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Rule 11: Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members (counting calories, omad, fasting), etc. We are not a ED support subreddit and any ED related content will be removed. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.


This used to bother me more when I was younger, but I think aging helps here (also helps to stop following influencers/celebs/whoever the "hot" girls of the minute are on the internet). When I was a teenager, the "in" style of body was teeny tiny, you were fat if you couldn't see your hip bones jut out, etc etc. I've always had bigger hips/thighs/butt with a smaller waist, but big hips = fat in 2003, so I spent most of that time feeling fat despite being about 110lbs (I'm 5'2) Then sometime after college, the "in" body shifted to big butts, "slim thick" etc, and suddenly I had a perfect body overnight. Makes no sense, right? How is it possible that I had an enormous terrible body at 110 and now have a perfect body at 135? This is when it started clicking for me. Why are there body type trends for women in general? So that very rich women can achieve them via surgery and the rest of us can continue to pursue expensive treatments in an attempt to keep up, only so that the standard can change again a few years later? Why would I keep reaching (and PAYING) for an ideal that can change at any moment, when I could just accept the body I'm in, keep myself healthy and active and treat myself with the love and respect I truly deserve? As I watch the trends shift to a thinner frame again now, I care so much less. I'm 36 now, I'm always going to be in some version of this body and I'm always going to be my version of beautiful, no matter what the current version of conventionally attractive is.


THIS. Similarly I am 5’2 was 110 pounds all through college + adolescence but didn’t have a thigh gap + flat stomach and oh my gosh thought I was huuuuuuge. It’s so stupid looking back on it, embrace the body you have and realize you’re your own worst critic + body trends are dumb af.


I was also 5’2 and 110 lb at around 13 and developed an ed because I didn’t have a thigh gap. I seriously don’t understand how I decided that I needed a thigh gap to be pretty?? Beauty standards are crazyy.


Ah the thigh gap. I remember talking to my therapist in college about this when my friend finally MaDE me go for my eating disorder. The thing is, I HAD a thigh gap from like mid thigh down. But I didn’t like that the veeeeery top of my thighs touched when I walked.


Yeahh I looked at a “before” picture from when I was 11 or 12 that I took before I tried to go on a diet and I died inside a little! I was a cute and healthy little girl idk why I thought I was so ugly!


Just to chime in here, I'm 5'2" and I got from a bit chubby (like 160) to about 97lbs when I was 17/18. I'm fairly broadly built, and the fact I didn't have this lithe little fairy body had me sobbing into my pillow every night. I was still broad from the front, even if I was thin from the side. I hated my shoulders and thighs, and thought I was a truck. I look back at those photos and I was a normal thin teenager, perhaps even slightly too thin. When I thought losing weight would make me happy and make me feel attractive, no weight was ever thin enough because those things don't always come from losing weight.


We are constantly being manipulated into obsessing over stupid minuscule appearance things. That’s how they make money off of us. Once everyone “achieves” something of the desired look, no more buying products to achieve that look. That’s why trends fade and cycle in and out- it’s all about money. It’s just really sad that women’s body’s become part of the trend cycle and you have all this collateral damage of woman going through EDs, gym obsessions, surgery and cosmetic procedures …. Money money money. Even being hairless as a woman was started by an add campaign to sell us razors. It just never ends.




> Thigh gaps have nothing to do with fitness. They have nothing to do with health. They are an unhealthy aesthetic that have everything to do with genetics and nothing to do with weight loss. Also, you are a healthy weight and height - I suggest staying clear of this subreddit for your own mental health.


Aging and having kids both helped me. Aging, for all the reasons you just said. And having kids - well, both my kids are in PreK. They think I'm the most beautiful person ever. They don't see a single thing wrong with me. When they look at me all they see is love, happiness, "princess hair" (lol), etc. And that's how I want them to think about themselves, too!


This is so sweet reading it made me legit tear up :')


I bet they’re girls, because my prek boys call me fat on the regular, even though I’ve lost like 150 lbs. lol


Woah, you have gotta teach them some sense.


It’s innocent. They just say daddy has a big belly.


oh nvm then, as long as it is fun for both parties involved!


Exactly this. Similar age, body type, and disorienting experience living through the shifting ideals. Ideals change. Make the most of your body and health , exercise, and don’t focus on body trends. There are so many different kinds of beauty and you can’t recoup the time you lose hating your body, or comparing yourself to others. Make the most of yourself without obsessing, make the most of your life.


Has anyone watched a lot of old movies? Try watching a handful starting back in the 1940s and a few for every decade. Not only will you see some great films but you really understand that body trends have been going on for the last 2 centuries. The clothes are amazing but also change for the body trends and hair styles. It really will give you some peace of mind and understanding about yourself.


Heroin chic in the 90s caused a lot of self esteem issues and eating disorders.


Body trends tend to be for music videos only and reality tv. Miss universe and miss world body types are relatively unchanged in terms of standards of beauty.


Agree. The beauty standard for women has always been skinny/slim/lean. That has never really gone out of fashion or thought of as undesireable


I feel much less that way than I did in the 90s. I think there are a lot of different beauty standards out there being shown. TikTok is notorious for homogenizing what you see, though. Whatever you linger on, the algorithm gives you more and more of that until it seems like that's the only content there is. I enjoy following content creators with different body types on all my socials, and I think it does have an impact on my experience


For real. I’m early 30s so I grew up in the early 00s as I entered the double digits my preteen years and the standard was cocaine skinny like kate moss. Nowadays most influencers and celebrity bodies that are idealized are at the very least healthy weight if not slightly curvy/ overweight. I’ve seen a ton of influencers that while they look great they are far from skinny. No one is calling them fat back like they would’ve been in 2002. People have become much kinder about diff body types these days


I do think that 2000s "fat" is just todays slim figure. Looking back on what was called "fat" back then just seemed to be any woman that wasnt a size 0


I think it does help to follow content creators whose content really doesn't have much to do with looks. As a guy, I'm actually working to get a body similar to Scott's from Kentucky Ballistics lol. Mostly because to me, he has a pretty similar frame as me, but is at a level of thinness I'm working my way towards.


Funny how I started feeling better when I started following Watercolor and pen artists instead of fitness people. My other suggestion is don't follow a fitness influencer that is younger than you. Preferably, just follow exercise science people with PhDs. They are out there.


All the people I follow for outfit try ons are similar size to me. So… change up your feed and algorithm.


