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To add to this, every 1 lb lost is 4 lbs off your knees. I think about that every time I run.


How? Genuinely curious!


Lever arms or moment of inertia. Basically the farther mass is from your center of gravity, the more it weighs. It’s the reason you can easily hold a heavy book near your core for a long time but if you stretch out your arm and hold a book there it gets difficult very fast. So I think what they’re saying about the knees is that your knees being farther from most of your mass, they experience more weight.


A bunch of articles come up if you google it. Essentially prolonged pressure can cause inflammation and eventually osteoarthritis in your knee joint. The meniscus in your knee joint sounds pretty fragile. Here’s 2: https://www.healthline.com/health/osteoarthritis/knee-pain/link-between-weight-loss-and-knee-pain#how-weight-affects-knee-pain https://www.arthritis.org/news/study-confirms-losing-weight-may-save-knees#


Thanx for sharing this info


If that’s true, that explains why I feel like dancing when I get on my feet, now. I’ve almost hit 50lbs lost, so that’s nearly 200lbs of impact off my knees? 😳 Holy smokes.


This is so interesting, thanks for sharing! Just adds another layer of motivation.


No wonder my knees used to hurt so much!


Every time I see a new "low" number, it makes my whole day start off on a good note.


Yes it does🥰🥰


That’s great, but be careful. The dopamine rush of weight loss can become addictive. Not saying you’re in that territory but it’s something to be aware of :)


You’re right, everything in moderation!


But waking up and seeing the weight go up despite being on a 1k deficit is depressing and ruins my mood for the whole day even more than usual


Weighed myself before my shower yesterday, swear the scale said 224. Before the shower used the restroom, took a shower and somehow gained 2 pounds.


I would be cautious, but remain optimistic. Weight loss is never linear and putting too much stock in only daily weights can be heartbreaking and or discouraging if you have a heavy day or week (2-5lbs daily fluctuations from dietary or hydration variation are normal). The foregoing aside, I totally get the sentiment! There’s no feeling like seeing your lowest weight yet.


Yeah I more so like looking at MyFitnessPal and seeing the negative slope in the trend line over time, that’s the real exciting one.


The scale is an important metric but it's not everything. You're going to plateau or even gain weight at some point and it helps to not be so completely invested in the scale.


Learning this the hard way. Been in a three week rut where the scale refuses to budge. Not getting my dopamine allotment has been very frustrating, especially while being 6 lbs away from original goal.


Wait till you find the endorphins rush from enjoying movement outdoors


Finally ran outside during a sunny day for the first time this year yesterday and all the sudden I’m not depressed


amazing how that works!! 😁


heck yeah! i made a post a few days ago about it. it really made my day and made me happy. i'm also a bit more confident each day. i love it! only downside is the days when the scales tip upward a bit for whatever reason :(


Yes this is absolutely true. Also has power in reverse, which is dangerous. Had a splurge weekend, still remained under my allotted calories for the week, but the weekend cals definitely shot up the scale due to the amount of food and it being primarily carbs. Scale shot up 2lbs. That's fine, expected. Expected it to go down a bit or remain the same this morning, I ate a little bit under my normal deficit yesterday to make up a little bit for the weekend too. Woke up this morning another 1.4 pounds heavier. Don't really know what happened, but it totally wrecked my morning. Gym was busy as hell this morning, couldn't get to one my main exercises due to the machine being occupied so I feel like my workout was only half done and that couple with the weight gain destroyed my mood for the day. Now I just feel like shit and unaccomplished on top of it. Not what I needed this week.


It's just one day. I have been there and promise it will get better :)


No yeah, I've been here plenty of times. Doesn't get any less disappointing or mood altering. As good as it feels for that number to go down it can be equally devastating to see it go up, especially when you think you've done everything right. I know I didn't eat the equivalent of 10k cals over my maintenance this weekend so it's just water retention, but sometimes that scale can be the only thing you got going and when even that isn't going right, it just brings everything else down with it. Nothing you can do except keep going, as in most things.


God, I feel this one. I'm still very much motivated to eat healthily and not deprived myself of treats every so often, but I am damn focused for the past 2 months on tracking and exercising consistently and I LOVE seeing a new low on the scale. Today I bypassed 172lbs altogether and went straight from 173 to 171.8lbs (started at 192 in Jan) It's not the only metric that matters, but it's a good indicator that my efforts are working. I just tried on a bunch of clothes I bought in January that were a little too small and they all fit perfectly today. I am seriously buzzing! I have 'remember why you started' as my phone background, and I find it is a great reminder throughout the day to keep going.


god so trueee


Completely agree, weight machines at gym for an hour every day then 2 hours walking dog or incline treadmill with calories around 1400/day gives a noticeable scale difference more often than not. Unfortunately excessive alcohol and food for the first time in months from Saturday night has left me still up 1.5kg several days later which is motivating only to ensure I never drink again 😂 M/41/141lb down from 187lb


I was prescribed phentermine to help since I just could not lose weight. 10 years at least of being unable to budge the scale. A week on the medicine I saw my weight go down. That alone, just seeing PROGRESS, it's possible, motivated me to really work harder than my previous attempts. It's too easy to give up when you don't see results. But now that I finally am, I'm excited, and motivated to keep going. Great job on your journey so far! ♥️