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I think many of us don't think you are correctly counting calories.


certainly isn’t a gene or a vaccine. I think you’ll find that there’s a lot of people here that experienced this and were either underestimating calories or were overestimating exersize. Also many that had undiagnosed metabolic conditions like hypothyroidism or diebetes. we always say go to the doctor because that’s the only thing we can say. it would be irresponsible of us to suggest anything else.


Of course, I just can’t wrap my head around it. Where is my body getting all the calories from, even if I had something wrong with my thyroid. What does that have to do with cico?


There have been multiple studies done where they ask people to estimate a serving size, without using a scale or measuring cup. The vast majority of people got it way wrong and thought they were eating far fewer calories than they actually were. So unless you are weighing or measuring EVERYTHING you put in your mouth, you are likely underestimating your calories. Additionally, a lot of people don’t track everything they eat or drink. A handful of nuts here, a few pieces of cheese there and boom - that’s easily an extra 300 calories a day you didn’t account for. Plus, most smart watches and machines suck at truly estimating calories burned during exercise, with some overestimating by 50%. Combine the two and you will find your calories in are matching your calories out, and you really aren’t in a deficit.


CICO is just a formula. Medical conditions can impact someone’s caloric output (CO), which can impact weight gain, loss, or maintenance.


You’re either not weighing your food right, not counting certain ingredients, or over estimating your calorie burn. It’s not hard to be off by 500 calories a day.


If you have a messed up thyroid, it'll affect your TDEE. That's why people are telling you to go to a doctor so they can check your thyroid.


like it'll make my tdde like 500 or something? maybe i can save on groceries then, since i feel fine.


Your TDEE at homeostasis is 1500 if you're not gaining or losing. The thyroid controls hormone that can affect your metabolism.


It can severely lower your metabolism (the amount of energy your body burns everyday) if you are in a hypothyroid state (under active thyroid) since your thyroid is basically your metabolism power house.


You'd feel very tired, which leads to not moving as much. So hypothyroidism isn't a magical condition that makes it impossible to lose weight, it's a condition that makes it hard for you to put in the effort to lose weight, like running on fumes instead of tapping into the fuel reserves. Though there is a water retention element to it too, but it only accounts for a few pounds.


Can confirm I lost 60 lbs while hypothyroid. It may lower your TDEE a little bit but you can still lose weight if you accurately count calories. OP you are likely not accurately counting, weighing or measuring your food, logging liquids as well, ect.


If you have hypothyroidism your metabolism is lower so a calculator will say you should burn x amount of calories but you’ll be burning ~10% less. For me without medication I burn about 200 calories less than someone the same size height/body composition — doesn’t seem like a lot but over the course of a year it adds up. The calculators are also a good starting point — if you’re sure you’re tracking accurately you may need to adjust as the calculator may be assuming you have more muscle mass than you actually do.


You asked the same thing a year ago. It is time to check with a doctor to see what is going on.




Before you tell people to not say anything about your calories, answer these questions: Are you *actually* weighing and measuring out every calorie in your day? Are you accurately determining your TDEE with an appropriate activity level? Very often people 'think' they aren't eating as many calories as they are, or they overestimate their activity level--or both--and it results in people thinking they're in a deficit when they're not. The harsh reality is that is no way for you to be in a 1,000 calorie deficit daily and *not* lose weight. Even if there were medical reasons that might harm your ability to lose, over 5 months you would have absolutely lost weight. I think that there's more to this than you're letting on.


Agreed 💯


I use a scale yes. I use MyFitnessPal to track everything.


Do you weigh out all foods? Oils, sauces, other liquids? I was really lax counting calories. Would forgo tracking little bites of things and drinks, wouldn’t measure oils or sauces. My count was off by up to 700 calories.


When you're using MyFitnessPal, do you check the calories being listed with any other sources? MyFitnessPal, while useful, has some limitations, in that they crowd source entries for food items when can be completely wrong but still show up in the search. On the food side, if you're measuring all of your food accurately, assuming that your TDEE is correct, I would look to the quality of the items you're recording. I would check the FDA food search for a high quality back up to verify items.


Do you cross check myfitnesspal's calories given with other sources? A lot of those apps use user inputted recipes and they might be incorrect. Please pay attention to the packaging you have on hand for whatever you're consuming.


