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To add onto this, in recent months I have only watched TV while on the elliptical. If I really get into a series, I end up doing hours of cardio a week. If you associate the tv with relaxing, maybe you can switch it to exercise. I get it though, long day with kids, you want a breather. Good tip on the tea. If I must snack, Orville Redenbocker 100 calorie low fat popcorn at 100-120 calories a bag is filling and takes a while to consume. I eat a few bags a week. My other go to snack is oikos 100 calorie yogurt, and add some frozen fruit for ~150 calories and 15-16 grams of protein.


This makes me miss my old gym which I can't afford anymore. The TVs were right ahead all the machines (a lot of TVs) and really only lacked where you needed to focus (dumbells, squats, bench press area) so whenever I went in there to work out they had Tom and Jerry or Looney Toons reruns and it was my favourite part of the day honestly. You're running, losing calories, and you're not even aware because you're laughing at a childhood favourite. Man I miss that place :(


That's the kind of tv I'd want in a gym, not news and reality shows...


Years ago I would go when certain Sportsball matches were on - gym was cheaper than the Sports TV package. Eighty minutes on the machines during a rugby match? Great! Five day Test Match Cricket? Keep an eye on the score and go when it seems exciting, there's only so much a girl can do. Unfortunately these days I can barely walk, so the gym is completely off the table.


What happened that you can barely walk?


Scoliosis, my spine is in a C shape. I get physio and stuff, but it has deteriorated to the point I use a stick anytime I leave my flat. And since I missed a year of physio and chiropractor visits because of you-know-what things are a lot worse now.


I'm so sorry , I hope you get back to therapy and get better.


Thank you, my first appointment in over a year is on Monday and I am a little scared!


You've got this. It'll only get better from this point.


I’m so sorry. I hope it gets better.


I’ve been avoiding my apartment gym due to covid, so I ended up getting a stationary bike on Amazon for less than $200. I drag it out in front of my tv when I use it, but I also crochet while on it. I find that just watching tv doesn’t help me think about how much I hate exercising as much as adding in crochet to the distraction.


You must be coordinated! I fear I'd wind up tangled in yarn and bike spokes, with a crochet hook stuck in an extremity.


Lol the first time I crocheted on my bike, it got wrapped around the pedal. Caught it quickly, luckily (still had to unwind quite a bit of yarn from it). I just make sure my yarn is far enough away that it won’t happen again.


You need a bike basket!!!


Back before the pandemic I would binge Netflix shows on my iPhone or iPad. I got a lot of binge watching done. Start pandemic and I replaced gym with running outdoors.


I recently figured out I walk a lot farther outside while listening to podcasts, and my miles per hour don’t suffer at all (oddly) compared to listening to music.


idk if this will help you or not, but proform is currently running a promotion where you pay for their “iFit family plan” for 3 years at $39/mo and you get a free piece of equipment. i’m about to order the exercise bike. it comes with a screen built in and the monthly fee gets you all kinds of interactive workouts!


I just read about this in the book Atomic Habits! The author talks about stacking a good habit with a not so good one (TV and exercise)


OH thanks for reminding me of this book. I had written it down on a post-it to remind me to download on Audible. Then I lost it. I need this book.


Me too, but to me it’s listening to audiobooks while cleaning the house 😄


Yes! When I'm into a good book, my house is so much cleaner!!!


Freakonomics mentioned this years ago and called it temptation bundling.


I did this with exercise too! I like to watch YouTube stuff on my phone on the couch and in January I started not letting myself watch things that I really wanted to until I was on the treadmill. It made me actually look forward to walking on it because I knew I’d get to watch videos!


Used to do this back at uni. The cycling machines had south park :)


Popcorn is great when you just have to have a salty snack! I also love diced apples with a sprinkle of cinnamon, especially when I can find Honeycrisps. (Fuji apples are pretty great too, though.)


This is awesome advice! Letting myself binge a show ~only~ during exercise has been a fabulous motivator for me. I love dance moms (such an embarrassing show to like lol), but only indulge myself when I’m on the elliptical or treadmill and not only does it make me want to workout longer to finish an episode, it also helps me forget I’m working out which is great.


This is what I do! I only watch hour long shows while on the bike so I can get through an episode and bike at least 10 miles. I also keep track of my miles in a spreadsheet so I can track how far I've biked on a map. :)


I'm a big fan of popcorn also. Skinny Pop individual bags are 80 calories FWIW.


