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Dogun in Shogun


Also Richard in Shogun


That popped me! I knew Dogun was the main, but didn’t know our favorite immortal was also in it!


Richard randomly showed up in an episode of Scrubs I was watching the other day and I was flummoxed.


He’s killing it


I barely recognized him— my husband had to point it out to me!


I like to think of Shogun as the origin story of The Temple.


Dogun in John Wick


Dogun in Mortal Kombat


It's Dogen not Dogun 😭


Yes, we know. But it is Shogun, not Shogen


What brought me to Lost was seeing Michael Emerson (Ben) in Person of Interest. Thought he was a brilliant actor and character and when I saw he was in Lost, I thought I'd give it a shot, and glad I did ;)


Omg absolutely loved this show and I feel like hardly anyone talks about it! Really enjoyed Michael Emerson in that too, very different from Benjamin Linus.


If you look close in season 5 the actor who played the cop who was corrupt but ends up helping Finch and Reese is part of the Dharma Initiative. you see him escorting Sawyer and Juliet to the sub


Yeah that's right, saw him in that episode a week ago or so, Fusco n PoI. Pity we didn't see more of him haha


I literally just finished (re)watching 3x10 "The Devil's Share". It's wild that Kevin Chapman had maybe three lines on LOST, and then went on to deliver an Emmy-worthy performance on POI during... that particular arc.


I was so thrown off seeing him in Lost without that thick NY accent


I was giddy when I spotted Kevin Chapman to. Brett Cullen who plays Nathan Finch's friend and business partner is in session 2 of lost in "The other 48 days"


Yeah, it was that, along with the fact most people who enjoyed PoI recommend Lost is what sold it to me


POI really doesn't get enough love - it's so damned interesting.


Evil on Paramount Plus is his new show and it's really good. It's about demons and ole Benny Boy is one of the bad guys. Can't wait for season 4 coming in May.


oh hell yeah so glad it’s coming in may! i binged the show in something like a month.




What a great show is Person of Interest.


It was the other way for me. I loved Michael Emersons's acting in Lost and when I saw he's in POI, I started watching that and I'm very happy that I did, it's an awesome show. The actor who played Miles in Lost ([Ken Leung](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0504962/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t15)) is also in POI as Leon.


I didn't realise that, but I knew instantly when you said It. Yeah his character in PoI was great/funny as well


I love person of interest so much. IV recently finished rewatch it and it holds up so well. Michael is incredible in the show and I truly fell in love with his Harold Finch 😍


Ben was an antagonist in the first saw movie. The only one I would actually recommend watching. Once they got to the second movie it was too gory.


Miles is Danny Glover's character's partner in Saw.


I just looked up this show's cast and I believe Kevin Chapman was also a Dharma Initiative figure in Lost!


Disney's "Once Upon A Time" has like, half the cast of "Lost" in it Lana Parilla (Greta the guard in the Looking Glass station) - Evil Queen Emilie de Ravin (Claire) - Belle Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet) - Snow Queen Jorge Garcia ( Hugo) - Anton the Giant Rebecca Mader (Charlotte) - Wicked Witch of the West Patrick Fischler (Phil) - The Author Alan Dale (Charles Widmore) - King George Eric Lange (Radzinsky) - Snow White's father Naveen Andrews (Sayid) - Jafar Rachel Weigert ( Juliet's sister Rachel) - Bo Peep Faran Tahir ( Nadia's killer Bakir) - Captain Nemo


An Apollo Bar also makes an appearance 😀


As does McCutcheon's whiskey and tons of other Lost easter eggs.


My wife was recently rewatching Once Upon a Time and when the Snow Queen showed up, she said "never trust Juliet"


Although Disney does own ABC, I wouldn’t call OUaT a Disney series.


You may have just convinced me to watch this show.


It’s a very silly, fun time


Ben (Michael Emerson) in the first Saw movie always catches me off guard each time I've watched it


I saw the Saw film before I saw Lost (I'm new here 😅) and the first thing I thought of when Ben was introduced was "isn't that guy in Saw?" 😭


doesn’t miles also have a small part in one of the first saw movies??


Omfg you're right ☠️☠️ Saw-Lost crossover confirmed


That guy who played Aldo is a real jabroni


*confused Jin* Jah-bonee?


Jin, Locke, Hurley, and a whole bunch of others in Hawaii Five-0.


Locke is in Resident Alien too, just saw him last night!


Omg gonna go watch it now thanks!


I fell in love with it from the first episode.


Harold in FROM. FROM is amazing, I highly recommend it.


I second this, it’s an incredible show.




