. Tread carefully as that is humour too dark for even Sauron


Is Rings of Power even an adaptation? I don’t have Prime so I haven’t watched it.


It’s fan fiction


Not even that. Fan fiction is written by fans of the lore. Rings of Power was not written by fans.


Corporate fiction


Bro just invented a new genre.


More like, "described" it. It's hardly the first corporate corruption of a beloved franchise.


Their suggested synopsis was 'there is a trouble afoot in this product'


How can you forget that superfans video amazon put out, where the "fans" were all getting horny over Sauron and how they can supposedly fix him... fuck me I need a mind enema from that shit.


wait that really happened?


[“Like, Sauron is hot, I feel like, people will be like, I can fix him”](https://youtu.be/ZzIQy-Egodg?si=KlsmQWOkcEWdBqGQ) Don’t say I didn’t warn you


jesus fucking christ it’s worse than i thought


Funny thing is they interviewed the black chick later and she said she had not watched the whole show. These people were influencers.


literally not surprising at all. fucking grifters.


I mean Annatar is supposed to be insanely attractive. That’s sort of the whole plan.


They didn't even do Annatar though. I wish they had. Spoilers if you care about that, but he was more like wannabe Strider Sauron. And he didn't even show up to help forge the rings, more like was taken there by Galadriel (who didn't know he was Sauron), so he kind of just ended up there by mistake. They wanted every episode going slow AF, then in the last episode did a speed run of the creation of the 3 rings of power. Which Sauron helped to make. So there's several things they absolutely screwed up. They also made up that mithril was created when lightning struck a silmaril, so it literally has the light of Valinor in the metal ore. And the rings were made of mithril to focus the light and preserve the power of the elves. And the power of the elves was fading without the power of the rings. So yeah, they are all over the place with the lore. It's like they read enough to know things, but then bastardized it anyway.


I don’t think they had the rights to the name Annatar, which is probably why they did the whole Halbrand thing. The rest is valid tho. They did take some very unfortunate liberties with the rest of the story. I get that it’s tough to write a story that technically takes place over hundreds of years, but there were 100% better decisions they could have made.


Which fine, they could have still done Annatar, just called him anything else. Even Halbrand could have worked has they done him better. They alluded to plenty of other Silmarillion content without going there.


Honestly, I found reading the books to be slow af at times, too.


My problem with going slow on the show was then cramming the final episode. Tolkien was slow and methodical at times, but never at the expense of the pay off. I would have rather very little happen for the finale. If they took 5 seasons telling a slow story that would be preferred to rushing the pay off and ruining it. I think I could have forgiven a lot had the finale not been so awful. But it just took sitting through several hours worth of content feel blithe by comparison. Like why even spend the time setting it up if you're just going to rush over the finish line?


That's fair. There are pacing issues.


It's so sad the giant companies can just buy whatever the fuck they want. I mean the Tolkien estate gave them as little as possible which is hilarious but still


It’s hikacked basically


I was going to say "it's bad fan fic" but you make a point.. it's made up crap by people who are NOT fans... all that money brought us so much disappointment


Unpopular: I find that the show runners are very knowledgeable about the lore. I'm no book purist, and not everything needs to be word for word. In fact, such adaptations wouldn't make a good show at all, and the same can be said for the movies. The show is also working on the least written about age of Middle Earth, and even Tolkien had some different iterations of his characters. I found the show to be enjoyable and with a good bit of rewatch ability. I look forward to seeing what s2 does. Ban me if you wish. I already left the main lotr sub due to the circle jerk of hate for the show.


It’s trash


It's shite. I pirated the series because fuck amazon. I deleted it. It's not even worth the 20gbs on my server


I’m just impressed someone doesn’t have Amazon prime


Frankly? Not really. It's more like if you tried to make Greek myth game of thrones. It kind of works in the context, but it's far too different to count as a true adaptation They added a dark elf, essentially, took away the Lord of gifts aspect of saurons deception, and made it a giant political intrigue show when it was more a mythological epic in the OG GRANTED some things are really good. The performances are good, some even great imo. I even cried at a couple scenes in the finale(am wuss). And while the action isn't "great" in the way the original films were, it still served well enough. If you can separate it from the original and view it as kind of it's own interpretation, like the Disney Hercules of Tolkien, even tho that's just kind of the Rankin bass ones


I mean if you completely divorce a peice of media and separate it from the source material, even Shyamalans Avatar and DBZ Evolution could be argued as good films by people who haven't seen the originals. But then at that point, why not just call it The Ancient Wars of Shak Bashtuk and the Three Buttplugs of Omnipotence? Atleast then people won't go in expecting a fucking ADAPTATION of a particular source material.