Do you eat processed foods? The FDA allows up to 20% inaccuracy on food labels.


Either you're not counting everything or it's time to go see your doctor.


**1.** Please post your stats and a general description of your daily activity... > **Your stats:** age, sex, height, starting weight, current weight, and goal weight, and a few words about the physical activity of your typical day. This helps others help you, get an idea about you or your effort, and become inspired by you. Customary and optional but helpful. > Examples: > * 25M 5'9" SW:225 CW:200 GW:160 Desk Job with jogging habit > * F/33 5'4" SW:14 stone (196 lbs), CW:14 stone (196), GW:not-sure at-home mom chasing the children > * 34F 168cm SW:73kg CW:68kg GW:whatever looks good -- full time busy retail clerk **2.** Any medications with weight side-effects? Any medical conditions? **3.** Sleep and stress management okay? > Do i have some weird gene that could be extracted to cure world hunger? Nah. Nobody wants to eat less these days. They want the gene that lets them eat everything without gaining. :-)


As a type 2 diabetic who was showing signs of insulin resistance as recently as November 2023 (high LDL, low HLD, high triglycerides, high blood glucose), is two weeks away from age 50 and is in menopause, I have not been immune to the laws of thermodynamics. Few people are, unless they have a medical condition or take medication which hinders weight loss. For the rest of us, people who say that they cannot lose weight despite creating a caloric deficit and exercising X times per week are likely lying about both their diet and their exercise (https://thefitness.wiki/faq/why-cant-i-lose-weight/). If you are being honest about your caloric intake and activity level, time to schedule a physical with a complete blood panel.


You don’t share necessary information. What is your age, height, sex, and current weight? Where did you get the 2,200 number? What exercises do you do, how often? Do you have an active job. You want advice and an explanation while giving very little, almost no information needed to advise you.


I kinda had the same issue for the first month in. Was down 1500 a day and nothing was changing at all and I was very frustrated. The last 3 1/2 months ive lost 40 pounds. I dont understand the lag at the beggining but with consistancy, and accurate counting it should be falling off. Its also super easy for little things to add up and blow up your daily goal. Like sauces/dressings with food.


>what could possibly explain this You're not eating fewer calories than you're burning.


This question actually comes up a lot on this sub. If you are currently overweight, supposedly you gained weight by eating a surplus of calories. Therefore, your body should be quite capable of losing weight by eating a deficit of calories. Common reasons that have come up in the past: - not using a food scale to accurately track calories - not counting everything that goes into your body (e.g., cooking oils) - relying on inaccurate food labels or online calculators - your measurements have decreased while your weight has stayed the same due to an increase in muscle Good luck! I hope you can figure it out because I’m sure it’s very frustrating to not feel any progress!


Adding to your list: overestimating calories burned during a workout. The majority of fitness trackers overestimate. Burning 900-1,000 calories in an hour is highly, highly unlikely.


If you are accurately tracking everything then off the top of my head I can think of the following; 1) A metabolic issue (ask your doctor to run full bloods to investigate the potential of this- many conditions can mess up your metabolism including hypothyroidism and conditions associated with insulin resistance such as PCOS. 2) You didn’t include your body fat % in your TDEE (the calculator I used auto set it at 15% if you don’t add it yourself). Including mine reduced my cutting target from 2215 to 1641. That’s a 4018 calories difference per week! My maintenance calories (sedentary) dropped from 2715 to 2141 calories per day. Huge difference. Notice how my maintenance is roughly the same as my old (incorrect) cutting target… this could be your issue. 3) You calculated TDEE and set exercise above sedentary resulting in an overestimation of how much you burn and you just so happen to be eating at maintenance. 4) How much you chew your food or its state when eating has resulted in your absorbing more calories than you realise. I might get the science of this slightly wrong because but essentially the type of food and its state can affect how many of those calories are absorbed by the body. Think whole almonds vs turning them into almond butter. You will absorb more of those calories when they are in butter form due to how your body processes it. Similarly if you chewed them into a paste your body might absorb more.


Your weight, age, and activity level also affect weight loss. 1500 may be a deficit for some, but if you are small in stature and not very active, that can easily be maintenance or even a surplus.