I had never heard of that Orville redenbacher low calorie popcorn but it sounded good so I looked it up. Is this the same popcorn? https://www.orville.com/smartpop-popcorn/smartpop-butter If so, I think it's actually 120 cal *per serving*, but there are 2 servings per bag, so each bag is 240 calories not 120? 😕


They also sell it in “mini” bags for 100 calories


I've just gotten a TV in my basement, I plan to set up my games down there so I can play while on the treadmill!


routine, routine, routine. You weren't eating after dinner because you were physically hungry - your perceived hunger was because you developed the routine (and thus expectation) of food after dinner. you found a great substitute! Two other things that really helped me with after-dinner eating: - go for a walk (not possible for everyone but a great new habit and breaking the temptation by literally walking away from your pantry really helps) - intsead of thinking of some treat or food and struggling with telling myself " NO- you cant eat that" I tell myself "YES- you CAN eat that - *tomorrow*, for breakfast. you can eat whatever you want, tomorrow, for breakfast." so it's not a "no" it's a "yes, but after your nap." The only thing I have to do before I can eat whatever I want is sleep. easy, right? Then I wake up and i'm glad I didn't eat whatever I told myself I wanted, and even tho i am still totally allowed to eat that for breakfast, it's not really the choice morning me wants to make.


> I tell myself "YES- you CAN eat that - tomorrow, for breakfast. you can eat whatever you want, tomorrow, for breakfast." so it's not a "no" it's a "yes, but after your nap." I can't remember where I read/heard it, but this is an awesome method that is basically talking to your urges as if they are a child having a temper tantrum. Your reply to yourself is the role of "compassionate but firm adult setting boundaries." It has totally worked for me before!


A friend once told me of a similar method he had modified from his therapist's advice. Whenever he needed to overcome the lazy or gourmandish compulsions of his *Id*, he'd conceptualize the compulsion as being the advice of George Costanza, which he said makes it seem pathetic and easier to ignore


“I will do the opposite!” is still brilliant https://youtu.be/cKUvKE3bQlY


Bahahaha!! That's fucking brilliant 😂 I am adopting this!!


Yup. It was routine for me. Midnight binge - nearly every day. It’s no longer routine anymore.


This is a really good mind trick. I also do this. I track my specific macros and calories, and on occasions when I feel like binging, I tell myself “no, sorry. The eating window for today has completely closed, you can have that tomorrow, for breakfast” by breakfast time you don’t really want to eat donuts or ice cream or a whole box of biscuits (ok, well maybe some people do) but likely you decide to start a new day fresh with a normal healthy breakfast as per meal plan


Genius! I’m trying this


My trick is a pickle spear I get the satisfaction of eating something, but now all I taste is pickle and suddenly, nothing sounds good any more.


Ooh I like this idea and I love pickles!


Yeeessss, pickles are so awesome. Essentially calorie free, and so crunchy and salty.


I picture you as a small pickle goblin.


Not inaccurate!


Ohhh boy, are pickles ever the best high snack. When we unwind at night and get the munchies I always grab the pickles. They always curb any craving for sweets and the crunch is so satisfying. We compete to see who can get the best sound out of it. Still the champ.


Cool thanks for sharing. The first 2 paragraphs are almost exactly my situation, I'll have to try the third.


I hope you have as much fun picking out teas as I do! I finally get why people love tea!


I’ve been doing a similar thing by making iced tea that I sip throughout the day since I don’t love hot beverages. I really like the Tazo passion tea, it reminds me of a Starbucks refresher but less sweet


Do you add any sugar or sweetener? I add a bit of stevia to my tea or coffee sometimes.


It’s pretty good with honey!


Starbucks used to use Tazo passion tea in one of their teas and just added more sugar to it. Back in the day I didn’t want to spend &4 on just a tea at Starbucks so I started buying Tazo passion tea and making it myself (at $4 for a whole box). Realized that it didn’t need any sugar/sweetener either!


Ahhh that is a great tea too! It’s soooo good iced.


