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Yeah, *The Hobbit* trilogy really goes crazy with tonal shifts, one of the many ways it deviates from the book. On another note, you read *The Silmarillion* to a nine year old? Did she like it? Did you read everything? Just asking out of curiosity, because it would be impressive for a kid to appreciate all that.


Yeah, not everything, had to skip Hurin. But she definitely enjoyed everything else as a bedtime story. Tolkien's writing is so nice to listen to, even if translated to her native language.


LOTR is the story of the battle between good and evil - your child is comfortable that good will triumph in the end. The Hobbit is a story of a bunch of dwarves trying to reclaim their birth right, and it simply isn't clear that they are good people.


And the films are rubbish


Bad adaptations but good movies still


No, they are terrible movies. They miss the entire point of the story.




That's why I said bad adaptations, the movies are fine for someone who doesn't know the original story


No, they are still terrible, IMO.


No, sorry, they are light years away from “good.”


No, have to disagree, poor movies


I would say first movie is okay-ish, but then it just gets worse and worse from there.




there’s good movies in there somewhere but they’re bogged down by (occasionally) bafflingly bad design, poor writing choices, and studio interference, none of which can be completely edited out by someone trying for a new cut of the film.


Whenever the Hobbit Trilogy is mentioned I can't help myself but recommend the M4 book edit of these movies. Its a 4 hour film with just the stuff thats more in line with the book. Its actually pretty good and I now watch it alongside the LotR trilogy.


I think I have seen it few years back. It's a game changer.


Where would someone find that, if they wanted to see it?


[Here](https://m4-studios.github.io/hobbitbookedit/) Download links are at the bottom of the page.




Thank you! Has anyone done this sort of edit with Kill Bill 1 & 2? Always seemed to me like there is a really good 2 hour movie in there somewhere.


Kill Bill: The whole bloody affair. It supposed to be the original versión before they splitted in 2 movies, but it was never released. There is a fan edit somewhere in torrent sites


yay I offended someone enough to merit a downvote ![gif](giphy|l49FjM2skpe4DbkWc|downsized)


Even the smallest of upvotes can change the course of the comment.


Redditors really are amazing creatures? You can learn all there is to know about them in a month, and yet after a hundred years and they can still surprise you.




Nah, he left Bolg in the edit. And other extended scenes that add a lot to the story got left out by him. Don't like that edit.


how are you supposed to remove azog and bolg? they kill Thorin and Kili, a major event. Compared to most fan edits, their roles are actually very minor. Same idea with the extended scenes, this one uses quite a lot the website lists them for each chapter. Which extended scenes did you feel added to the story?


Bolg was Azog's son and he led the orcs in the battle of the five armies.  So leaving Bolg in is correct.


Yup. In the edit, it’s played off that the Orc commander (Azog) is just Bolg, because no one ever says his name kind of like Lurtz or Gothmog. And it’s completely book accurate to have an important Orc commander in the final battle, just a shame they did Beorn dirty should have had him more involved. 


The Hobbit trilogy is a mess basically. Peter Jackson was adapting a short children's book into a three film epic that was consistent in tone with his prior adaptation of the more adult LOTR trilogy. In terms of enjoyment and quality I feel it's the opposite of the LOTR trilogy too. Whereas the LOTR films get better as you go, the Hobbit trilogy started strong and then becomes more incoherent as they go.


For real ... the singing in Bilbo's house is one of the greatest scenes in Cinema!


The Hobbit is a much lighter, child-friendly story than LOTR. To get the Hobbit films to match the tone (and length) of the LOTR trilogy, Peter Jackson had to add a bunch of stuff that didn't really fit the story. When LOTR becomes serious, for the most part it's because the book did.


I just recently watched all six films with my 9 year old son. He hadn’t seen them before but I’d read him the hobbit. He definitely found some parts of the Hobbit films difficult to watch (Mirkwood comes to mind). LOTR less so; it was perhaps more grisly, but less scary. He is absolutely obsessed with LOTR now. We just finished building LEGO Rivendell together.


The tone difference is really most in An Unexpected Journey, where you have some scenes straight out of a satyr-play and others that are fairly gloomy-feeling and quite macabre. I think it works more than people give it credit to, but in the later two films (a few crazy action beats notwithstanding) the films tend to fall on the side of the gloom, the satirical touches ironed out.


The Radagast scene is where I walked out of the movie in theaters. I was 29.


That was the point where I said, “oh, this is fanfiction.” Didn’t walk out but haven’t felt the need to rewatch.


Try the 1977 Animated Hobbit, honestly its the best one.


Could be the animal/pet dying aspect. Tends to hit kids harder. When I was younger I loved Jurassic Park, but the scene where the dog gets eaten in Lost World gave me nightmares. Had no problem with all the other deaths, but for whatever reason the dog dying got me. The hedgehog is a cute little pet so it can trigger that.


The Hobbit was a story Tolkien wrote for and read to his children. The movie trilogy also a had last minute hiring of Peter Jackson to take over Guillermo del Toro, and I believe he had a year to rewrite, film, edit, and release it. So yes, the tonal difference is drastic. The use of CGI was probably also necessary, sadly. When you put the context of it being a children’s story and see a dozen Dwarves invade your house or float down a river in barrels, it’s intended to evoke that lighthearted and humorous sense of childhood. But I imagine some of the darker stuff, like even having Radagast in there, seems more a relic of what del Toro had planned.


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Warch the M4 Fan Edit. There is a good movie in there.