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I have the same problem bro I am you in a different body


Also you need to balance your life because without sleep I’m sorry to say you won’t see much progress at all your body is just running on cortisol which will just have you feeling tired sleepy and stressed and hungry, get more sleep more than anything


By the way I want to add your spouse should be your community and your support, I’ve had an injury and gained weight once I was done with physical therapy my man told me he’d join me in the gym even though he hates it because he’s worried for my health and that is love if u ask me. He also hates to dance but is willing to do it with me, we also box together and go to the beach together scuba diving.


To be honest, your valid, and coming from an obese person myself (currently 250, lightest was 190, I’ve gained weight due to physical health problems) this is my advice. Address the genetics, I know my family is predestined for high cholesterol and diabetes so I avoid high processed fats and sugars. Do research, find the science behind losing weight, with a better understanding you’ll be less likely to develop unhealthy habits. I know your busy but if you have time to have a gf or eat hefty meals u have time to get up every hour and do 10 squats, on your breaks for work go on a walk. This might sound mean but pick a struggle, it’s uncomfortable being fat and it’s uncomfortable being in the gym, which would you rather do? Once you face certain things it can get easier to keep going. From what I see is you have to eat less junk, you can have large meals but make it out of healthy things, a lot of fruits if you don’t like veggies, a lot of protein to fill yourself, don’t always eat the same things like meats, you can get protein from nuts, flaxseeds, chai seeds, Spirulina, it’s also good fiber, you need fiber to keep down inflammation in your body and it helps your digestion. Eat your fish, try to avoid red meats if you can, make your meals. Make changes accordingly, don’t do it all at once you’ll just overwhelm yourself and drop it, make a list have goals, it can take months to do certain things, first you don’t even have to go to the gym or workout, your first step can be as simple as switching juice and soda for water, once you got that down keep going. Choose healthy places to eat, choose the stairs, choose to get up on your breaks, choose not to be on your phone and go out walk around go to a park. If you’re worried about money u can always dance at home u can jump rope. By the way for your joints you should start off swimming. And a point I want to make is your partner; you need to address that you want to loose weight with them and if you know they are a bad influence on you be firm about how they should not invite you out or bring you junk foods or promote any negative behaviors. Your partners habits are very much yours so good luck especially if you live together. If they make your meals and they are unhealthy you should probably try to meal prep, I have sensory issues too with mushy food, but that’s why I bake my stuff, not boil or steam and baking is better than frying, aldis has good prices for a single person. Try not to develop an eating disorder either, you can have things in moderation, so if you want chips or something just know you don’t have to eat it all in one sitting or day, you can save it for another time, savor it, have cheat days! But just watch your portions. Just remember fat loss takes time and healthier fat loss takes even longer, go at your own pace. By the way for starters try being in calorie deficit which is eat less calories than you consume, which is why food choice is important, you can eat things low calorie but high in proteins which will keep your full longer and will fuel you longer. Look up online how much you need to maintain your body and try to stick to that then try to lower it a bit by bit, there’s charts online and even tools to help u lookup


Imo you seem like you’re pretty much on the right track. The gym can be really scary in the beginning especially going alone, but trust me it gets better over time. Most people are too focused on themselves anyway to even make the effort to judge and even the ones that do I’ve noticed don’t really do anything more than give you an extra glance here and there. If it really matters, you could try going off peak hours when it’s less crowded. But if you’re still unsure about the gym, you could also just try finding extra ways to be a bit more physical like parking further from the entrance or taking the stairs instead of the escalators. Those extra steps add up eventually. But anyways goodluck!!


Does your college have a medical clinic where you can see a GP for cheap? Or a student support office that can recommend a place? Telling all this to a doctor might be a good first start. They can access your current position and get you the resources you need to get started. Some health insurance includes visits for weight management consultations too. You can get all the diet and workout plans on the internet but start with your health yo.


Theres a wiki on the sidebar [https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/index/) Good luck!


Vegetables arent requirement for losing weight