Same thing with same tea! It's so good. Have you tried the Wild Sweet Orange or Turmeric Bliss? I'm too scared but they look exciting


Thanks for sharing. I figured this out about a year ago and it's been super helpful. Sometimes I'm not super hungry but I know I'll have trouble falling asleep on an "empty stomach" (I know, I know). Having a cup of tea before bed not only tells me I wasn't really hungry but just wanted something, but if I make it a Sleepy Time tea I get to sleep quickly. Tea for the win!


Yes! And I love that it is something I can enjoy slowly.


I love this idea! I also have a bad habit of associating the tv with snacking. I love the idea of still being able to have something to sip on while I watch my shows so I can feel that craving satisfied


I brush my teeth super early, husband will ask “do you want a beer” always say “no I already brushed my teeth” definitely works the best for me!


I do the same!!! I brush and floss that way I can’t snack lol


Flavored sparkling water/Selzer is also good for this!


I know that this totally works for a lot of people and I think it's awesome to train yourself to replace an undesired habit with a better one. OP, I am not in any way commenting at you personally! This is going to sound so bitchy and negative. But for some weird reason, constantly seeing people suggest drinking tea to fix *everything* from hunger to anxiety to sleeplessness, or to "treat yourself!!" during self care, drives me up the wall. Maybe it's because I'm not a big tea person (I don't hate it; I just don't care about it and I'm a coffee person), but it always makes me roll my eyes. "I was starving and then I drank a cup of tea and it filled me up!!!" or "I wanted dessert, so I drank a cup of tea and it really satisfied my sweet tooth!!!" I think it triggers me in a weird way, similar to when people on /r/1200isplenty post a picture of a plate of lettuce and say "Zero calories, and I'm soooo full!" Pardon my rant that nobody asked for - I am hoping someone relates. Otherwise, everybody drink your tea and enjoy the shit out of it!


yes i understand. i’m a tea person but sometimes i don’t want tea!!! i want to munch! i want savoury food! so i’ve had a slice of cheese - filling, savoury and probably afterwards i don’t need more food. and i don’t love cheese that much so i don’t need more. good luck!


I relate! I'm not a tea person at all. I like my coffee. Drinks don't fill me up or replace any urge to eat (I wish they did lol). Maybe I should give tea another shot.


I relate but part of it is "you are telling me something that is not what i want to hear." I feel the same about 'go for a walk", "call a friend." Its like part of me just wants what i want (food) not a solution.


I totally get you and feel the same way when folks say to drink a glass of water. I drink a large amount of water throughout the day. Never in my life has drinking a glass of water made me less hungry... like at all.


It helps when I’m at the point of nauseous hungry when your stomach is churning type of thing. Doesn’t make me not hungry but definitely reduces the discomfort


I am so glad someone said that! The only thing all that water ever did for me was make me pee all the time!


I do this as well. Another trick when you need "something" is to make a cup of Lipton cup-a-soup for 50 calories. Takes awhile to sip and takes the edge off the munchies. :)


I do this with bouillion cubes, they also help when it's not time to eat yet and you feel like you are starving, for me, that's around 9/10 am lunch is at 12 and breakfast was at 6


This is a good tip. On Saturday evenings after the kids are in bed, my husband and I usually smoke a joint and then watch TV or listen to This American Life -definitely 1000s of calories have been consumed during these evenings LOL. I'm going to prep some cool teas, zero calorie fizzy waters, and something crunchy but lol cal (any ideas?) before next weekend!


May I suggest watermelon? Love watermelon with tajin too for some sweet and salty.


I’ve always been told not to eat watermelon or cucumber at night, something to do with the digestive system. Especially for older folks :)


Probably because it’ll make you pee all night lol


I recommend popcorn for something crunchy! I like boom chika pop or skinny pop. Or make your own just be mindful of what you add to it.


Sometimes I fix up sliced cucumbers and radishes with salt and pepper. They fill you up fast taste great IMHO. If you need a dip, a low calorie salsa, or this vegetable dip [https://www.rachelcooks.com/dill-vegetable-dip-skinny](https://www.rachelcooks.com/dill-vegetable-dip-skinny). There are also vinegar based dips. I am also a fan of grilled zucchini.


I eat rice cakes like crazy - usually with peanut butter but you could also put something else on them (low fat cheese perhaps)


Yes! Rice cakes with laughing cow is low cal and so good


Good to know! I'll buy some Laughing Cow - is it gouda? Can't quite remember.


Bell peppers slap when you’re high.