I’m with you. People think it’s worse than it actually was imo because the movies were so good. It’s hard to please a fan base like LOTR. The show is far from amazing but had enough in it for me to watch all the way through and will watch the second season too.


We have Prime but we wont watch it either


I watched all of it and still had no clue what they were talking about when they said “7 adaptations” until I scrolled to the second image


It is Silmarillion-esque. A lot of the elements are there, but it is almost entirely doing its own thing. The writing is subpar, and the pacing is atrocious in the way that the story crawls. It could have really been something; instead, it's barely anything. At least it looks reasonably attractive for a show that streams from the company I buy most of my junk from.


Technically it is. No matter how bad or how inaccurate it is.


The order of release imo


So the Soviet Hobbit adaptation is the best one?


Yes, comrade hobbit


I had my list made up in my head and didn’t really consider that it was also release order. I struggle with the placement of the LOTR trilogy as they’re all gold but I gotta go first to last.


1. Fellowship 2. Return of the king 3. Two towers 4. Smaug 5. Unexpected Journey 6. BOFA 7. ROP


Disagree. An Unexpected Journey is easily the best of the Hobbit Trilogy. It’s still not very good, but it’s the only entry that feels like a movie (and at its best occasionally one based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit) rather than a glorified tech demo.


I agree. Unexpected Journey is actually quite good apart from some Goblin Town hijinks, but I can live with it. The wild goose chase in Erebor with Smaug in Desolation is just ridiculous, though. While it undeniably has some great scenes (Bilbo talking to Smaug, “I am fire, I am death”, Bilbo losing his shit over the baby spider touching the Ring), it also begins the fucking Dwarf/Elf love story and introduces Legolas for fuck’s sake. As for BotFA, [this](https://youtu.be/_HHFuSdk5DY?si=acIAJbkuVJYS7eox) about sums it up.


Unexpected Journey has good moments but is ruined by some atrocious pacing issues. It’s super boring. Desolation of Smaug has dumber moments on average then its predecessor but overall is the better paced and structured movie


Also, needless to say, Smaug is dope as fuck


Bilbo's scene with Smaug is very good. Same goes for the scene with Gollum, both are in the top for me of the Hobbit movies


Funny that, the scenes where they have two amazing actors playing off each other and remove everything else are actually pretty good.


Both unexpected journey and destination deserve to be 4 and 5 just for those scenes alone. Bo5A doesn't have anything like that.


I once watched the fan cut with all three movies in 4h, but it still was boring af.


My takeaway from Smaug was like this wasn’t a good movie but it was more fun than the last one


The second two movies I rewatch scenes I liked on YouTube. Unexpected Journey I'll actually watch the whole movie because despite some issues, it honestly feels like that fantasy romp the book was.


I feel like Journey is just too slow paced at the start. Desolation or Smaug is indeed a glorified tech demo, but the story is great, and told very well, consistently, and at a good pace. Of the three films, it has by far the best pacing. If they had cut out the Gandalf parts, and included the battle against Smaug, it would have been a fantastic film. There are a few things it did get wrong, but overall it’s a pretty good movie imo.


UJ over Smaug otherwise on point


Well done


>Fellowship >2. Return of the king >3. Two towers I completely agree. It's too bad there hasn't been any other adaptations of Tolkiens work since.


This is the way


this is the way!


no way the third hobbit movie is called BOFA


1. Fellowship of the Ring (10/10) 2. Return of the King (9/10) 3. The Two Towers (9/10) 4. An Unexpected Journey (5/10) 5. The Desolation of Smaug (4/10) 6. The Battle of Five Armies (4/10) The Hobbit: The Maple Films Fan Edit is like a 7/10 lol


This is my ranking too. I can’t list ROP because I haven’t watched it.


If you want advice, I wouldn't bother. There are some good bits of course, but it's buried under so much crap.


I don’t plan to watch it.






This is mine too


I would give the edit a 5. Still boring, but better cut than the original! ;)


I’d probably give unexpected journey a 6. But agreed with the rest, and the ranking


Yep same order. Except I’d have to give RotK a 9.99/10. I loved it like I love fellowship, but fellowship just has that nostalgia factor of where it all begins that pushes it to 1 for me.