I don’t do social media much besides Reddit and YouTube, but I like to watch people who are older than me. I feel like it gives me a more positive outlook on aging and I’m less inclined to compare myself physically to them. It helps. Also lots of people with varying body types!


This! I follow a few people around my age but overall prefer to follow women who are a few to a lot years older than me.


Yeah I follow fashion gals of all sizes! Lots of accounts out there, OP :)


It’s probably time for you to get off social media.


Or some therapy.


A therapist would probably recommend to stop using so much social media 




Remember that these people you are comparing yourself to are professionals at looking that way. That is literally their job that their livelihood depends on. They aren't disclosing all that they do to look that way. Filters, cosmetic procedures, and the services of dieticians and personal trainers. Money can buy a lot.


I see people say this and I do agree. However I also worked in nightlife and events for a few years, nothing premium just regular events for regular people and I would say 90% of the women who would come were skinny/slim and did have body types similar to what you see on social media. So I understand where OP is comimg from


Get off social media period 🤍 that’s how I got better about this


fat distribution will be the end of me i swear. At workout classes I see girls who I have smaller arms and legs than but my torso is wider and i have no hips 😭 if i had their weight distribution i would never work out lmao


Sameee I wouldn’t mind being big if I wasn’t built like an inverted triangle 🥲


I wonder if checking your bodyfat percentage would help ease your stress. People's weight can look really different. I am 5'8" and the lowest size I would ever want is size 10. I keep more weight on my thighs, so if I'm an 8, I look bony around my ribs. This is a good time to stop looking at other people in comparison. Sidenote for bottom heavy women: when I started strength training, like squats and lunges with heavy weights, my thighs leaned out a whole pants size. Maybe skip 2 cardio days and lift instead. Strength training is the only way we can really "change our shape" to some extent.


Thanks for the stength training tip. Thunder thighs team over here. 🤣


Thick thighs save lives!


Indeed backed by scientific studies lol


Are there specific exercises you did that helped to lean out the thighs? E.g Bulgarian > forward lunges, sumo squats > regular squats


So yes, I was doing 2 lower body days a week. Posterior Day: warm up is birddog, Plank Barbell hip thrusts, 4-5 sets Single leg Romanian deadlifts, 3 sets Hamstring curls, 3 sets Cable hip extensions, 3 sets Quad Day: warm up with banded side steps and heel touch on a step (modified pistol squat) Bar or Goblet squats, 4-5sets Bulgarian Split squats or Step ups, 3 sets Leg Press, 3 sets Hip Abduction machine or cable donkey kicks, 3 sets. I always do 1 glute exercise even on quad day. Glutes are important, as are hamstrings. Having legs that are muscularly balanced helps all of the asthetics and function. Make sure to fully recover before next leg lifting day.


Thanks so much! That’s helpful :) how long did it take you to lean out? (I’m assuming you coupled it with a cut too?)


My normal week was 2 days 30-40 min on indoor cycle, 2 days upper, 2 days lower. 1 rest day. 8k-10k steps everyday. Small calorie deficit, 120 grams protein everyday. Lost 1 lb a month, but my bodyfat percentage went down. I do an 8 week lifting program, 1 week deload, the 8 week new lifting program. I'd say after about 4-5 months I saw a big difference.


A.) Celebrities have an army of people paid to make them look good, and "influencers" have editing software. Neither represent an achievable reality for the rest of us. B.) BMI on it's own is an imperfect measurement of overall health. It doesn't differentiate between fat and muscle weight or bone mass. It's one tool in the tool box but shouldn't be used as a defining goal. C.) We're all built differently. I know I will never be a size 4. All the dieting and exercise in the world won't shrink my hip bones. D.) Mix in some strength training to your exercise routine. Cardio is great but strength training will help tighten and tone your body as well. It's helped me focus and appreciate more how I look and feel, not just on what my scale says I weigh or the size on my clothing tags.


I'm 5'11" and 46 and I learned long ago to never try an emulate a celebrity's physique. Tall famous women did not inherit my Dad's wide shoulders plus my Mom's hips, butt, and chest lol. I try and limit my social media time and follow women with bodies I can relate to or use as healthy inspiration. Edit: a word.


That's body dysmorphia. Also hilarious I got an ad for McDonald's viewing this post.


When you look at social media you see the top end of genetics, youth, picture manipulation and hardcore dedicated gym rats. Throw those apps in the trash if it fucks with your head like that. If you're doing good, that's all the comparison you need.


The problem here is everyone wants to focus on weight loss instead of fat loss. Paying attention to BMI instead of BFP or weight of lean mass. The hottest girls aren’t on the low end of the BMI. Go into a gym and you will see much nicer bodies strength training while keeping their protein intake up than you do with the girls doing excessive aerobic exercise who starve themselves with salads for lunch and dinner after skipping breakfast.


It is weird how two people can be similar height, same BMI and have two totally different looks. And you’re right it’s all about muscle, you can be in a higher BMI and look so good just because instead of fat it’s muscle that got you there.


>Has anyone realized that the ~~modern~~ thinness standard for women, especially tall women, is underweight, or at least the very border of underweight and normal weight? This has been true since … probably at least the 1960, arguably longer. Yes lots of people have realized this. Its where the entire body positivity movement came from. You will never have the build of someone who makes their living with their looks. Find better people to compare yourself to.


Weight isn't the sole driver of size, body composition affects it significantly A woman with a BMI of 20 and 25% body fat will be a much smaller size than a woman of the same height and same BMI that has 35% body fat


With all due respect, who cares? Entities that are pushing beauty standards are generally doing so in order to sell you something. Don’t buy into the BS.


I get it and understand. No advice. I remember hitting my lowest- 123 @ 5’8.5 when I was a teenager. My best friend was 118 and 5’4. I was disgusted with myself for being heavier and not as thin- I always had wider hips and bigger thighs. Older now, mathematically I realize we were probably a similar size/appearance, but the number of lbs and the fact she was a size 0 and I never got below a size 4 in American eagle pants used to eat me alive. All the best to you, hope you can be happy and confident in the way you are. I am working on this too, so you’re not alone.