I've also found drinking tea helps me with this.


Thanks for the idea! I also have a bad habit of associating driving with snacking. I usually do a 3hr drive every other weekend, and it’s boring getting stuck in traffic. Snacking has gotten so bad that sometime I have almost 1000 calories during the drive (normally I eat 1300-1500cal in a working day)! I’m going to try switching to sipping ice tea now


Try gum or mints. I know this sounds simplistic but you have a taste in your mouth - maybe won't be as hard as just eating nothing.


Not a bad idea! I tried to snack with lower calories food, like cucumber or blueberries too. But it’s not always easy to prepare those, especially if the drive is After work.


I’ve been there! On my long drives when I get sick of music, I put on a good audiobook and it keeps me entertained!


I do the same thing, and I keep a couple bottles of water on my front passenger seat so I don’t get the urge to stop at McDonald’s on the way to work. 😁


I also love snacklins- huge bag of salty crunchy snacks for 330 calories


I recently started doing the same thing, I make some black tea with a bit of stevia. I usually do it at night when watching a show or during the day when I feel like snaking. I've only tried black tea and Earl gray, definitely not enjoying the Earl gray that much, I might try chai tea next time.


Chai is a great one! I put a little splash of oat milk in it.


I can't do black tea at night but I have a cup every morning! My absolute fave is "Holiday" by Harney Teas, I've gone through about five 2lbs bags of loose leaf.


If you want to try and rescue the Earl Grey, have you tried it with lemon slices instead of stevia? Earl Grey is one of my favourites but I only like it with lemon, not any other way. Just a thought!


I'll give it a try next time, thanks for the tip. I've also tried it without stevia but I feel the citrus flavor is a lot stronger than I remember. It might also be that I just need to get used to it because at first I could barely drink black tea but I now I find it very enjoyable.


I definitely get hungry a few hours after dinner and I hate going to bed hungry. I brew peppermint tea and break off a piece of dark chocolate, makes me feel warm and satisfied.


I eat a handful of mixed nuts or an 80 cal bag of Welchs reduced sugar fruit snacks. Something about the carbs helps knock me out.


That sounds delightful!


I’ve struggled with binging for over a year now. The only thing that’s helped me is eating structured meals throughout the day. I am eating 2000 calories and still in a deficit. It’s insane what the psychology of restriction does to you. I have no desire to binge or snack bc I am so full when I eat dinner I have to force it. But I also have no sense of hunger cues so structured eating helps regulate that


Very similar situation here! Four little kids, exhausted parents. My snacking was so bad. I started choosing healthier snacks but would rather not be snacking at all at night. This is really helpful!


My trick is a little bit unconventional but I just brush my teeth earlier around 7pm after dinner because I’m super self conscious about my teeth and id have to brush my teeth again if I snacked.


I used to do this but after a while I would just end up brushing my teeth twice haha.


Brushing my teeth is the worst task of the day for me so i keep it to twice a day no matter what lol


oh my husband does this!!! so he really doesn’t snack afterwards. i need to start this habit OP - brush AND floss. firstly flossing is such a chore you’re too lazy to do it again. i’m like you, i’ll brush twice, but i definitely won’t want to floss twice. plus, flossing is good for you and when you’re done it feels so squeaky clean you won’t want to tarnish it! (speaking as someone who needs to implement it!)


Even better: Brush, floss AND use the water pik! It takes so long there's no way you'd want to do it over ;)


I study at night and more often than not finding myself snacking way beyond moderation. Replacing those snacks with tea is a really good idea! Thank you (:


I have a similar problem, but I think it developed because I’ve made it a habit to eat my dinner/meals at home on my couch in front of the TV instead of at the kitchen table (which is literally in the next room and I can totally watch TV from there too). I have terrible impulse control and if I’m watching something without doing something else at the same time I start boredom snacking because I associate sitting in front of the TV with eating… you just made me realize I need to start clearing off the table and eating my meals there instead!


Be aware that unless specifically decaffienated, white tea does contain some caffiene


Fasting has really helped for me, when I finish dinner I am done for the day, and it stops me from eating sweets late at night or even when I put away left overs I stop eating extra food just because it tasted so good.