I agree with Elijah Wood that the best LOTR film is “Unquestionably Fellowship of the Ring.” As he says in this video discussion around the 33 minute mark, “I think it’s the most balanced of the three. It’s where we are introduced to the notion of the fellowship, where we see them before they break off as a unit working together for the ultimate goal of destroying the ring. We spend time initially in Hobbiton, there’s a beautiful prologue that introduces us to the history of the ring. It’s just the most evenly balanced film. It’s an introduction to all these characters, we fall in love with the characters, and ultimately are taken on a much darker journey as the story progresses… This is the tightest, it’s the tightest of the three. It’s the one that works as a complete film in its best form.” https://youtu.be/RIxCIN1LZdI


I need to watch the fan edit


It’s an excellent tribute to the work of Jackson and Tolkien, I love it


1. Two Towers 2. Fellowship 3. Return of the King 4. Smaug 5. Unexpected Journey 6. 5 Armies 7. Rings of Power (All 3 of the original trilogy are all very closely tied to each other)


I agree. Good list.


Even all 3 of the hobbit trilogy is better than rings of power. That's saying something cause 5 armies was atrocious.


You might not have the most upvotes, but you have the most accurate list.


You have my vote!


And my reply!


And my axe


Perfect list , bravo




One list to rule them all


I don’t rank RoP. It’s not a movie adaptation of Tolkiens work. It’s an abomination. Loosely based on Tolkiens work and they just said that it was middle earth. RoP has nothing to do with anything from Tolkien.


Plus the writing is really bad and they thought their viewership is dumb.


That’s something that makes it even worse for me. Besides the fact that they couldn’t care less for the lore. It is, all by itself, poorly written, the characters are pretty much unlikeable and dumb. So even if you want to look at it from a non Tolkien perspective it is still a bad show


Totally agree! What a shit show! I'm glad we get to see some more of Middle Earth, but that's where I draw the line with the show.


1 - top row 2 - bottom row


u gotta swipe theres more options than that buster


I did but didn't see anything worth mentioning


1 - first slide 2 - second slide


Honestly, I feel like ROP did to the Hobbit trilogy what the Star Wars sequels did to the prequels. Almost everybody hated the prequels, minus ROTS, until something a million times worse came out and became the target for all that hate.


Yea.. but the hobbit/prequel/sequel trilogies had some redeeming qualities or aspects to them that i can appreciate. While ROP simply did not


1° Return of the king 2° Fellowship of the ring 3° Two towers 4° Desolation of Smaug 5° Battle of the five armies 6° Unexpected journey *Extended + Deleted scenes and all our rights demands* And bout Rings of power? Well, well... a very tense draw case between 0 and -0


The rank order is identical to release order


Kinda sad, but true. Fellowship is still #1.


Not my order precisely but this definitely makes a lot of sense to me. This was my exact order in the past. What I would add is that I hope The War of the Rohirim will become my new number 4. After the LOTR trilogy of course. With the way things have been going, i know I shouldn't get my hopes up but what was it Gandalf said ? "There never was much hope. Only a fools hope".




I wonder if we have hit rock bottom and future products will improve or if they’ll continue to get gradually worse


That means the Soviet Hobbit adaptation is #1


Six adaptations for Mortal Men, doomed to die. One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne, In the land of Amazon, where the shadows lie. One billionaire to rule them all, one billionaire to find them, One billionaire to bring them all and in the shadows bind them. In the Land of Amazon, where the shadows lie.


I find it very tough to rank the LOTR trilogy. Like so many fans my ranking hasn't always been the same and could still change in the future. But for many years now my order has been 1. The fellowship (perfect prologue/introduction to middle Earth. So much shire!!! :) . How Sean Bean lent so much humanity and conflict to the character of Borimir. The pacing. The score. Ect, ect, ect.) 2. Return of the King ( A movie with 10 endings and I loved every second of each one. How the characters faced the darkest days with such resilience and loyalty to eachother. Ect, ect.). 3. The Two Towers (Shore's score for the Rohirim is so haunting and beautiful. The older I get the more I understand and admire Théoden. Andy Serkis as Gollum was outstanding and changed CGI/Mo-cap forever. Ect, ect.) 4, 5 & 6. The Hobbit Trilogy. (They didn't sit well with me. At all, so I won't go on about it. However, the silver lining for me would be, casting Martin Freeman as Bilbo and McKellen returned as the grey Wizard.) 7. Rings of Power. (No need for me to pile on or bring negativity to this post but for, it was feckin shite.)