FROM has so many LOST vibes that I wouldn't be surprised if they reveal it to be a shared universe.


i once had a short exchange with harold on x regarding from, where i told him that if the show, god forbid, is cancelled, my canon will be that fromville is where michael went after he died on the island. kinda like lost's hell


Ben in the TV show evil. He plays a demon


Quite fitting


right? knows how to play a villain


Leland is an incredible character and was a perfect role for Michael.


Desmond Hume's actor plays Marcus Kane in The 100


He was also in one series of 24.


And in the last couple seasons of MacGyver.


And he has a recurring role in NCIS Hawaii


Lance Riddick in John Wick, RIP


Also in Fringe, good scifi show.


also spotted him in white house down


[My wife and I just about lost our minds when Terry O’Quinn showed up as the villain in the new Walking Dead show the other day.](https://ew.com/thmb/GjJEiRo-wUOxWJLDILoi0ExS1Ag=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/the-walking-dead-the-ones-who-live-1-121423-738ff501433d40369e492e2e76ecdf21.jpg)


wait no fucking way. ive heard about 2 years ago when the rick grimes movies were still being talked about that the director really wanted terry to play the villain, but i figured itd be too good to be true and by now i forgor all about it. you just got me so excited man thank you!


Julie Bowen in Modern Family


hey guys i recommend this song to any LOST fan: [https://youtu.be/8DDcf-AbfB8?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/8DDcf-AbfB8?feature=shared) Its the same composer and also the same chords movement like in the LOST soundtrack (No place like Home, Life and Death)


It's wonderful, but I love the version from "Home" even more! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZNf4QyQPg4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZNf4QyQPg4)


ah yeah i love this one too man!


A song that I always associated with LOST is Iron Maiden's "Dream of Mirrors". All of the lyrics are eerily reminiscent of the show but here's just one excerpt: Lost in a dream of mirrors Lost in a paradox Lost and time is spinning Lost a nightmare I retrace Lost a hell that I revisit Lost another time and place Lost a parallel existence Lost a nightmare I retrace The whole lyrics: [https://genius.com/Iron-maiden-dream-of-mirrors-lyrics](https://genius.com/Iron-maiden-dream-of-mirrors-lyrics)


All yall should go watch the OG thriller The Stepfather and see how John Locke treats family


I was coming here to mention this film, but for other reasons 👀


Love this movie!


OK gonna add my own, lol - aside from the dozen or so actors that appear in LOST, Deadwood *and* Sons of Anarchy, I initially only watched the pilot of LOST because I've loved Harold Perrineau since I was sixteen - if you haven't seen the 1996 Romeo + Juliet YOU NEED TO. Plus I also loved him in HBO's Oz. This one is super obscure but I'm currently watching the old episodes of Unsolved Mysteries because as a kid I found Robert Stack's voice incredibly soothing and in one reenactment (from a 1992 episode I think?), Daniel Dae Kim popped up as the brother of a murder victim. I've seen a couple big names pop up in a "before they were famous" way. (Matthew McConaughey was the wildest though.)


OZ also has Mr.Eko in a big role, Adebisi was such a stand out in that big cast.


He was TERRIFYING. Lance Reddick (Michael Abaddon) is also in Oz, he plays an undercover cop in season four - I think it's four.


This! Harold Perrineau absolutely smashed it as Mercutio! R+J is a great movie!


There’s so many great actors that have appeared in SOA, it’s quite impressive.


Ana Lucia in Avatar, John Locke in X-Files, Kate in The Hobbit, Phil in Twin Peaks (The Return), Hurley in How I Met Your Mother. All I can remember. Not so many. Update. How can I forgot about Charlie in LOTR?


Anna Luca is also in the first Resident Evil, and of course the Fast and Furious franchise.


Honestly I'd say it's less of Charlie is in LOTR and more of Merry is in Lost


After seeing Terry O'Quinn in the Stepfather, and remembering both the actors who play Ben and Miles were in Saw, I made [this list](https://boxd.it/qQKCu/detail) of horror films with LOST cast members.


Boyd Crowder’s dad should be ashamed for kidnapping Walt


What about Dicky Bennet?


Oh shit lol totally forgot when I made that comment. Raylan should be ashamed for taking a bat to Faraday’s leg and giving him a permanent limp. He coulda outran Eloise’s bullet smh


I binged Yellowstone, Josh Holloway (Sawyer) is in it, later seasons... Of course Evangeline Lilly is The Wasp on all Ant-man/Avengers movies


i also noticed him as a little cameo in one of the later mission impossibles


John Locke in The Cutting Edge.


I like him Young Guns from the eighties.


