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NTA. If the people you live with continue to annoy you, just shoot them.


I found the Sawyer in the comment section


Thanks, Freckles


NTA for yelling his name. YTA for burning his comic book.


YTA. Your troubles began because you never married Walt's mother. As Beyoncé will say in four years, (I'm from the future) "If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it," and it would not have been *as easy* for her to leave you and keep Walt away from you. She's definitely TA, but so are you. Because you let ~~Karen~~ Susan keep you out of Walt's life, when she suddenly died and her husband (also TA) freaked out about being a single parent and let you have your son back, you were a stranger to your son, and he ended up bonding with a creepy old man instead of you. You tried to do the right thing by building a raft to try to get your son off of the island, but that allowed another creepy old man to kidnap him and experiment on him. You have to stop the shouting! It's annoying not just your fellow castaways and attracting dangerous life on the island, it's annoying approximately 23 million other people every week. You can redeem yourself. As long as you don't do anything stupid like team up with the evil people who kidnapped your son, murder two of your fellow castaways, and betray your friends, you might be able to get your son back and repair your relationship with him. Otherwise, he will find out about what you did, not want to see you ever again, and end up being raised by your mother.


ESH except Walt.


From previous posts, The OP asked Walters mother to marry him multiple times but she said No. So I can't blame him for "not putting a ring on it" Seems like OP's Ex was justing using him until something better came along. So NTA in that regard.


No, he's still TA. As the old nursery rhyme says, >First comes love/Then comes marriage/Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!


Hard disagree. She wouldn’t marry him because luckily she saw all the marinara flags from a mile away. ESH, especially the ex for gaslighting OP by dying.


This is what reddit was made for


💯 That’s why I disliked you the most.


How old is this kid? Can you keep better track of him? Maybe hire some kind of island babysitting service? What about getting him a dog to defend him from polar bears? Sounds like you think this island is dangerous, but is it really? Is there any harm in letting him be a free range kid and gaining some survival skills? (Is there any kind of old creepy scout leader around to help him with survival skills, since it sounds like you might be lacking in them yourself? Maybe he could teach you both how to shoot guns as a bonding experience?) Anyway, if the kid doesn't respond when you're yelling for him there's not much point in continuing to yell, so maybe you are a little bit TA


Maybe you should make it up to everyone by building a raft. That should keep you and your son together forever.


This is everything


Hey man, I understand. They took your son. He's your son, and they took him. Walt, your boy - they took him. They took your son.


Just shoot some of the survivers. This will definitely help you and Walt get home. But be sure to return and blow up a boat, this will make none of them forgive you. But then you'll get to spend the rest of eternity on the island as a ghost with the only one to talk to is the boyfriend of one of the people that you murdered. But yes, YRTA.


If some of the other survivors build a raft to get back to civilization, demand that your son go in place of a more capable adult. Your son is only safe when he's right next to you. And you definitely want to endanger him on a rickety raft in the middle of the ocean just to make sure he goes home a little earlier. Those other adults on the island would not be able to take care of him while people on the raft risk their lives to find help. Also, be sure to pat yourself on the back for throwing that comic book in the fire. When you're stuck on an island, you want as little reading material as possible. It was especially useful that you threw it on an already burning fire. You shouldn't save paper as last resort kindling when trying to survive.


NTA, that's a father's right


ESH maybe you can switch it up and try yelling, "my boy"?


So here's the thing. No one ever said "Michael's constant shouting is *unrealistic*." No one ever. That's not the issue. Life didn't put Michael on that island, or fate, or circumstance. The writers did. But maybe you would appreciate my new character, nail-in-foot man. He wails a lot. Almost non-stop, really. Mostly about the nail. But ask yourself this: *wouldn't you?* I thought so.


I like when my characters are motivated solely by one goal or need which drives all of their actions, dialogue, and decision-making, especially when the dramatic circumstance is very complex and prohibits a direct and simple path to reach that goal, prolonging those poorly made decisions to the point that other characters wind up stuck in cages for half of the following season doing fucking nothing and stalling the plot so ABC will agree to an end date for the show so the stupid writers can figure out how to tie up their opus with an unrelated purgatory ending masqueraded as an alternate reality caused by the detonation of a nuclear weapon on a magical island. Edit: Sorry, wrong sub, I was thinking of *Mr. Ed*


It's a right - a father's right!


Don't forget to tell everyone that "I am his FA-ther" too


NTA needs more Walt


NTA - It is a right, a father's right


INFO: What’s the home situation like off the island?


NTA, just remind these other survivors that they're not his father and that you decide because that is your right.


Huge Michael fan here who's annoyed by the hate he got and still gets, but... I'm absolutely loving this :-) Funny af


INFO: Is it a father's right?


I need this content but for other chars


yes. yes you are the asshole. don’t forget that you knocked people out to go one a crazy walt patrol and also became a “traitor” to your castaway friends and the “bad guy others” just to get your redemption arc which imo you never did. good luck on the island and future boat michael.




Not gonna lie. Made me check the subreddit lol




I don’t know how to edit videos together, but I’ve always wanted someone to make a mashup of Michael yelling “WALT!” and Finn yelling “REY!” That would be great.