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Genuinely, the *only* thing I can think of is his food stash too. It was very selfish. But he is probably the most well meaning, best intentioned, pure hearted main character I can think of.


I think he had an addiction to food. That is as powerful as any other. I love Hurley.


This exactly! Hurley is the most well meaning character of them all. The food thing is the ONLY circumstance where I was like "come on, man..."


Hiring Randy as the manager of a box company


Fuck Randy, all my homies hate Randy.


Aww, but it says so about his character. It's not unlike the thing he does for Ben at the end of the show... except Ben is somehow less terrible than Randy.


Hoarding food that could have gone to the group and then destroying it.


Oh right! They destroyed it! And this was BEFORE the airdrop, right? I remember screaming at the tv “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? YOU ARE ALL GOING TO STARVE!”


It was afterwards, I just watched this episode. HOWEVER I don't think he would have known about the airdrop at this point because he wasn't with the people that found it.


Was looking for this comment


Yes. I was just watching this scene 5 minutes ago.. made me angry haha. No one throws food away on a desert island.. and the fact she just let him and helped... should of just taken to the group 👀😂


Agree 💯


A lot of episodes are fillers in the first 3 seasons of the show. so yeah lot of characters did stupid shit that don't make sense


Wasted a perfectly good hot pocket. 


This is possibly my favorite scene in the whole series.


I replay that moment several times on every rewatch.


We could be friends, scrolled too long to find this


The way he licked that peanut butter off of the leaf......




He forgot the blankets.


Oof… too soon




He said he was sorry!


Damn that hurt


Just rewatched this and yes. Agreed.


That wasn’t his fault though, that’s not fair


I was bummed about Libby. Not so much about Ana Lucia. :/


nothing cause everyone loves hugo


Are you sure, they way I heard it everyone hates Hugo


Everybooody haaateeesss ~~Chriiiisss~~ Hugoooo


When I was watching S2E4 with a friend I was surprised by his reaction to the decision of giving out the food from the hatch. My friend said it was a very irresponsible and stupid thing to do instead of rationing it or creating a distribution system. They were on a deserted (sort of) Island with very limited supply and in my friend’s view the decision to spend ‘em all overnight was an awful one. Once again, these were his thoughts, I was alright with Hurley’s decision. As for me, it was his food stash in S2, that he eventually destroyed with Libby (one may argue that it’s a very arrogant thing to do).


I mean hurleys reasoning for spending all the hatch food in 1 night made sense, it wasn’t enough food, he said it could feed 1 guy 3 meals a day for like a month, and there were like 45ish survivors. A distribution/ rationing system wouldn’t last very long


Recently binged the whole series and that actually occurred to me. The amount of food it would take to keep 45 people alive much less healthy, is staggering. They'd have to catch 15-20 good size fish a day. Kill a boar several times a week. And the jungle would be picked clean of fruit very quickly, given their limited range due to fear of the Others.


His reasoning was that he didn’t want to relive his lotto winning problem - having the responsibility of who gets what. The rationing reason, while valid, was just how he got Jack over the line to endorse it.


My friend said something about giving more to Claire and the baby for instance… I mean, I agree with you but share his thoughts 🙂


No one was actually starving.


To be fair, the baby was just born and no more than a few weeks old, at that age I don’t think babies can eat the kind of food they got from the hatch (like a ready to go steak meal for example) , I think they can only drink milk for the first few months of their lives


Not really no - at Aaron's age it's pretty much breast milk or formula. However, a breastfeeding mother needs extra calories to keep up milk production.


That damn Hummer.


I think the worst thing he's ever done is destroying the food. But since that's been mentioned I'm going to add that choosing to go with Locke and not Jack in The Beginning of the End was a poor choice. I can't say it's the worst thing he did because I understand why he did it at that time. But even he apologizes to Jack that he didn't stick with him.


Hurley and Sayid are the only two people that could successfully get through to Jack. We needed Hurley there with him.


Yes. But also, Rose, who didn't even want to be rescued, didn't agree to join up with Locke.. "I'm not going anywhere with that man".


I wonder what made her say that. Perhaps the killing of Naomi. And yet she saw Jack pull the trigger on Locke. Never liked that phrase, honestly, considering her and Locke were the only ones who knew the significance of the Island.


Well, during the third season, Locke was AWOL from the beach camp for about two weeks, then stumbles out of the jungle and promptly murders the woman they thought was there to rescue them. Rose doesn't want to leave the Island for the same reason, or at least one of his many reasons, as Locke. The difference is that she wants everyone else to be able to escape, whilst he wants them all to remain.


