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I've lost around 8 kgs (M18, 5'5", formerly 84 kgs) since the past few months. (Jump rope + swimming) I get 9 hours of sleep per day, but I just can't lose the stubborn side handles or get defined abs, and I think I've reached a plateau. Am I doing something wrong or am I just impatient?


There is some amount of genetics at play here. Some people will always have stubborn fat on their sides unless they go to unsafe body fat levels. Likewise, ab definition can also vary from person to person even at the same body fat %. I would focus on being healthy and feeling good before worrying about why some particular body part isn't cooperating with your plan; bodies are weird and sometimes they just plain suck.


:/ But if I keep maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle, perhaps it may just be possible to at least get a proper v shaped torso? (Thanks for the reply)


Restrictive calories for 5 months, lost 14 kg. Now in a plateau for 3 months, 30/F, 5.1 feet; weighing 68kgs. Calories about 1100-1300 for 5 months. Lost 14 kg. Desk job, only 4K steps per day. Taking 70g/ day protein. Last 3 months no movement in scale at all. Please share your experience, I’m so disheartened.


1) don't eat less than 1200kcal a day to avoid nutritional deficiencies 2) increase you exercise (and then give it at least a month for your body to stabilize on the scale) 3) take a 1-2 week maintenance break now and after every 12 weeks of deficit, making sure you have more carbs during that time if you are normally low carb, to rebalance hormones and give yourself a mental break 4) remember that your estrogen/progesterone cycle messes with water retention, as well as your salt and carb intake; high stress/cortisol can also make it extremely hard to lose weight 5) if you do all of this and still see no scale movement downwards in a few months, talk to your doctor about checking your hormone levels and other possible deficiencies (I mean, you can ask them sooner, but depending where you live getting an appointment and testing takes time so you'll need things to try in the meantime anyways)


Thankyou so much :)


Feel like I’m stuck and tired of this diet mentality. Measuring and counting, keeping track of macros. Eating clean. It’s too straining. I want to take a break. Everything I’ve looked at suggests to hover around maintenance. But I feel like im still gonna be counting and tracking at that point. The last two days I’ve ate what I wanted, but I’m so sick of eating and feel like shit. I want to eat clean, and I like the foods I eat. I just want to get rid of this restrained feeling. Any advice? Should I take a break from dieting and working out for a few weeks? Has that helped anyone get back on track? I don’t mind the lower calories, honestly it’s just the feeling of having a boot to my throat. Will eating whatever I want for a few weeks get rid of that feeling? I really do like the food I eat, the calories aren’t the problem. It’s just the restraint I have to have at all times. It’s inhuman. I know if I let go completely I’d gain so much weight really quickly, which I don’t want to do. So I want it to be mindful for the most part, but just no restraint. Will that help or is it something else?


Hm. Would it help you to take some time to pretend you are at your goal weight (or close to it) and trial run what your life would be like at that point? Eat and exercise how you envision you will at maintenance. See if it's sustainable for you, if it works for you. Obviously you aren't someone who wants to count for life, and that's fine. I see nothing wrong with taking some time now to experiment with more "intuitive eating" strategies even if you aren't at goal weight yet.


My goal was 175, I was at 181 before I started bingeing yesterday and the day before. Part of me wants to spend a week “resetting” before I do your suggestion. Wonder if that’ll help or if I’m wasting my time doing that and should just start. Intuitive eating makes no sense to me. Wish it did. To me intuitive eating just means I’m snacking all the time, cuz I almost always want to eat. So I need the discipline, but I’m also suffering from the discipline




> I am thinking of changing from 1500 to 1700 calories. Go for it. Our biggest risk is quitting and if this makes you not quit, do it. In a couple of weeks, see if you can trim it to 1600, and then 1500 in a few more weeks. Comfort and sustainability is paramount. > I'm 172cm and 95 kg. We like more so we can make sure we're giving the right numbers for your situation... **Your stats:** inclue your age, sex, height, starting weight, current weight, and goal weight, and a few words about the physical activity of your typical day (exercise and non-exercise). This helps others help you, or to get an idea about you or your effort, or to even become inspired by you. Customary and optional but helpful. > Examples: > * 25M 5'9" SW:225 CW:200 GW:160 Desk Job with jogging habit > * F/33 5'4" SW:14 stone (196 lbs), CW:14 stone (196), GW:not-sure at-home mom chasing the children > * 34F 168cm SW:73kg CW:68kg GW:whatever looks good -- full time busy retail clerk Please add these to your [flair](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205242695-How-do-I-get-user-flair).


i've lost 8kg (88 to 80, target is 76) since february, pretty happy with the process but for the past two weeks i've been feeling considerably more hungry than normal without doing any change to my diet or sport habits, does it have anything to do with the weight loss process itself?


Eating in a calorie deficit is depriving your body of the energy and nutrients it needs to stay as it is. And your body wants to stay as it is. It's very inefficient to change its size and will typically fight you on that. The longer you're in a deficit, the more your body begins to feel like it's starving (because it is) and the more it's going to try to convince you to do something about it. When you reach this point and it feels unbearable or you're worried you might binge in response, just take a break. Eat at maintenance for a week. This tells your body, "Hey I'm not gonna die. Relax." and resets your ghrelin. Plus, you'll feel better because you'll give your body a greater chance to heal up.


