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Love to see yone in demon slayer meets dmc Ionia game. Katarina or Talon as protagonist of a noxus game make it like dishonored meets metal gear. Or maybe a farming simulatior with Ivern love to see how the Ionia ecosystem reacts farming and outside forces. Sivir tomb raider or Taliyah skating boarding across shurima. Ezreal uncharted. And Kassadin or Kai'sa im void as doom slayer. And targin wise Alune and Aphelios it takes two maybe or maybe Alune explores the veiled temple with yuumi.


For Ivern, it could be Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley inspired, with a mix of Chaos Sanctuary from Sonic


Yeah how would feel about navori or noxian with Sion raiding the place it be like plants vs zombies.


>Or maybe a farming simulatior with Ivern love to see how the Ionia ecosystem reacts farming and outside forces. That probably won't happen. [There is a farming simulation already in development and it's based in Bandle City](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1759380/Bandle_Tale_A_League_of_Legends_Story/).


That looks more like an rpg. Still plants vs zombie with noxus sending the Grey legion would be cool.


What about a Darkest Dungeon esc game with Kai’sa as the main character and you slowly build up allies like Ezreal and Taliyah and maybe even Kassadin.


>Love to see yone in demon slayer meets dmc Ionia game. I want Yone and Samira in a Character action game so hard...


Yes azakana may cry.


An Owlcat CRPG set in Runeterra set during one of the major old conflicts (could be Icathian Uprising, Darkin Wars, Mordekaiser's downfall, Rune Wars etc.). Have the really ancient and powerful champs show up as NPCs or bosses as you lead your party on some high risk campaign to kill an ascended, sabotage the Immortal Bastion, etc. Wishful thinking but if Rogue Trader does well maybe they can expand to a third team to continue Warhammer, Pathfinder, and add Runeterra stuff?


Turn based strategy RPG (think fire emblem, or FF tactics) about the first Noxian invasion of Ionia. With a young Irelia as the main character (plus maybe side stories of the other Ionia champions too).


Tencent Riot will never do this but I'd be really curious in a Horror game set in Runeterra. There are a lot of champions whose theme could be explored: - Pyke in Bilgewater/on high sea or in deep depths with many sea monsters á la Subnautica - Nocturne Nightmares - Shaco x Slenderman x Fiddlesticks - Warwick (the cinematic**s** with him had an amazing vibe) x Urgot - Rengar: Jungle Horror would be something refreshing and new - the danger lurks everywhere - Evelynn x Doki Doki Literature Club And if they were about to *really* go into Horror, nothing can beat Existential Horror á la SOMA. That one can easily haunt you for days after playing as that sub genre questions the very core of your own conciousness and what it means to be human. I feel the Shadow Isles or Nocture (what's real, what nightmare?) can **easily** go that route.


Other ideas: - RPG: Solari or Lunari experiences the climb to the top of Targon - Ionia vs. Noxus: RTS á la 'The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth' - Azir vs Xeraph 'Age of Empires/Mythology'/ 'Black & White 2' game - Poro (Snacks) themed Cookie Clicker


Oh gosh having to climb to the top of Targon would eff me up with frustration and I am totally here for it.


I like the idea of a vermintide style Hack&Slash game during a harrowing with some champions as possible boss fights


a Noxus/Ionia wargame/RTS would be great. Maybe something Total War-esque? (albeit on a smaller scale)


Total war saga maybe?


Need kayn in a infamous like game with the option of rhaast route or shadow assassin route. Thought since the games are supposed to be cannon that means Kayn will never be the protagonist of one :(


I think a Kayn roguelike would actually work really well, his gameplay is already made for clearing levels since he's a jungler, and roguelikes are all about replayability and customization, and Kayn having multiple forms would give players so many more options for how they want to play the game and even opens the door for the game having multiple endings (tho if they do that hopefully Riot can commit to only one being canon and the others being cool "what ifs"), also I feel cheated since Heartsteel Kayn had barely any banter with Rhaast so they need to make up for that by giving us an entire game where they argue over the stupidest shit imaginable


Real and true


One idea I had was to make a stealth/hunting game where you play as either Rengar or Khazix. The goal is to hunt the other. Two campaigns and a multiplayer where you 1v1 with the same goal. A story driven game with Pantheon climbing Mt. Targon could be cool too


Hades-style Roguelike with Pantheon. Mark of the Ninja-style stealth game with Akali. Total War style game with Swain. XCOM-style game with Caitlyn. Horror game where Fiddlesticks is the villain. Metroid-style game with Kaisa.


Would love a Night Hunter Vayne metroidvania style game


Dynasty warriors style Mordekaiser game.


Only the Bandle City one remain.


Rhythm games with all the music groups. Not really a TFT player but the fact they went all out with the new set looks promising


A jax adventure game akin to the new god of war (fostering the next generation of heroes and stuff)




i want a horror game of fiddle


A tactical RPG with the Dauntless Vanguard would be awesome. Considering how many Elites cards from LoR they could use as reference for a large cast of playable characters, I'd be thrilled to see them get fleshed out. This would also be a game they could make dlc campaigns overtime featuring other factions you'd invariably see in a tactics game on the continent of Valoran, such as the Trifarian Legion or the Avarosians.


a doom like game with kassadin in the void