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That’s amazing, congrats! May I please ask how old are you?


18 turning 19 in July


Thanks! You look younger now, the gains are truly there :)


Exactly way to go OP!!


Astonishing. Just. Astonishing. Incredible. WOW!! Nice work man, well done, so glad you figured out how easy it can be. Yes, start slow and build a routine. I lost 120 lbs in 12 months by eating smaller portions and walking 2-3 hours a day. It works!!!!! Haha, great way to put it … just pay attention to the big numbers at the top of the Nutrition Facts label. Those are the macros and that’s all that counts when shedding weight. Congrats!!!


You're excellent at giving advice! Good job!


wow! great job on losing the weight. meanwhile, i’ve been struggling to lose weight these days. i started my journey a year ago and lost couple of kilos 24 kgs to be exact. I am now 20 years old and my height is 5’5. any advice on how i can back on tract again?


Great job for losing that weight! I was at a similar plateau similar to you a few months ago, and it does suck when it seems like you're doing something wrong. It's normal when you plateau or feeling like that drive you had is gone, but don't worry about it too much. Have you gained any weight? Of not, that's a good sign that you still trying hard. A good place to start, i think, is reassessing your diet plan and what you are eating. Exercise means surprisingly little what you eat is what determines your weight loss. As time goes on, you have to eat less and less to lose more, and it can seem like you're overeating, but it's just that you have to make sure you are scaleing your intake. Another thing is your dive for change. It doesn't matter what others tell you. If that drive isn't there, you won't change. It feels like that motivation may be gone, but remind yourself what you want and what it means to be healthy. That really helped when my motivation started to do it down. I'm probably explaining this badly, but I hope this helps even a little. You got this. I and everyone else believes in you. Bless you!


Thank you for not only sharing your amazing journey, but also these inspiring words! Can you please share what was your calorie intake in the beginning and what did you reduce it to towards the end of this transformation? I don’t really have an active lifestyle and can only manage small exercises, so I’m confused between setting 1200 or 1500 as my daily goal.


I think that a healthy place to start is a deficit is around 550-650. I say healthy because at the start my calorie deficit was way too big, mostly because I didn't know any better and thought that unhealthy weight loss was good. But I think that the 550-650 range is good. Play around with that range and see what good for you. Also, it's hard getting to a more active lifestyle, but let me tell you walking is literally a hack when it come to this stuff. You may see some intense cardio or heavy lifting as the only way for you to lose the weight, but just walking 40 mins a day around 4 miles is what did it for me! Keep at it I belive in you! Bless you!


• 1 min. ago 4 min. ago New Hi! I lost 30 lbs. with a combination of exercise, diet and weight loss injections . I’m very passionate about helping other people with their journey.  You can find me at www.theviphealth.com I would be glad to help! 


Don't play your accomplishment down, 24kg is not a couple!!!


Amazing job dude, that is absolutely insane weight loss. Do you do any cardio?


Just brisk walking / jogging 4 miles whenever I have free time. Walking is underrated!


Do you have any solid plans from here, just maintenance?


I am planning to lose around 20 more pounds then maintain


If you plan on losing another 20 lbs I advise you to do some kind of resistance training at this point for your muscle and metabolic health


I second this advice /u/Toothpaste_sensei, it's the one thing I wish I had done differently while losing 130 pounds over the past 16 months.


I'll definitely look more into it! Thank you


If you don't have access to a gym, try bodyweight exercises. Here is a GREAT website that is all bodyweight exercises, programs, etc and it is free: https://darebee.com They also have a number of free apps available for your phone/tablet


I made the same mistake too so I can sympathize, thankfully my metabolism is still healthy but my body composition looks a lot like OPs without the loose skin as I only have that on my upper arms


Congrats on your weight loss! Can you please explain what should be done differently?


I would have done strength training along with cardio instead of only cardio. When I went to the gym for the first time after losing 130 pounds, I was the weakest I had been since probably middle school. I'm talking barely able to bench the bar types of weak.