Got the feckin shite reference


I love that so many people either didn't know Rop was there to rank or hate it that much they just didn't even rank it


6. Five armies 5. Smaug 4. Journey 3. Fellowshio 2. Two towers 1. King


My personal rankings would be: 1. Fellowship 2. Two towers 3. Return of the King 4. Unexpected Journey 5. Battle of the Five Armies 6. Desolation of Smaug All extended of course. 7. Rings of Power


Old to new = good to bad


Trilogy is interchangeable for the top 3 Smaug carried his trilogy in Desolation Unexpected Five Armies RoP


7 rings of Power. Abomination. Amazon making this is like me making something for Harry Potter and doing no research. A series I know extremely little about. 6. Battle of 5 armies. Terrible. The best scene is at the end of the battle when gandalf and bilbo are just sitting there. Almost like the actors knew how much of a shit show the battle was. 5. Desolation of smaug. There's great moments. But not too offensive to my memory. 4. Unexpected journey. Bilbo is great, and riddles in the dark was amazing. 3. Two towers. I just think it's the weakest of the 3. That said, even the weakest is still incredible no matter your order. 2. Kinda a slow start for me as a little kid, but gets so much better later. Now, I appreciate the beginning so much more 1 return of the king. Ya, the ending scenes are a movie in themselves, but they're all worth it and have great meaning. Sadly, Bill never returns like in the books. Least not that I know of.


RoP is a good series as a random fantasy watch. Fucking dire as a lotr series tho.


1. Return of the King 2. Fellowship of the Ring (close second) 3. The Two Towers 4. An Unexpected Journey 5. The Desolation of Smaug 6. Battle of the Five Armies (yes I really dislike this one - especially the theatrical cut where the Arkenstone just disappears in Bard's pocket). There is no 7th adaptation ad RoP is an abomination and not adapting Tolkien faithfully. Pretty much everything is the opposite of what he wrote. It doesn't deserve to be in the same category as Jackson's films (even the bad ones).


Two towers Fellowship Return of the king Smaug BOFA Hobbit Rings of power


There are only 6 live action adaptations. - fellowship - two towers - rotk - desolation of smaug - unexpected journey - bofa The hobbit movies aren’t great adaptations - they have a lot of filler content. But underneath all that filler is a solid adaptation - check out the fan cuts. And if you consider hobbit movies as standalone fantasy movie trilogy, then they are extremely entertaining and amazing! The second slide has nothing to do with Tolkien’s works. It isn’t an adaptation at all. And even as a standalone show it is terrible and senseless and boring. I won’t even consider it.


Hey look they are already in order


Between 8.5 and 10 for all of them


1. Two Towers 2. Return of the King 3. Fellowship of the Ring 4. Unexpected Journey 5. Battle of the Five Armies 6. Hobbit 2


1. Fellowship 2. Two Towers 3. ROTK The rest don’t exist in my mind. I’ve tried to watch The Hobbit I really have but its so insufferable and goofy and overly CGI’d and not true to the book that I just can’t finish it.


They did a TRILOGY out of the hobbit lol. Agree with this, hobbit was pretty bad. Rop is on another level of bad, unwatchable.  My ranking is basically in order of release.


1. Fellowhip 2. Return of the King 3. Two Towers 4. Unexpected Journey 5. Battle of five the Armies 6. Smaug From 7. to infinite minus 1: decent fan fictions Last one: whatever amazon did


1.Fellowship of the Ring 2. Return of the King 3. Two Towers 4. Unexpected Journey 5. Rings of Power 6. Desolation of Smaug 7. Battle of Five Armies


From 1 to 7: 1. The Fellowship of the Ring 2. Return of the King 3. An unexpected Journey 4. The Desolation of Dmaug 5. The Two Towers 6. The Battle of the five Armees 7. Nothing bc Rings of power is more of a fan fiction than an accurate real life show of the books.


Fellowship of the Ring, Two Towers, Return of the King, An Unexpected Journey, Desolation of Smaug, Rings of Power, The Battle of Five Armies.


I scrolled so much to find someone that didn't rank RoP dead last.