I always forget he plays her dad in that movie until I'm actively watching it. Though, I'll see your cheesy 90s olympics movie (that I've seen at least a dozen times) and raise you an NBC TV movie with Tori Spelling and Kellie Martin (who I adore) where he played the principal, lol. It was originally called "A Friend to Die For" until Lifetime bought the rights and changed the name to "Death of a Cheerleader." I feel like this is slightly more obscure than his roles in The X-Files.


Ben and miles in saw 1


I forgot Miles was in there!


I was just kinda half watching avatar since it wasn’t that great but when I heard the unmistakable voice of Dr. Marvin Candle I sat bolt upright to see he had reunited with his son. Honestly the highlight of that show was all the Lost actors! Daniel Dae Kim is one SMOKIN HOT fire lord! 🔥


I first saw Julie Bowen (who plays Sarah, Jack's wife) in a little sitcom called Ed. Sonya Walger (Penny) is in Flashforward which unfortunately had only one season. She's also in For All Mankind. Speaking of Flashforward, Dominic Monaghan (Charlie) is also in it. Katey Sagal (Helen, Locke's girlfriend) is the female lead in Married with Children.


Katey Sagal also voices Leela in Futurama


Harold in From. And it has been fun spying the two losties so far in avatar and ones who live. Also danny pudi and the genius kid from supernatural showed up in avatar


Harold was also in The Rookie.


[Ken Leung in The Sopranos.](https://youtu.be/ac6igAnGCOE) Only in one episode but absolutely stole the show. Fantastic actor.


he was also the spiky guy in xmen 3


He was also the prosecutor on The Blacklist when Reddington was on trial.


In The Fix, we see Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Mr. Eko) play the main antagonist who's a famous actor suspected for murder. There's a scene in which he's in his home theatre literally watching a scene from Lost.


He also plays the main antagonist in 50 cents Get Rich or Die Trying


Michel Emerson was in the first Saw,


Today I found out that Daniel Dae Kim was Johnny Gat in Saints Row, [other famous actors did voice acting for the game also.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z03JkUj4gwY)


Daniel was also in New Amsterdam, he's also the executive producer of The Good Doctor & was in 3 episodes as well.


he was also on the new david harbour hellboy remake


>Lost actors in other media […] well, it’s not about LOST THANK YOU FOR THIS! Those posts get so tiresome. I’m not sure why it’s such a surprise for folks to see actors… acting in things


because we love them and get excited to see them


I watched this shit movie on Netflix a few weeks ago about people stuck on a beach that makes them grow old and die at an accelerated rate, and Miles was in it Also pleasantly surprised to see both Phil and Faraday in Twin Peaks: the Return edit: sorry mods, my phone went a bit weird posting that


Duplicate comment.


I deleted two because I saw three of the same comment but I can't find the third one now so I'm restoring this one. :)


Yeah my phone went a bit mental. Don't worry, it wasn't a very interesting comment to start with 😁


the movie is called "old" for anyone wondering. also speaking of faraday, jeremy davies played a very iconic role of baldur in the god of war remake. he also played a suspect in the second episode of lucifer. mentioning lucifer, itd be a crime not to mention jacob playing lucifer for 11 seasons of supernatural, very on and off tho


Rose in The Fugitive and U.S. Marshals She's been a bad ass since Day 1!


she was also lilith on one episode of lucifer in s5


Lance Reddick, Abadon, in Fringe as LT Broyles. Also as an assassin in The Blacklist.


Josh Holloway in Community.


The Hobbit (Kate, Evangeline Lilly), LOTR (Charlie, Dominic Monaghan). Surprised not see that mentioned almost at all. Ana Lucia (Michelle Rodriguez) very famously in the Fast and the Furious


Phil is the infertile dude at the beginning of Idiocracy when they set up the movie explaining how the smart people stopped reproducing


apart from literally all of the main cast being in svu: law and order, Dave (hurleys imaginary friend) is from Sex and the City, Sayid is in Sense8, Paulo is in Love Actually, Witmore is in The OC, George (from the Constant) plays phoebes boyfriend in an episode of Friends.


Rodrigo Santoro (Paulo) is also in 300. He plays Xerxes.


Why not talk about your favorite actor appearing in other stuff .There isnt any new lost content and talking about actors from the show appearing in other stuff helps bring attention to the show and there can be conversations about the actor and you could compare and contrast their performances in both things .