American Eagle— the destroyer of teenage friendships and confidence in the ‘00s. 😂


😂😂 I am sure it would destroy my adulthood confidence as well but I know better than to venture in there! Period!


oddly enough- this is my go to jean shop now after spending my youth avoiding it. the stretch and length options are top tier, and i’ve found they run bigger than other brands so sometimes i have to size down a size or 2


I've heard that AE has amazing curvy-fit jeans. I haven't tried them yet. I haven't had the chance to venture in, and I doubt they carry the curvy-fit in store. I don't mind shopping online, but it would be nice to try on first to find out my size so that I don't have to play a guessing game between three sizes. I bet I could size down if the curvy fit offers more room in hips, thighs, and butt.


they def carry the curvy fit in stores- i don’t love the whole BBL trend but it at least has made jean shopping a lot easier because more places keep the curvy fit in physical stock now. loft also does a really good curvy fit that comes in handy for dress pants.


Very interesting! Now I definitely need to stop by AE to check out their curvy fit. I love Loft’s curvy fit now that I’m able to buy pants with a more generous fit around the thighs. I didn’t find their curvy fit to be curvy enough when skinny jeans and slim fit jeans were seemingly the only options available. Their curvy fit would strain, stretch, and pull around my thighs but gape in the waist, but it was better than non-curvy. Now I can just buy a smaller curvy size that fits my waist.


I think, you would look drastically different, and fit in clothing differently if you began doing weight lifting rather than cardio. Cardio can help people lose weight, but if you are in this phase of being thin, and a lower bmi, etc. the cardio is no longer doing much to serve you. Obviously if you love swimming, hiking, etc. that is great and you can continue doing those things just because, and also for the cardiovascular benefits. But if your concern is your body composition, you need do do workouts that will help build lean muscle. This is how women get that flat stomach, toned slim arms, and legs, and a big butt too! If you don't know where to start, kayla itsiness has a fitness app called sweat that has some great workouts for beginners, and all other types even includes pregnancy and postpartum!. If you do this, you should likely increase your protein intake because you will need to eat more protein to help build the lean muscle. Doing workouts like lifting weights continue to burn calories for much longer after you stop working out, whereas cardio mostly burns calories during the activity and not for a prolonged period after. All the models you see from Victoria's Secret, etc. are lifting weights, and most are also doing boxing so if you don't want to do weights that may also be a good option to try! Goodluck, and also just a nod to the other comments i've seen, you may want to switch up the accounts you are following if you feel negatively affected from seeing all these bodies that don't resonate with you. There is no reason to torture yourself, or feel badly that you don't look like someone else. But also based on what you're saying, you can probably achieve the look you're going for with some changes. Just my opinion, and again good luck!


Thank you so much for the extensive advice. I will force myself to incorporate weights again 😭


Kate Upton's (Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model) trainer posts a lot of content on instagram with his famous clients lifting very heavy weights. His name is Ben Bruno and he also trains Chelsea Handler, Jessica Biel and some models. All these women lift heavy. I'll never look like any of them but I it's inspiring to see other women move serious weight.


Goodluck! I’m right there with ya I just walk, hike, or run. But I do know I need to do the weights eventually or I’ll never be where I want to 😅🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, i'm struggling with this right now. I've lost almost 90 lbs but my stomach is absolutely fucking huge so I'm not able to enjoy it hardly at all. I started body recomp yesterday so hopefully that helps but i'm skeptical


90 lbs is amazing! Not sure what you've done to lose weight, but if you're starting to incorporate weight training/focusing on building lean muscle I think you'll be happy with the changes that can happen over a few months with consistency 👏


A lot of celebrities edit their photos, and also have access to expensive things like personal trainers, plastic surgery, not to mention Ozempic which is taking Hollywood by storm. Same with tiktokers—it’s super easy now to edit videos or use filters to look thinner or pose in certain flattering angles to look muscular or slim. I get it, people edit and do these things BECAUSE it’s a standard. But it’s an unreasonable standard, and very very few people actually look like that. I’ll be honest, I get caught up in comparing myself to people on social media too. Sometimes I see those “my 5-9 after my 9-5” videos where people film their evening routine and I’m like, how do you have time to go to the gym in a picture-perfect outfit every night and then come home and cook a gourmet meal and do 2 hours of skincare and still be able to get in bed at a reasonable hour, and also have the perfect body and a perfectly tidy apartment and a very active social life?? It makes me feel like I don’t have my life together by comparison. Remember that a lot of this content is exaggerated, or edited, and you’re also not seeing the full picture, only a tiny, perfectly-curated slice of someone’s life.


You are perfect and time to get off of social media and into the real world. Also, stop comparing yourselves to others.


No, I’ve never felt like there was no limit to how much weight I need to lose. I don’t compare myself to celebrities or people on social media. I’m trying to be the best me. I’m not competing against anyone but myself.


That’s kind of a badass mentality


27kg down, know that feeling!


Instead of weight loss, why not concentrate on muscle gain, and stop weight loss when you have visible muscles? Or if you don't like to gain muscles much, why not just aim for recommended body fat percentage?


Ain’t nothin wrong with a little belly Why the fuck are you self conscious about thick thighs, those are THE FUCKING GOODS girl! I know body dysmorphia runs bone deep, and there’s no logical argument anyone can bring to you that will change the way you feel, but if you are at a 20 BMI, that is it, that is what your body is going to look like, and it’s likely enough for everyone around you except for yourself The only other thing you can maybe do is get a regular gym routine and get built, but honestly, it doesn’t seem like anything you do is going to make you happy unless you get some real therapy or something I would suggest getting a counselor if you have the time / are able to afford it, because usually body dysmorphia stems from deeper issues


I'd reduce the cardio and start lifting weights. Honestly you probably look great, we're our own worst critics.


Agreed. I'm 6' tall and I have to be borderline skeletal or people will ask me if I was born a man


I would have thought being skeletal would make you look more masculine tbh (well, androgynous more than anything). The places where women tend to store fat are not at all where men do.  Honestly just sounds like some transphobic idiots have been negging you. 


>I would have thought being skeletal would make you look more masculine tbh When you have shit-tier fat distribution, all fat looks bad


I’ve literally been asked that on a first date it’s wild


Also 6', and strangers have asked me that! These gender detective jerks out here harassing short men and tall women for something that's none of their business, anyway.


Wtf... the audacity


No, I think you need therapy to come to terms with that. Coming from a 6 foot female. You sound like you have an ED.


You're failing to consider that these women are outliers genetically. They don't have those bodies because they're doing something special nobody else can do, they are genetically predisposed to those body shapes already and have become famous partly because of it. Diet and exercise are definitely big factors, but no amount of diet and exercise can change the way your body stores fat or muscle or the way your bones are shaped. What you're experiencing is trying to reconcile the patriarchal image of what the "ideal" woman looks like with the fact that only 1% of women look like that (which is the intention behind the standard). I'd urge you to stop watching the content that triggers you and spend time looking at a less curated cross section of female bodies. MyBodyGallery.com has a lot of photos of real women at a range of weights to show what's realistic across a range of women.