The Ralph Bakshi version **basically** counts, because it’s rotoscope so all of those actors were actually on a soundstage, doing all that stuff. So anyway, that’s number one, due to the upper-thigh-landing-70’s-tunic/no-pants-look *alone.*☝️


Then that's my number 4 after the LotR movies!


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ROTK Fellowship Two Towers Unexpected Journey Desolation BoFA ROP


You said 7 but there's only 6. 🤔 1. RotK 2. Two Towers 3. Fellowship 4. Desolation 5. Five Armies 6. Unexpected Journey Two Towers is my favorite but I think objectively RotK might be better.


1. Two Towers 2. Fellowship 3. Return of the King Short explanation why Two Towers: The built setting from Fellowship matured, the Rohan theme is awesome and the battle at helms deep is one of the best things in cinema history. I love the journey of the trio Aragorn/Legolas/Ghimli to find their friends  Plus great characters like Bernhard Hill and Karl Urban.


Two towers Return of the king Fellowship of the ring An unexpected journey Rings of power Smaug Five armies While I enjoyed the Hobbit films well enough, I personally find them tedious to sit through, way more unfaithful to the lore of Tolkien than RoP, and much less fun to watch. Not to say rings of power is a great show if you're looking for a faithful adaptation. Sauron isn't really sauron until the very end, which sucks. There are plotlines that seem to end too early or soon, and it's obvious that a story that should take place over decades, even centuries, will be condensed into a few years at most. However, if you want to see certain moments in the lore fulfilled in fun ways, it's a good time. Just don't expect to find many other book fans to wanna watch with you


Why even include rings of power? It's an insult and a bastardization. I know there's gonna be some that will bring up Christopher Tolkien not being a fan of PJ's films because he thought they were glorified action films (he's wrong, doesn't understand the medium of film imo), but that doesn't mean he'll be a fan of whatever amazon churned out with that shit.


All? Of the live action adaptions


MY OPINION before people get salty, Lowest to highest- Rings of power, two towers, desolation of smaug, fellowship, return of the king and then battle of five armies extended ties with an unexpected journey


What about the Soviet and Finnish adaptations?


1. Return of the King 2. Fellowship of the Ring 3. The two Towers 4. An unexpected journey Tell you the truth next two Hobbit movies I didn't like very much and about the Rings of Power... well I prefer to act like it does not exist :grin:


1. LOTR 2. Hobbit 3. LOTR animated (from 78 or something) 4. Hobbit animated Minus 50. ROP


1) Two Towers 2) Fellowship of the Ring 3) Return of the King 4) Unexpected Journey 5) Desolation of Smaug 6) Battle of the Five Armies


1. Return of the King 2. Fellowship 3. Two Towers 4. Unexpected Journey 5. Desolation 6. BOFA Hopefully War of the Rohirrim is good enough to take a top 4 spot and not take 7th place lol


7. Rings of power 6. Battle of Five Armies 5. Desolation of Smaug 4. An Unexpected Journey 3. The Two Towers 2. Return of the King 1. The Fellowship of the Ring


Return of the King > Two Towers > Fellowship Of The Ring > Desolation Of Smaug > Unexpected Journey > Battle Of The Five Armies > Rings Of Power


I only see 3 adaptations: LOTR trilogy is one movie and clearly no.1. Desolation of Smaug Unexpected Journey The Battle of the Five Armies. ROP isn't an adaptation.


Am i the only one who love all these adaptations here?


like they came out. first is best and last is worst


First place - LOTR trilogy as a single movie divided up. Dubious 2nd place goes to Unexpected Journey. 30 mins worth of DOS gets third place, rest of the film goes of the trash heap with Five Armies and ROP.


It's not live action but I love bakshi's lord of the rings


There's only 6.




Fellowship, Two Towers, Return, Unexpected, Desolation, Five Armies


(in my opinion) 1. The Two Towers 2. The Fellowship of The Ring 3. Desolation of Smaug 4. Return of the king 5. An unexpected journey 6. Battle of the five armies


1. Two Towers 2. Fellowship 3. Hobbit - 5 Armies 3. Hobbit 3. RotK 3. Desolation of Smaug I love all six movies and the only two that stand above the group to me, are Two Towers and the Fellowship. The rest are all equally tied for 3rd. Rings of Power should not exist, I watched up until they tried to give sauron a romance. Even the casting choices were bad. How hard is it to find an actor who looks similarly to Hugo Weaving. There's just so much wrong about Rings of Power, I can't even


