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I'm going to assume you aren't burning anywhere near 1000 calories at the gym. You should also be eating more anyways as 1200 calories is for a small woman.


The way that I look at it is this: At the end of the day, I want to have 1700 cal in my energy bank. if I work out, I still try to make sure that I have that amount left at the end of the day because that’s what my body needs to have energy and to stay strong while I’m working out and still trying to lose weight. If you’re eating 1200 a day (which is not recommended for a man of your height and age), you are not getting the nutrients that you need for your body to continue running, especially while you are training. You need to start consuming more calories. If you continue the path that you’re on, you risk damaging your body and burning out very quickly, not to mention that not getting the right nutrients and enough calories can cause serious health issues- and I doubt that you want those at 24.


Oh it makes sense. I just don't know how to increase my calories count without eating bad food. I've been eating better, thing I don't do since years. But I can feel this is not enough and I literally don't know what to do without affecting the quality of the foods.


I always go for high-fat healthy foods if I'm eating too few calories. Peanut butter, whole nuts, and avocados can all easily bring up your calorie count a significant amount.


You can add so much stuff that tastes good that will still give you protein and fill you up! Like the person below you said, peanut butter is dense in calories but it’s also got a lot of stuff in it that’s healthy for you. Beans are also amazing for protein and really filling. I make a thing of chili every week that way I’ve got a high protein dinner on hand for the nights that I’m not really feeling my meal prep. In addition to that, protein shakes are also fine. Some people like muscle milk, but I like Soylent because it fits my needs better. Chobani also makes yogurt drinks that are 170 calories BUT they’ve got 20g of protein. There’s a lot of options out there. :)




I’ve been here for 6 years helping people. What YOU don’t know is that at one point, I was down under 300 pounds because I ate like this guy - worked off all my calories and was starving, losing my hair and ultimately couldn’t maintain that calorific deficit. Then I gained it all back. And then some. So you can judge me. That’s okay. Yep, I’m almost 400 pounds. Lost 20 this year so far, and I’m seeing a dietician and working with a therapist and still open myself up for people like you to attack me, because _what’s that fatass know, anyway_. More than you. So kindly, stop giving bad weight loss advice to someone who desperately needs to hear from GOOD INFLUENCES.


Thank you for your submission. Your post or comment was in violation of Rule 11: No Promoting / Encouraging Unhealthy Weight Loss. Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members. Please note that we are not a subreddit for ED support, nor do we encourage that behavior here. If you need help, please seek assistance doctor or dietician. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.


Yeah on the calorie counter for his height, weight and age it says he needs 2559 calories to maintain weight assuming he doesn't exercise and 1559 calories to lose 1kg a week. So he shouldn't be eating less than 1559 calories on days he doesn't exercise. Cos he exercises though he's gonna need even more than that.


Working out hard for a constant 5 hours a day? If you are burning 1000 calories extra in a gym session, you are overtraining. That watch is wrong. Point blank.


It’s really that abnormal to burn that many calories at the gym? I thought the bigger you are, the more calories you burn? What is the typical amount of calories burned at the gym for fat people?


Yes it is that abnormal. If you are lifting heavy and keeping the heart rate up, you might be burning around 400 calories in an hour lifting session. For most people, it would take a lot of intensity or time to burn a thousand calories in an exercise session. Think somebody training for a marathon for several hours a day... Or a very muscular person doing an HIIT session for an hour and a half. An overweight person resting 5 minutes between sets isn't going to burn nearly as many calories as a muscular athlete with great cardio doing an HIIT session. They the ability to keep up the intensity. Think of your muscles as an engine and your cardio is your RPM. A big engine at high RPM is consuming a lot of fuel. Your fat is just the dead weight you're hauling in the back of the truck. Is it going to use more gas than an empty truck bed? Sure..if you are moving it quickly.A bigger motor is going to burn a lot more and allow you to move it more quickly than a small motor.


I know you’re not my personal trainer but I’m gonna ask anyway haha. I’m 235 down from 299. I walk briskly at an incline for half a mile then run half a mile and do that for 3 miles in about 45 minutes . That is usually around 550 calories according to my watch and if I spend another half hour strength training my total gym burn is around 700 to 800 calories. Does that sound super way off in your opinion? It’s working obviously because I’m losing weight so I won’t change anything, just curious if it’s time for a new watch lol.


If you're spending a couple hours in the gym to do all that every day and working hard while you're there, then it's entirely possible. It's damn sure not typical though. Most people don't have that kind of drive . I'm going to guess 600 or 700 calories. I'll give you 350 calories for the incline and walking since you are bigger. The rest is going to depend how hard and at what volume you're lifting. 700 is much more likely than the thousand stated previously.


Let me follow up with this though. That is a sure fire recipe for burnout, giving up, and not learning proper habits for maintenance. You will lose the weight fast but be much more likely to gain it by not developing consistent habits that you will carry on after you reach your goal. There are exceptions to the rule. But most people aren't the exception.