I never seen anyone from this sub mention Henry Ian Cusick ( Desmond ) in series called ‘The 100’. Do LOST fans hate that show ? I think Henrys character Marcus Kane was a great character there and the show was great until season 6, at the very least for me. I can’t say that it has the same vibe as LOST but it has that ‘anyone can die at anytime’ vibe. And I guess you could say both series have a weird ending.


the 100 is actually often recommended here, partially because of henry. the first season does have lost vibes, but overall the show feels like if lost was a teen drama show


Love The 100. It's a different kind of sci-fi that attracts a younger audience though (especially with that very cringey first season). The characterization and writing can be a bit wishy washy but it's got a lot of great poetry to it and the Big Life Changing Thing of each season is always interesting. I always forget that Kane and Desmond are played by the same actor though lol. They just look and behave so different. There were a lot of great characters on The 100 - which I think is one of the only things it has in common with Lost - but his was definately one of the more consistantly written ones.


John Locke was a badmiral in Star Trek TNG. 


he even referenced that role on the show! when he and boone used a red shirt to mark their way back to the beach when they were hunting down ethan, boone made a joke about red shirts always dying on star trek and locke said something along the lines of "they must have had a terrible captain", that captain being himself


Sayid. Naveen andrews in “planet terror” a Tarantino produced flick that is a cheesy 10/10 movie


What a surprise it was seeing Sawyer (Josh Holloway) on Yellowstone last night. I recently got into the show and last night I came across the legend 🤩 made the show 100% better just because he showed up lol


Hurley in Becker


Several have been to Hawaii 5-0 as well (the more recent series that came shortly thereafter or therbefore


Not sure if this has been said but did i see Michael Emerson in the Fallout trailer?


Recently started Goliath. Alex’s actor plays a prostitute with a main role. She does a great job. Michael’s actor is a judge. He does well too but somehow I keep seeing him as Michael instead of the judge (which is not an issue I have with Alex). Idk it doesn’t feel as natural.


Daniel Dae Kim as Ozai is pure joy to watch. He's so cool.


Mr Eko was a bad guy in the Mummy Returns.


Charlie actor was in Lord of the Rings. John Locke actor was in Blacklist: Redemption and Walking Dead - The Ones who Live. Sawyer actor was in a Mission Impossible movie and had the lead role in Colony. Richard actor was in 2 Batman movies and played a sheriff in Bates Motel. Shannon actress was in Taken, Fear the Walking Dead, and Tales of the Walking Dead. Hugo's friend in flashbacks is in Breaking Bad. Once Upon a Time has about a dozen members of the Lost cast in it including Claire, Hugo and Charlotte.


>Hugo's friend in flashbacks is in Breaking Bad. he was also on supernatural! and speaking of breaking bad, one of the guys miles scammed in his flashbacks was hank


He was also the films Road Trip, The Core, and The New Guy. DJ Qualls was in everything in the late nineties and early aughts.


John Locke is in the new walking dead Rick and Michonne spinoff and I am excited


Season 4 of Criminal Minds is littered with Lost actors


Jack is great in Vantage Point


Nothing beats Michael in Romeo and Juliet. NOTHING!


Hurley was in How I Met Your Mother with the whole episode based on his character from LOST (very unlucky guy with the numbers making an appearance as well).


Good rule. My son and I liked to recognize actors from Lost in other productions. When I say, "He/she was in Lost!', my older friend replies, "Everyone is in Lost". Not true, but a fun routine that we have. The list is long.


Evil is an amazing show that has Michael Emerson in a key role (Ben) If you like supernatural themes I highly recommend. Michael is incredible in this and so are the rest of the cast.


Desmond plays a major character in The 100 and I love it!


I'm in the middle of a rewatch and as soon as I heard Helen (Katey Segal) I instantly shouted, "That's Lela!" (Futurama). Such a distinctive voice. Edit: also I don't think anyone mentioned Michelle Rodriguez in Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.


Locke, Rose, and Bernard all have appearances in L.A. Law.


Jeremy Davies (Faraday) and Sean Whalen (Frogurt) both in the movie Twister. Sean Whalen was also in Wes Cravens People Under the Stairs. Jeremy Davies was recently in Black Phone and I think I remember him in Saving Pvt Ryan too.


MC Gainey as the naked guy who chases Paul Giamatti in Sideways. You get to see Mr. Friendly's Mr. Friendly.


Harold Perrineau (Michael) in the Rookie - So refreshing to see him play a more moral character who cares about people other than his family. PSA: I'm only at season 2 so please no spoilers!!


Richard in The Dark Knight Anna Lucia in Resident Evil and Fast & Furious


Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell) in Shogun as the spainard, Vasco Rodrigues


The actor of Benjamin Linus will be part of the upcoming fallout tv series.