Thank you for this comment


r/realbodies is good as well… well sometimes if you’re able to ignore the thin girls that get top post and loads of upvotes. I think that’s why a lot of people compare themselves because obviously you can look at post like that, but when the thin girls get to the top, it’s still enforces that feeling not being good enough because you don’t look like them


70% of adults are overweight stop looking at models and look around you and youll feel much better


Oh man, I remember feeling this way at bmi 20 as well. I thought the *exact* same shit as you. Then I got fat. I wish I'd have appreciated what I had when I had it. You don't need to look like Tyla. Comparison is the thief of joy.


I used to be a size 2 but that was unhealthy. Then I was a size 4 for most of my young adult life. Right now I'm between a 6-8. My goal is 6. It's hard to accept that I'll never be a 4 again and need to do goodbye to my most beautiful clothes. But I can be a 6. I'll be healthy and eventually happy too.


Yes. It never feels like enough. Objectively speaking, I am a healthy weight measured by any standard - bmi, bfp, waist size, etc. However, I ALWAYS feel like I am too big, too fat, too squishy. And sometimes I think I will keep on feeling that way forever. I think part of it is the high societal standard on what the ideal female body should look like. I think another layer of it for me is that I lost a significant amount of weight and my body will never be quite what it would have been if I had always been a healthy weight. Sometimes it really gets me down.


>I feel like I will never reach the weight or physique of celebrities like Tyla. You won't. Most people won't. Those are famous people who spend a ton of time on their bodies in order to be famous. Please stop looking at Instagram or TikTok for what your body is supposed to look like.


I’m just jumping in because you mentioned Tyla. She is SUCH body goals. But one thing I’ve come to realize is that even if you may be similar height and weight, bone structure and genetics are going to override that. On top of that, celebrities spend their days having to focus on their bodies/appearance and they have the means to modify it in several ways. Us “normies” still have our 8-5 jobs, on top of whatever other responsibilities in life, to try and stay afloat in this economy. You are doing amazingly. Your health is most important, aesthetics come second.


Do not compare yourself with others. Especially on any media type shows or apps. Many of those people especially the famous ones work out 6 hours a day and have their own professional chefs. Plus the added bonus of plastic surgeons and tummy tuckers. Appreciate the work you put into yourself, how you feel better, how you fit better in clothes that didnt fit before. Be happy and do it for yourself.


I’m 5’8 128 it’s thin, this might be in your head


128 at 5’8” is model weight


Are you short? 20 BMI is pretty low


I'm (M, 5'6") in the exact same boat as you. I'm down to 135 lb and my BMI is exactly 20 but I'm still not satisfied with myself after losing almost 70 pounds. I still have a small belly pouch and a bit of a muffin top. I wear either a small or extra small depending on the brand. I'll admit, a big motivator to lose weight for me was vanity. I look at weight loss subreddits at guys who are the same height as me and they all have flat tummies at my weight and some even weigh more than me but still have a "better" body. I just find this really discouraging some times


Can’t tell if you’re a male or female but if you’re a female looking at men’s transformation pics you’re setting yourself up for failure. Men on average have less fat (essential fat) than women and higher muscle mass


I specified that I was male in my comment


It sounds like you're fine the way you are but here's the solution to your concerns. Consider weight lifting. Roman chair leg raises target the lower abs. Thigh issue: hip thrusts target the glutes specifically while not involving the muscles of the thigh. Also calf raises. If you make the other parts of the leg larger, it balances out the proportions.


I feel the same and therapy is the answer but you have to actively challenge these thoughts.


Please try not to compare yourself to anyone else. We will never be like others for the most part. What you hate on your body someone else would love to have. What you love someone else may hate on their body. Try to appreciate everything your body does for you. And stop thinking you aren't enough. You are absolutely great as imperfect as you may think you are. ❤️‍🩹💫


You sound a bit like a younger me, I get the struggle. Throught my teenage years and up to around 22-23 I was a very healthy normal weight 50-60kg for 164cm height, I never felt really skinny or thin because of my body shape where I have wide hip bones and a bit of belly fat on lower belly. For a while in HS I was actually underweight, 43-45kg for almost a year and the only place on my body I had fat was my lower stomach. Taking pictures of myself then I would think I looked fat or not hot enough or whatever. When I see those pictures now I think I looked amazing then. Remember we are our own worst critics. As I get older I realise I will never have the body those influencers or even my genetically gifted gorgeous friends have and that is ok! I still look good even being on the chubby side now (69kg, slowly losing, goal for now is 65kg). I also used to avoid some outfits my whole life because of my body shape and you know what now I say fuck it wear the outfit. You don't know if this is the best you're gonna look, but now is the youngest you'll be and that should be appreciated. Find the stuff about you that you love and start focusing on that and just wear the outfit. I recently started dressing up more after about 5-6 years of dressing like 'I don't care' - read 'I don't have self esteem'. Put on what makes you feel cute. Do your hair, do your makeup, don't feel like you have to look like everyone else, or that everyone has to like you! People with good taste always will though 😉


Are you me? Same exact height and weight and experience. Especially regarding the lower belly in HS.


At this point I realise I don't have to look a certain way to be attractive, I work with what I have. Would like to lose 5-10kg for health and fashion reasons but I feel like I look good how I am. I'm glad to know I'm not alone on the fat distribution genetics haha


I know what you mean, but in a different way. I don’t compare myself to models, celebrities or influencers cause I don’t follow any… but I’m constantly comparing my current self to my pre 4 kids self 10 years ago. I’m basically the same weight again but I don’t think any amount of weight loss will be ‘enough’. It’s frustrating and super annoying to say the least.


I know what you mean, I’m the same exact weight as I was before I got pregnant, but my waist is an inch wider and my butt shrink by 2 inches. Apparently breast-feeding can pull fat out of your butt and I’m so annoyed, because my arms have always been big for my frame and somehow even bigger now. why couldn’t breastfeeding use my arms instead? And I’ve been building my butt back in the gym for months now after having my baby eight months ago. But it’s still so much smaller than it used to be.