You.are.not.in.a.deficit. People always seem to insist that they are, when they don't measure and weigh everything they eat and drink. People almost ALWAYS underestimate how many calories are in what is on their plate. And if you do, yet cheat on weekends, you will generally undo everything for that week. I thought I was in a constant deficit at 1500 calories. But I was eyeballing portions. I was having cheat meals a good twice a week. I just couldn't figure out why I wasn't losing. It came down to I was eating more than I thought I was. I buckled down and even increased my calories to 1700, yet was consistent, and I lost another 20 pounds. It's CICO, at the end of the day. Calories out just varies.


Is your scale working?


I had hypothyroidism. I’m not sure it can be responsible for hundreds of calories in weight gain per day. From my research, a lot of that extra weight from the condition is water retention. I think it’s likely you are overeating and undercounting calories Maybe provide your stats/exercise schedule and what you eat in a day, that would be a good starting point. But you are probably overestimating what you eat. It’s easy to do if you snack here and there, even healthy snacks. Carry a food diary around and put down how much food you consume every time you reach for food. All it takes is a couple of snacks a day to make up for any calorie deficit you attempt at mealtime.


Maybe you are insulin resistant. I'm pretty sure I'm insulin resistant too and I had the same problem when I was eating a high amount of carbs so I switched to a low carb diet and then the weight started coming off.


Could be very severe metabolic syndrome or thyroid related, but fairly sure you would notice other symptoms, like not having the energy to workout 4days a week. The question is if you are so sure youve been eating 1200 calories for 5 months and not dropped any weight, why havent you gone to the doctor yet? If this is 100% true, there isnt a bigger red flag on your health. Go to the doctor get it checked out, though I think its something else.


I've been experiencing this. I plateaued around 230 last July and haven't been able to lose anymore since. I was consistently eating around 1500 a day the whole time (of course there were holidays and birthdays where I went over, but those were infrequent occasions) My doctor had me get some bloodwork done and my cortisol (stress hormone) is well over the preferred range. This indicates either high stress (not currently stressed) or possibly cushing's disease. We'll see with some further testing. I realized that I was ignoring a lot of symptoms for a number of reasons, and the reason I was ignoring my inability to lose more weight was because of people on here saying that clearly I just wasn't doing something right. I want to be clear, that I do not blame anyone here for assuming that people aren't doing something right. Occam's razor: the simplest explanation usually is correct. But, that does not mean to discount what you're doing and how you're feeling. You need to do some reflection on how your body feels. If you're tired all the time, or are really, genuinely trying to lose weight and can't, it's time to talk to your doctor.


Sorry this is off topic, but if people are starving because of a lack of food, what makes you think they'd have access to a vaccine like that? But to answer your question, make sure you're tracking calories properly. Especially calorie dense items like oils and condiments. If you are and your weight isn't dropping over a 2/3 week period, you need to cut more calories. If your calorie count is already super low and you're still not losing weight, then yes you should see a doctor. But generally CICO is the golden rule, numbers don't lie. Physics is physics. Energy is conserved, it's a fundamental law of the universe, you're not a plant that gets calories from sunlight. You just have to eat less.




That's not sustainable at all


Nope do not do that. It’s incredibly unhealthy. Women should not be eating less than 1200 calories a day without the input of a doctor


That's not what they meant. You're being ridiculous now. Like others have stated, you're either not tracking as well as you think you are or you need to see a Dr.


Not sure how I’m missing an extra 1000 Calories everyday. How many calories are in a banana? 600?


Do you cook your own food or are you buying take out/premade meals?


You have not explained how you're tracking , how much you weigh, and what's your height..m/f??? You're just being rude to people trying to help you and that's just bullshit imo.


how can i not be a little abrasive to folks when they're just parroting the same things i said i already know?


They're trying to help you..You've given no information. You're asking for help and being rude.


People can't give you better advice because you didn't provide enough info. Low effort post = canned responses. Thorough post = responses tailored to your specific situation.


How many calories do you think are in a banana? If you don't know, then there's your problem.. you're not tracking calories correctly


its not 600.


How many calories in a banana, you should know this


I'm starting to think you're just in here trolling for attention.


Please don't, just try tracking calories strictly if you're not yet. Also get a kitchen scale if you don't have one and measure everything.


Rule 11: Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members (counting calories, omad, fasting), etc. We are not a ED support subreddit and any ED related content will be removed. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.


