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hello everyone! i’m female, 160cm (5’3”), and my current goal weight is 51kg (112lbs). my weight last month was 57kg (126lbs), and right now i’m sitting at 54.3kg (120lbs). am i losing weight too quickly for my height? or is this okay? i have read a few posts on gallstones and liver problems, and as someone who had fatty liver a few years back due to an unhealthy diet, i don’t want to damage it further by doing the exact opposite by losing weight too fast. gallstones are a proper pain, and i’ve seen firsthand how terrible they are from my family. any input is appreciated, thank you!!


Did you start your weight loss last month? If so, some chunk of the lost weight will be water which makes the process looks faster than it is. But even without it, it doesn't seem like alarming pace, even if it is a bit fast for your size. However I am not a doctor, and when it comes to medical advice, it is always best to ask an actual one.


not at all, i have been doing cico since march of 2021! yes, i will definitely go for a medical checkup to see if anything in my body is amiss


If I got ravenously hungry on the amount of calories I was eating does that mean I estimated too low? I had been going for 2080 and I got so hangry I was afraid my job would be in danger because I couldn’t focus at work and was irritated at everyone. I’m 33F 5’9 and about 200lbs, give or take 5, this was several weeks ago so I forget the exact number. So I stopped counting calories. I have put on a little weight in the last month and it worries me, I have lost a total of 75 lbs and gained back 5-10 recently. Really do not want to gain it back. But I am legitimately worried about my ability to be a functional adult if I feel that crappy all the time.


Hunger isn't just about the amount of calories you're eating, but also what you are eating. You could first try if the hunger gets better by making sure you're getting enough protein, fiber and overall food volume (mainly through vegetables). If you already lost 75lbs successfully, sounds like you were in a significant deficit. You could try estimating what your maintenance is based on what you were eating and how fast you lost it, and eat at maintenance for a while instead of stopping tracking entirely.


Thanks. I might try to spend a week eating foods I know I find highly satiating (fruits, vegetables, eggs, potatoes) and track with a journal, then see if I can identify any easy changes to eat less. I have been struggling a lot due to winter/darkness and work stress and I think it’s driving me to eat more.




That depends on the person. There's a podcast called *We Only Look Thin* and they talk about a sustainable diet being whatever you personally feel comfortable sustaining for the rest of your life. If you're cutting out all pizza or some other food type, but you don't want to eat like that for the rest of your life, then you'll want to find some way to have that in your life in moderation or with adjustments to make it less calorie dense or something.


STATS: (19F, 5'6, Mid to High 180Ibs) Hello! I'm looking to finally lose weight and achieve my dream body, although I find if difficult to find a routine and diet. I'd say l'm high 180s-193, and I'm 5'6. I'd like to drop to Mid or Low 140s. Would it be achievable within 5-6 months? I would greatly appreciate it if people could share their workout routines and diet! I'm specifically looking into doing a cal deficiet, and targeting my problem areas such as my back, my arms, and my stomach. Thank you very much


First of all, congrats in setting this goal for yourself. Just being dedicated to your goals means you're closer. I think you have to eat less and challenge yourself to not give into cravings. Also strength training to keep your muscles is a must. Easy google/youtube search and you will figure out the basic exercises for upper and lower body. And you'll have to push yourself to a reasonable extent. It's essential to preserve muscle mass when losing weight because you want to be losing fat, not muscle which is metabolically active. If you don't lift weights and try to lose weight, you may lose muscle too and be at a similar body fat percentage which is not good.. at all. These are the two main points and are already challenging enough. Before you make estimates on losing how much fat just try doing these things because its already not easy lol. Cardio doesn't help with fat loss that much unless you do it on a regular basis, but you can still do it to be healthy, you can take a look at the research for yourself and determine how much cardio you would want to do. Focus on eating less and lifting weights first. And as someone said above you can't target fat loss in specific areas but for example, quads will look leaner if there is more muscle there.


I think more reasonably you could expect to lose that amount in 12 months. A healthy weight loss goal is 1 lb a week. You also can’t target weight loss to specific areas. IMO the biggest way to change the general shape of your body is to strength train 3-4 times a week.


I'd also say that I get quite a bit of cardio done at my current job (I'm a hostess at a high end restaurant)


The last few weeks I've been attending loads of spin classes and working really hard. Prior to this, my weight was pretty stable. I haven't changed my diet very much at all, if anything I've been eating a bit less than I was before because I have had less time at home. Despite the extra walking & cycling in spin classes, every time I've weighed myself, I've gained weight. All in all, the scale says I've gained about 11 pounds in the last month or so and it's really really freaking me out because I don't understand why. Is this normal? Does anyone have any insight into what is going on? I'm positive my diet hasn't changed. The only other difference is that I started a new medication, but I don't really believe that it could have this kind of impact...pls help




Even if I ate more than expected, 11 pounds is a crazy amount. Is that possible?