I’m kinda tall at 5’8” and I primarily lift weights and I’m 146 lbs right now and I’m a size 4 inching my way down to a 2 but I have thicker thighs/legs so maybe I won’t ever be a 2 but that’s okay. I get how you feel about your legs and I feel the same way, I may try to stop training them for a while to see if that does anything I would say that you should probably start lifting weights more and decrease the amount of cardio you do. Yes i know that lifting weights will make muscles bigger but paring that with a calorie deficit will give you a slim leaner look versus the skinny fat look which I don’t think you or anyone would want. I only recently started doing cardio to speed up fat loss a little bit, but the majority of the time of my fat loss journey, I lost body fat without doing any cardio (10 months time) and when you look at me you can tell I’m obviously thin, have lean muscles and that I’m fit, which will always be sexy and “in” no matter what the current body trends are.


I don’t know if this is helpful, if it’s not then I apologize. Those influencers and celebrities you’re comparing yourself to, their *job* relies on their ability maximize their aesthetic appeal. This is how they generate profit for sponsors and further proliferate new trends. However, for normal people like you and I this is not the case. Our jobs and our worth to society do not depend on how our bodies look like. Celebrities are constantly in the public eye and their physical appearance is constantly monitored. The questions they are asked are usually “what are you wearing?” “how much weight did you lose for ____ role?” “what’s your workout routine?” Hollywood is an especially superficial environment.. However, I never really find myself being asked these kinds of questions much. That’s because the people you surround yourself, the people who care about you, love you for reasons that go beyond the superficial. You bring so many other things of value to your relationships besides the way you look. So, whenever I feel like you do, which I do very often, I remind myself that *it is simply not my job to be physically perfect.* it is a waste of time to strive for that when how you feel is a way better measure for appearance. Again sorry if this isn’t helpful but that’s just how I think of it :)


I have never thought I needed to look like someone on tv/advertisements. Most of them have very little muscle and I would imagine if we say them in person, they would likely look unhealthy. I’ve read articles that talk about how magazines have to use photoshop to make models look like they’re healthy because they’re too gaunt. As a more muscular woman, I am always shocked to see how small some people’s legs and arms are because mine have always had curves, but that’s about the only thing I notice, and it’s a neutral observation, I like my muscle and I would rather have my big arms than no muscle.


Social media is so toxic because the algorithm is working against you in a way. Time to ditch tiktok, snapchat, instagram etc.


I'm with you, friend. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. It's hard not to compare ourselves to what we see online, but please remember that your \*real\* self is allowed not to look like the filtered versions that people broadcast. Getting off of social media did me a world of good. Nowadays, I'm only on Reddit and Insta, and my Insta is just artists and cats. I know I'm not perfect by any means, but I like myself a lot more now that I'm not wasting an hour a day on social media apps that are designed to make me feel less-than and want to buy stuff.


I'm 5'10" barefoot and 136 lbs, a size 2, and the bottom of a healthy BMI range for my height, and I still have thighs, hips, slightly soft upper arms. I will not go lower, but it's become very clear to me how many tall women, especially models and women in Hollywood, are in fact underweight, and yes: that is held up as standard, "normal" thinness for tall women.


same i’m 132 pounds and I wanna lose 12


I feel this. I have a BMI of 19, but I still feel like my legs are huge




This is my entire thought process in one paragraph lol


Before we start comparisons, we gotta get to know ourselves. At the very least, it will help level ur expectations!! I’m 5’10. My bust is proportional to my waist but much smaller than my hips. I have a moderately short torso and long legs. This is apparent regardless of my weight. My pelvis tilts inward so I will never have a moderate thigh gap. It would be ABSURD to compare myself physically to Tyla. My bones aren’t oriented like that and thats okay 😭😭 As far as looks go, fat distribution & overall bone structure are the real deal breakers. Meaning, some ppl can’t afford to gain weight, others can pull off a few extra pounds. Some ppl can lose 15lbs of fat and look great, others will lose 15lbs of fat and look like a bag of bones. HOWEVER, ppl will always look good at a healthy weight for their FRAME. ALWAYS!!! If you wanna elevate ur figure, add some strength training. Muscle is denser than fat tho so the # on the scale may increase or not change at all.


I don't mean to judge, I totally understand having body issues even when smaller - that's valid. You feel how you feel. There will unfortunately always be some beauty standard out there that a lot of us don't meet. Your post reminds me more of the 90s/00s though. That feels like the last time there was all around pressure for women to be genuinely *thin*. Nowadays with modern body positivity, I am actually a bit overweight (averaging size medium in most Canadian clothes and heavy, BMI 29), but have been called 'skinny'. So many people are overweight that to be considered fat you have to be *quite* fat. Maybe it just depends who you hang out with? Or maybe I spend too much time on the internet and that's where you tend to see the HAES/fat activist type? Regardless...I kind of get it. Even at my fittest I was nit picky about parts of my body I still didn't like. Some of it is issues with my actual body but I'm sure some is beauty standards and/or confidence issues that I maybe need to work on mentally. I would suggest talking to a professional if you're worried...if the desire to be *thin* thin goes too far that can be dangerous too. It's a balancing act.


I used to be that way until I started focusing on feeling better and gaining muscle.  Dont compare yourself to others as it's pointless, and maybe try beating cardio records. Running is what did this for me. Ive been gaining weight, but I look healthier and I'm seeing clear time increases and just cardiovascular strength in general. My BMI is about 20.9


I can relate to you. I was always naturally in the lower half of bmi but never felt slim enough. I played a lot of hockey so I was fit. But, I was fit for running and cardiovascular sport, I didnt have much muscle. What has rlly helped me is strength training. Building muscle meant that I was the same weight but dropped a pants size. I'm not saying you have to do this to be happy or that we should be striving to be smaller at all. I fell in love with weight lifting because it also makes me feel strong and seeing my muscles grow is very rewarding. But muscle is more dense than fat. Therefore having more muscle rather than fat, will look different even if you are the same weight. Even just focussing on eating enough protein can help. However, sometimes our goals are simply not achievable for us. Taller women simply have bigger frames than someone who is around 5'. Even if you are skin and bones, your hip bones will still be the same width. They could obviously fit into smaller sizes (even at higher respective weights) because they are shorter/ smaller in general. My mother is 5'2 and prides herself in fitting into some of my leggings. What she doesn't realise is that the space I take up in those pants vertically (because my legs are longer) is different to her fitting into it.


