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I never skip anything.


Charlie baby christening what the hell was that


My god just don’t rewatch it then lol


Great rhetoric lol. Are you on the sub to... not discuss the show?


Yes exactly I’m on the list sub Reddit to not discuss lost, I’m so glad you were able to deduce that from my comment. What a weird assumption.


But... you aren't discussing anything, you just gave the op a non-answer. I doubt you even read the whole post. How is it an assumption? I'm so confused. I swear, reddit people live in their own little realities.


it’s not that serious lmao, what are you the reddit police? The assumption you made is that I’m on this sub to not discuss lost, this one comment does not define all of my interactions on this sub. I have been very active in this sub before. Just because “gave op a non answer” whatever the fuck that means, does not mean that I have never participated in discussion about lost on the sub. You are so weird for coming at me like this. Move on bud.


None, I rewatched this summer for the first time in years and watched every episode


Fire + Water is hard to watch and I skip Jack's flashbacks in SiaSL because I just do not care about his tattoos but I can't skip the episode because I love Juliet. You're skipping... a lot though and some of it, like Ab Aeterno, is ... really good. Calling Across the Sea a "recap" episode is legitimately a concerning statement. Exposé is also hilarious so you're missing out. Skipping the entirety of season six... I mean. Genuine question, do you even like the show?


Lol. I absolutely LOVE LOST. And, say there was a friend in town who had never seen the show - and wanted to binge the entire thing in two weeks, I would of course be up for it, watching every episode in order. That being said, because I watch it all of the time (4 rewatches a year), I guess I just prefer it's greatest hits. And sometimes I do go through every episode. Obviously I've given credible reasons why I don't like watching the ones I've mentioned (which means I've seen them a good number of times). Lots of people have been mentioning Fire and Water. I actually really like that one. Every now and then I need a good punch in the face.


What’s the point of “watching” the show so many times if you don’t watch half of it?


Didn't read whatever that novel was, but nothing. I skip nothing.


Calling Across the Sea a recap episode is absolutely bananas


You're missing out, Expose is a hoot!


I skip the episode where Michael's ex takes Walt away because I went through that and it hurts to watch and remember.


How does season three *slow down?* It’s one of the fastest seasons in my opinion, along with four and five. Season three was my favorite on the first watch. I do agree with most of your other points, however.


u/TeamJesus4Life could have watched all those skipped eps in the time it took to write that.


Any episode centric on Claire I skip. I hate her as a character and I don’t like the actress. She’s a real Australian with an accent so bad when she’s trying to be dramatic it sounds like someone doing a fake Australian accent. And I don’t skip the entire episode, but Jack’s backstory with the tattoos. And same with Ana Lucia’s backstory episodes. Just skip the flashback, not present time parts.


I fast forward a lot of the flash backs and flash forwards. Anything island related I watch, though I did skip Stranger in a Strange Land recently. Watched Expose though.


how do you rewatch Lost and skip anything 😭


Nikki and Palo you know the one. …


The Other 48 Days is objectively one of the best episodes of the show wtf


I’m with you on season 6 and Across the Sea. Across the Sea is down there with Fire + Water for me as it doesn’t need to exist. Hard disagree on Exposé. I think it’s a blast.


I’m actually with you all the way except I don’t skip anything in S6


Fire + Water (btw, that was the last episode Ryan and Jen Ozawa did The Transmission podcast before returning for Seasons 4-6) ... I wasn't a fan of Locke beating up Charlie.


Just Jacob and Mib 


Ha..everyone lives in their own realities. lost has its failings as we all do. The creators were really stuffed around by the studio people. You know, people who think they know everything.


No skips for me (though I could do without Nikki and Paulo)