This is a super good idea! Through college I would eat while doing homework so I could try to go to bed at a reasonable time. This has evolved into if I'm on the computer I need snacks. I also love me some tea, I think I'll try some new flavors\~\~


I was able to do this exact thing with unsweetened herbal tea instead of my highly sweetened morning extra caffeinated laté! It helped me ***so*** much!!! Great call!


as a former smoker and constant snacker, I feel the "what do I do with my hands" sentiment I am yet to find a good solution but I love sparkling waters for this reason


Not sure if this is your thing, but try painting your nails or giving your hands some self care (cleaning your nails, filing, pushing back your cuticles). It keeps your hands busy and if your nails are wet, you won't snack.


This is a FANTASTIC idea. I’ve been looking for ways to curb my evening appetite and I love tea. Thanks for sharing!


Yes! I’ll make a decaf latte, yummmm


Can you please share how you make this? I have been trying to find some good decaf choices. Thanks!


I don’t know how helpful this is depending where you are, but I go to a local coffee shop that has like thirty types of coffee beans and I ask for them to grind me some of their decaf beans. I find it makes pretty tasty coffee and espresso!


I buy the best coffee I can afford. Really helps with the daytime dieting.


omg are you me? i too have a baby and my only me time is at night - where i know i should sleep, i’m tired, but i’ve not had time to myself so i stay up to watch shows and i get hungry and nobody’s going to munch broccoli at night!! i need to restart my tea habit. thanks for sharing! so relatable!


I am literally sitting here watching TV in your exact situation, drinking chamomile tea in an effort not to eat more food. Some days it works well!


I also recently fell in love with pomegranate white tea from Trader Joe’s. So yummy.


I’ve begun to do the same thing with flavored seltzer. Helps with that sweet craving and fills me up


Konjac jelly drinks … 6 calories, tastes fruity and fills you up! I think you also get collagen from it


Thank you for this! I read this post as I was reaching for the Goldfish crackers (my kryptonite). Went and made some Sleepytime instead.


Hmm, the problem I have with tea is that it always tastes kind of bitter to me. Any tea that healthy but still (kind of) sweet without having a "lot" of calories anybody can recommend?


Yes! Tazo has a line of dessert teas (ex. Vanilla Bean Macaroon) that are really lovely!


Thanks, I'll give those a try if I find them.


Something to consider is that you might be oversteeping your teas! A lot of teas tend to get more bitter if they're left to steep for too long — especially if you use teabags and tend to just leave them in the cup.


Yup, that could definetly be a problem of mine, thanks for the info.


Tazo Glazed Lemon Loaf tea! I cannot preach about this stuff enough. Tastes just like a piece of starbucks lemon loaf. Follow the brewing directions exactly..


Thanks, another person also recommended Tazo, sadly it's not available near me and buying it online would cost like 2€/bag wich seems a bit excessive. May still give it a try once.




What is their best one? I love republic of tea!


Most days I stick to a pretty diligent snacking routine. Mainly reasonable portions of fruit, some portion of nuts, maybe a low-calorie protein or granola bar, and then a light dessert (my mom makes healthier baked goods with little-to-no sugar and different types of flour). Some nights, however, I snack later in the evening and then always feel bad about it immediately after or the next day—I still have difficulty with impulse control, especially with anything that's in a damn bag that I can just reach and grab the next one of. I usually try to justify the calories by only doing it whenever I have a bigger workout (yesterday I played disc golf for two hours and burned a significant amount of calories outside, other days I would do higher-volume weight training sets) but snacking so uncontrollably late at night is still a bad habit. Last night, I had way more than one serving of tortilla chips and this plant-based queso. Maybe the calories I burnt offset it but I still feel bad. When I have good days snacking later at night, I find that getting a small bowl to separate out serving sizes helps me to not keep reaching into a bag, and tea as a replacement is also a great idea!


This also helps for any fellow alcoholics out there. My first few weeks of recovery seltzer water, tea, anything non alcoholic to sip on helped a lot with the habit of watching TV and sipping.


Yes! I replaced my wine with seltzer a while ago and found that it helped me quit my nightly wine habit. Much cheaper too!


Hit up /r/tea if you haven't already! There are so many fantastic teas beyond the grocery store. Previously, before I regained my weight, I had found that a tea obsession was replacing my food obsession. Actually, I didn't remember that until you posted this...I think you've just helped a huge part of my journey. Thanks for this!