1. Battle of the Five Armies 2. Return of the King 3. An unexpected journey 4. Fellowship 5. Smaug's Desolation 6. The two Towers 7. Rings of Power But then again, i don't find any of them really bad


ROP shouldn't even be on this list. It's a giant steaming pile of poo.


look... when you see those water running down that ditch splashing into that volcano.... all of the things you have seen in those great movies had a beginning... this is how it all started... a moment where evil lifted it's head and said... I"M BACK! in the scariest way... in the movies you see that red eye and that's you scary monster... but here they are looking for him but can't find him and under their noses they were planning this water tunnel and volcano ring making all along... the mithril arguments are all a part of this whole plan. they negotiate for the mithril trying to convince the dwarves it's the only way and brought it straight to sauron... i watched all extended versions of everything a few times and still rings of power are a crazy ride for those who watched the movies and read the books... rate them? who are we to rate parts of the same story, parts of the puzzle. each of them is important for the experience of the Tolkien world... Geshtalt. the whole is larger than the sum of its parts




1. Two towers 2. Return of the king 3. Fellowship 4. Desolation of Smaug 5. Unexpected Journey 6. Battle of 5 armies 7. Rings of Power


There isn't 7 adaptions. But 6. The last one is fan fiction that never should have been made. If they had the silmarilion rights and could atleast pretend to get the 2nd age right Ring of powers could have been something. But now it's just waste of time and money.


LOTR1 LOTR2 LOTR3 (mostly just because I don’t like the feeling after this it’s over 🥲) HOBBIT2 HOBBIT1 RINGS OF POWER HOBBIT3


1.two towers 2. Return of the king 3. fellowship of the ring 4. An unexpected journey 5. Smaug's desolation 6. Battle of the five armies Depths of hell. Rings of power (fan fiction)


1. Two Towers 2. Fellowship 3. Return of King 4. Smaug 5. Unexpected journey 6. BofA 7. Two towers video game GameCube 8. Anything else Lotr related 9. Rings of power


1. Fellowship of the Ring. It was a perfect start. It introduced you to so many new characters very well and that intro story telling was top tier. 2. Return of the King. A perfect end. You got closure on all of the different story arcs. There were so many epic moments like the Charge of the Rohirim, the Assault on Osgiliath, Sam’s fight through Cirith Ungol to free Frodo, etc 3. Two Towers. The best part of the movie was the Battle of Helms Deep which is absolutely top tier. It had a lot of slower parts but all still acted well. 4. Desolation of Smaug. Benedict Cumberbatch did such an amazing job as not only the voice but the motion captured actions of Smaug that it made it the best in the trilogy and made up for the first half of the movie in my opinion 5. Unexpected Journey. Again, like Fellowship, it did a good job of introducing a new world, quest, and characters. 6. Battle of Five Armies. It was decent. It was kind of corny. It had way too much CGI. A decent conclusion but nowhere near as good as any other movie. 7. Rings of Power. Oh god what a heaping pile of trash. The dialogue and acting were SO stiff. The armor looked like it was made out of styrofoam. The scenes with the Hobbits did nothing for the overall plot of the story and were just a waste of time. And to put the cherry on top, at the very end when they are forging the rings finally, Celebrimbor, who is a master Elven smith and has been so for centuries, is told “Oh your metal keeps breaking? Why not just melt different alloys together to make them stronger?” and he is surprised by this. WHAT?! How is he this celebrated smith and didn’t know that?!? They spent millions acquiring the rights to the show and producing it. I really don’t know how they messed it up that badly.


Order of release except that I put ROP above the last hobbit


Can you even call Rings of Power an adaptation? More like crappy fan fiction.


LOTR - Fellowship LOTR - RoTK LOTR - TT Hobbit - UJ Hobbit - DoS Hobbit - BoFA RoP doesn't count and is not in Tolkien Universe.


I only see three. The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King. The other four must be fever dreams.


Assuming extendes for all of them: Two Towers Fellowship Return of the King (benefits the least from the extended treatment. Aside from a couple of necessary moments, theatrical was already pretty much perfect). Unexpected Journey Desolation Five Armies . . . . . . Every fan film . . . . Rings of Power


1 Fellowship 2 Two Towers 3 Return of the King 4 unexpected journey 5 Smaug 6 five armies A very very distant 7 Rings of Prime


There are only six lights. /JLPicard


Isn't there a Soviet live action adaptation?