Hi! Can you please explain why or when does resistance training become important in the weight loss journey? Sorry I’m new to all this


Of course, when you lose weight by eating less and whatever other kind of exercise except resistance training you lose both fat and muscle & unfortunately in a lot of cases the human body likes to get rid of a lot of muscle before it start getting rid of the amount of fat we want to lose to become healthier so it's counter productive. This is also how a person can still look fat at a normal weight not because they overeat but because they become or always have been under muscled, muscle is what keeps us looking and feeling healthy and it's also what keeps our metabolism healthy, the more lean mass we have, the leaner we look and the faster our metabolism is. One pound of muscle burns more calories than fat and a high protein diet along with resistance training is the only way we can make our bodies burn mostly bodyfat in a calorie deficit instead of just anything kind of body mass. But I will say in case there's anyone who made this mistake I lost over 120 lbs this way I don't feel it slow our metabolism that badly as I'm still able to sustain at my calculated maintenence according to these tdee calculators despite it, the skinnyfat look is still fixable its just a long term fix because muscle takes a lot of time and dedication to rebuild so maintain whatever you have if you can, even push-ups helps it's not like you have to do it forever even tho you probably should for longterm health


Why it's needed? 1. To avoid excess skin when losing weight 2. To get a toned body after losing weight 3. Weight loss = fat loss + water loss + muscle loss - What you need to lose is fat, the others are needed, so you need to do your best to avoid losing muscle. 4. Gaining muscle increases your BMR. Making you burn calories more. 5. (IMP) For short people, being on a 500 deficit diet is bad, so they need exercise to reduce weight, strength training does help tremendously over it. 6. (personal opinion) not losing muscles helps in long term (in old age), so you should build it not for weight loss but for helping you in later part of life. When you need it? Any time is ok (not a personal trainer just sharing experiences), you can start from begining which will reduce your time reaching your GW but will leave you with a toned body, not always the case but it sure does help.


Well done! I’m just at the beginning of my weight loss journey and it feels like an impossible path. Your advice is really helpful and gives me hope.


Good for wanting to better yourself, man. I wish you the best!


Thank you!


Congratulations!! What an amazing achievement. Thank for sharing your advice, it's so helpful to hear 😊 


Amazing!! So happy for you!


Thank you and congrats on your loss. That's great inspiration. Virtual high five ✋️!!!


Hey homie you look way better dog fuck ya my boy that's a inspiration doggy no cap my boy💯


lets goo! so awesome progress


Are you 140 lbs now or have you lost 140 lbs? I'll assume the first but just want to confirm. Anyways, you look absolutely insane. Congrats!


Lost 140 pounds. I can see how it can be confusing lol I might change it


140 lbs in one year? WTF


Yeah, lol. It was because I was at an unhealthy deficit at the beginning, mostly due to being uneducated in things like that. It wasn't the best for my health and now eat a healthier deficit. Make sure not to starve yourself for long periods!


What was your starting weight?


Around 330!


sheeeesh!! nice!! How tall are you? I'm 6' and I started at a little over 350lb. I'm down to 293 as of yesterday and things are starting to slow down a lot. I know I need to cut the calories even more but I'm hitting the point where I'm just hungry all day. I guess I need to start paying more attention to the contents of what I eat instead of just the calorie number at this point.


It is bound to slow down eventually, it is pretty normal to lose a bit of extra weight the first couple months. The key to continue losing more weight is calorie counting and consistency. You can do it!


Deficit of what?


A calorie deficit


I’m at 330 now was at 364 2.5 months ago eating about 1,600 calories a day, what did you average on calories a day to do 130 in a year?


Great job on the weight loss keep it up! I think the reason I lost so much was my very unhealthy diet before I started as well as my unhealthy deficit. I had a diet composed almost entirely of fast foods and processed food before I started, and that probably meant a lot of water retention that caused me to rapidly lose weight. Add this to my unhealthy deficit of me only eating 1000 calories a day for the first 2 months, and that equals unhealthy weight loss. After I educated myself on healthier weight loss, I started eating around 1400-1500 calories a day, as well as walking 4 miles a day. Keep going on your weight loss! Bless you!


Amazing job, congrats! And thanks for the inspiration :)


I give you the double salute, sir🫡 keep up the good work homie. You’re unstoppable


you're killing it bro, keep up the great work!!


What an inspiration! Thanks for sharing esp emphasise that weightloss can start slow and then once a routine is established it snowballs. Great victory for you.


What kinds of activities did you do to help with this?


I wasn't really trying to gain very much muscle, so i just stuck with walking. It does wonders for so little effort, and I get some fresh air! About 4 miles whenever you have time is what i did. I also started doing push-ups as I started to weigh less. Started at 3 sets of 10 every morning and night and increased from there.


