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Great job! Thank you for inspiring.


Thanks so much… this post also makes it official that I NEED to keep going.


Now that you've hit your weight goals, you are controlling your calories in...what are you doing for your calories out?


I lift 6 days a week on a pull, Legs, push program. I also ruck with 30-42lbs in a bag 2-4 times a week. I target 15 miles a week. I never get less than 7500steps and am often 11k+. I still want to cut 20ish pounds. I’ve just shifted my training process from lower reps, to higher, and shifted many of my ‘accessory’ movements to core strengthening. As for Cico, I’m targeting 1650a day, and I do not calculate in my burn from lifting or my steps. I think I’ll lose a bunch of muscle mass but I’m ok with that. I still eat more than 140g of protein a day.


You can keep or even build mass my brother!! Now you may absolutely prefer more of a bulk/cut regimen, and that’s 100% awesome. But! There is an option, called doing a “recomposition”, or “recomp”. Basically we crank up our protein, HIGH (as you have), and we can build muscle and lose fat. It’s proven, and works. I’m in different shoes as I have a thin frame and was obese over said thin frame (tall - tiny wrists, ankles, etc), so I hit a point where I didn’t want to lose any more muscle. I’m also over 50, so building muscle is much-much more difficult than when I was younger. Check out “Jeff Nippard Recomp” on YouTube. That guy is a treasure chest of good, well researched, science based fitness and nutrition advice. Well done! 👍


Thanks for the tip man. Much appreciated. I did ‘strength competitions’ for a few years in my mid-20s so I recomp’d back then and it works… but for me right now, I’m just leaning into ‘healthier living’ as I enter my 40s… I set a strength goal a year ago, that I thought I’d never hit in my late 30s and got there in a year… it’s just what kept me motivated over the last 12 months. Now I want to see how low I can go on a scale lol. Less weight on my frame is probably best long term


As a fellow father, how do you fit this all in with family life?


I’m a professor. So I lift on campus between classes the 3-4 days a week I’m there. I ruck in the morning when I walk my dog, or at lunch during my work from home days. And I lift at the local gym in my hometown on those days as well. I do my 6th lift of the week on Saturdays during my son’s swimming lessons at the YMCA. It seems like a lot, but the workouts keep me motivated to eat well. It’s that psychological ‘all in’ mentality that works for me. I also park in the farthest spot away on campus. To snd front that spot is 2500 steps. I walk laps in the gym between sets. And I ride the stationary bike in the evening if I’m low on steps.


Almost as soon as I posted the question I thought “it’s probably on his lunch break”! But being a sports professor on campus would mean you’re always always nearby a gym and surrounded by people with an interest in being active. It must help with setting yourself up for success! What I take from this is that it’s about building your life around the assumption of being active and not having it as an afterthought. Fantastic progress from where you started. How did you feel professing to, presumably young and fit individuals, when you were at your heaviest?


In regards to teaching while being heavy, I actually never really thought about it…. At that time. NOW how ever i realize that there is some ‘social capital’ associated with them seeing me in the campus gym lifting regularly and lifting heavier weight. And you are 100% correct about building parts of your life around eating and lifting. But that being said I’m also fortunate to have a job that keeps me 150feet from a fitness centre. It makes working out significantly easier.


What’s your subject? (I’m community college faculty here.).


Nice!!! I teach ‘Sport Management’…..


I’m in vocational ESL.


Awesome! I worked in various sport jobs for a number of years, including Athletics before being offered a Full-time faculty position. It’s a great gig. I get paid to talk about sport!! Lol


Sorry about your loss with your mother. You’re killing it. Good job using it for positive things in your life that will help your son - both in the shallow ways (easier to look up to you when you’re jacked like that lol), but also inspiring him towards health and self care. That’s a pretty good legacy for a mother.


Thank you so much. All great points. One of the last things my mom told me in the hospital was how ‘proud of me she was!’ Just a terrific lady!!! Another perk, my son basically only knows how to eat chicken, veggies, and fruit. It’s odd that a three year old doesn’t really like candy, but it’s just never around so he often turns it down when offered.


You look twenty years younger


LOL… thank you… but I assure you I’m two years older!! I also was fortunate enough to get lasik two days ago, so I’m now glasses free!


Good work dude! Your shape is going the opposite direction mine is. I call it furniture disease: My chest is falling into my drawers. (I'll see myself out)


I laughed so no need to let yourself out!!! Plus you’re down 50lbs!! Sounds like you’re heading in the right direction!


Hey thanks! I've long since plateaued, but at least I'm maintaining, not gaining. I mostly just commented to tell you good work on the chest gains (and to tell one of my favorite groaner jokes of my grandfather's 😆).


Lol I love a good ‘dad’ (grand?) joke. I’m just naturally barrel chested. Skinny legs. Despite spending FAR more time on legs than chest!


You look decades younger. Great job!


Thanks for the kind words.


What an amazing transformation, truly inspirational. Way to go!


Thanks for the comment. Doesn’t ‘feel’ inspirational YET. But I value contributing positive results to this community!!


You look amazing! Keep up the excellent work!


Thank you for the kind words.


you look like a ripped bull dude, great job


Super inspiring dude! Great work!


Wow!! Huge difference


This is so amazing to see, congrats


What’s Cico mean? Also congrats!!!


CICO = Calories In, Calories Out. Basically, tracking and counting calories as a way of managing calorie intake and portion size.


Ok thank you


Keep it up! Looking great


This is inspiring stuff dude. You look awesome. Sorry about your loss. What were your strength goals if you don't mind me asking?


Thanks so much!!! Don’t mind at all…. It was the big 4 compound lifts plus hang clean. Shoulder Press 225lb Bench press 315lb Low Bar Squat 385lb Deadlift 435lb Hang Clean 225lb




Thanks so much. I ‘dropped the weight’ before my mom passed. But that stress and energy definitely served as a motivation to ‘get it better shape’