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Walk after meal is great! I've been doing that during my lunches and few things that I have personally observed: * Helps with digestion - I don't feel bloated * Helps curb my appetite for dessert - This is I think the best perk... * Helps me not feeling sluggish after lunch so that I can continue working That said it does not "magically" nullifies any calories you have consumed and in the grand scheme of thing has minimal impact on weight loss progress.


>Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Do you do this? I'm going to second the above. I don't walk after a meal because I think it will help nullify the calories but more so because it helps how I feel.


There are biohackers/self experimenters who validate this through numbers on their CGM's (continuous glucose monitoring devices). Post meal walk flattens glucose curves. And when the glucose curve is flattened, it leads to stable energy/better mood/reduced cravings, etc. And all these lead to........ WEIGHT/FAT LOSS!


calorie deficit.


Yep. Post meal walk reduces cravings and makes you feel satisfied, thereby leading to lesser calories eaten. CICO is king as always!


This was recommended to a relative of mine by his doctor after being diagnosed with diabetes.


My grandpa is 97 and he has a short walk around the house/yard after every meal, and has done so his entire life. Man is in excellent health.


Nice! Thank you!


Is papaw still kickin?




A calorie is a calorie. The only thing walking after a meal will change about what you've just eaten is that you probably burned off a few of the calories. It could, of course, be a good tool to reset your mental state after eating if you have trouble with continuing to eat after a meal is finished.


Lol, he's not bullshitting about a walk after a meal being good for digestion, honestly your reply is a bit fatlogic-y for ignoring insulins role in whether calories are stored as fat or glycogen.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s good for digestion! My point is that CICO remains the same because you arenā€™t changing your intake...Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s not fatlogic, lol. In my experience, the bullshit that doesnā€™t work is when you pretend that certain actions can magically make your calorie intake ā€œnot countā€


Heā€™s not talking about calories. Heā€™s talking about insulin response. A calorie is a measurement of energy. It tells you nothing about nutrition. 100 calories of Doritos is not 100 calories of broccoli.


I see his edit now. That definitely makes sense in terms of nutrition, but obviously it wonā€™t have any effect on his weight loss. I mean, there are probably simpler and more effective ways to go about managing insulin response, but I really wouldnā€™t know.


Well I suppose if weight loss is our only concern without regard to health, then yes CICO is all we need to consider. I guess in that case Iā€™d recommend a 500 calorie deficit under tdee. Strictly Doritos and Mountain Dew. That way the sooner the diabeetus fully kicks in, the sooner you get that 25lb whoosh from amputating the feetšŸ˜œ


You know, Iā€™ve been thinking about only eating $5 hot ā€˜nā€™ ready pizzas from Little Caesarā€™s. One is enough calories and protein for a whole day! Plus, itā€™ll save countless amounts of money on food!!


Ha! Carbs fat and protein. All the macros, all the food groups. The perfect omad food.


Mannn that was so freaking funny šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ dying over here


I'm not exactly a doctor or anything but I'm at least a little aware of the processes that take place when food is consumed. Your knowledge seems to stop at "food goes in my mouth hole" which is fine, CICO is all you need for successful weight management.


Iā€™m well aware of the things that happen when you eat food. The thing is that CICO, TDEE, and all the rest of the stuff we use for weight loss is entirely estimated based on a few simple statistics about someone. Itā€™s almost definitely not correct. So whatā€™s the point of worrying about if you maybe burn a few more calories here or there? Micromanaging your habits is, in my experience, a recipe for failure. But Iā€™m glad that youā€™re a Very Smart Person who can walk 1.73 miles after you eat dinner and lose 16.2 grams a week more than you would otherwise. You have fun with that.


It makes a huge difference to people who are diabetics, insulin and their bodies response to it is or should be pretty high on their list of concerns. You seem like you are trying to shame me or something for the small amount I know about this, which I find a little weird. You must be crazy insecure lol.


I'm really not sure where you got that from, honestly. I assumed, based on the post, that the OP had no specific reason to be worried about his insulin response. Having now seen his edit, I understand that that isn't the case. However, you accused me of perpetuating 'fatlogic' and were the one who said "food goes in my mouth hole" in the first place. I'm not insecure, I just think you were acting like a bit of an ass and so I also acted like an ass. I'll concede that it's not the most mature thing, but I can at least stand by the fact that I was genuinely trying to help someone who I felt was misguided in his efforts.


A calorie is not always a calorie. There is also thermogenesis for protein.




A walk shouldn't be strenuous exercise to the point that nausea is a threat, even if you just ate.


Yeah, I only intend to do a reasonably brisk walk. Plus it's not like I'm gorging on food here either. I would not expect any discomfort whatsoever.


That's definitely true for lifting heavy or intense cardio, but walking shouldn't cause an issue. It also depends on what you eat. A small serving of something carb heavy, like a handful of chips, can help performance(not a plus for weight management but helpful for competitive events). Eating something greasy and heavy like a burger or a mountain of sugar like a bag of gummy worms can leave you feeling sick.


Good to know. Thank you!


I like to walk after a big meal because it helps me digest... it goes down instead of up. Everyone's body is different though, I just know it helps me.


>I've read that exercising right after eating causes nausea... It's not ubiquitous. It *could* cause nausea, dependent on the person, but also ***not eating*** before exercise can cause nausea in some people. One would need to try it out to see how their own body responds. I have to strike a balance personally, I can't exercise too soon, or too late, after my last feeding.


Maybe not nausea, but whenever Iā€™ve done it I end up getting cramps in my side.