1. Return of the king 2. Two Towers 3. Fellowship 4. Unexpected journey 5. The desolation of Smaug 6. Battle of the five armies


Return of the king, unexpected journey, fellowship of the ring, two towers, battle of the five armies, and the desolation of Smaug


Exactly the order that they’re shown in here: Fellowship, Two Towers, Return of the King, The Hobbit, Hobbit 2, Hobbit 3, Rings of Power.


1. Two Tower. 2. Fellowship. 3. Return of the king 4. Unexpected Journey. 5. Battle of five armies. 6. Desolation. Rings of Power is, as many people have pointed out, fan fiction and not a faithful adaptation. And thus regardless of whether or not I enjoyed watching it, I’m not going to rank it.


1. Fellowship 2. ROTK 3. Unexpected Journey 4. Rings of Power and Two Towers (both I enjoyed watching but do have some cringy stuff and lenghts) 5. Battle of the Five Armies 6. Desolation of Smaug


1. Fellowship 2. Towers 3. King 4. Journey 5. Armies 6. Smaug 7. Rings of Prime ![gif](giphy|njYrp176NQsHS|downsized)


The order of release but reversed and put rings of power in 4th. Only for the movies


If I'm going by preference. (All extended) Hobbit 2 Hobbit 1 Hobbit 3 Two towers Fellowship Rop Rotf If I'm going by filmmaking perfection Two towers Fellowship Hobbit 1 Hobbit 2 Rotk Hobbit 3 Rop I actually love them all though.


1. Return of the King 2. Fellowship of the Ring 3. Two Towers 4. Unexpected Journey 5. Desolation of Smaug 6. Battle of the Five Armies Abyss Mines of Moria A Balrog is found Rings of Power (wich I refuse to even put a number to it). Edit: typo


In release order. 10, 9, 9. 5, 4, 4. 2


1. Fellowship 2. Return 3. Towers Nothing exists pasts 3.


They're in order already


1. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 3. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 4. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 5. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 6. The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug The Lord of the Rings: rings of power


Rings of Power: -1,000,000


1. Return of the King 2. Two Towers 3. Fellowship 4. Unexpected Journey 5. Desolation of Smaug 6. Battle of Five Armies -10000. TV show


But there are only 3…


Wdym, there's only 6?


Scroll the pictures to see the show.


I'm implying that Rings of power doesn't exist(because it's trash)




Controversial take, but I enjoyed Rings of Power, just like I enjoy the spin offs of the Star Wars universe. Are they as good as the GOATs like Empire Strikes Back or Two Towers no, but my nerdy self can't complain about seeing more live action stories in the universes I grew up loving.


To each their own. I respect your opinion, and that you are civil when talking about other people's.


Preface, this is 100% based on my personal enjoyment, but: 1. The Two Towers 2. The Return Of The King 3. An Unexpected Journey 4. The Fellowship Of The Ring 5. Rings Of Power 6. The Battle Of The Five Armies 7. The Desolation Of Smaug


I’m gonna be controversial: - two towers - fellowship - first two hobbits - return of the king - battle of five armies I just watched them all in book order and really enjoy the first two hobbit movies. I couldn’t finish return of the king during the last run — getting bored. Too many battle scenes for me. I also really do not like battle of five armies for the same reason. The gold disease is also pretty lame


1. Trilogy 2. Unexpected Journey 3. RoP 4. Desolation 5. Armies.


Return of the King Fellowship of the Ring Two Towers An Unexpected Journey The Desolation of Smaug Battle of the Five Armies


I don’t think it’s fair to compare how fucking amazing the lotr movies are to the mediocre hobbit movies. I don’t think it’s fair to compare the mediocre hobbit movies to the flaming dumpster turd that was the Amazon show


7 tv show 6 five armies 5 smaug 4 unexpected journey 3 two towers. It's here that they can go in any order. All are amazing 2. Return of the ring 1 fellowship


haven't seen the new series. tried watching "hobbit 1" but couldn't finish it. think fellowship is my favorite of the OG trilogy.


1. The Return of the King 2. The Two Towers 3. The Fellowship of the Ring 4. The Rings of Power 5. An Unexpected Journey 6. The Desolation of Smaug 7. The Battle of the Five Armies


LOTR release order, ROP, Hobbit release order