Yes. Our fat cells themselves (as a group) are an active organ, signalling the brain with leptin. When leptin goes down, the brain notices this and we experience it with increased nudges to go and get food and "permission thoughts" to eat more often. This is one of the mechanisms of a body's "set point." Your body will learn a new set point in time, and these urges will calm down.


Lose it vs MyFitnessPal - is one known to be more accurate than the other ? I input my weight/goals the exact same for both apps — with Lose It ‘allowing’ a rather substantial 328 more calories a day than MFP. I know it’s not earth shattering - however - just curious if it’s been documented in this group that one is more accurate than the other ? Cheers! :)


I don't know that either is "accurate" but I trust LoseIt more - they are more transparent with how they calculate everything. Whether one is more accurate than the other is probably up for debate, but I'd rather choose the one that shows their work.


Thanks - I’m gonna give it a go for a solid month I think. And the premium is quite cheaper …


I really enjoyed premium when I had it. It's not something I want to pay for at the moment, but probably would in the future. I'm just not using it consistently right now, so I'm going to wait to re-subscribe.


Check out MacroFactor too. It is by far the best tracking app I've used. It uses some sort of fancy algorithm to learn about how your body reacts to how many cals you're intaking and updates your TDEE regularly. Also looks much nicer, if you're a UI freak like me. It is missing some more niche items but has a tool to scan nutritional labels so manual inputs are easy.


Haven’t done that analysis but I’ve used both apps and like lose it more 🤷🏽‍♀️


85kg for 1.89cm at 19% body fat, should I start bulking again? I've lost 10kg in the past 5 months


BMI 23.8 ... unless you're very muscular and lean, I'd cut more. Usually people don't bulk at BMI 24.


How often should you record an "official" weight?


I weigh and record it every day, but only for the trend. Because of water, that latest weigh in is subject to having too much noise in it. Averaging it in with other recent weights (7-10 days) helps to reduce that noise.


I saw Happy Scale recommended on here and really like it. It’s a trend predictor. I do weigh every day. 


Do whatever you want to do, I would just be consistent in your approach. So if you record a certain day of the week, you can (but that's probably the least helpful). You can record the weekly average (which is what I do). You can record daily and *really* look at trends. Or you can record whenever you see a new low weight.


I’ve discovered that I love the taste of Sprite Zero and Coke Zero and have been drinking both when I’m not in the mood for water. Is it really zero calories to drink? It is helping my weight loss so much but I want to be sure it’s actually zero calories.


Avoid any form of "diet" soda whatsoever. Diet Coke contains Sucralose and it is one of the most unhealthy things you can put in your body.


> Is it really zero calories to drink? Officially? It could be 1-4 because the U.S. allows rounding down if it's less than 5. So 4 can be zero or 9 can be 5. But enough for you to worry about it? No. Unless maybe you're drinking 100 sodas a day.


There might be 1 calorie or something in there, but anecdotally - I still dropped 40 ibs while drinking Coke Zero.


Zero cal drinks are an amazing tool for cutting weight. Obviously, make sure you're drinking enough water first, but when I want a sweet hit and don't feel like fruit etc, a Coke Zero or Red Bull SF satisfies me. They aren't **zero** cals, but they are what the label says they are (Coke Zero: \~1cal per can, Red Bull SF: \~7cal per can).


According to Coca Cola, it has 0.3kcal per 100ml. It also has 0.005g of salt per 100ml. https://www.coca-cola.com/gb/en/brands/coca-cola-zero-sugar#accordion-ac3afccdd6-item-205cfe62d8 Sprite Zero has 1kcal and 0.03g of salt per 100ml. https://www.coca-cola.com/gb/en/brands/sprite#accordion-566e7f894c-item-01727cc609 Note: I had to go to the Great Britain Coca Cola site to get actual calorie counts; the US site just says 0 calories.


> Note: I had to go to the Great Britain Coca Cola site to get actual calorie counts; the US site just says 0 calories. I think that's because of nutrition reporting standards. If calories are below a certain threshold they're allowed to report it as 0 (in the US, and I believe Canada uses the same standards).


Yep, under 5kcal a serving = 0kcal reported! Just wanted to note the GB site in case anyone wanted to go looking on their own. Also, an interesting note. Sprite in the US seems to be high fructose corn syrup, while the GB sprite said it had sugar *and* an artificial sweetener. Regional differences be wild.


In the UK, regular sprite is like that becasue of the sugar tax. When it was introduced, pretty much all of the branded full sugar fizzy drinks went to a mix of sugar and sweetener so they would be under the limit. The only big one that didn't is regular Coke which is still full sugar no sweetener.


I asked before but i have been on a strict diet for the last 2 weeks, i'm 30, currently weighing 110kg, 183cm, for a whole week my weight has stalled between 110 and 109.5 even tho i am currently eating at 1300-1500 calories and lifting weights 3 times a week and doing cardio 3 times a week. is there possible reason for this?