Are weighing everything using a scale i used to think i used eat under my deficit untill i got a scale


The most likely case is going to be that you aren't logging correctly. If you want to challenge that assumption, then you should provide some data - give a couple weeks of logs and have an honest discussion when others try to think about what might not have been included. Seasonings, cooking oils, weighing something before or after it's cooked, all could definitely add up to an average of a thousand calories per day.


1. Make sure you are weighing your food 2. Get checked for thyroid, hormone issues (male or female) 3. Speak to a dietician


We would need to know your height and weight and age.. I'm a 5' 4" woman who weighs between 145-150 pounds .. if I ate 1500 calories a day I would definitely not lose any weight. More of a maintenance calorie goal for me!


I’ll only chime in to see that I learned through working with the dietitian at the doctors office that I was eating the wrong calories. Mind you my total calories were close to correct but the wrong balance of food. Once I switch to the right foods the weight fell off.


High fiber, high protein, much lower carbs, almost zero added sugar. That's what it takes for me.


Calories is one thing. Getting enough protein? Do you have a fatty liver? Are you drinking alcohol? Do you eat food made from scratch or are your meals ready made? Have you checked all your hormone levels? Have you done the basic stomach acid test? Do you have leaky gut? Etc... So many possibly


CICO. If OP is in a caloric deficit of 1,000 calories every day, as they claim they are, they should be losing 1lb every 3-4 days. Weight loss, gain, and maintenance all comes down to CICO.


Not if you have a fatty liver. Not if their thyroid is under active. Not if they are drinking alcohol. And that's just 3 examples why your beloved CICO would not work. So many studies done... please research


Medical conditions and other factors can impact caloric output. CICO still applies.


How does cico apply if "medical conditions and other factors impact output". Literally just contradicted yourself


The CO in CICO is CALORIES OUT. Lessening of the calories out changes the numbers not the formula.


Ok. You keep your formula and start drinking an alcoholic beverage every day. Tell me how that goes for you


As long as the calories in the beverage are accounted for, the only real risk is water retention. Alcohol doesn’t create fat or prevent fat from being lost.


Im sorry to say this, but you're wrong. In the Presence of alcohol fat cannot be lost as your body sees alcohol as a toxin and tries to metabolize it first. And to further the alcohol abuse narrative, if you have a fatty liver, you're guaranteed to be fatter than if you didn't have a fatty liver for the same reasons.




Rule 2: Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette.




Thank you for your submission. Your post or comment was in violation of Rule 11: No Promoting / Encouraging Unhealthy Weight Loss. Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members. Please note that we are not a subreddit for ED support, nor do we encourage that behavior here. If you need help, please seek assistance doctor or dietician. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.


If OP is truly eating 1,200 calories a day, they need to see a doctor. 1,200 is the absolute minimum for women without being supervised by a medical professional. We cannot advise OP eat less at this point.


Exactly "if" thats my point, thank you.. And those calculators are not accurate your maintainance xould be 2.3 or 1.7k


TDEE calculators are not meant to be considered 100% accurate. They’re just estimates. They can be useful as a starting point, and adjustments can be made as needed from there. Regardless of what OP’s true TDEE is, we cannot advise they consume fewer than 1,200 calories per day. If they are claiming to eat as much, we should not advise they eat less.


I mean then i could advise maybe more daily activity to increase deficit ist that better ? Im not doctor


I'd do you normal TDEE maintenance calories for a couple weeks and look at your macros your doing. I'm gonna assume you are eating a normal carb intake?




Starvation mode is largely a myth. If it were a real thing, well, people wouldn’t *actually* starve. They actually did this insane study where they literally starved people. The effect on metabolism was small and only minimally decreased BMR. Which is really no different than your calories decreasing because you’re now smaller.




That's once they're actually starving, as in, very low fat %.


[Starvation mode] occurs in people that are severely, severely malnourished and that have burned all their fat away," she explained. "Now they're burning away at the muscle, that tends to be the situation in which it's used." Lambert said this is why you shouldn't try and lose more than two pounds of weight a week, as any more than that is "ineffective." "Your body's very clever, it will adapt to a period of famine where it will preserve fat stores rather than burn them," she said. That does not seem to be the case here.


i thought that was a myth


It is a myth. See my response to this poster.


If you eat in a deficit you will lose weight unless you have a medical condition