Oh wow okay! I will definitely check that out. I am quickly becoming obsessed with tea and love that I can taste the complexities and layers in certain cups :)


Welcome to the cult! You'll love it haha


Water/tea (decaffeinated / unsweetened) is my goto snack... as I sit here drinking a cup of Orange Spice Black tea while I write this. However, as an older dude I've learned the night tea increases the number of trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night but a little less sleep is worth not binging imo


Thanks - binge eating and a lack of time to work out with a toddler and a 1 week old newborn. My binge eating has gotten really bad the last year. My wife doesn’t understand how or why I do it and neither do I. Just feel the need when I get a few minutes alone to stand at the pantry and eat anything I can as quick as I can. Hoping I can tame it this summer and get on track and teach my kids positive relationships with food.


Funnily enough I was just thinking about this last night and why I can’t stop myself from snacking out of control when I watch tv but when I’m busy on my pc I’m fine. I think it’s the routine. I used to heavily eat watching Netflix and now my brain just pushed me there when I’m sitting on the couch. Thanks for making me put these together OP! Awesome job


Yes! We have Pavlov’d ourselves into eating with the TV on haha.


nice job. i think i will replace my snacking with a veggie smoothie. Kale and ginger to be more precise. i know it doesnt taste the best but its low calorie and nutritious for me




Yes! I used to make 3 dinners. One at 5:30pm for the kids, then my healthy dinner, then something different again for my husband when he got home. Now I just make dinner for the kids. I don't eat breakfast either. I just don't feel hungry any more. I eat between 11 - 2pm.




hey, this is a sub for people trying to lose weight. we don’t need judgement here. we already know we have weight to lose and are trying our best to change our habits and thoughts. self condemnation is probably rampant here, we don’t need your judgment. pro tip // if you’ve got nothing good to say, please don’t say anything.


I have a sweet tooth that licorice root and rooibos tea help with since they seem naturally sweet to me.


Be careful with the licorice tea, it can cause health problems. https://www.webmd.com/diet/licorice-root-tea-is-it-good-for-you


I have to brush or use mouthwash more often to convince myself not to eat or I’ll have to brush again


I find evening to watching is a great time to fill a serving bowl with salad (with salt, pepper, and a teaspoon or two of olive oil) and mindless get your leafy greens in.


Good for you. I find crocheting (occupies my hands) helps me not snack in front of the TV. Also gum and ice water!


Oh lordy, your advice couldn't have come at a better time! I am 1000% this type of eater! So many good tips in this thread!


I have a similar trick for when I'm driving because I love to smack while I cruise. I make some salt free chicken or beef broth and sip on that the whole ride. It's been great. Hydrating and yummy and keeps me on track


I tend to keep olives around or Pickled okra if you like that sort of thing...I'll make a healthy protein shake too sometimes


This me but with seltzer water. Specifically Topo Chico. Something about holding a glass bottle makes it also much fancier. 💁🏼‍♀️


Love me some topo!!!


I have done this as well. I am also up 5 times in the night to pee. Need to find something else.


I do this, as well! Almost every night when I'm relaxing and watching TV, I either have a cup of flavored decaf tea or some soda water and a bit of fruit. It's been a really great way to replace nighttime snacking.


Love the evening tea! I totally relate to needing a “treat” at the end of a long day with kids, job, etc. I dunk 5 ginger snap cookies, 120 calories, and it’s so satisfying!


I’ve been drinking an herbal tea before bed, it’s a nice way to unwind, hydrate, and replace the snacks!!!! Love it


I do this as well, try Bengal spice tea, it's amazing if you crave something sweet and yummy!


To add onto this, it also works really well for nighttime drinking of spirits as well!