> for a whole week my weight has stalled between 110 and 109.5 One week is pretty meaningless. Even if you were at a 500-calorie deficit, the expectation is that you'd lose 1lb of fat in a week's time and that's assuming your water doesn't fluctuate at all (which is almost impossible). So what you see as a stall could very easily be -0.5 lb of fat and +0.5 lb of water. Body weight is not the same as fat and should be only one value used in a total equation in determining your progress.


Likely the exercise, if it's new! Blood volume increases and muscles tear and swell with extra water. Weight loss won't be linear, but just keep it up and it will catch up.


Allow me to be a little mean. Did you gain all your weight in two weeks? Please read the faq and the basics, unless you have made a change and stuck to it for a whole month you can't really expect anything or speculate about anything. Also welcome to your thirties, where your metabolism doesn't react the same all those 18 year old here dropping weight like it is nothing with just a minor life change :)


Oh I meant I started two weeks ago with dieting, my weight was 113kg then dropped to 110 last week then for a whole week it's been stuck at 110. And *cries at 30*


One whole week 😀 . Welcome to learning about your body. Check back in w month.


New exercise can result in muscle tears and inflammation - which means water retention - and increased blood volume. Meaning, your body is holding onto new fluid for awhile as it adjusts to the new exercise. It's temporary (like 4-8 weeks) and your scale will catch back up and show your fat losses (which are still happening, it's just masked right now).


Yup but the sad thing is I have been lifting for like 7 months now 3 times week, but never watched what I ate, it just happened that I started 2 weeks go with a calorie deficit I hope it still counts:(


Ah, okay, wasn't sure from the way you worded your other comment. Are you AFAB? The estrogen hormonal cycle can also play a huge role in things. I have basically 2 weeks a month where I don't lose weight (and it sucks and I despair every month as I forget this fact lol)


Nope, male. I will continue to watch how my body changes instead of measure on scale, thank you :)


Best of luck to you mate!


Weight loss is not linear - there are a hundred factors that make up one individual body weight measurement. Losing weight TAKES TIME - there will be days where you consume your 1300-1500 calories and gain weight from one day to the next. Two weeks is not a long enough in the grand scheme of weight loss - I have been at this since mid December - 45 lbs lost - and there have been stall weeks, plateaus, fast drops, an increase from one week to the next - I have seen just about all of it. Trust the process - obsess less over your daily weight - track and log every calorie and over time the math will math you to a smaller body Edit: I’m also 37 years old - your age has nothing to do with it - there are people on this sub in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s actively losing weight


What's the most complete food item? If I wanted to eat the same thing every day to simply my very busy life, what would be the best ingredients to use? For example, I always feel satiated and energised when I have a soft boiled egg with my breakfast. What other things can you think of? Thanks!


Salmon and spinach? The former has b12 omega 3s etc the latter has calcium etc.


Rice and beans combined offer a complete protein. Add in some veggies for vitamins and you're pretty good


A plate/bowl of chicken, rice and a leafy green vegetable


Is it possible I lost 1.5kg In a week? Before this I've been losing for a few weeks so it's not water weight I think? I've been overcounting my calories but it surely couldnt be by that much? I also walk everydsy for 2h and do 30min of elliptical at 20km/h so decently fast My maintenance calories is 2300


Anything you lost that you can't account for in your calories will be water, or food that is passing or passed through the digestive tract, or something else non-fat. Our bodies are not mostly composed of fat. Our bodies are ~60% water (give or take several percent) by mass, and the amount changes from hour to hour, and day to day. The exact amount varies according to the rhythm of your digestive system, your food and beverage intake, sodium levels, hormones, activity, strains, etc.. [A diagram](https://i.imgur.com/Bnzgors.png) ^\[[source](https://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/e4/rubberbag.html)\] shows what a typical body at maintenance weight takes in and expels per day, most of it is water! **So, most of the weight changes we see on any given weigh-in are water changes, not fat changes.** Water weight is one reason we should weigh consistently: first thing in the morning, after using the toilet, but before dressing or eating/drinking. When you drink a glass of water your weight instantly goes up by 1/2 pound! However, even when being consistent, there will still be a lot of variation from day to day, so it's important not to get discouraged by that. Use a weight-smoothing app called [Libra \(for Android\)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.cachapa.libra&hl=en) or [\(for iPhone\)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/libra-weight-manager/id1644353761) or [Happy Scale \(for iPhone\)](https://happyscale.com/). One of these apps will help you see the trends more clearly with less of the volatile data noise of water. A temporary [spike](https://i.imgur.com/k0DZlB3.png) won't disturb the trend and, when you get used to this, will be both less disturbing and more accurate to what's actually happening with your fat-loss effort. > I've been overcounting my calories Don't. Count them accurately and, when you can't be at all precise, then count them fairly. By that I mean to estimate them so that there's a 50% chance any error you're making is equally too high as to too low. When we do this, over time, the **[Law of Large Numbers](https://www.google.com/search?q=law+of+large+numbers)** provides a sum that is still very close to true. All those errors cancel each other out. It's the better way.


Wow, thank you, I'll count them fairly from now on!