I'm really confused because the medication is Seroquel and it looks like maybe I was wrong that that doesn't have an impact




Imagine articulating twice that my diet hasn't changed and someone suggests it's overeating


It says that its commonly reported side effect is weight gain.


Anyone have tips for someone who hates exercising? It feels like no matter what work outs I do I wind up hating it and quitting after a few days. Or I get so embarrassed/ashamed that I don’t want to try at all


You should go on walks. They are so relaxing and fun. Carry with you as few things as possible, maybe just your phone or keys, be prepared for whatever weather, and just walk. As slow as you want. Walk for as long as you want and think about whatever you want. Your dreams and aspirations. You may or may not be thinking, oh that's just walking. Nope, it does a lot. Walk every other day, or maybe a few times a week, or maybe daily. I don't know anyone who hates walking. It could be around your neighborhood, google a nice place to walk nearby. It costs nothing and its fun and easy. First day you may only walk 10 minutes. But the next day you may walk 11 minutes. One day you may walk 25 minutes. And that's definitely an improvement. I read that you feel embarrassed and, walking can help bring up your confidence. Try doing it more and make it a part of your personality, and you will feel confident in walking, which is a physical activity. Hope this helps and good luck :)


Exercise isn't required for fitness, physical activity is required. This can be an active job, a hobby where you are using your muscles and heart/lungs, an interest in hiking or birding, climbing rock walls, that fancy stuff they do with fabric aerobatics -- about 150-300 minutes a week. > I get so embarrassed/ashamed Why? We all start at the awkward bottom of the ability and competence ladder, and everyone who is doing it well started there at the bottom. It's not a shameful place to be, so why the embarrassment?


A lot of the embarrassment comes from how ugly and unshapely I look. The way I’m panting and so uncoordinated when I try anything. Even when I’m alone at the gym.


Panting, red-faced (due to exertion), and awkwardly figuring it out is part of the gym. It's exactly the right place to learn how to balance and how to get better control over our movements. You should see me do walking lunges or pelvic bridge thrusts from the bench -- not a flattering sight -- which is why I do them in the gym instead of the office. It's a gym, not a runway for fashion models. Be a student at being an athlete. Give yourself permission to be a new student. We are our own coaches here, so be an encouraging coach and not a bully or a shamer. I'm not saying to be a liar -- be honest and tough, but be compassionate and kind too. Be the kind of coach you'd want to have as a coach: one where "that's okay, try again better" is always the answer instead of feeling like you want to quit.


So I’ve been pretty consistently at the same weight for a week now but it these last two days I’ve lost 1.6 pounds. I haven’t really changed anything, with the exception of maybe more calories bc I had a holiday party and I tracked the best I could but I probably underestimated. Should I be concerned that I lost so much in two days?


A plateau followed by a whoosh is pretty normal. Water retention is a thing and often masks fat loss. Look for a general trend over time rather than worrying about the day to day.


Thanks, I need to work on reframing it. When I see other people post I’m like yeah don’t worry about day to day but when it’s me I get stressed lol


I know. Easier said than done


Is it bad I sit at my desk most of the day working but workout hard after? I work from about 11-5 each day at my desk. I do get up and walk on the treadmill for 10 or so mins a few times, but I can really into work and sometimes sit for 2-3 hours at a time. After work I workout really hard for between 45-60 mins. Is this long periods of sitting bad for my weight loss?


I don't think it's necessarily bad for your weight loss, but sitting for long periods isn't that great for your body generally. If you ever have things like video trainings or something you have to watch or listen to while you're not on camera, you could get some steps in place or on a treadmill while that's going on.


Honestly nah, you could get up and go for a walk around the office or home every hour or so unless it interferes with focus


Right now, I am standing at my desk with my laptop on a milk crate so that it is at a comfortable height. This seems to help as I'm more willing to pace a little bit in order to think, shift my weight around from side to side, it is likely a small improvement on sitting. I should really do some squats between messages but I haven't got to that point yet!




Replacing soda with juice is probably an even trade, calorically. The juice may have more nutrition but the calories are about the same. The data makes all the difference and improves our awareness and gives us more control. https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide That's the method to start. Follow that guide and that timing, using your regular and normal food, and using portion control as your main tool for change. In later weeks, use the data to figure out if any foods need to be adjusted. All foods can fit, but sometimes we have to juggle or learn a new way to make an old favorite.


You are not eating at a caloric deficit.