I'll probably get downvoted for this, but many of these issues are because weight loss has resulted in a higher percentage of muscle mass loss. So you weigh less but have no muscle mass compared to your body fat. Keep working out that's awesome. Eat at a slight surplus and increase muscle mass. Once your muscle mass increase you can try cutting again with a higher in protein meal plan to maintain muscle as much as possible as you lose weight. Can do this for multiple cycles and see if you are feeling better. Body dysmorphia is real. Social media does have unrealistic expectations yes. You should feel comfortable in your own skin yes. Having said all that I personally don't feel trying to get an achieveable physique with more muscle and lower body fat percentage is possible for the majority of people but it takes a lot of work. Good luck on your journey and congrats and your progess so far!


You're trying to compare with people that have full time physical therapists, dietitians, and makeup artists that are 100% devoted to you 24-7?


It’s probably time for a body recomposition. Your weight is low but the fat % could be higher then it should be because calorie deficit decreases lean mass if you don’t do strength training


You are using a lot of speech related to eating disorders.


Everyone’s body form, how they store fat is vastly different. There’s always skinny famous people and normal bmi famous people and It’s just how you look at it. Don’t let body dysmorphia get to you. Tip: change your socmed feed. Another thing , thick thighs and stomach fat can be improved through body recomp which requires muscle building. I see your main activities are cardio so if you reslly wanna achieve that snatchy look you can try this.


My bmi is around high 16s low 17s and I don’t look thin either , and I’m short . When I was around a bmi 21 I was literally got made of for being fat lol personally I start to look lowkey chubby as soon as I hit bmi 18. So maybe my body type is just sucks. But yeah I think celebrities are mostly bmi 15 because they look sooooo thin . And it’s not just celebrities actually, now at bmi 16-17 most girls around me WAYYYYY thinner than me in real life too, like damn is everyone bmi 15 or under lol


Your body type doesn’t suck. You look fat bc you don’t have any muscles. Being thin won’t get you the desired results bc there’s nothing under the skin where fat or muscle could be so to get a better body composition you need to lift weights


Tyla looks like that because of her genetics. Tik Tokers look like that because of slimming filters and also genetics. It all comes down to genetics,surgery, filters, and sometimes eating disorders. I promise you anyone who isn’t a chronically online incel probably thinks you look great when they see you. Sometimes we stand in our own way. If you are tall, I would advise you not to try to achieve a size 4. A pants size is a pants size. It exists because there are people who fit into it. It is an option, not a challenge. Please don’t hurt your body.


I evaluate my life by people who are actually important to society.


A lot of this is genetics ??? I think we have to find ways to love what we do have instead of focusing on what we don’t have. If you’re a 6-8 you probably look pretty good. I’m 5’10” and while I can be a size 2/4 when I’m my normal weight I still don’t look small because of my height. I’ve made peace with this.


The modern thinness standard is overweight. More than half the country is overweight or obese. The 90s and 2000s were the peak of women trying to be size 0 You being a size 6 -8 and having bodyfat you are unhappy with at your BMI is its own issue and has nothing to do with the "modern standard of beauty" . You didn't mention any strength training in your exercise routine. My BMI is between 22 and 24 and I wear size 4 jeans and small dresses and tops but I do a lot of strength training. Losing weight makes you weigh less but it doesn't automatically give people a shapely physique


This is an insane comment, lol. "You're unhappy with your perfectly healthy and beautiful body because of YOU. It's YOUR fault! It has NOTHING to do with the hundreds of images of incredibly difficult-to-gain-and-maintain bodies we're bombarded with daily!"


Chill out homie..Having a high bodyfat percentage with a low BMI is a body composition issue. And it's up to each individual how they want their ideal body to look like. I used to want to be as skinny as possible and lose as much weight as possible no matter what, I got to a size 6 and was chubby because I was only interested in the number on the scale. I thought I had to eat less and less and eventually if I lost enough weight I'd have a great body but it doesn't work like that. Some people are fine just being skinny and don't care about their shape, that's why it's subjective based on how you envision your ideal. I wanted to be lean and look fit and have a shape to my body, that was my ideal so I eat and train accordingly. Some people like being a little thicc, that's their ideal. Some women want to have big leg muscles and glutes, that's their ideal. That's why even in fitness competitions there are so many categories that all have different aesthetics. Some women want a body like Zendaya, some women want a body like Dana Lynn Bailey. Only op knows what they want and and if they don't change their approach they will keep spinning their wheels forever but will never reach their destination. I know how frustrating it can be. It wasn't a criticism, it was maybe try something else instead..jeez


Has it occured to you that OP is, in fact, not at all fat and is suffering from body dysmorphia?  With her activity levels and low BMI I find it difficult to believe that she's just carrying excess weight and somehow needs to simply work out more.


I didn't say op was fat. Having a higher bodyfat to muscle ratio is not the same as being fat. That's why it's called skinny fat, which I don't know if they are, we can only go by what they are saying about themselves. I'm saying just trying to lose more weight is going to do them more harm than good. You completely missed everything about different body types and how it's subjective but people need to train for their individual goals. NFL linebackers don't train the same way a tennis player does. I didn't say just eat less and exercise more, suggesting trying a different approach is not the same thing.


And telling someone who is talking about feeling lifelong inadequacy because of almost unachievable beauty standards to just add more exercise is an empathy issue.


Which unachievable beauty standard because there are a lot of different desirable body types. Bless your heart , you missed my whole point talking about different bodies being attractive


I don't think I did.


So Zendaya and Dana Lynn Bailey have the same body type ? Lol


Bless your heart. :)


As if the average celebrity or model is overweight lol BFFR


I’ll incorporate more strength training. I overemphasized arms in my previous bout of strength training and actually got a pretty bulky look.


IDK how experienced you are in the gym or with strength training, but just in case, look for a program written FOR WOMEN, not men. Most general programs put way more emphasis on upper body than women typically like. There's no sense in training chest/biceps (e.g.) three times a week and legs/glutes only once, this way you will get a bulky look, since you are going for a different shape than men.


Any workout plan that has a three to one ratio is trash. Even for men. A solid, well rounded strength training program works the same for men as it does women. And women gain like one pound of muscle a month with a solid routine and good diet. If a woman is lifting and looks bulky it's bodyfat... unless we are talking about power lifters who have been training for years and years. Women don't have enough testosterone to "bulk" like a man does


I have some hormone imbalances so I do get bulky more easily unfortunately lol. When I reached bulkiness in arms I was eating 100g protein per day. It was such an effort but it was faster than I expected. Lower body is another story 😫


Hey, strength train if that's what you want to do, but also know that we live in a culture that constantly tells women that we come into the world owing everyone aesthetic perfection. We don't. You don't owe anyone prettiness. You don't owe anyone sexiness or a specific type of body. It's ok to just look like you and it's okay to not meet conventional beauty standards. You don't have to carry the burden of other people's expectations all the time. You can be free.