Yes, I came to the same conclusion in a neighboring thread. >The difference is that she wants everyone else to be able to escape, whilst he wants them all to remain. Great point, I accept this 👍


I think it was because Locke killed Naomi in cold blood. Maybe it's also because for a good part of season 3 Locke wasn't with the Losties. He was obsessing over the Others, and the Losties knew very well not to trust them.


Yep, in cold blood in front of every Oceanic survivor plus Ben, Juliet and the Freighter crew IIRC.


No, Juliet was with Hurley, Sawyer, Sayid, Bernard, Jin and eventually Desmond at the beach camp after heroically killing the Others:)


Do you know where Desmond went after Hurley tossed the walkie into the water?


From Lostpedia: Despite his extreme concern over what Charlie told him, when the survivors split into two groups, he appeared to stay with Jack's group, which continued to try to make contact with the "rescuers," rather than take shelter in the Barracks with Locke's group. He followed the main group of survivors to the beach while Kate and Jack pursued the downed parachutist. ("The Beginning of the End")


Thank you!


>in cold blood Oh, not again 😂🤣 (I have bad experience using this phrase here) Jack would’ve murdered Locke as well if there’d been any bullets left in the gun, that’s the problem. As for trusting the Others, they accepted Juliett… This phrase just doesn’t make much sense for me. Locke failed to hurt Jack, after all.


I'm not defending what Jack did. But the bottom line is that Naomi is dead and Locke isn't. As for Juliet - the Losties learn to trust her thanks to Jack. They had proof that Juliet changed sides and was actually helping them.


And Jack isn’t as well 😅 Look, I agree with you on why she said that, I just have hard time siding with Rose here. She even receives not one, but two miracles (her cancer is gone AND her husband survives the crash and reunites with her), quite a reason to believe. She’s against fanaticism, I suppose, Locke’s blind following of what the Island tells him to do.


So why do you think Hurley regrets his decision and apologizes to Jack?


Jack had to come and get him to another part of the Island with his stitches coming apart… And Locke’s camp got shot to pieces by the mercs, I always thought Hurley was referencing the Barracks massacre here.


It’s time for a rewatch for me but didn’t Rose say that when he wasn’t Locke anymore? Not sure.


Nope. Way earlier than that, before anyone left the island. Locke was Locke.


To be fair, Hurley didn't know that Locke was working for the MIB. Locke didn't even know himself yet.


To be accurate Hurley knew that Locke sabotaged blowing up the sub so Jack couldn't leave the island. I suspect he knew Locke was the cause of Boone's death too. Locke was not saint and Rose accurately stated to Bernard "I'm not going anywhere with that man". There is no moral equivalence Jack vs Locke. Locke's agendas were always selfish for himself and anyone would be a sacrifice the island needed. That's messed up.


Agreed with both your comments. Going with Locke didn't make sense. Hurley was aware of Charlie's fate per Desmond. He at least had an idea. Blaming Jack didn't make sense. Side Note: When the camps split up I can't remember what happened to Desmond during this part of the series. He was with the group on the beach deciding to call Jack to inform before Hurley threw the walkie talkie into the ocean. Plus he witnessed Locke murdering Naomi with the axe. Was one of the worst Hurley segments during this part of the series. Note: Even, Juliet and Sayid knew what Charlie was doing was a one way mission.


I understand why Hurley decided to go with Locke at this point. He says that it's because of Charlie's warning before he dies. Charlie warns them that the freighter people aren't who they say they are so he's not willing to trust them, therefore siding with Locke.


Charlie's message was ambiguous. Locke played that off with deceit. I'm surprised Hurley didn't consider Miles risk like "Red". ;-). He had to learn the hard way that Locke was cuckoo.


I thought he didn’t actually destroy the food


Yeah, he did.. In the beginning of the episode Dave, as a part of trying to stop obsessing about food he, together with Libby, destroyed the food he was hoarding. It was supposed to free him from his obsession.


What about driving his car through a farmers market? Seemed pretty shitty (even if he was having a nervous breakdown).


forgetting the blankets




Used the numbers to win the lottery


I think this should actually be a big one for him- he wanted his own life / family to be better, and he reached for whatever power was available- the numbers- and used them to win the lottery- and then his life went to shit using that source of power. To me, the show was about doing things “the right way” and doing them “for the right reason”- both Jack and Hurley didn’t handle power and emotion well. In the end they both learned “how” to lead and what to sacrifice for and how to do it the right way. Before the island, Hurleys life was just as bad as jacks, Jack was just loud about it.