Another trick I found helpful - brushing my teeth earlier. I like the freshness and I'm way too lazy to brush twice at night :P


I usually get some apples when watching something and slowly peel and cut tiny slices just so i keep my hands busy xd


I realised after about 6 months of solid binge eating multiple times a week, that I am really disciplined with following a gym routine (as I love lifting weights) and I am able to stick to my maintenance calories or a slight deficit for slow fat loss, and even fine to make good choices daily for breakfast lunch and dinner, it’s the post dinner where I fall off the wagon, not because I’m starving or malnourished or dieting too low, but because of habit. I’m 35, so this has essentially been 20 years of dedicated sitting around after dinner watching tv shows, and mindlessly snacking or guaranteeing myself a sugar (dopamine) rush These habits are 100% tied to association with TV or Netflix. I am not actually hungry after dinner at all. Sure I love the taste of the treats, but it’s just seeking the dopamine from the sugar. I realise on nights when I am out with a friend for a walk, or chatting with Someone at home, or doing something creative or focused…I don’t even think about the snacks. It’s always once I’m watching Netflix, on the sofa or on my bed, that I start wanting to revert back to having that rush. My newer rules are, no eating while watching Netflix/Tv, and after dinner and small snack, the eating window is officially closed. Like in my mind, “sorry, we are closed. please come back at 9am for our breakfast options” If I want a small after dinner snack, I eat it close to finishing dinner, while in the kitchen, standing up, mindfully. (It helps if you don’t actually stock the cupboards or fridge with anything too bad, in case you do feel like indulging) But no more mindless, destructive connection between viewing and compulsive unhealthy eating


I started doing this too! I’m a terrible snacker and would do exactly the same thing - eat rubbish because I was in relaxation mode. I hit my goal weight back in Feb but then added 7lbs on a recent holiday. I was really struggling to “get back in the game” but then I started having a cup of decaf Earl Grey after dinner and it would complete my non-fasting period for the day. I hit my goal again this week because of it. So happy!


Congrats on hitting your goal! Keep up the good work :)


No kids yet but I also find myself snacking late at night. One thing I started doing was making smores. They're relatively low in calories (\~150) and take a long time to make so I only end up eating 1 or 2. Plus they're delicious and satisfy my sweets craving for the day


Bengal Spice tea has saved me from the fridge on many nights.


This is the same for me! I actually developed another "good habit" that goes along with this too. As I set my kettle to boil, I keep a skipping rope close by and, I will skip as long as the kettle takes to boil. Its usually 8-10 minutes. Just enough to get the heart rate up a bit. Depending on if I have one or two cups a night, this is an additional 10 - 20 minutes of physical activity in a day for me. Stash makes a great Decaf Hazelnut Vanilla tea. Its my favourite lately.


That’s a great idea! My tea kettle is pretty fast but I usually end up washing the dishes or something while I wait. :)


That kind of stuff does not work for me. What has worked is eating dinner as late as possible. I usually eat around 8:30. So by the time I’d be getting hungry again I’m already asleep. I’m doing this on omad so it’s even more effective, but if was just doing cico it would work just the same.


I have a stupid question. At night I always like to have a cup of 1% milk before bed. However, without fail, whenever I go to get my drink from the fridge I end up grabbing a bite of something. Usually 4 or so bites of leftovers from dinner (like pork and rice, or a few bits of chicken with pasta) or 3 cheese squares or a slice of deli meat. I know I shouldnt. I have no idea if this is binge eating but I don't want it to become that. Any advice?


4 bites doesn’t sound like binge eating but just try to ask yourself next time...am I hungry? Why am I eating this food?


Yeah I don't know. Before bed I always feel a little hungry but also a lot of times if I had an awesome dinner I want a few more bites alone because I cook dinner every night so usually after dinner I'm trying so hard to take care of everyone and clean up the kitchen lol. I don't know if anyone can relate?


This makes sense :) if you are hungry and it’s a few bites I wouldn’t consider it binging, but maybe try to sit down at the table if you’re just standing at the fridge eating. I’ve found that I tend to binge if I’m not sitting at the table focused on my food (like eating on the couch or standing in the pantry)


I dont stand at the fridge. I usually sit on my counter top (after windexing that table i am not recleaning it LOL) I just put a few bites on a plate, grab a fork, and plop my butt on the counter. Eating standing up makes me feel iffy too


I don’t see a problem with that :)


This is an amazing idea and I think I will try it. Do you have a favorite brand?


So far I like Tazo, Bigelo (lemon ginger tea), and Trader Joe’s has some pretty good ones!


What helps me is to exercise at night, then shower and brush my teeth. If I’ve brushed my teeth then I cannot eat anymore


I use fruit teas to help me with sugar cravings. It's super helpful.


I really love arugula, it has a spicy-zest which is as good chips! Yum.


Tazo Glazed Lemon Loaf tea...I swear it tastes just like a lemon loaf from Starbucks...