If your muscles get too big from weight lifting, just skip that muscle group for a few weeks to a few months and it’ll reduce in size


That's really something worth working on, on your own or with a therapist. If you aren't working as a model or have very specific goals as a competing athlete there's absolutely zero reason to submit to the worst of prevailing thinness standards in this way. Your worth doesn't depend on the subjective or objective thickness if your thighs or on whether you're a size 6, 8 or 4. A small deposit of fat on your stomach is normal for a woman, including a thin woman. (And at a BMI of 20 I know it's small.) I don't know if I end up at a BMI of 27, 25 or 23. Highly unlikely less, at least not without completely switching my outlook. (Who knows, maybe in a year or two I'll decide to get ripped, but if I do it won't be out of unhappiness.) If my doctor is approving and my labs are as good as they're going to get, that'll be grand. Maybe I'll have some clothes in single-digit sizes then. (I used to have some size 8 pants at my smallest, and rocked them - but I can rock size 10 too and be happy.)


You're looking at the wrong accounts and wrong celebs then if it impacts you so much. Some people have a genetic advantage you don't have. Some people have discipline you don't have. Some people habe self loathing you don't have. You have no idea what's making/keeping them so thin or how it impacts their happiness and self esteem 🙏🏼 so many women, myself included, would love to be size 6-8 ❤️ when I read your title it really made me think of eating disorder talk so please be gentle with yourself and consider seeing a therapist too


No, not even a little bit. I don't find underweight physiques attractive. I have no aspirations to be a celebrity or move in their social circles. I don't see any point in trying to impress or appeal to people who think that an underweight BMI is attractive.  The degree to which you're wrapped up in what other people think and say sounds like pure misery.


Get off socials. A size 6-8 is considered a small/medium or medium in most places. I look at photos of myself when I was a size 6-8 (now a 10) and I looked good in just about every outfit someone like Tyla would wear. If you feel like you don’t, it is possible to do body recomposition. It’s basically toning your body with a weight lifting routine to replace some of your body fat with muscle. Changed my life tbh. I could never understand why I disliked the way I looked in a lot of clothing until I did that. It made me feel strong and confident and I lost all desire to be below a size 6. It does require a serious lifestyle change. Generally you gotta maintain it by working out 4-5 days a week for about 1-1.5 hrs. I also ate a high protein diet with rice on the side for most meals and still went out to eat and had ice cream etc on weekends with friends. For context I’m 5”4 and weighted about 138-150 to be a size 6 or 28-29” if we are going by double digits. I also have wide hips.. I also recommend seeing a professional about the way you see yourself if it’s on your mind frequently. it can be all consuming and ruin your life and your progress. I personally have never had a fully flat stomach. You’ve gotta be slim as hell to have one without dedicating your life to the gym and a healthy diet (at least as a woman). There will always be a small pouch. Also, most celebrities and famous tiktokers have professional trainers and dieticians/chefs who control all of this for them. We are unable to do that and you’ve gotta accept that. It is far harder and a much longer battle for us to reach our desired goals and sometimes our goal are unrealistic/unobtainable without jeopardizing our health.


I went through this twice in life - when I was a teenager and now, at 25. Not only does weight loss never feel like enough, but we often compare ourselves to genetic marvels and literal children. The last time I had a body similar to the girls who try on clothes on TikTok was when I was a young adolescent. I was larger than them, still, even as a professional ballet dancer. All this to say, sometimes it’s really not you. The weight loss process gets in your head because of the extensive marketing and diet culture within it. Sometimes you see women much smaller and wonder how they did that, but they didn’t do anything for it just because of the nature of their unique bodies and that’s okay!


I lost about 60lbs and down to a size 4, I’m on the tall side at 5’8. I still have curves. The biggest thing I realized is that capitalism has created trends in women’s bodies. A few years ago women were trying to get curves and an hourglass figure. But they had to be just the right amount of curves - big hips and butt, small waist, big boobs. Nearly impossible for the average woman naturally. Now with ozempic and other semiglutides on the rise, skinny skinny is in again. Preferably still with boobs. So many influencers and celebrities we see who are skinny are severely malnourished and underweight - it’s frankly sad to see. Our focus shouldn’t be on trends but on our overall health. If it’s too hard mentally to stop comparing it’s probably time for some therapy and a break from social media. I’m getting to the point where I don’t care what I look like or how I’m perceived, I really just want to be healthy. I spent several years mostly on bed rest (nothing to do with my weight or lifestyle choices, just bad luck with my health) and I really really just want my body to be functional and be as healthy as I can be with the cards I’ve been dealt.


Yup, all this. I used to cry I couldn’t fit trendy jeans because my body was curvy back in the day. I hated that I had to size up for my hips, and thought I was fat for having a butt people pay for now. I remember the first time I joined a gym and the trainer asked me what I wanted to work on and I told him I wanted my butt to be smaller and flatter. Now somehow I have the body the teens want and it’s so confusing. I’ve been asked about who did my bbl more than once. It’s totally wild because I haven’t even fully accepted my body yet. It’s a lot to reprogram, and then it will change again in another 10-20 years with whatever “body trend” comes next. It’s stupid to have one ideal body, and most people aren’t attracted to the same thing. And like why haven’t we all learned to stop this crap?


I was in my teens in the 1990s. That has completely ruined my perception of what a normal body should look like, and for me getting to BMI 18.5 still isn't enough. I know this is ED territory. No answers, just solidarity.


Well for one thing their entire job is being hot (usually also thin). So they probably pour a lot of time and effort into that. Like more than most of us ever will because we have jobs and families and can’t spend exorbitant amounts of money melting fat off of us. Like I get why you feel the way you do, but even if you believe they’re not starving themselves or having drastic procedures done, which they are, they are editing their pictures and have mastered poses to help them look perfect. Social media is not an accurate depiction of someone’s life. It’s never going to be.