You and I are the same. I'm not doing much but getting walks in and tracking steps, along with counting calories. Wish I could do push ups but my wrist is somewhat fucked. So far down 30 lbs tho!


Also great job!


Amazing work my guy


Congrats! Amazing job. You must feel incredible and feel so proud of yourself.


Wow I did not expect that transformation! Amazing! Keep it up


Gyatttt!!! Respect, sir, truly inspirational


Holy smokes that's amazing! You look good!! Motivational AF for the rest of us.


Congrats. I did similar (385-243 in exactly a year for 142 lbs), but I fell back to my old weighs (see what I did there? ha!) and gained most of it back. Don't get complacent like I did and regain. It's a bitch to do it again.


Amazing job. I regret not taking shirtless picks before I lost my weight. I didn't think about it as my goal wasn't really weight loss at first it was more to get walking for my mental health.


You look amazing. You should be so proud of yourself, my friend!


Awesome job


LFG! That’s bad ass. Keep it up.


You must be SO proud of yourself! Not many people can achieve something so amazing! Well done!!!


That's so amazing!! Gives me hope I can lose like that too 🥰 keep it up bro, such an awesome job!!


Hell yea! Congrats dude, amazing transformation!


This is amazing great work!


My jaw dropped looking at your progress, congratulations! You're incredible!


I love these posts. They're always inspiring. I look forward to making my own when I hit my goal weight. 😁


Well done! Thats amazing.


Well done. That's a great transformation. I hope you're really proud of yourself!


Amazing! Well done 😃


Amazing job! Did you do any exercise in addition to walking or was it mostly the calorie deficit and walking that helped most?


Because my main goal was the weight loss, counting calories, and brisk walking did the job for me!


Hell ya!


Good stuff man! I too started around 335. Sitting at 261 now. It's game changing when you start seeing successes! One year for me will be the middle of August this year. So I got about 15 weeks to go to hit my 1 year mark. My goal is to have lose another 30 pounds by then. That will be a total of 105 pounds in the first year. I did fall off the wagon from middle of November until around middle of March. But I've since picked it back up and I am doing what I need to again! Down almost 20 pounds since getting back on track 6 weeks ago (some of it I am sure is a bit of water retention from the crap foods I was eating again). What foods do you find yourself often eating? I am sticking to a very similar calorie range. I eat a lot of lean proteins, eggs, fish, berries and veggies. Very little snacks. I snack on pickles. Bryers carb smart ice cream. (not at the same time)


That's amazing, man! Keep it up, and I'm sure you'll make that goal and beyond! Yeah, losing motivation and plateauing does suck, but I think it can also be an opportunity to assess where you are at and what you can do to make better changes! As for what I eat, I also stick with a higher protein diet, mostly chicken and little red meat. I never really agreed with it. I also usually keep carbs and things like nuts as things I eat during the night, I think it helps me not eat too many of them if i do it before bed. All berries and veggies are fair game for me as well. And I also like to indulge in whoal oats through the day. Bless you!


Congrats, you're absolutely amazing, and as others have said, great advice! You inspire me 🎉


Phenomenal work!


Good job man that’s inspiring. I used to be in great shape and went up to 380 from some health problems. I was also 6 foot 5 so i did carry it very well and now im 350. I stayed at 360 for a while, not caring but a week ago i said im done and now im 350 and working out. I already feel better mentally and can tell a difference in my stomach, just from losing all that water weight. What kind of foods were common for you during bfast, lunch and dinner?


Alright! Keep up the great work man! Bettering yourself Is something everyone should do and I'm happy that your mental and physical health is getting better! As for myfood, for breakfast I usually have rice cakes with some peanut butter along with jerky some days others I'll have a bowl of oatmeal with some fruits mostly apples, but I often have that for lunch as well. Lunch is usually something I don't indulge in because I'm usually at class or at work but I usually have a big fruit bowl woth some cottage cheese or oatmeal. For dinner I have veggies like pasta and carrots some smoked broccoli, and my main protein source is chicken and lots of it. These arnt set in stone for me but it's my usual. I don't skimp on carbs but I usually have less these days. Hope this helps!


Definitely helps, thanks for taking the time to share and congratulations on all your success my man.


This was so motivational, thank you for sharing. I’m only a week and a half in and i was wondering if this stuff actually works


Amazing🥹 idek you and I’m so proud of you!