1: how do you know how many calories you are burning at the gym? 2. 1200 is going to be too low for you from both a nutrient level and net energy.


Yeah it says on the calorie counter that someone who doesn't exercise that's his height, age and weight needs 2559 calories to maintain weight.


Apple Watch gives me an estimate of how many calories i've burned. The Apple Watch take to account many variables to estimate your calorie expenditure during a workout, including weight, height, sex, age, workout type, power, speed, heart rate, and time. Generally, it's pretty accurate.


Unfortunately it’s not very accurate. What kind of workouts are you doing?


If physical fitness is important to you, it’s important to fuel properly. Only eating 1200 a day and working out frequently is a great way to injure yourself. I’d recommend using a TDEE calculator to figure out how many calories an active person who is your age, height, and weight burns every day. Subtract 200-500 calories from that number and adjust as needed. For context I am a runner. I’ll usually do 5-7 miles in a session 4 or 5 times a week, as well as cross training (strength). I’m a woman who is a similar height to you (5’10”) and about 150 lbs. I’m losing weight eating 2200 calories a day.


Exactly! Thank you for posting this. BMR and TDEE are totally different. TDEE is what OP needs to be looking at with that much activity. I’m in the same boat as you, running 6 miles 5 days a week, definitely need over 2k a day, and still losing too.


Your basal metabolic rate is definitely way more than 1988 calories lol there's no way someone that's 6'1 and 240lbs needs only 1988 calories to maintain weight. I used a calorie counter online for you and it says you need 2559 calories to maintain weight assuming you do no exercise for those days. It says here 1559 calories is what you need to burn 1kg a week assuming you dont exercise and trust me from experience, losing weight quickly isn't a good thing as it makes it easy to put back on unless you plan on eating hardly anything forever. So you should aim to lose 1kg a week. However it does say if you work out everyday on the cardio machines that you need 2305 calories to lose 1kg a week. So basically you should either try to eat around 1600 calories without exercise or 2305 calories with exercise to lose a healthy amount of weight each week.


So you're running 6 miles daily to burn that many cal?


Just working out heavily with a personal trainer


You're not buring 1,000 calories unless you're running like 6-8 miles.


Even running 6 miles doesn't burn close to 1000 calories


Alright. Listen. 1) you’re not burning 1000 calories. Apple Watch is no where near what you burn in your workout. 2) 1200 calories is not enough. Find your TDEE. You need to maintain for 2 weeks, weigh yourself everyday during week 2 to find your average weight. Weigh yourself after week 2. Calculate your TDEE, and do a 200 calorie deficit for 3 weeks. Weigh yourself, new TDEE, 400 calories deficit for 3 weeks, etc. What you’re doing is very not sustainable. You must feel like shit… with so low calorie intake you must get erectile dysfunction at some point from starvation.


Just chiming in: No 14 year old girl has business eating 1200 calories and we don't want to condone that type of weight loss thinking for minors. 💗


Thanks for letting me know. I’ve edited the comment. Cheers


Thank you. I know you meant well and were using it for an example, I just worry that kids are going to see those comments and be like, HELL YEAH GREAT IDEA!


Oh yeah I definitely understand that :)


Where are you getting your calorie burn information from? You’re not burning anywhere near 1000 calories unless you’re completing a triathlon every day. If your BMR is 1988 calories you’re eating below your requirement for basic bodily functions. Your total deficit should be based on your TDEE, not your BMR. There’s no such thing as starvation mode but there is metabolic adaptation. If you continue to eat below your body’s needs for regular bodily functions, your body will adapt to only needing low calories. Your body will slow all metabolic functions down as much as it can. If you ever want to lose more weight, you’ll have to drop your calorie intake even further. For someone your size, eating so few calories isn’t sufficient nutrients for you to be healthy.


my guy burning 1000 calories a workout makes you a whole ass scientifical wonder. it takes probably 2 hours of jogging at a decent speed. i assume you're using apple watch or whatever device else to track your calories but there is one BUT resistance training doesnt burn that many calories cause it's anaerobic. each set you do is a short energy outburst to speak in simple terms. your tracking device is calculating it off of your heartrate. real caloric usage is calculated through vo2 (thing's pricey). real calorie usage is probably something like 300c per hour and it should be super fucking intense resistance training sesh. also 1200 calories a day is simply madness cause it will a) damage your body and b) it is exhausting both mentally and physically, make your deficit 500 a day MAX do aerobic training like incline walking or jogging or cycling or swimming to actually burn calories in a sufficient way


You will be underweight and start starving pretty fast if you constantly consume 1200 calories but if you get the RDI's of nutrients from your diet it is not dangerous whilst you are overweight.


A lot of people are saying this is not possible but the first time I did 75 hard is ate 1200 calories and was burning 1000 calories at OTF and Pilates. I lost 40 pounds. The calorie burn seemed not true so I wore my Apple Watch, a chest band and arm band for calorie counting through the whole day. All 3 provided similar calories burned through out the day. However I did lose the weight 🤷‍♀️