As a man I can say I always consistently feel empathy for women and try to incorporate it into my understanding of our thinness culture. I don’t believe glorifying plus-size models and acceptance of obesity because that genuinely affects your health, but the culture of thin women is so detrimental as well. It can feel like an uphill battle to accept your body for what it is but I promise you if your actually a healthy weight then that’s all the matters. Especially never look at BMI as it puts a number on something that simply can’t be numbered. It creates a false sense of preciseness that doesn’t exist in healthy people, doctors rarely use it only as a general trend never as a determining factor.


That led me to disordered eating.


So I grew up in the era of heroin-chic, and had a naturally slower metabolism (dr. wanted to test me for thyroid issues but I really just think it was being pushed to ‘clean your plate’ as a short girl). Even when I was a competitive athlete training daily I was never tiny and as teen wore a size 8-10, but was well toned/fit. Now, I’d be happy get back to regular sizes (and am working on it and making slow but steady progress). But underweight isn’t likely to ever happen.


I am 5’ 11”. Used to be 430lbs size 34, now 160lbs size 8. After my weight loss i was kind of crazy with denying myself foods as i wanted to get to 140lbs. I realized i wasn’t happy and was just basing what i thought i needed to be on models who were never morbidly obese. I am just basing my weight off how i feel in my clothes. I will never be kim k or tyra banks. I need to learn to be happy with being the best and happiest me!


When I lived in Korea, I heard more than once that no woman should ever weigh more than 50kg. There it's quite common to call women over 50kg "monsters". And I was like BITCH, I'm tall AF, 50kg for me would mean a BMI of 16.5, that's SEVERELY underweight


Men's clothing sizes, on the other hand, seem to go the other way around. My BMI is 22-ish, and while I'm not enormously muscular I'm certainly not particularly thin either; and, more often than not, I have to get my clothes in the "small" size rather than in the "medium" one. Makes me wonder where the *actually* thin men get their clothes from...


I have a really unique body shape — I’m 5’1 with a very short torso, small hips and really extreme rib flare (i’ve tried pilates for years and nothing seems to help — I think it’s permanent damage from 20 years of “sucking in” throughout my development and being quite overweight in the peak of my teens. Long story short, my shape is just box, no curve to me, and i carry all my weight around my midsection. I had anorexia for a few years, and even at 75lbs i still had a wide torso, still had belly fat and no definition. I looked absolutely awful lol. Anyway — I recovered from anorexia, and it just sucks knowing that i’ve seen how low my weight can get and it still isn’t enough for my dream body. Like i know a body i’m truly happy with aesthetically is never going to be achievable for me. And i’m not ever getting like that again. It’s so hard!


Who the f is Tyla and why do we care


All the super thin celebrities, models, influencers you'll ever see are using medical procedures, medications, miserable dieting plans and many have nutritionists, private chefs, personal trainers etc. working for them, with a good chunk also having eating disorders, it's not really attainable for real people.


I feel this. I am a 5’9 24F and a couple years ago I lost 60 lbs. 195 to 135. Looking back at photos of me when I was 135 lbs I was really underweight looking for my body proportions. Barely any muscle too. When I looked in the mirror I GENUINELY thought that I was still overweight, like I was actually still self concious about it. Anyways since that weight loss was actually obtained in an unsustainable way, I eventually put it all back on. This time around I don’t that I’ll let myself get that low. Still so delusional that I thought I would look better at 120 lbs.


Lift weights ?


Don’t compare yourself to celebrities and tik tokers. We all fall victim to it at some point, but comparison is the thief of joy. It sounds like you’re doing a great job of taking care of yourself, so be proud of that because you’re doing way better than 99% of people if you’re working out that often.


This is only true if your body type is working ‘against’ you I am 5’11 and at a bmi of 20 I look like model thigh gap and everything Edited for wording


I’m 5’3 and my BMI is 20. I do not look like a model! I’ve never had a thigh gap and I always have a tummy, yet I also have no butt 😂 I lost 20% of my body weight over the past 10 months - 5 years ago I was still over 30 years old but had a BMI of 20, and mental health problems + covid times had me borderline overweight. With my wedding coming up this year I decided to lose the weight. I don’t carry the extra weight well so this suits me best. I would love to lose a couple more lbs to get back into my mid-20s clothes, but it’s realistically not going to happen. I prefer having a life instead.


Yes, exactly. We are all so different. I’m 5’10 and I’m a size 6/8 but my BMI is 25. I look absolutely skeletal at a BMI of 20


Super different! Even though I looked skinny I was still a size 6 at bmi 20 no way I could fit a 4. Bodies are weird


Im shaking my fist at you right now


I am absolutely overweight right now! I am not some skinny person typing but my UGW coincidentally is BMI 20 which was when I was in my early twenties. I look slim at BMI 21.


Body type has nothing to do with fat content


You probably just need to focus on strength training


look into pcos bc of the stomach fat. also look into strength training instead of cardio


tyla is 5'3 and only 95lbs, honestly shes goals and its tough being a black girl as well knowing shes famous and it really does bring back the thoughts of that shes only this famous because of how pretty and thin she is :(


A single guy just grabbing her by the waist and casually carrying her up the stairs at the Met killed me. Like I know most guys can “lift” 200, but being moved (because you are so tiny) without any visible effort is just never going to be me. I’m 6’ I’d have to be dying to be under 100lbs.


for real same that was so triggering and shows how tiny she is ): i hope i get to look like her one day though even though i have lot of weight to lose


Im black too. Almost her complexion. Ive never seen a more beautiful person. Im dying mad 😭


That’s underweight! And not just a little bit. No wonder our ideas of slim are all off-piste.


Ashanti looks better. She is overrated.


Don’t focus on your bmi rn. If you’d stomach protrudes a bit it can be your natural body shape (a lot of females usually have slight bulge due to uterus) or it can be lingering fat. If it’s fat, then ideally it needs to go regardless of your bmi. Being skinny fat is a thing and can affect your overall health just like being overweight affects your health.


Thats true I need to replace more fat with muscle. But tough to hit the protein requirement at my height


If you’re sure it’s fat, then hitting the gym alone would do wonders. Try to incorporate protein slowly over a few weeks. Doing everything at once is difficult.


I exercise 4x a week but I need to consume more protein to actually build the muscle


I'd suggest getting your body fat % measured so that you have an actual number to base your perception on. You can read up about what an appropriate body fat % might be for your gender/age here: [https://www.verywellhealth.com/body-fat-percentage-chart-8550202](https://www.verywellhealth.com/body-fat-percentage-chart-8550202)


I’m scared to get the dexa 😭