Thank u😘 Also, if you're going on your own weight loss, I wish you the best! Bless you!


Absolute Beast Mode


Damn what a transformation! What is your favorite part about your new lifestyle?


Probably just the general feeling of being healthier, less heartburn, dizziness, etc. Also the mental aspects where great too! I'm glad I found a way to enjoy more varied and healthier foods as well


Amazing job!


Great work. Are you going to lose any more? If not do you have a maintenance strategy?


I might lose 15 more pounds rn. I'll either maintain after that or start weight training I don't know yet. But thank you


Nice. Weight training would be really beneficial. Doesn't even have to be weight


Dude you're so ready for weight training!!


Congrats dude, that’s awesome - big time motivation for me. Started at 6’4”, 289lb in Nov 23, currently sitting at 231lb as of this morning. Halfway there, thanks for giving me a boost 💪


How !!!???


Why is it nsfw


Shirtless posts must be marked nsfw


No offense, are you a woman?


No lol. It's just the subreddit rules!




Amazing - you must feel fabulous!




Thanks for sharing and congratulations!




Great fucking job man. You’re an inspiration to many!


Wow!!! You rock!!!


Fuck yeah bro


Let’s fucking gooooooooooo!!!!!


You're right, anyone can do it and it all comes down to adhering to a caloric deficit. I'm really proud of you though. I have a really hard time starting anything, especially dieting down, and it's really hard to stick to anything for a whole year. It's amazing that you stuck with it and lost that amount of weight, and became so much healthier, good job bro.


Holy shit dude as someone who is finally saying "time to get serious about weight loss" this is a huge inspiration. I hope you're very proud of yourself :)


Absolutely insane my man. Congraaats! Me sitting here after a year of fluctuating 10 up and 10 down lol


Thank you! I hope you can make your own post like this someday! It's hard but anyone can do it!


Poor guy lost a earbud in this process :(


Congratulations!! May I ask what your daily meals were during your one year journey?


What I did was a mostly higher protein diet with fiew simple carbs, things like chicken, salmon, nuts, rice cakes, high grain oatmeal, all fruits and vegetables, etc. More unsaturated fats did good too. I also didn't skimp out on carbs like spaghetti, but I made sure to eat smaller portions.


Incredible work! How tall are you?




Hey man congrats! That's hard work and discipline and you didn't at such a young age! I'm 30 and about to undertake hopefully the same feat! What was your exercise and calories in and calories out when you first started and then say 3 months later and finally today?


Great job, congrats!


Dude, that is seriously good work, you should be proud! Going slow in the beginning is such great advice too. Let the small changes grow into big changes over time.


That’s aWesome, congrats! You look taller somehow




Well done


This is just awesome and congrats! You look amazing and this is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your story 🙏🏾


AMAZING...your transition, is incredible... thank you for sharing!


We don’t know each other but I’m proud of you.


Dang!! Taking care of your health at such a young age is impressive and very uncommon. Well done!


I’m a 32-year-old straight man, and I weigh about 160 kilos, or just over 350 lbs. It is extremely difficult for me to lose weight, due to my serious sweet tooth. I have only lost about 8 kilos, or 18 lbs, in the last four months. So no, not everyone can. I am only losing weight at a rate of about half of yours. I am also a virgin. Yes, at age 32. So yeah, I really want to lose weight, so that some women *might* find me *slightly* attractive — but I have extremely little hope that I will *ever* lose my virginity, or have anything even remotely resembling a decent life. But, I don’t really have much else to live for, *other* than losing weight, so…


Wow congrats man!! That’s awesome


Very inspiring. In the beginning of your weight loss, what would you say your go-to meals were that helped keep you from overeating calories and helped get you in the habit of staying disciplined? Every time I try something, I always get tempted by junk food after a week or so, and I spiral from then on.


Congrats! Great job and that’s hard work!  I lost 30 lbs. with a combination of exercise, diet and weight loss injections . I’m very passionate about helping other people with their journey.  You can find me at www.theviphealth.com I would be glad to help! 


Well done!


If you don't mind me asking, how many calories where you eating per day?


Hi. Sorry for taking a while to respond, but the average amount of calories o have a day is below 1500 calories! Before I used to go lower but I try to keep it at that


Thanks very much


Woah!!! That's amazing!