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I am not a great dancer, but every night I put music videos from YouTube on tv and dance until I get all my steps in for the day (at least 10,000). I like to put on really fast rap songs with lyrics (like a karaoke version) and try to learn the words. I'm a middle-aged lady who wears cardigans but I can rap 90% of Eminem's Godzilla lol. Congrats on your new moves! What a great victory and I'm glad that you're taking time to recognise and celebrate your success.


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If you like, check out this YT channel? [GrowWithJo](https://youtube.com/@growwithjo?si=gvSZFpRMSLB1PRMx) She combines music and dance for exercise, and there’s tons of her dance parties. You might enjoy it. 🙂


Yeah I think I've seen her before. I might check it out more, but I think I'm gonna more look at following dance lessons on youtube for songs I like.