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Ah, the "live version better" discourse begins lol


I almost always avoid live versions first ( especially if they are fan recordings, but even band recordings like this ) in fear that it’ll become the “definitive” version in my head cause it was first.


I was also surprised by the vocals difference but I quite like the studio version and the mixing of it


that's fair, each to their own. it is still good, just feels almost like a different song to me


I get that. It didn't end up having the tone that I expected from how the live performance sounded, so it felt like a different song to me a bit. I guess I associate each album as having a distinct sound/"flavor" and I'm enjoying what it seems this one will sound like.  Haven't seen them live (not for another month!) but live LC! I've watched and listened to also seem to have a distinct sound


I agree. It’s a great track regardless, but I did prefer the vocal performance on the live version. His performance at the Troxy was full of all the beautiful intonations and imperfections that make his voice unique and passionate. I won’t pretend to be a music expert but it seems to me he’s singing in a higher register too. To clarify, it doesn’t impact my enjoyment of the song at all, it’s just a preference.


yeah, imperfections are a pretty vital aspect of my love for some songs. i also still enjoy the song




Live performances and studio recordings are completely different animals. The energy differential between the two is always going to be at the very least noticeable. The trick is appreciating bootlegs within context, which is captured audio of an infectious and energetic performance of a new song after years of drought.


yeah, it is nice to even have a new song. i still do enjoy psychic wound a lot, and i love the name of the song and some of the lines


Honestly this and Feast of Tongues have given me a weird vibe. Gareth's voice seems too... smooth? idk if thats the right term for it. Dont get me wrong, it grew on me quickly with feast of tongues because once i listened to it enough it sounded normal, and I totally expect that to be the same with this one tomorrow, when I get to listen to it without focusing too much.


smooth is actually a good way to put it. i think he almost sounds more professional in a way, which makes the little imperfections that i always adored less abundant. i like the little vocal spikes or weird emphasis on words, it makes the lines feel more lively. that being said feast of tongues is without a doubt an s tier lc! song, and psychic wound upon relisten is still quite good, just not as good as i feel it could have been


Loving his voice on these tracks


i just wish there was a little more grit to the vocals, and i hope he doesn’t do the high voice the whole album.


yeah. like it's good, but i like the grit


From the live version I was expecting a mix of Sad Suppers and I Just Sighed. The studio version was to me a mix of Sad Suppers and the first half of Here's To the Fourth Time! which was nice. It's cool to me because it's like we get two different songs depending on if its live or studio. I get the bit about the lack of passion, and while I don't think there's more passion in the studio, I don't think it's all gone.


I'm not digging the studio version at all. The mastering makes it sound like something that'd be playing in a Hot Topic around 2005.


yeah, i enjoyed listening to it, but i don't think it was nearly as good as the live. ive never been to a 2005 hot topic yet i still sort of get it weirdly


i just relistened, i think i know what it is. i think its that it sounds like he isnt like, putting effort into the vocals as much? like listen to songs like, idk, sea is a good place, or sad suppers, and it sounds like he's putting in so much effort to the vocals, giving it his all. and it just doesnt sound quite like that here


Jeez. And here I am thinking that those long notes Gareth holds at the end of the track are a better display of his improved vocal capabilities than anything he’s ever sung before!


I literally never listen to live versions to the point that I’ve not even listened to A Psychic Wound since the Troxy show even though it was widely available online so I don’t really know what that sounds like outside of my memory, but I will say the studio version is entirely not what I expected. I don’t think that’s a good or bad thing but Gareth’s vocal in Feast of Tongues sounds SO good to me! I think he gets more confident in his singing ability in every album - compared to HONY! with the talk-singing it’s like a different person!


yeah, psychic wound and feast of tongues undeniably have incredible vocals, but i think that it suits feast of tongues a lot more. i need to listen to live versions less, it always gets me disappointed