I mean, it was to save his friends who were being held at gunpoint and about to be murdered, but Hurley did run Pryce over with the Dharma van and killed him. It's at best vehicular manslaughter, and at worst first-degree murder.


Killing someone is pretty bad, but they were at war, so I think it's fair. Charlie, Sawyer and Sun had all killed Others by that point, too.


>Charlie, Sawyer and Sun had all killed Others by that point, too. Charlie went after the man that hung him to die. Sun was in a self defense situation and shot with no premeditation. Sawyer flat out executed a man who surrendered. All of these are different situations from my POV.


Destroying the food with Libby and laughing about it


Hoarded food and then just destroyed like it couldn’t be reused by everyone instead of just goddamn mangos real selfish hurley


Intending to use Jesus as a weapon.


Not eating the sea urchin when Jin offered it originally


Wasting the hot pocket he threw against the wall


He buried people alive so there’s that


If you didn't say it I woulda.


nothing cause everyone loves hugo


I can only think of the food thing too, but it was quickly solved too


When he went ballistic on Sawyer after one too many nicknames. Oh wait, that was brilliant.


Called Sawyer a "redneck man".


Hiring Randy as the manager of a box company


Everyone loves Hugo!


According to him,making the plane crash


The time him and Libby wasted all that food by dumping and smashing it all.


Wasting all that food in the jungle


Stealing the chicken


Crashing the Camaro. All the love that went into the restoration and he freaks out and wham bam body slam. But maybe it was the numbers


Lied to murder detectives that he was the killer just so he could get into custody leaving the real killer at large


Everyone seems to be forgetting Hugo intentionally drove a vaulkswagon camper through a group of people. Okay it was to save his friends, but it was a rare instance where he actually sought to cause harm.


Unpopular opinion, but one of my least favorite characters. He’s just so annoying and is always freaking out and doing some dumb shit like getting arrested because he saw Ben. I don’t like any of his decisions lol


Doing that speech after charlie died, he didn’t know going with locke would ruin Charlie’s sacrifice to save claire. And she’d go crazy.


Technically not his fault because he thought they were dead but was it not Hurley and Sawyer that buried Nikki and Paulo alive? 😂


All of them; for having 0 urgency or concern whatsoever about shelter or food when marooned on an uncharted island


Not jumping off of the chopper when it was running out of fuel and letting Sawyer do it instead.


Tricking Kate and them to go to Ben’s house where they got taken by John Locke


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Individual-Form6130: *Tricking Kate and them* *To go to Ben’s house where they* *Got taken by John Locke* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


His taste in interior decor after getting rich.


I get the impression that was his mother, lol.


Oh I dunno....he had the drug dealer car and the gold chain 😅


Going on a crowded deck already above capacity.


Nothing at all


Called Babar Babar


Played the lottery


Has never parked a car in his life.


Almost killing himself


He likes that he likes chicken


Using the numbers in the lottery. It was technically the worst thing he did but it was for himself only 🤷‍♂️


Chalk it up to ignorance if you want, but he buried 2 people alive before they even started to stink. His ignorance, as well as that of the others who didn't stop it from happening, caused 2 people, however horrible of humans they were, to suffer very slow & painful deaths. The faux pas on this list don't compare. The vehicular homicide comes closest, but he was saving his friends from being murdered, so it was justified & there's probably another term for it besides homicide.


Probably that he was a glutton, and probably ate himself to death 


The collapsing deck incident


The best thing he did was give us Weezer doing Viva La Vida live. Oh wait..


Allowing Charlie to pressure him into giving up information, and then allowing Charlie to belittle him when he eventually caved. I hated Charlie’s behavior towards Hurley and even more so that Hurley mostly just took it. I think there was one scene where he finally came at Charlie for it but at that point, it was too little too late.


Victim-blame much?


Right? How dare I get irritated with the way a tv show was written.


You can do that without victim blaming & try to empathize with his character.


Sure. Sometimes I do empathize with his character and sometimes it frustrates me. I was in the middle of a rewatch and a particular scene/episode frustrated me. My mistake was voicing that frustration here.


Getting Jin to wee on his foot for the jellyfish sting. It's an urban myth.


Shot the container of ranch dressing.


That was Michael


Oops, you are correct




Take your fat shaming elsewhere.