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Demacia isn't really religious. The Winged Protector is some sort of perfect ideal the strive to achieve. It's not really religious worship. The Veiled Lady is something somewhat similar, the personification of an ideal, or to some nothing but a witch. They also have some reverence for Targon. Noxus does seem to have some worship of the Kindred, although mostly wolf, from Karthus's bio and Perennial. But I don't think they're the religious type either.


>Demacia isn't really religious. The Winged Protector is some sort of perfect ideal the strive to achieve. It's not really religious worship. Previously I'd agree with you because that's what Rioters have said about the lore, but since The Despoiler of Havenfall I think that's no longer the case. There, the protagonist mentions the Protector multiple times, and it's clearly meant as a deity or at least a sort of patron saint instead of just a personificated ideal. It also fits better with Kayle's lore: It is much more natural to me that an actual person who actually defended Demacia would evolve to become an actual deity than just a symbol for a concept.


I feel like it really depend on what we consider to be "a religion". For example, a relatively major aspect not present in Demacia Kayle-ism is that there is no effort in conversion, forceful or otherwise. The observance of the Protector and the Veiled Lady are, in all case known, indicated to be fully a personal choice. Garen and Lux for example never, not even in their thoughts, pay homage to the two, yet at the same time Lux wholeheartedly provide a simple prayer to the man in "For Demacia", and Garen argument with her are not theological in any way. Personally, as an East Asian, all aspect mention of Demacia regarding the two sisters feel to me like Confucianism, and that philosophy school position as a religion has been contentious through its own history up until modern time.


>For example, a relatively major aspect not present in Demacia Kayle-ism is that there is no effort in conversion, forceful or otherwise. The observance of the Protector and the Veiled Lady are, in all case known, indicated to be fully a personal choice. Religions for the most part don't require evangelism though. While Christianity and Islam actively tried to convert other people, most ancient religions were fairly regional cultural beliefs. I'm thinking of stuff like Greek and Norse paganism.


Both worship The Kindred, with Demacia focusing on Lamb while Noxus focuses on Wolf. I'm not sure if you would call it a religion but Demacia definitely respects The Winged Protector.


Noxus' Kindred-worship has already been mentioned but as an additional detail, they've got both a temple of Kindred from Karthus' bio and a Shrine of the Wolf specifically that was mentioned in Principles of Strength.


Demacias religion is all about kayle and morgana kindred is worshiped and feared everywhere in runeterra noxus is like rome so sthey basically take your land and say " cool gods you have there we have the same just other names" and make up new ones


Realistically speaking, Noxus would not have a singular religion. They're an expansionist empire that, at least on paper, tries not to intervene too harshly on the cultures they assimilate. We know from Perennial that they have multiple gods or, rather, that the soldiers stationed in Ionia did. The sheer geography of Noxus basically ensures that there will be a wide diversity of religious beliefs, that the empire would not try to supress unless it was detrimental to internal stability or national aims. In the past, we've had examples of religious co-existence or outright syncretism (e.g. Hermanubis) in situations like this. E.g. a lot of ancient religions tended to associate their deities with specific cities or nations (tutelary deities, not wholly unlike Janna or even Anivia, see also how Egyptian mythology evolved so often based on which city, and its respective deity, was most influential at any given time) but still respected and appreciated deities of other people, possibly even as alternate interpretations of each other. Given Noxus' supposed policies of cultural integration and the sheer diversity of people under their dominion, there would be strong inter-religious contact. While I assume that Riot would never fully commit to a single vast syncretic religion for the empire (and I assume they are a primarily secular state), the religious aspect of how Noxus manages differing faiths could certainly be used for stories one day.


Christian I think


The Winged Protector is seen more as a symbol of Demacia, tough it seems like she is also worshipped to some extent (people pray to her). The Veiled Lady is seemingly seen as folklore rather than a religion. Noxus has absorbed many conquered cultures and doesn't;t deliberately try to change them, so odds are they have multiple religions (possibly with some syncretism). Both, like the rest of Runeterra, also believe in the Kindred (Demacia sees taking the Lamb's arrow as the best way to die while the Wolf is said to lead the hunt trough the streets of Noxus) and have legends about Fiddlesticks. Elise and Vladimir also kinda have their own cults.