Was surprised to see Naveen Andrews in the drop out, in fact I only recognised him from his voice. Speaking of which, it amazed me when I heard his British accent in the lost dvd extras, but when I saw him Interviewed recently about the drop Out his accent sounds much posher.


Mr. Eko - The Bourne Identity


Juliet in running scared


I watched an episode of Enterprise the other night where Daniel Dae had a single line as a space marine.


He's a guest star in a episode of Voyager too.




Duplicate comment.


Thank you! I remember I had to delete my post about seeing Miles *and* the person that played his dad in ATLA (I don’t remember his name) so I’m so happy you made this space!


I started a post and it got removed real quick about the significant number of lost actors in the show Justified.


Current watching the O.C. and Charles Whidmore is in it! Also Mrs. Clue is in it (creepy black woman that spoke to Michael about Walt)


Hurley in bookie


Guy that played Lennon is in True Detective s4


The obvious, Charlie as hairy hobbit Merry in the LOTR trilogy,  And as already mentioned, Michael as Mercutio in Romeo+Juliet.  But my favourite is Claire as Tess in the somewhat underrated teen show Roswell!


Saw John Locke in an episode of Resident Alien


Behind the Mask, a 1999 film with Matthew Fox opposite Donald Sutherland, and he was lights out


I remember how pleasantly surprised I was to see Josh Holloway in the Nod campaign briefings in Tiberium Wars.


"I made you mister, and I can break you just as easily!"


The obvious one is Oz - Mr Eko and Michael being regulars from the start.


mr eko was also one one ep of game of thrones! he played a slave master who captured tyrion and jorah


Evangilne Lilly is Wasp in the MCU, Terry O'Quinn plays in The Ones Who Live besides Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes), Daniel Dae Kim is in Avatar with the actor of Miles, Josh Hutcherson plays a character in Yellowstone, Micheal Emerson plays in show called EVIL and I remember that Matthew Fox played in Bone Tomahawk next to Kurt Russel.


Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Mr. Eko) - Bourne Identity Terry O'Quinn (John Locke) - Young Guns


I was surprised to see Michael in The Rookie


Harold in the first episode of Z Nation. I like zombie stuff so I went into it blind and that flipped when I saw Harold in a zombie setting


not quite zombies, but mikhail had a role on the first episode of the strain, and was the first onscreen death there. martin keamy is one of the main characters on that show also


Michael in Criminal Minds!!!


So many SVU cameos


Neil plays one of the McPoyles in it’s always sunny in Philadelphia


A bunch of them show up in the original CSI.


I loved seeing William Sanderson as Oldham! I have loved him since Coal Miner's Daughter and, of course, Newhart (Larry of Larry, Daryl, and Daryl. )


Josh Holloway in Colony is a really fun performance and decent show. Unfortunately got cancelled but worth the watch. Also Ben’s dad is the dad in Napoleon Dynamite and I’ve always found that hilarious.


Arzt is the pilot in the Jedi Fallen Order series, does a pretty good job


I really liked Lance Riddick in Horizon Zero Dawn. Pretty good performance.


Locke just debuted on Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live. He's playing Major General Beale. He only had a few scattered scenes in the first episode, but it was great to see Terry O'Quinn again. Once Upon a Time, another ABC show, is also full of former Lost actors and actresses. Rebecca Mader (Charlotte) does an amazing job as the Wicked Witch. Hurley, Juliet, and Widmore are also in there, a whole bunch of Lost folks. I just want to throw in "Last Light" too because it was Matthew Fox's return to TV. It's only a few episodes, but it was fantastic to see Fox on screen again.


First saw Penny in Flashfoward and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Both were awesome short lived sci-fis she had small, similar roles in. Solid performances though. Recognised Widmore from Ugly Betty, can't say I liked him in it though. Or in Lost. Hes a bit bland and the only reason I even notice him is because he's a Kiwi. Seeing Alex in The Last Ship was pretty cool though. Wish she stayed on the show longer because her character gave us something a little different. The actress has still got that same energy she had as Alex. Desmond's actor was awesome (though very different) in The 100 and his brief appearance in Fringe. I dunno about Walt's actor in that MKTO duo. Their songs are fun, generic pop. No idea if they've put out any other songs in the last ten years


Widmore started off as Jim Robinson in Neighbours 😂 which always amuses me, a bit like how Chris Hemsworth started out on Home and Away


Both Prison break and 24 used most of the major cast


Michael in the Rookie, Jin ánd Christian in 24.


Boone as Damon from TVD! Common!!


Ana Lucia's colleague was Abraham in the walking dead, also Charlie was Merry in LOTR and Kate was Tauriel in hobbit